Classes | |
class | Array3D |
3D array. More... | |
class | MatrixCholmod |
Object containing Cholesky factorization. More... | |
class | TypeMumps |
class | TypeMumps< double > |
class containing MUMPS data structure More... | |
class | TypeMumps< complex< double > > |
class containing MUMPS data structure More... | |
class | MatrixMumps |
object used to solve linear system by calling mumps subroutines More... | |
class | MatrixPastix |
class | MatrixSuperLU_Base |
class interfacing SuperLU functions More... | |
class | MatrixSuperLU |
empty matrix More... | |
class | MatrixSuperLU< double > |
class interfacing SuperLU functions in double precision More... | |
class | MatrixSuperLU< complex< double > > |
class interfacing SuperLU functions in complex double precision More... | |
class | MatrixUmfPack_Base |
< base class to solve linear system by using UmfPack More... | |
class | MatrixUmfPack |
empty class More... | |
class | MatrixUmfPack< double > |
class to solve linear system in double precision with UmfPack More... | |
class | MatrixUmfPack< complex< double > > |
class to solve linear system in complex double precision with UmfPack More... | |
class | Preconditioner_Base |
Base class for preconditioners. More... | |
class | Iteration |
Class containing parameters for an iterative resolution. More... | |
class | IlutPreconditioning |
class | SorPreconditioner |
class | HeterogeneousMatrixCollection |
Matrix class made of an heterogeneous collection of matrices. More... | |
class | Matrix< FloatDouble, General, DenseSparseCollection, Allocator< double > > |
Heterogeneous matrix collection class. More... | |
class | Matrix_Base |
Base class for all matrices. More... | |
class | Matrix_Hermitian |
Hermitian matrix stored in a full matrix. More... | |
class | Matrix< T, Prop, ColHerm, Allocator > |
Column-major hermitian full-matrix class. More... | |
class | Matrix< T, Prop, RowHerm, Allocator > |
Row-major hermitian full-matrix class. More... | |
class | Matrix_HermPacked |
Hermitian packed matrix class. More... | |
class | Matrix< T, Prop, ColHermPacked, Allocator > |
Column-major hermitian packed matrix class. More... | |
class | Matrix< T, Prop, RowHermPacked, Allocator > |
Row-major hermitian packed matrix class. More... | |
class | Matrix_Pointers |
Full matrix class. More... | |
class | Matrix< T, Prop, ColMajor, Allocator > |
Column-major full-matrix class. More... | |
class | Matrix< T, Prop, RowMajor, Allocator > |
Row-major full-matrix class. More... | |
class | Matrix_Symmetric |
Symmetric matrix stored in a full matrix. More... | |
class | Matrix< T, Prop, ColSym, Allocator > |
Column-major symmetric full-matrix class. More... | |
class | Matrix< T, Prop, RowSym, Allocator > |
Row-major symmetric full-matrix class. More... | |
class | Matrix_SymPacked |
Symmetric packed matrix class. More... | |
class | Matrix< T, Prop, ColSymPacked, Allocator > |
Column-major symmetric packed matrix class. More... | |
class | Matrix< T, Prop, RowSymPacked, Allocator > |
Row-major symmetric packed matrix class. More... | |
class | Matrix_TriangPacked |
Triangular packed matrix class. More... | |
class | Matrix< T, Prop, ColUpTriangPacked, Allocator > |
Column-major upper-triangular packed matrix class. More... | |
class | Matrix< T, Prop, ColLoTriangPacked, Allocator > |
Column-major lower-triangular packed matrix class. More... | |
class | Matrix< T, Prop, RowUpTriangPacked, Allocator > |
Row-major upper-triangular packed matrix class. More... | |
class | Matrix< T, Prop, RowLoTriangPacked, Allocator > |
Row-major lower-triangular packed matrix class. More... | |
class | Matrix_Triangular |
Triangular matrix stored in a full matrix. More... | |
class | Matrix< T, Prop, ColUpTriang, Allocator > |
Column-major upper-triangular full-matrix class. More... | |
class | Matrix< T, Prop, ColLoTriang, Allocator > |
Column-major lower-triangular full-matrix class. More... | |
class | Matrix< T, Prop, RowUpTriang, Allocator > |
Row-major upper-triangular full-matrix class. More... | |
class | Matrix< T, Prop, RowLoTriang, Allocator > |
Row-major lower-triangular full-matrix class. More... | |
class | MatrixCollection |
Matrix class made of a collection of matrices. More... | |
class | Matrix< T, Prop, ColMajorCollection, Allocator > |
Column-major matrix collection class. More... | |
class | Matrix< T, Prop, RowMajorCollection, Allocator > |
Row-major matrix collection class. More... | |
class | Matrix< T, Prop, ColSymPackedCollection, Allocator > |
Symetric column-major matrix collection class. More... | |
class | Matrix< T, Prop, RowSymPackedCollection, Allocator > |
Symetric row-major matrix collection class. More... | |
class | Matrix< T, Prop, SubStorage< M >, Allocator > |
Sub-matrix class. More... | |
class | SubMatrix |
Sub-matrix class. More... | |
class | SubMatrix_Base |
Sub-matrix base class. More... | |
class | Matrix_ArrayComplexSparse |
Sparse Array-matrix class. More... | |
class | Matrix< T, Prop, ArrayColComplexSparse, Allocator > |
Column-major sparse-matrix class. More... | |
class | Matrix< T, Prop, ArrayRowComplexSparse, Allocator > |
Row-major sparse-matrix class. More... | |
class | Matrix< T, Prop, ArrayColSymComplexSparse, Allocator > |
Column-major symmetric sparse-matrix class. More... | |
class | Matrix< T, Prop, ArrayRowSymComplexSparse, Allocator > |
Row-major symmetric sparse-matrix class. More... | |
class | Matrix_ArraySparse |
Sparse Array-matrix class. More... | |
class | Matrix< T, Prop, ArrayColSparse, Allocator > |
Column-major sparse-matrix class. More... | |
class | Matrix< T, Prop, ArrayRowSparse, Allocator > |
Row-major sparse-matrix class. More... | |
class | Matrix< T, Prop, ArrayColSymSparse, Allocator > |
Column-major symmetric sparse-matrix class. More... | |
class | Matrix< T, Prop, ArrayRowSymSparse, Allocator > |
Row-major symmetric sparse-matrix class. More... | |
class | Matrix_ComplexSparse |
Complex sparse-matrix class. More... | |
class | Matrix< T, Prop, ColComplexSparse, Allocator > |
Column-major sparse-matrix class. More... | |
class | Matrix< T, Prop, RowComplexSparse, Allocator > |
Row-major sparse-matrix class. More... | |
class | Matrix_Sparse |
Sparse-matrix class. More... | |
class | Matrix< T, Prop, ColSparse, Allocator > |
Column-major sparse-matrix class. More... | |
class | Matrix< T, Prop, RowSparse, Allocator > |
Row-major sparse-matrix class. More... | |
class | Matrix_SymComplexSparse |
Symmetric complex sparse-matrix class. More... | |
class | Matrix< T, Prop, ColSymComplexSparse, Allocator > |
Column-major complex sparse-matrix class. More... | |
class | Matrix< T, Prop, RowSymComplexSparse, Allocator > |
Row-major complex sparse-matrix class. More... | |
class | Matrix_SymSparse |
Symmetric sparse-matrix class. More... | |
class | Matrix< T, Prop, ColSymSparse, Allocator > |
Column-major sparse-matrix class. More... | |
class | Matrix< T, Prop, RowSymSparse, Allocator > |
Row-major sparse-matrix class. More... | |
class | Vector |
class | Matrix |
class | MallocAlloc |
class | CallocAlloc |
class | NewAlloc |
class | MallocObject |
class | NaNAlloc |
class | Error |
class | Undefined |
class | WrongArgument |
class | NoMemory |
class | WrongDim |
class | WrongIndex |
class | WrongRow |
class | WrongCol |
class | IOError |
class | LapackError |
class | LapackInfo |
class | SeldonTranspose |
class | class_SeldonTrans |
class | class_SeldonNoTrans |
class | class_SeldonConjTrans |
class | SeldonDiag |
class | class_SeldonNonUnit |
class | class_SeldonUnit |
class | SeldonUplo |
class | SeldonNorm |
class | SeldonConjugate |
class | SeldonSide |
class | class_SeldonLeft |
class | class_SeldonRight |
class | General |
class | Symmetric |
class | VectFull |
class | VectSparse |
class | Collection |
class | DenseSparseCollection |
class | ColMajor |
class | RowMajor |
class | ColSparse |
class | RowSparse |
class | ColComplexSparse |
class | RowComplexSparse |
class | ColSymSparse |
class | RowSymSparse |
class | ColSymComplexSparse |
class | RowSymComplexSparse |
class | ArrayRowSparse |
class | ArrayColSparse |
class | ArrayRowSymSparse |
class | ArrayColSymSparse |
class | ArrayRowComplexSparse |
class | ArrayRowSymComplexSparse |
class | ArrayColComplexSparse |
class | ArrayColSymComplexSparse |
class | ColSymPacked |
class | RowSymPacked |
class | ColSym |
class | RowSym |
class | ColHerm |
class | RowHerm |
class | ColHermPacked |
class | RowHermPacked |
class | ColUpTriang |
class | ColLoTriang |
class | RowUpTriang |
class | RowLoTriang |
class | ColUpTriangPacked |
class | ColLoTriangPacked |
class | RowUpTriangPacked |
class | RowLoTriangPacked |
class | SubStorage |
class | FloatDouble |
class | ColMajorCollection |
class | RowMajorCollection |
class | ColSymPackedCollection |
class | RowSymPackedCollection |
class | ColUpTriangPackedCollection |
class | RowUpTriangPackedCollection |
class | Vector< FloatDouble, DenseSparseCollection, Allocator< T > > |
Structure for distributed vectors. More... | |
class | Vector< T, VectSparse, Allocator > |
Sparse vector class. More... | |
class | Vector_Base |
Base structure for all vectors. More... | |
class | Vector< T, VectFull, Allocator > |
Full vector class. More... | |
class | Vector2 |
Vector of vectors. More... | |
class | Vector3 |
Vector of vectors of vectors. More... | |
class | Vector< T, Collection, Allocator > |
Structure for distributed vectors. More... | |
Typedefs | |
typedef Vector< int, VectFull, SELDON_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR< int > > | IVect |
typedef Vector< float, VectFull, SELDON_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR < float > > | SVect |
typedef Vector< double, VectFull, SELDON_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR < double > > | DVect |
typedef Vector< complex< float > , VectFull, SELDON_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR < complex< float > > > | CVect |
typedef Vector< complex < double >, VectFull, SELDON_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR < complex< double > > > | ZVect |
typedef Matrix< int, General, ColMajor, SELDON_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR< int > > | IGCMat |
typedef Matrix< float, General, ColMajor, SELDON_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR < float > > | SGCMat |
typedef Matrix< double, General, ColMajor, SELDON_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR < double > > | DGCMat |
typedef Matrix< complex< float > , General, ColMajor, SELDON_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR < complex< float > > > | CGCMat |
typedef Matrix< complex < double >, General, ColMajor, SELDON_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR < complex< double > > > | ZGCMat |
typedef Matrix< int, General, RowMajor, SELDON_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR< int > > | IGRMat |
typedef Matrix< float, General, RowMajor, SELDON_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR < float > > | SGRMat |
typedef Matrix< double, General, RowMajor, SELDON_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR < double > > | DGRMat |
typedef Matrix< complex< float > , General, RowMajor, SELDON_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR < complex< float > > > | CGRMat |
typedef Matrix< complex < double >, General, RowMajor, SELDON_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR < complex< double > > > | ZGRMat |
typedef Matrix< int, General, RowSparse, SELDON_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR< int > > | IGRSMat |
typedef Matrix< float, General, RowSparse, SELDON_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR < float > > | SGRSMat |
typedef Matrix< double, General, RowSparse, SELDON_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR < double > > | DGRSMat |
typedef Matrix< complex< float > , General, RowSparse, SELDON_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR < complex< float > > > | CGRSMat |
typedef Matrix< complex < double >, General, RowSparse, SELDON_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR < complex< double > > > | ZGRSMat |
typedef Matrix< int, General, ColSparse, SELDON_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR< int > > | IGCSMat |
typedef Matrix< float, General, ColSparse, SELDON_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR < float > > | SGCSMat |
typedef Matrix< double, General, ColSparse, SELDON_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR < double > > | DGCSMat |
typedef Matrix< complex< float > , General, ColSparse, SELDON_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR < complex< float > > > | CGCSMat |
typedef Matrix< complex < double >, General, ColSparse, SELDON_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR < complex< double > > > | ZGCSMat |
Functions | |
template<class T , class Allocator > | |
ostream & | operator<< (ostream &out, const Array3D< T, Allocator > &A) |
operator<< overloaded for a 3D array. | |
template<class T0 , class T1 , class Prop1 , class Storage1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const T0 alpha, Matrix< T1, Prop1, Storage1, Allocator1 > &A) throw () |
Multiplies a matrix by a scalar. | |
template<class T0 , class T1 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const T0 alpha, Matrix< T1, Prop1, ColMajorCollection, Allocator1 > &A) |
Multiplies a matrix by a scalar. | |
template<class T0 , class T1 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const T0 alpha, Matrix< T1, Prop1, RowMajorCollection, Allocator1 > &A) |
Multiplies a matrix by a scalar. | |
template<class T0 , class Allocator > | |
void | Mlt (const T0 alpha, Matrix< FloatDouble, General, DenseSparseCollection, Allocator > &A) |
Multiplies a FloatDouble collection by a scalar. | |
template<class T0 , class T1 , class Prop1 , class Storage1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Prop2 , class Storage2 , class Allocator2 , class T3 , class Prop3 , class Storage3 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | Mlt (const T0 alpha, const Matrix< T1, Prop1, Storage1, Allocator1 > &A, const Matrix< T2, Prop2, Storage2, Allocator2 > &B, Matrix< T3, Prop3, Storage3, Allocator3 > &C) |
Multiplies two matrices. | |
template<class T0 , class Prop0 , class Storage0 , class Allocator0 , class T1 , class Prop1 , class Storage1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Prop2 , class Storage2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | Mlt (const Matrix< T0, Prop0, Storage0, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< T1, Prop1, Storage1, Allocator1 > &B, Matrix< T2, Prop2, Storage2, Allocator2 > &C) |
Multiplies two matrices. | |
