Warning: this documentation for the development version is under construction.

Seldon::MatrixPastix< T > Class Template Reference

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 MatrixPastix ()
 Default constructor.
 ~MatrixPastix ()
void Clear ()
 Clearing factorization.
void CallPastix (const MPI_Comm &, pastix_int_t *colptr, pastix_int_t *row, T *val, T *b, pastix_int_t nrhs)
void HideMessages ()
 no message will be displayed
void ShowMessages ()
 Low level of display.
void ShowFullHistory ()
 Displaying all messages.
void SelectOrdering (int type)
void SetPermutation (const IVect &permut)
void RefineSolution ()
 You can require that solution is refined after LU resolution.
void DoNotRefineSolution ()
 You can require that solution is not refined (faster).
template<class T0 , class Prop , class Storage , class Allocator , class Tint >
void FindOrdering (Matrix< T0, Prop, Storage, Allocator > &mat, Vector< Tint > &numbers, bool keep_matrix=false)
 Returning ordering found by Scotch.
template<class Storage , class Allocator >
void FactorizeMatrix (Matrix< T, General, Storage, Allocator > &mat, bool keep_matrix=false)
 Factorization of unsymmetric matrix.
template<class Storage , class Allocator >
void FactorizeMatrix (Matrix< T, Symmetric, Storage, Allocator > &mat, bool keep_matrix=false)
 Factorization of symmetric matrix.
template<class Allocator2 >
void Solve (Vector< T, VectFull, Allocator2 > &x)
 solving A x = b (A is already factorized)
template<class Allocator2 , class Transpose_status >
void Solve (const Transpose_status &TransA, Vector< T, VectFull, Allocator2 > &x)
 solving A x = b or A^T x = b (A is already factorized)
void SetNumberThreadPerNode (int num_thread)
 Modifies the number of threads per node.
template<class Alloc1 , class Alloc2 , class Alloc3 , class Tint >
void FactorizeDistributedMatrix (MPI::Comm &comm_facto, Vector< pastix_int_t, VectFull, Alloc1 > &, Vector< pastix_int_t, VectFull, Alloc2 > &, Vector< T, VectFull, Alloc3 > &, const Vector< Tint > &glob_number, bool sym, bool keep_matrix=false)
 Distributed factorization (on several nodes).
template<class Allocator2 , class Tint >
void SolveDistributed (MPI::Comm &comm_facto, Vector< T, Vect_Full, Allocator2 > &x, const Vector< Tint > &glob_num)
template<class Allocator2 , class Transpose_status , class Tint >
void SolveDistributed (MPI::Comm &comm_facto, const Transpose_status &TransA, Vector< T, Vect_Full, Allocator2 > &x, const Vector< Tint > &glob_num)
void CallPastix (const MPI_Comm &comm, pastix_int_t *colptr, pastix_int_t *row, double *val, double *b, pastix_int_t nrhs)
void CallPastix (const MPI_Comm &comm, pastix_int_t *colptr, pastix_int_t *row, complex< double > *val, complex< double > *b, pastix_int_t nrhs)

Protected Attributes

pastix_data_t * pastix_data
 pastix structure
pastix_int_t iparm [64]
 options (integers)
double dparm [64]
 options (floats)
pastix_int_t n
 number of columns
Vector< pastix_int_t > perm
 permutation arrays
Vector< pastix_int_t > invp
Vector< pastix_int_t > col_num
 local to global
bool distributed
 if true, resolution on several nodes
int print_level
 level of display
bool refine_solution
 if true, solution is refined

Detailed Description

template<class T>
class Seldon::MatrixPastix< T >

Definition at line 33 of file Pastix.hxx.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
  • /home/vivien/public_html/.src_seldon/computation/interfaces/direct/Pastix.hxx
  • /home/vivien/public_html/.src_seldon/computation/interfaces/direct/Pastix.cxx