template<class T0 , class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class T1 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Prop2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | Mlt (const Matrix< T0, Prop0, RowSparse, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< T1, Prop1, RowSparse, Allocator1 > &B, Matrix< T2, Prop2, RowSparse, Allocator2 > &C) |
Multiplies two row-major sparse matrices in Harwell-Boeing format. | |
template<class T0 , class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class T1 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Prop2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltNoTransTrans (const Matrix< T0, Prop0, RowSparse, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< T1, Prop1, RowSparse, Allocator1 > &B, Matrix< T2, Prop2, RowSparse, Allocator2 > &C) |
Multiplies two row-major sparse matrices in Harwell-Boeing format. | |
template<class T0 , class T1 , class Prop1 , class Storage1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Prop2 , class Storage2 , class Allocator2 , class T3 , class T4 , class Prop4 , class Storage4 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | MltAdd (const T0 alpha, const Matrix< T1, Prop1, Storage1, Allocator1 > &A, const Matrix< T2, Prop2, Storage2, Allocator2 > &B, const T3 beta, Matrix< T4, Prop4, Storage4, Allocator4 > &C) |
Multiplies two matrices, and adds the result to a third matrix. | |
template<class T0 , class T1 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Prop2 , class Allocator2 , class T3 , class T4 , class Prop4 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | MltAdd (const T0 alpha, const Matrix< T1, Prop1, RowMajorCollection, Allocator1 > &A, const Matrix< T2, Prop2, RowMajorCollection, Allocator2 > &B, const T3 beta, Matrix< T4, Prop4, RowMajorCollection, Allocator4 > &C) |
Multiplies two matrices, and adds the result to a third matrix. | |
template<class T0 , class T1 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Prop2 , class Allocator2 , class T3 , class T4 , class Prop4 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | MltAdd (const T0 alpha, const Matrix< T1, Prop1, ColMajorCollection, Allocator1 > &A, const Matrix< T2, Prop2, ColMajorCollection, Allocator2 > &B, const T3 beta, Matrix< T4, Prop4, ColMajorCollection, Allocator4 > &C) |
Multiplies two matrices, and adds the result to a third matrix. | |
template<class T0 , class T1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Allocator2 , class T3 , class T4 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | MltAdd (const T0 alpha, const Matrix< T1, General, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &A, const Matrix< T2, General, RowMajor, Allocator2 > &B, const T3 beta, Matrix< T4, General, RowSparse, Allocator4 > &C) |
template<class T0 , class T1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Allocator2 , class T3 , class T4 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | MltAdd (const T0 alpha, const Matrix< T1, General, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &A, const Matrix< T2, General, RowSparse, Allocator2 > &B, const T3 beta, Matrix< T4, General, RowSparse, Allocator4 > &C) |
template<class T0 , class T1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Allocator2 , class T3 , class T4 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | MltAdd (const T0 alpha, const Matrix< T1, General, RowSparse, Allocator1 > &A, const Matrix< T2, General, RowMajor, Allocator2 > &B, const T3 beta, Matrix< T4, General, RowSparse, Allocator4 > &C) |
template<class T0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class T4 , class Prop4 , class Storage4 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | MltAdd_heterogeneous (const T0 alpha, const Matrix< FloatDouble, General, DenseSparseCollection, Allocator1 > &A, const Matrix< FloatDouble, General, DenseSparseCollection, Allocator2 > &B, Matrix< FloatDouble, General, DenseSparseCollection, Allocator3 > &C, Matrix< T4, Prop4, Storage4, Allocator4 > &mc, int i, int j) |
template<class T0 , class T1 , class Prop1 , class Storage1 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class T4 , class Prop4 , class Storage4 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | MltAdd_heterogeneous2 (const T0 alpha, const Matrix< T1, Prop1, Storage1, Allocator1 > &ma, const Matrix< FloatDouble, General, DenseSparseCollection, Allocator2 > &B, Matrix< FloatDouble, General, DenseSparseCollection, Allocator3 > &C, Matrix< T4, Prop4, Storage4, Allocator4 > &mc, int j, int k) |
template<class T0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class T3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | MltAdd (const T0 alpha, const Matrix< FloatDouble, General, DenseSparseCollection, Allocator1 > &A, const Matrix< FloatDouble, General, DenseSparseCollection, Allocator2 > &B, const T3 beta, Matrix< FloatDouble, General, DenseSparseCollection, Allocator4 > &C) |
Multiplies a FloatDouble collection by a scalar. | |
template<class T0 , class T1 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Prop2 , class Allocator2 , class T3 , class T4 , class Prop4 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | MltAdd (const T0 alpha, const Matrix< T1, Prop1, RowSparse, Allocator1 > &A, const Matrix< T2, Prop2, RowSparse, Allocator2 > &B, const T3 beta, Matrix< T4, Prop4, RowSparse, Allocator4 > &C) |
Multiplies two row-major sparse matrices and adds the result to a third. | |
template<class T0 , class T1 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Prop2 , class Allocator2 , class T3 , class T4 , class Prop4 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | MltNoTransTransAdd (const T0 alpha, const Matrix< T1, Prop1, RowSparse, Allocator1 > &A, const Matrix< T2, Prop2, RowSparse, Allocator2 > &B, const T3 beta, Matrix< T4, Prop4, RowSparse, Allocator4 > &C) |
Multiplies two row-major sparse matrices and adds the result to a third. | |
template<class T0 , class T1 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Prop2 , class Allocator2 , class T3 , class T4 , class Prop4 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | MltAdd (const T0 alpha, const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const Matrix< T1, Prop1, RowSparse, Allocator1 > &A, const SeldonTranspose &TransB, const Matrix< T2, Prop2, RowSparse, Allocator2 > &B, const T3 beta, Matrix< T4, Prop4, RowSparse, Allocator4 > &C) |
Multiplies two row-major sparse matrices and adds the result to a third. | |
template<class T0 , class T1 , class Prop1 , class Storage1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Prop2 , class Storage2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | Add (const T0 &alpha, const Matrix< T1, Prop1, Storage1, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< T2, Prop2, Storage2, Allocator2 > &B) |
Adds two matrices. | |
template<class T0 , class T1 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Prop2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | Add (const T0 &alpha, const Matrix< T1, Prop1, RowMajorCollection, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< T2, Prop2, RowMajorCollection, Allocator2 > &B) |
Adds two matrices. | |
template<class T0 , class T1 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Prop2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | Add (const T0 &alpha, const Matrix< T1, Prop1, ColMajorCollection, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< T2, Prop2, ColMajorCollection, Allocator2 > &B) |
Adds two matrices. | |
template<class T0 , class T1 , class Prop1 , class Storage1 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | Add_heterogeneous (const T0 alpha, const Matrix< T1, Prop1, Storage1, Allocator1 > &ma, Matrix< FloatDouble, General, DenseSparseCollection, Allocator2 > &B, int i, int j) |
template<class T0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | Add (const T0 alpha, const Matrix< FloatDouble, General, DenseSparseCollection, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< FloatDouble, General, DenseSparseCollection, Allocator2 > &B) |
Multiplies a FloatDouble collection by a scalar. | |
template<class T0 , class T1 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Prop2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | Add (const T0 &alpha, const Matrix< T1, Prop1, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< T2, Prop2, RowSparse, Allocator2 > &B) throw () |
template<class T0 , class T1 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Prop2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | Add (const T0 &alpha, const Matrix< T1, Prop1, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< T2, Prop2, RowSparse, Allocator2 > &B) throw () |
template<class T0 , class T1 , class Storage1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Storage2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | Add (const T0 &alpha, const Matrix< T1, Symmetric, Storage1, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< T2, Symmetric, Storage2, Allocator2 > &B) |
template<class T0 , class T1 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Prop2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | Add (const T0 &alpha, const Matrix< T1, Prop1, RowSparse, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< T2, Prop2, RowSparse, Allocator2 > &B) |
Adds two matrices. | |
template<class T0 , class Prop0 , class Storage0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetLU (Matrix< T0, Prop0, Storage0, Allocator0 > &A) |
Returns the LU factorization of a matrix. | |
template<class T0 , class Prop0 , class Storage0 , class Allocator0 , class T1 , class Prop1 , class Storage1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Prop2 , class Storage2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | CheckDim (const Matrix< T0, Prop0, Storage0, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< T1, Prop1, Storage1, Allocator1 > &B, const Matrix< T2, Prop2, Storage2, Allocator2 > &C, string function="") |
Checks the compatibility of the dimensions. | |
template<class T0 , class Prop0 , class Storage0 , class Allocator0 , class T1 , class Prop1 , class Storage1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Prop2 , class Storage2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | CheckDim (const SeldonSide &side, const Matrix< T0, Prop0, Storage0, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< T1, Prop1, Storage1, Allocator1 > &B, const Matrix< T2, Prop2, Storage2, Allocator2 > &C, string function="") |
Checks the compatibility of the dimensions. | |
template<class T0 , class Prop0 , class Storage0 , class Allocator0 , class T1 , class Prop1 , class Storage1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | CheckDim (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const Matrix< T0, Prop0, Storage0, Allocator0 > &A, const SeldonTranspose &TransB, const Matrix< T1, Prop1, Storage1, Allocator1 > &B, string function="") |
Checks the compatibility of the dimensions. | |
template<class T0 , class Prop0 , class Storage0 , class Allocator0 , class T1 , class Prop1 , class Storage1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Prop2 , class Storage2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | CheckDim (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const Matrix< T0, Prop0, Storage0, Allocator0 > &A, const SeldonTranspose &TransB, const Matrix< T1, Prop1, Storage1, Allocator1 > &B, const Matrix< T2, Prop2, Storage2, Allocator2 > &C, string function="") |
Checks the compatibility of the dimensions. | |
template<class T0 , class Prop0 , class Storage0 , class Allocator0 , class T1 , class Prop1 , class Storage1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | CheckDim (const Matrix< T0, Prop0, Storage0, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< T1, Prop1, Storage1, Allocator1 > &B, string function="") |
Checks the compatibility of the dimensions. | |
template<class T0 , class Prop0 , class Storage0 , class Allocator0 , class T1 , class Prop1 , class Storage1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | CheckDim (const SeldonSide &side, const Matrix< T0, Prop0, Storage0, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< T1, Prop1, Storage1, Allocator1 > &B, string function="") |
Checks the compatibility of the dimensions. | |
template<class T , class Prop , class Storage , class Allocator > | |
T | MaxAbs (const Matrix< T, Prop, Storage, Allocator > &A) |
Returns the maximum (in absolute value) of a matrix. | |
template<class T , class Prop , class Storage , class Allocator > | |
T | Norm1 (const Matrix< T, Prop, Storage, Allocator > &A) |
Returns the 1-norm of a matrix. | |
template<class T , class Prop , class Storage , class Allocator > | |
T | NormInf (const Matrix< T, Prop, Storage, Allocator > &A) |
Returns the infinity-norm of a matrix. | |
template<class T , class Prop , class Storage , class Allocator > | |
T | MaxAbs (const Matrix< complex< T >, Prop, Storage, Allocator > &A) |
Returns the maximum (in modulus) of a matrix. | |
template<class T , class Prop , class Storage , class Allocator > | |
T | Norm1 (const Matrix< complex< T >, Prop, Storage, Allocator > &A) |
Returns the 1-norm of a matrix. | |
template<class T , class Prop , class Storage , class Allocator > | |
T | NormInf (const Matrix< complex< T >, Prop, Storage, Allocator > &A) |
Returns the infinity-norm of a matrix. | |
template<class T , class Prop , class Storage , class Allocator > | |
void | Transpose (Matrix< T, Prop, Storage, Allocator > &A) |
Matrix transposition. | |
template<class T , class Allocator > | |
void | Transpose (Matrix< T, General, RowSparse, Allocator > &A) |
Matrix transposition. | |
template<class T , class Prop , class Storage , class Allocator > | |
void | TransposeConj (Matrix< T, Prop, Storage, Allocator > &A) |
Matrix transposition and conjugation. | |
template<class T , class Prop , class Storage , class Allocator > | |
bool | IsSymmetricMatrix (const Matrix< T, Prop, Storage, Allocator > &A) |
returns true if the matrix is symmetric | |
template<class T , class Storage , class Allocator > | |
bool | IsSymmetricMatrix (const Matrix< T, Symmetric, Storage, Allocator > &A) |
returns true if the matrix is symmetric | |
template<class T0 , class Prop0 , class Storage0 , class Allocator0 , class T1 , class Storage1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Storage2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | Mlt (const Matrix< T0, Prop0, Storage0, Allocator0 > &M, const Vector< T1, Storage1, Allocator1 > &X, Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > &Y) |
Performs the multiplication of a matrix with a vector. | |
template<class T1 , class Prop1 , class Storage1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Storage2 , class Allocator2 , class T3 , class Storage3 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | Mlt (const T3 &alpha, const Matrix< T1, Prop1, Storage1, Allocator1 > &M, const Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > &X, Vector< T3, Storage3, Allocator3 > &Y) |
Performs the multiplication of a matrix with a vector. | |
template<class T1 , class Prop1 , class Storage1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Storage2 , class Allocator2 , class T3 , class Storage3 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | Mlt (const SeldonTranspose &Trans, const Matrix< T1, Prop1, Storage1, Allocator1 > &M, const Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > &X, Vector< T3, Storage3, Allocator3 > &Y) |
Performs the multiplication of a matrix with a vector. | |
template<class T0 , class T1 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Storage2 , class Allocator2 , class T3 , class T4 , class Storage4 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | MltAdd (const T0 alpha, const Matrix< T1, Prop1, RowSparse, Allocator1 > &M, const Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > &X, const T3 beta, Vector< T4, Storage4, Allocator4 > &Y) |
template<class T0 , class T1 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Storage2 , class Allocator2 , class T3 , class T4 , class Storage4 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | MltAdd (const T0 alpha, const Matrix< T1, Prop1, RowComplexSparse, Allocator1 > &M, const Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > &X, const T3 beta, Vector< T4, Storage4, Allocator4 > &Y) |
template<class T0 , class T1 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Storage2 , class Allocator2 , class T3 , class T4 , class Storage4 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | MltAdd (const T0 alpha, const Matrix< T1, Prop1, RowSymSparse, Allocator1 > &M, const Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > &X, const T3 beta, Vector< T4, Storage4, Allocator4 > &Y) |
template<class T0 , class T1 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Storage2 , class Allocator2 , class T3 , class T4 , class Storage4 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | MltAdd (const T0 alpha, const Matrix< T1, Prop1, RowSymComplexSparse, Allocator1 > &M, const Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > &X, const T3 beta, Vector< T4, Storage4, Allocator4 > &Y) |
template<class T0 , class T1 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Storage2 , class Allocator2 , class T3 , class T4 , class Storage4 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | MltAdd (const T0 alpha, const class_SeldonNoTrans &Trans, const Matrix< T1, Prop1, RowSparse, Allocator1 > &M, const Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > &X, const T3 beta, Vector< T4, Storage4, Allocator4 > &Y) |
template<class T0 , class T1 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Storage2 , class Allocator2 , class T3 , class T4 , class Storage4 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | MltAdd (const T0 alpha, const class_SeldonTrans &Trans, const Matrix< T1, Prop1, RowSparse, Allocator1 > &M, const Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > &X, const T3 beta, Vector< T4, Storage4, Allocator4 > &Y) |
template<class T0 , class T1 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Storage2 , class Allocator2 , class T3 , class T4 , class Storage4 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | MltAdd (const T0 alpha, const class_SeldonConjTrans &Trans, const Matrix< complex< T1 >, Prop1, RowSparse, Allocator1 > &M, const Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > &X, const T3 beta, Vector< T4, Storage4, Allocator4 > &Y) |
template<class T0 , class T1 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Storage2 , class Allocator2 , class T3 , class T4 , class Storage4 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | MltAdd (const T0 alpha, const class_SeldonNoTrans &Trans, const Matrix< T1, Prop1, RowComplexSparse, Allocator1 > &M, const Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > &X, const T3 beta, Vector< T4, Storage4, Allocator4 > &Y) |
template<class T0 , class T1 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Storage2 , class Allocator2 , class T3 , class T4 , class Storage4 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | MltAdd (const T0 alpha, const class_SeldonTrans &Trans, const Matrix< T1, Prop1, RowComplexSparse, Allocator1 > &M, const Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > &X, const T3 beta, Vector< T4, Storage4, Allocator4 > &Y) |
template<class T0 , class T1 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Storage2 , class Allocator2 , class T3 , class T4 , class Storage4 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | MltAdd (const T0 alpha, const class_SeldonConjTrans &Trans, const Matrix< T1, Prop1, RowComplexSparse, Allocator1 > &M, const Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > &X, const T3 beta, Vector< T4, Storage4, Allocator4 > &Y) |
template<class T0 , class T1 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Storage2 , class Allocator2 , class T3 , class T4 , class Storage4 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | MltAdd (const T0 alpha, const class_SeldonNoTrans &Trans, const Matrix< T1, Prop1, RowSymSparse, Allocator1 > &M, const Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > &X, const T3 beta, Vector< T4, Storage4, Allocator4 > &Y) |
template<class T0 , class T1 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Storage2 , class Allocator2 , class T3 , class T4 , class Storage4 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | MltAdd (const T0 alpha, const class_SeldonTrans &Trans, const Matrix< T1, Prop1, RowSymSparse, Allocator1 > &M, const Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > &X, const T3 beta, Vector< T4, Storage4, Allocator4 > &Y) |
template<class T0 , class T1 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Storage2 , class Allocator2 , class T3 , class T4 , class Storage4 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | MltAdd (const T0 alpha, const class_SeldonConjTrans &Trans, const Matrix< complex< T1 >, Prop1, RowSymSparse, Allocator1 > &M, const Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > &X, const T3 beta, Vector< T4, Storage4, Allocator4 > &Y) |
template<class T0 , class T1 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Storage2 , class Allocator2 , class T3 , class T4 , class Storage4 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | MltAdd (const T0 alpha, const class_SeldonNoTrans &Trans, const Matrix< T1, Prop1, RowSymComplexSparse, Allocator1 > &M, const Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > &X, const T3 beta, Vector< T4, Storage4, Allocator4 > &Y) |
template<class T0 , class T1 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Storage2 , class Allocator2 , class T3 , class T4 , class Storage4 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | MltAdd (const T0 alpha, const class_SeldonTrans &Trans, const Matrix< T1, Prop1, RowSymComplexSparse, Allocator1 > &M, const Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > &X, const T3 beta, Vector< T4, Storage4, Allocator4 > &Y) |
template<class T0 , class T1 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Storage2 , class Allocator2 , class T3 , class T4 , class Storage4 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | MltAdd (const T0 alpha, const class_SeldonConjTrans &Trans, const Matrix< T1, Prop1, RowSymComplexSparse, Allocator1 > &M, const Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > &X, const T3 beta, Vector< T4, Storage4, Allocator4 > &Y) |
template<class T0 , class T1 , class Prop1 , class Storage1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Storage2 , class Allocator2 , class T3 , class T4 , class Storage4 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | MltAdd (const T0 alpha, const Matrix< T1, Prop1, Storage1, Allocator1 > &M, const Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > &X, const T3 beta, Vector< T4, Storage4, Allocator4 > &Y) |
Performs the multiplication of a matrix with a vector, and adds the result to another vector. | |
template<class T0 , class T1 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Allocator2 , class T3 , class T4 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | MltAdd (const T0 alpha, const Matrix< T1, Prop1, RowMajorCollection, Allocator1 > &M, const Vector< T2, Collection, Allocator2 > &X, const T3 beta, Vector< T4, Collection, Allocator4 > &Y) |
Performs the multiplication of a matrix collection with a vector collection, and adds the result to another vector. | |
template<class T0 , class T1 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Allocator2 , class T3 , class T4 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | MltAdd (const T0 alpha, const Matrix< T1, Prop1, ColMajorCollection, Allocator1 > &M, const Vector< T2, Collection, Allocator2 > &X, const T3 beta, Vector< T4, Collection, Allocator4 > &Y) |
Performs the multiplication of a matrix collection with a vector collection, and adds the result to another vector. | |
template<class T0 , class T1 , class Prop1 , class Storage1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Storage2 , class Allocator2 , class T3 , class T4 , class Storage4 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | MltAdd (const T0 alpha, const SeldonTranspose &Trans, const Matrix< T1, Prop1, Storage1, Allocator1 > &M, const Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > &X, const T3 beta, Vector< T4, Storage4, Allocator4 > &Y) |
Performs the multiplication of a matrix (possibly transposed) with a vector, and adds the result to another vector. | |
template<class T0 , class Prop0 , class Storage0 , class Allocator0 , class T1 , class Storage1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Gauss (Matrix< T0, Prop0, Storage0, Allocator0 > &M, Vector< T1, Storage1, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class T0 , class Prop0 , class Storage0 , class Allocator0 , class T1 , class Storage1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Storage2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | GaussSeidel (const Matrix< T0, Prop0, Storage0, Allocator0 > &M, const Vector< T1, Storage1, Allocator1 > &X, Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > &Y, int iter) |
template<class T0 , class Prop0 , class Storage0 , class Allocator0 , class T1 , class Storage1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Storage2 , class Allocator2 , class T3 > | |
void | SOR (const Matrix< T0, Prop0, Storage0, Allocator0 > &M, const Vector< T1, Storage1, Allocator1 > &X, Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > &Y, T3 omega, int iter) |
template<class T0 , class Prop0 , class Storage0 , class Allocator0 , class T1 , class Storage1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | SolveLU (const Matrix< T0, Prop0, Storage0, Allocator0 > &M, Vector< T1, Storage1, Allocator1 > &Y) |
Solves a linear system whose matrix has been LU-factorized. | |
template<class T0 , class Prop0 , class Storage0 , class Allocator0 , class T1 , class Storage1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | GetAndSolveLU (Matrix< T0, Prop0, Storage0, Allocator0 > &M, Vector< T1, Storage1, Allocator1 > &Y) |
Solves a linear system using LU factorization. | |
template<class T0 , class Prop0 , class Storage0 , class Allocator0 , class T1 , class Storage1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Storage2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | CheckDim (const Matrix< T0, Prop0, Storage0, Allocator0 > &M, const Vector< T1, Storage1, Allocator1 > &X, const Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > &Y, string function="") |
Checks the compatibility of the dimensions. | |
template<class T0 , class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class T1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | CheckDim (const Matrix< T0, Prop0, RowMajorCollection, Allocator0 > &M, const Vector< T1, Collection, Allocator1 > &X, const Vector< T2, Collection, Allocator2 > &Y, string function="") |
Checks the compatibility of the dimensions. | |
template<class T0 , class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class T1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | CheckDim (const Matrix< T0, Prop0, ColMajorCollection, Allocator0 > &M, const Vector< T1, Collection, Allocator1 > &X, const Vector< T2, Collection, Allocator2 > &Y, string function="") |
Checks the compatibility of the dimensions. | |
template<class T0 , class Prop0 , class Storage0 , class Allocator0 , class T1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Storage2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | CheckDim (const Matrix< T0, Prop0, Storage0, Allocator0 > &M, const Vector< T1, Collection, Allocator1 > &X, const Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > &Y, string function="") |
Checks the compatibility of the dimensions. | |
template<class T0 , class Prop0 , class Storage0 , class Allocator0 , class T1 , class Storage1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Storage2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | CheckDim (const SeldonTranspose &trans, const Matrix< T0, Prop0, Storage0, Allocator0 > &M, const Vector< T1, Storage1, Allocator1 > &X, const Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > &Y, string function="", string op="M X + Y -> Y") |
Checks the compatibility of the dimensions. | |
template<class T0 , class Prop0 , class Storage0 , class Allocator0 , class T1 , class Storage1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | CheckDim (const Matrix< T0, Prop0, Storage0, Allocator0 > &M, const Vector< T1, Storage1, Allocator1 > &X, string function="", string op="M X") |
Checks the compatibility of the dimensions. | |
template<class T0 , class T1 , class Storage1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const T0 alpha, Vector< T1, Storage1, Allocator1 > &X) throw () |
template<class T0 , class T1 , class Storage1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Storage2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | Add (const T0 alpha, const Vector< T1, Storage1, Allocator1 > &X, Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > &Y) throw (WrongDim, NoMemory) |
template<class T0 , class T1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | Add (const T0 alpha, const Vector< T1, VectSparse, Allocator1 > &X, Vector< T2, VectSparse, Allocator2 > &Y) throw (WrongDim, NoMemory) |
template<class T0 , class T1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | Add (const T0 alpha, const Vector< T1, Collection, Allocator1 > &X, Vector< T2, Collection, Allocator2 > &Y) |
template<class T0 , class T1 , template< class U1 > class Allocator1, class T2 , template< class U2 > class Allocator2> | |
void | Add (const T0 alpha, const Vector< FloatDouble, DenseSparseCollection, Allocator1< T1 > > &X, Vector< FloatDouble, DenseSparseCollection, Allocator2< T2 > > &Y) |
template<class T0 , class T1 , template< class U1 > class Allocator1, class T2 , class Storage2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | Add (const T0 alpha, const Vector< FloatDouble, DenseSparseCollection, Allocator1< T1 > > &X, Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > &Y) throw (WrongDim, NoMemory) |
template<class T1 , class Storage1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Storage2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | Copy (const Vector< T1, Storage1, Allocator1 > &X, Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > &Y) |
template<class T , class Storage , class Allocator > | |
void | Swap (Vector< T, Storage, Allocator > &X, Vector< T, Storage, Allocator > &Y) |
template<class T , class Allocator > | |
void | Swap (Vector< T, VectSparse, Allocator > &X, Vector< T, VectSparse, Allocator > &Y) |
template<class T1 , class Storage1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Storage2 , class Allocator2 > | |
T1 | DotProd (const Vector< T1, Storage1, Allocator1 > &X, const Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > &Y) |
Scalar product between two vectors. | |
template<class T1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Allocator2 > | |
T1::value_type | DotProd (const Vector< T1, Collection, Allocator1 > &X, const Vector< T2, Collection, Allocator2 > &Y) |
Scalar product between two vector collections. | |
template<class T1 , template< class U1 > class Allocator1, class T2 , template< class U2 > class Allocator2> | |
double | DotProd (const Vector< FloatDouble, DenseSparseCollection, Allocator1< T1 > > &X, const Vector< FloatDouble, DenseSparseCollection, Allocator2< T2 > > &Y) |
Scalar product between two vector collections. | |
template<class T1 , class Storage1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Storage2 , class Allocator2 > | |
T1 | DotProdConj (const Vector< T1, Storage1, Allocator1 > &X, const Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > &Y) |
Scalar product between two vectors. | |
template<class T1 , class Storage1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Storage2 , class Allocator2 > | |
complex< T1 > | DotProdConj (const Vector< complex< T1 >, Storage1, Allocator1 > &X, const Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > &Y) |
Scalar product between two vectors. | |
template<class T1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Allocator2 > | |
T1 | DotProd (const Vector< T1, VectSparse, Allocator1 > &X, const Vector< T2, VectSparse, Allocator2 > &Y) |
Scalar product between two sparse vectors. | |
template<class T1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Allocator2 > | |
complex< T1 > | DotProdConj (const Vector< complex< T1 >, VectSparse, Allocator1 > &X, const Vector< T2, VectSparse, Allocator2 > &Y) |
Scalar product between two sparse vectors. | |
template<class T1 , class Storage1 , class Allocator1 > | |
T1 | Norm1 (const Vector< T1, Storage1, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class T1 , class Storage1 , class Allocator1 > | |
T1 | Norm1 (const Vector< complex< T1 >, Storage1, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class T1 , class Allocator1 > | |
T1 | Norm1 (const Vector< T1, VectSparse, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class T1 , class Allocator1 > | |
T1 | Norm1 (const Vector< complex< T1 >, VectSparse, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class T1 , class Storage1 , class Allocator1 > | |
T1 | Norm2 (const Vector< T1, Storage1, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class T1 , class Storage1 , class Allocator1 > | |
T1 | Norm2 (const Vector< complex< T1 >, Storage1, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class T1 , class Allocator1 > | |
T1 | Norm2 (const Vector< T1, VectSparse, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class T1 , class Allocator1 > | |
T1 | Norm2 (const Vector< complex< T1 >, VectSparse, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class T , class Storage , class Allocator > | |
int | GetMaxAbsIndex (const Vector< T, Storage, Allocator > &X) |
template<class T > | |
void | GenRot (T &a_in, T &b_in, T &c_, T &s_) |
Computation of rotation between two points. | |
template<class T > | |
void | GenRot (complex< T > &a_in, complex< T > &b_in, T &c_, complex< T > &s_) |
Computation of rotation between two points. | |
template<class T > | |
void | ApplyRot (T &x, T &y, const T c_, const T s_) |
Rotation of a point in 2-D. | |
template<class T > | |
void | ApplyRot (complex< T > &x, complex< T > &y, const T &c_, const complex< T > &s_) |
Rotation of a complex point in 2-D. | |
template<class T0 , class Storage0 , class Allocator0 , class T1 , class Storage1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | CheckDim (const Vector< T0, Storage0, Allocator0 > &X, const Vector< T1, Storage1, Allocator1 > &Y, string function="", string op="X + Y") |
Checks the compatibility of the dimensions. | |
template<class T0 , class Allocator0 , class T1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | CheckDim (const Vector< T0, Vect_Sparse, Allocator0 > &X, const Vector< T1, Vect_Sparse, Allocator1 > &Y, string function="", string op="X + Y") |
Checks the compatibility of the dimensions. | |
template<class T0 , class Allocator0 , class T1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | CheckDim (const Vector< T0, Collection, Allocator0 > &X, const Vector< T1, Collection, Allocator1 > &Y, string function="", string op="X + Y") |
Checks the compatibility of the dimensions. | |
template<class T0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator00 , class T1 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator11 > | |
void | CheckDim (const Vector< Vector< T0, Vect_Sparse, Allocator0 >, Collection, Allocator00 > &X, const Vector< Vector< T1, Vect_Sparse, Allocator1 >, Collection, Allocator11 > &Y, string function="", string op="X + Y") |
Checks the compatibility of the dimensions. | |
template<class T0 , class Allocator0 , class T1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | CheckDim (const Vector< T0, VectFull, Allocator0 > &X, Vector< T1, Collection, Allocator1 > &Y, string function="", string op="X + Y") |
Checks the compatibility of the dimensions. | |
template<class T0 , template< class U0 > class Allocator0, class T1 , template< class U1 > class Allocator1> | |
void | CheckDim (const Vector< FloatDouble, DenseSparseCollection, Allocator0< T0 > > &X, const Vector< FloatDouble, DenseSparseCollection, Allocator1< T1 > > &Y, string function="", string op="X + Y") |
Checks the compatibility of the dimensions. | |
template<class T , class Prop , class Allocator > | |
void | Conjugate (Vector< T, Prop, Allocator > &X) |
Sets a vector to its conjugate. | |
template<class T , class Allocator > | |
void | Conjugate (Vector< T, VectSparse, Allocator > &X) |
Sets a vector to its conjugate. | |
void | GenRot (float &a, float &b, float &c, float &d) |
void | GenRot (double &a, double &b, double &c, double &d) |
void | GenModifRot (float &d1, float &d2, float &x1, const float &y1, float *param) |
void | GenModifRot (double &d1, double &d2, double &x1, const double &y1, double *param) |
template<class Allocator > | |
void | ApplyRot (Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator > &X, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator > &Y, const float c, const float s) |
template<class Allocator > | |
void | ApplyRot (Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator > &X, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator > &Y, const double c, const double s) |
template<class Allocator > | |
void | ApplyModifRot (Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator > &X, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator > &Y, const float *param) |
template<class Allocator > | |
void | ApplyModifRot (Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator > &X, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator > &Y, const double *param) |
template<class Allocator > | |
void | Swap (Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator > &X, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator > &Y) |
template<class Allocator > | |
void | Swap (Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator > &X, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator > &Y) |
template<class Allocator > | |
void | Swap (Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator > &X, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator > &Y) |
template<class Allocator > | |
void | Swap (Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator > &X, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator > &Y) |
template<class Allocator > | |
void | Mlt (const float alpha, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator > &X) |
template<class Allocator > | |
void | Mlt (const double alpha, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator > &X) |
template<class Allocator > | |
void | Mlt (const float alpha, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator > &X) |
template<class Allocator > | |
void | Mlt (const double alpha, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator > &X) |
template<class Allocator > | |
void | Mlt (const complex< float > alpha, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator > &X) |
template<class Allocator > | |
void | Mlt (const complex< double > alpha, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator > &X) |
template<class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Copy (const Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator0 > &X, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &Y) |
template<class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Copy (const Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator0 > &X, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &Y) |
template<class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Copy (const Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator0 > &X, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &Y) |
template<class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Copy (const Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator0 > &X, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &Y) |
template<class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Add (const float alpha, const Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator0 > &X, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &Y) |
template<class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Add (const double alpha, const Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator0 > &X, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &Y) |
template<class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Add (const complex< float > alpha, const Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator0 > &X, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &Y) |
template<class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Add (const complex< double > alpha, const Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator0 > &X, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &Y) |
template<class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
float | DotProd (const Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator0 > &X, const Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &Y) |
template<class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
double | DotProd (const Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator0 > &X, const Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &Y) |
template<class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
complex< float > | DotProd (const Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator0 > &X, const Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &Y) |
template<class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
complex< double > | DotProd (const Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator0 > &X, const Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &Y) |
template<class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
float | ScaledDotProd (const float alpha, const Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator0 > &X, const Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &Y) |
template<class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
complex< float > | DotProdConj (const Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator0 > &X, const Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &Y) |
template<class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
complex< double > | DotProdConj (const Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator0 > &X, const Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &Y) |
template<class Allocator > | |
float | Norm1 (const Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator > &X) |
template<class Allocator > | |
double | Norm1 (const Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator > &X) |
template<class Allocator > | |
float | Norm1 (const Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator > &X) |
template<class Allocator > | |
double | Norm1 (const Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator > &X) |
template<class Allocator > | |
float | Norm2 (const Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator > &X) |
template<class Allocator > | |
double | Norm2 (const Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator > &X) |
template<class Allocator > | |
float | Norm2 (const Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator > &X) |
template<class Allocator > | |
double | Norm2 (const Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator > &X) |
template<class Allocator > | |
size_t | GetMaxAbsIndex (const Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator > &X) |
template<class Allocator > | |
size_t | GetMaxAbsIndex (const Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator > &X) |
template<class Allocator > | |
size_t | GetMaxAbsIndex (const Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator > &X) |
template<class Allocator > | |
size_t | GetMaxAbsIndex (const Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const float alpha, const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X, const float beta, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const double alpha, const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X, const double beta, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const complex< float > alpha, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X, const complex< float > beta, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const complex< double > alpha, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X, const complex< double > beta, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const float alpha, const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X, const float beta, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const double alpha, const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X, const double beta, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const complex< float > alpha, const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X, const complex< float > beta, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const complex< double > alpha, const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X, const complex< double > beta, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const float alpha, const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X, const float beta, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const double alpha, const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X, const double beta, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const complex< float > alpha, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X, const complex< float > beta, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const complex< double > alpha, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X, const complex< double > beta, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const float alpha, const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X, const float beta, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const double alpha, const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X, const double beta, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const complex< float > alpha, const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X, const complex< float > beta, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const complex< double > alpha, const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X, const complex< double > beta, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const complex< float > alpha, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColHerm, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X, const complex< float > beta, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const complex< double > alpha, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColHerm, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X, const complex< double > beta, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const complex< float > alpha, const SeldonUplo &Uplo, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColHerm, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X, const complex< float > beta, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const complex< double > alpha, const SeldonUplo &Uplo, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColHerm, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X, const complex< double > beta, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const complex< float > alpha, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowHerm, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X, const complex< float > beta, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const complex< double > alpha, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowHerm, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X, const complex< double > beta, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const complex< float > alpha, const SeldonUplo &Uplo, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowHerm, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X, const complex< float > beta, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const complex< double > alpha, const SeldonUplo &Uplo, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowHerm, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X, const complex< double > beta, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const complex< float > alpha, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColHermPacked, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X, const complex< float > beta, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const complex< double > alpha, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColHermPacked, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X, const complex< double > beta, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const complex< float > alpha, const SeldonUplo &Uplo, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColHermPacked, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X, const complex< float > beta, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const complex< double > alpha, const SeldonUplo &Uplo, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColHermPacked, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X, const complex< double > beta, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const complex< float > alpha, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowHermPacked, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X, const complex< float > beta, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const complex< double > alpha, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowHermPacked, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X, const complex< double > beta, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const complex< float > alpha, const SeldonUplo &Uplo, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowHermPacked, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X, const complex< float > beta, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const complex< double > alpha, const SeldonUplo &Uplo, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowHermPacked, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X, const complex< double > beta, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const float alpha, const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColSym, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X, const float beta, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const double alpha, const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColSym, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X, const double beta, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const float alpha, const SeldonUplo &Uplo, const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColSym, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X, const float beta, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const double alpha, const SeldonUplo &Uplo, const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColSym, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X, const double beta, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const float alpha, const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowSym, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X, const float beta, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const double alpha, const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowSym, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X, const double beta, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const float alpha, const SeldonUplo &Uplo, const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowSym, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X, const float beta, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const double alpha, const SeldonUplo &Uplo, const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowSym, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X, const double beta, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const float alpha, const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColSymPacked, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X, const float beta, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const double alpha, const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColSymPacked, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X, const double beta, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const float alpha, const SeldonUplo &Uplo, const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColSymPacked, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X, const float beta, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const double alpha, const SeldonUplo &Uplo, const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColSymPacked, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X, const double beta, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const float alpha, const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowSymPacked, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X, const float beta, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const double alpha, const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowSymPacked, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X, const double beta, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const float alpha, const SeldonUplo &Uplo, const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowSymPacked, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X, const float beta, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const double alpha, const SeldonUplo &Uplo, const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowSymPacked, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X, const double beta, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | Rank1Update (const float alpha, const Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X, const Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y, Matrix< float, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0 > &A) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | Rank1Update (const double alpha, const Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X, const Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y, Matrix< double, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0 > &A) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | Rank1Update (const complex< float > alpha, const Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X, const Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0 > &A) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | Rank1Update (const complex< double > alpha, const Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X, const Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0 > &A) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | Rank1Update (const complex< float > alpha, const Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X, const SeldonConjugate &ConjY, const Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0 > &A) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | Rank1Update (const complex< double > alpha, const Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X, const SeldonConjugate &ConjY, const Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0 > &A) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | Rank1Update (const float alpha, const Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X, const Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y, Matrix< float, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0 > &A) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | Rank1Update (const double alpha, const Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X, const Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y, Matrix< double, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0 > &A) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | Rank1Update (const complex< float > alpha, const Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X, const Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0 > &A) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | Rank1Update (const complex< double > alpha, const Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X, const Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0 > &A) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | Rank1Update (const complex< float > alpha, const Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X, const SeldonConjugate &ConjY, const Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0 > &A) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | Rank1Update (const complex< double > alpha, const Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X, const SeldonConjugate &ConjY, const Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0 > &A) |
template<class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Rank1Update (const float alpha, const Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator0 > &X, Matrix< float, Prop1, ColSymPacked, Allocator1 > &A) |
template<class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Rank1Update (const double alpha, const Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator0 > &X, Matrix< double, Prop1, ColSymPacked, Allocator1 > &A) |
template<class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Rank1Update (const float alpha, const Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator0 > &X, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop1, ColHermPacked, Allocator1 > &A) |
template<class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Rank1Update (const double alpha, const Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator0 > &X, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop1, ColHermPacked, Allocator1 > &A) |
template<class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Rank1Update (const float alpha, const Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator0 > &X, const SeldonUplo &Uplo, Matrix< float, Prop1, ColSymPacked, Allocator1 > &A) |
template<class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Rank1Update (const double alpha, const Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator0 > &X, const SeldonUplo &Uplo, Matrix< double, Prop1, ColSymPacked, Allocator1 > &A) |
template<class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Rank1Update (const float alpha, const Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator0 > &X, const SeldonUplo &Uplo, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop1, ColHermPacked, Allocator1 > &A) |
template<class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Rank1Update (const double alpha, const Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator0 > &X, const SeldonUplo &Uplo, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop1, ColHermPacked, Allocator1 > &A) |
template<class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Rank1Update (const float alpha, const Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator0 > &X, Matrix< float, Prop1, RowSymPacked, Allocator1 > &A) |
template<class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Rank1Update (const double alpha, const Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator0 > &X, Matrix< double, Prop1, RowSymPacked, Allocator1 > &A) |
template<class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Rank1Update (const float alpha, const Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator0 > &X, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop1, RowHermPacked, Allocator1 > &A) |
template<class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Rank1Update (const double alpha, const Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator0 > &X, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop1, RowHermPacked, Allocator1 > &A) |
template<class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Rank1Update (const float alpha, const Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator0 > &X, const SeldonUplo &Uplo, Matrix< float, Prop1, RowSymPacked, Allocator1 > &A) |
template<class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Rank1Update (const double alpha, const Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator0 > &X, const SeldonUplo &Uplo, Matrix< double, Prop1, RowSymPacked, Allocator1 > &A) |
template<class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Rank1Update (const float alpha, const Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator0 > &X, const SeldonUplo &Uplo, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop1, RowHermPacked, Allocator1 > &A) |
template<class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Rank1Update (const double alpha, const Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator0 > &X, const SeldonUplo &Uplo, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop1, RowHermPacked, Allocator1 > &A) |
template<class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | Rank2Update (const float alpha, const Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator0 > &X, const Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y, Matrix< float, Prop1, ColSymPacked, Allocator1 > &A) |
template<class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | Rank2Update (const double alpha, const Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator0 > &X, const Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y, Matrix< double, Prop1, ColSymPacked, Allocator1 > &A) |
template<class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | Rank2Update (const complex< float > alpha, const Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator0 > &X, const Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop1, ColHermPacked, Allocator1 > &A) |
template<class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | Rank2Update (const complex< double > alpha, const Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator0 > &X, const Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop1, ColHermPacked, Allocator1 > &A) |
template<class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | Rank2Update (const float alpha, const Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator0 > &X, const Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y, const SeldonUplo &Uplo, Matrix< float, Prop1, ColSymPacked, Allocator1 > &A) |
template<class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | Rank2Update (const double alpha, const Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator0 > &X, const Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y, const SeldonUplo &Uplo, Matrix< double, Prop1, ColSymPacked, Allocator1 > &A) |
template<class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | Rank2Update (const complex< float > alpha, const Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator0 > &X, const Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y, const SeldonUplo &Uplo, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop1, ColHermPacked, Allocator1 > &A) |
template<class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | Rank2Update (const complex< double > alpha, const Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator0 > &X, const Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y, const SeldonUplo &Uplo, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop1, ColHermPacked, Allocator1 > &A) |
template<class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | Rank2Update (const float alpha, const Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator0 > &X, const Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y, Matrix< float, Prop1, RowSymPacked, Allocator1 > &A) |
template<class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | Rank2Update (const double alpha, const Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator0 > &X, const Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y, Matrix< double, Prop1, RowSymPacked, Allocator1 > &A) |
template<class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | Rank2Update (const complex< float > alpha, const Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator0 > &X, const Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop1, RowHermPacked, Allocator1 > &A) |
template<class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | Rank2Update (const complex< double > alpha, const Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator0 > &X, const Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop1, RowHermPacked, Allocator1 > &A) |
template<class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | Rank2Update (const float alpha, const Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator0 > &X, const Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y, const SeldonUplo &Uplo, Matrix< float, Prop1, RowSymPacked, Allocator1 > &A) |
template<class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | Rank2Update (const double alpha, const Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator0 > &X, const Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y, const SeldonUplo &Uplo, Matrix< double, Prop1, RowSymPacked, Allocator1 > &A) |
template<class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | Rank2Update (const complex< float > alpha, const Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator0 > &X, const Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y, const SeldonUplo &Uplo, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop1, RowHermPacked, Allocator1 > &A) |
template<class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | Rank2Update (const complex< double > alpha, const Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator0 > &X, const Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Y, const SeldonUplo &Uplo, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop1, RowHermPacked, Allocator1 > &A) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const float alpha, const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< float, Prop1, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &B, const float beta, Matrix< float, Prop2, ColMajor, Allocator2 > &C) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const double alpha, const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< double, Prop1, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &B, const double beta, Matrix< double, Prop2, ColMajor, Allocator2 > &C) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const complex< float > alpha, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop1, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &B, const complex< float > beta, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop2, ColMajor, Allocator2 > &C) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const complex< double > alpha, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop1, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &B, const complex< double > beta, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop2, ColMajor, Allocator2 > &C) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const float alpha, const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const SeldonTranspose &TransB, const Matrix< float, Prop1, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &B, const float beta, Matrix< float, Prop2, ColMajor, Allocator2 > &C) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const double alpha, const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const SeldonTranspose &TransB, const Matrix< double, Prop1, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &B, const double beta, Matrix< double, Prop2, ColMajor, Allocator2 > &C) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const complex< float > alpha, const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const SeldonTranspose &TransB, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop1, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &B, const complex< float > beta, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop2, ColMajor, Allocator2 > &C) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const complex< double > alpha, const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const SeldonTranspose &TransB, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop1, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &B, const complex< double > beta, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop2, ColMajor, Allocator2 > &C) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const float alpha, const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< float, Prop1, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &B, const float beta, Matrix< float, Prop2, RowMajor, Allocator2 > &C) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const double alpha, const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< double, Prop1, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &B, const double beta, Matrix< double, Prop2, RowMajor, Allocator2 > &C) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const complex< float > alpha, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop1, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &B, const complex< float > beta, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop2, RowMajor, Allocator2 > &C) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const complex< double > alpha, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop1, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &B, const complex< double > beta, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop2, RowMajor, Allocator2 > &C) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const float alpha, const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const SeldonTranspose &TransB, const Matrix< float, Prop1, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &B, const float beta, Matrix< float, Prop2, RowMajor, Allocator2 > &C) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const double alpha, const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const SeldonTranspose &TransB, const Matrix< double, Prop1, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &B, const double beta, Matrix< double, Prop2, RowMajor, Allocator2 > &C) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const complex< float > alpha, const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const SeldonTranspose &TransB, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop1, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &B, const complex< float > beta, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop2, RowMajor, Allocator2 > &C) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const complex< double > alpha, const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const SeldonTranspose &TransB, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop1, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &B, const complex< double > beta, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop2, RowMajor, Allocator2 > &C) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const SeldonSide &Side, const float alpha, const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColSym, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< float, Prop1, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &B, const float beta, Matrix< float, Prop2, ColMajor, Allocator2 > &C) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const SeldonSide &Side, const double alpha, const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColSym, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< double, Prop1, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &B, const double beta, Matrix< double, Prop2, ColMajor, Allocator2 > &C) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const SeldonSide &Side, const complex< float > alpha, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColSym, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop1, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &B, const complex< float > beta, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop2, ColMajor, Allocator2 > &C) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const SeldonSide &Side, const complex< double > alpha, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColSym, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop1, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &B, const complex< double > beta, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop2, ColMajor, Allocator2 > &C) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const SeldonSide &Side, const float alpha, const SeldonUplo &Uplo, const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColSym, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< float, Prop1, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &B, const float beta, Matrix< float, Prop2, ColMajor, Allocator2 > &C) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const SeldonSide &Side, const double alpha, const SeldonUplo &Uplo, const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColSym, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< double, Prop1, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &B, const double beta, Matrix< double, Prop2, ColMajor, Allocator2 > &C) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const SeldonSide &Side, const complex< float > alpha, const SeldonUplo &Uplo, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColSym, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop1, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &B, const complex< float > beta, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop2, ColMajor, Allocator2 > &C) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const SeldonSide &Side, const complex< double > alpha, const SeldonUplo &Uplo, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColSym, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop1, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &B, const complex< double > beta, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop2, ColMajor, Allocator2 > &C) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const SeldonSide &Side, const float alpha, const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowSym, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< float, Prop1, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &B, const float beta, Matrix< float, Prop2, RowMajor, Allocator2 > &C) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const SeldonSide &Side, const double alpha, const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowSym, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< double, Prop1, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &B, const double beta, Matrix< double, Prop2, RowMajor, Allocator2 > &C) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const SeldonSide &Side, const complex< float > alpha, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowSym, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop1, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &B, const complex< float > beta, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop2, RowMajor, Allocator2 > &C) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const SeldonSide &Side, const complex< double > alpha, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowSym, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop1, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &B, const complex< double > beta, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop2, RowMajor, Allocator2 > &C) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const SeldonSide &Side, const float alpha, const SeldonUplo &Uplo, const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowSym, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< float, Prop1, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &B, const float beta, Matrix< float, Prop2, RowMajor, Allocator2 > &C) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const SeldonSide &Side, const double alpha, const SeldonUplo &Uplo, const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowSym, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< double, Prop1, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &B, const double beta, Matrix< double, Prop2, RowMajor, Allocator2 > &C) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const SeldonSide &Side, const complex< float > alpha, const SeldonUplo &Uplo, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowSym, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop1, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &B, const complex< float > beta, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop2, RowMajor, Allocator2 > &C) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const SeldonSide &Side, const complex< double > alpha, const SeldonUplo &Uplo, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowSym, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop1, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &B, const complex< double > beta, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop2, RowMajor, Allocator2 > &C) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const SeldonSide &Side, const complex< float > alpha, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColHerm, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop1, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &B, const complex< float > beta, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop2, ColMajor, Allocator2 > &C) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const SeldonSide &Side, const complex< double > alpha, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColHerm, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop1, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &B, const complex< double > beta, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop2, ColMajor, Allocator2 > &C) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const SeldonSide &Side, const complex< float > alpha, const SeldonUplo &Uplo, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColHerm, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop1, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &B, const complex< float > beta, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop2, ColMajor, Allocator2 > &C) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const SeldonSide &Side, const complex< double > alpha, const SeldonUplo &Uplo, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColHerm, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop1, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &B, const complex< double > beta, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop2, ColMajor, Allocator2 > &C) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const SeldonSide &Side, const complex< float > alpha, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowHerm, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop1, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &B, const complex< float > beta, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop2, RowMajor, Allocator2 > &C) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const SeldonSide &Side, const complex< double > alpha, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowHerm, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop1, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &B, const complex< double > beta, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop2, RowMajor, Allocator2 > &C) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const SeldonSide &Side, const complex< float > alpha, const SeldonUplo &Uplo, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowHerm, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop1, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &B, const complex< float > beta, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop2, RowMajor, Allocator2 > &C) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltAdd (const SeldonSide &Side, const complex< double > alpha, const SeldonUplo &Uplo, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowHerm, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop1, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &B, const complex< double > beta, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop2, RowMajor, Allocator2 > &C) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const SeldonSide &Side, const float alpha, const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Matrix< float, Prop1, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &B) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const SeldonSide &Side, const double alpha, const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Matrix< double, Prop1, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &B) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const SeldonSide &Side, const complex< float > alpha, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop1, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &B) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const SeldonSide &Side, const complex< double > alpha, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop1, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &B) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const SeldonSide &Side, const float alpha, const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Matrix< float, Prop1, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &B) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const SeldonSide &Side, const double alpha, const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Matrix< double, Prop1, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &B) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const SeldonSide &Side, const complex< float > alpha, const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop1, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &B) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const SeldonSide &Side, const complex< double > alpha, const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop1, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &B) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const SeldonSide &Side, const float alpha, const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Matrix< float, Prop1, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &B) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const SeldonSide &Side, const double alpha, const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Matrix< double, Prop1, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &B) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const SeldonSide &Side, const complex< float > alpha, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop1, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &B) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const SeldonSide &Side, const complex< double > alpha, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop1, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &B) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const SeldonSide &Side, const float alpha, const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Matrix< float, Prop1, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &B) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const SeldonSide &Side, const double alpha, const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Matrix< double, Prop1, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &B) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const SeldonSide &Side, const complex< float > alpha, const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop1, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &B) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const SeldonSide &Side, const complex< double > alpha, const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop1, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &B) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const SeldonSide &Side, const float alpha, const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Matrix< float, Prop1, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &B) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const SeldonSide &Side, const double alpha, const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Matrix< double, Prop1, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &B) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const SeldonSide &Side, const complex< float > alpha, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop1, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &B) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const SeldonSide &Side, const complex< double > alpha, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop1, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &B) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const SeldonSide &Side, const float alpha, const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Matrix< float, Prop1, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &B) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const SeldonSide &Side, const double alpha, const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Matrix< double, Prop1, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &B) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const SeldonSide &Side, const complex< float > alpha, const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop1, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &B) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const SeldonSide &Side, const complex< double > alpha, const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop1, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &B) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const SeldonSide &Side, const float alpha, const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Matrix< float, Prop1, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &B) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const SeldonSide &Side, const double alpha, const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Matrix< double, Prop1, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &B) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const SeldonSide &Side, const complex< float > alpha, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop1, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &B) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const SeldonSide &Side, const complex< double > alpha, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop1, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &B) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const SeldonSide &Side, const float alpha, const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Matrix< float, Prop1, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &B) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const SeldonSide &Side, const double alpha, const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Matrix< double, Prop1, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &B) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const SeldonSide &Side, const complex< float > alpha, const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop1, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &B) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Mlt (const SeldonSide &Side, const complex< double > alpha, const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop1, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &B) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const SeldonSide &Side, const float alpha, const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Matrix< float, Prop1, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &B) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const SeldonSide &Side, const double alpha, const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Matrix< double, Prop1, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &B) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const SeldonSide &Side, const complex< float > alpha, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop1, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &B) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const SeldonSide &Side, const complex< double > alpha, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop1, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &B) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const SeldonSide &Side, const float alpha, const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Matrix< float, Prop1, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &B) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const SeldonSide &Side, const double alpha, const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Matrix< double, Prop1, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &B) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const SeldonSide &Side, const complex< float > alpha, const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop1, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &B) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const SeldonSide &Side, const complex< double > alpha, const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop1, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &B) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const SeldonSide &Side, const float alpha, const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Matrix< float, Prop1, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &B) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const SeldonSide &Side, const double alpha, const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Matrix< double, Prop1, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &B) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const SeldonSide &Side, const complex< float > alpha, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop1, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &B) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const SeldonSide &Side, const complex< double > alpha, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop1, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &B) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const SeldonSide &Side, const float alpha, const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Matrix< float, Prop1, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &B) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const SeldonSide &Side, const double alpha, const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Matrix< double, Prop1, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &B) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const SeldonSide &Side, const complex< float > alpha, const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop1, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &B) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const SeldonSide &Side, const complex< double > alpha, const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop1, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &B) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const SeldonSide &Side, const float alpha, const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Matrix< float, Prop1, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &B) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const SeldonSide &Side, const double alpha, const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Matrix< double, Prop1, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &B) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const SeldonSide &Side, const complex< float > alpha, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop1, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &B) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const SeldonSide &Side, const complex< double > alpha, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop1, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &B) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const SeldonSide &Side, const float alpha, const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Matrix< float, Prop1, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &B) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const SeldonSide &Side, const double alpha, const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Matrix< double, Prop1, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &B) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const SeldonSide &Side, const complex< float > alpha, const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop1, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &B) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const SeldonSide &Side, const complex< double > alpha, const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop1, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &B) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const SeldonSide &Side, const float alpha, const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Matrix< float, Prop1, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &B) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const SeldonSide &Side, const double alpha, const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Matrix< double, Prop1, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &B) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const SeldonSide &Side, const complex< float > alpha, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop1, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &B) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const SeldonSide &Side, const complex< double > alpha, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop1, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &B) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const SeldonSide &Side, const float alpha, const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Matrix< float, Prop1, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &B) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const SeldonSide &Side, const double alpha, const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Matrix< double, Prop1, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &B) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const SeldonSide &Side, const complex< float > alpha, const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop1, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &B) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (const SeldonSide &Side, const complex< double > alpha, const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop1, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &B) |
template<class T , class Prop , class Storage , class Allocator > | |
void | GetCholesky (Matrix< T, Prop, Storage, Allocator > &A, MatrixCholmod &mat_chol, bool keep_matrix=false) |
template<class T , class Allocator , class Transpose_status > | |
void | SolveCholesky (const Transpose_status &TransA, MatrixCholmod &mat_chol, Vector< T, VectFull, Allocator > &x) |
template<class T , class Storage , class Allocator > | |
void | GetLU (Matrix< T, Symmetric, Storage, Allocator > &A, MatrixMumps< T > &mat_lu, bool keep_matrix=false) |
template<class T , class Storage , class Allocator > | |
void | GetLU (Matrix< T, General, Storage, Allocator > &A, MatrixMumps< T > &mat_lu, bool keep_matrix=false) |
template<class T , class Storage , class Allocator , class MatrixFull > | |
void | GetSchurMatrix (Matrix< T, Symmetric, Storage, Allocator > &A, MatrixMumps< T > &mat_lu, const IVect &num, MatrixFull &schur_matrix, bool keep_matrix=false) |
template<class T , class Storage , class Allocator , class MatrixFull > | |
void | GetSchurMatrix (Matrix< T, General, Storage, Allocator > &A, MatrixMumps< T > &mat_lu, const IVect &num, MatrixFull &schur_matrix, bool keep_matrix=false) |
template<class T , class Allocator > | |
void | SolveLU (MatrixMumps< T > &mat_lu, Vector< T, VectFull, Allocator > &x) |
template<class T , class Allocator , class Transpose_status > | |
void | SolveLU (const Transpose_status &TransA, MatrixMumps< T > &mat_lu, Vector< T, VectFull, Allocator > &x) |
template<class T , class Prop , class Allocator > | |
void | SolveLU (MatrixMumps< T > &mat_lu, Matrix< T, Prop, ColMajor, Allocator > &x) |
template<class T , class Allocator , class Transpose_status > | |
void | SolveLU (const Transpose_status &TransA, MatrixMumps< T > &mat_lu, Matrix< T, ColMajor, Allocator > &x) |
template<class T , class Prop , class Storage , class Allocator > | |
void | GetLU (Matrix< T, Prop, Storage, Allocator > &A, MatrixPastix< T > &mat_lu, bool keep_matrix=false) |
template<class T , class Allocator > | |
void | SolveLU (MatrixPastix< T > &mat_lu, Vector< T, VectFull, Allocator > &x) |
template<class T , class Allocator , class Transpose_status > | |
void | SolveLU (const Transpose_status &TransA, MatrixPastix< T > &mat_lu, Vector< T, VectFull, Allocator > &x) |
template<class T0 , class Prop0 , class Storage0 , class Allocator0 , class T1 , class Storage1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | SparseSolve (Matrix< T0, Prop0, Storage0, Allocator0 > &M, Vector< T1, Storage1, Allocator1 > &Y) |
Solves a sparse linear system using LU factorization. | |
template<class T , class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (Matrix< T, Prop0, ColSparse, Allocator0 > &M, Vector< T, VectFull, Allocator1 > &Y) |
template<class T , class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Solve (Matrix< T, Prop0, RowSparse, Allocator0 > &M, Vector< T, VectFull, Allocator1 > &Y) |
template<class T , class Prop , class Storage , class Allocator > | |
void | GetLU (Matrix< T, Prop, Storage, Allocator > &A, MatrixSuperLU< T > &mat_lu, bool keep_matrix=false) |
template<class T , class Allocator > | |
void | SolveLU (MatrixSuperLU< T > &mat_lu, Vector< T, VectFull, Allocator > &x) |
template<class T , class Allocator > | |
void | SolveLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, MatrixSuperLU< T > &mat_lu, Vector< T, VectFull, Allocator > &x) |
template<class T , class Prop , class Storage , class Allocator > | |
void | GetLU (Matrix< T, Prop, Storage, Allocator > &A, MatrixUmfPack< T > &mat_lu, bool keep_matrix=false) |
LU factorization. | |
template<class T , class Allocator > | |
void | SolveLU (MatrixUmfPack< T > &mat_lu, Vector< T, VectFull, Allocator > &x) |
LU resolution. | |
template<class T , class Allocator > | |
void | SolveLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, MatrixUmfPack< T > &mat_lu, Vector< T, VectFull, Allocator > &x) |
template<class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | GetEigenvalues (Matrix< float, Prop, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &wr, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator3 > &wi, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | GetEigenvaluesEigenvectors (Matrix< float, Prop, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &wr, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator3 > &wi, Matrix< float, General, RowMajor, Allocator4 > &zr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | GetEigenvalues (Matrix< complex< float >, Prop, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &w, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | GetEigenvaluesEigenvectors (Matrix< complex< float >, Prop, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &w, Matrix< complex< float >, General, RowMajor, Allocator3 > &z, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | GetEigenvalues (Matrix< double, Prop, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &wr, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator3 > &wi, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | GetEigenvaluesEigenvectors (Matrix< double, Prop, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &wr, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator3 > &wi, Matrix< double, General, RowMajor, Allocator4 > &zr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | GetEigenvalues (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &w, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | GetEigenvaluesEigenvectors (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &w, Matrix< complex< double >, General, RowMajor, Allocator3 > &z, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | GetEigenvalues (Matrix< float, Prop, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &wr, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator3 > &wi, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | GetEigenvaluesEigenvectors (Matrix< float, Prop, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &wr, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator3 > &wi, Matrix< float, General, ColMajor, Allocator4 > &zr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | GetEigenvalues (Matrix< complex< float >, Prop, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &w, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | GetEigenvaluesEigenvectors (Matrix< complex< float >, Prop, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &w, Matrix< complex< float >, General, ColMajor, Allocator3 > &z, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | GetEigenvalues (Matrix< double, Prop, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &wr, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator3 > &wi, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | GetEigenvaluesEigenvectors (Matrix< double, Prop, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &wr, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator3 > &wi, Matrix< double, General, ColMajor, Allocator4 > &zr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | GetEigenvalues (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &w, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | GetEigenvaluesEigenvectors (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &w, Matrix< complex< double >, General, ColMajor, Allocator3 > &z, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | GetEigenvalues (Matrix< float, Prop, RowSym, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &w, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | GetEigenvaluesEigenvectors (Matrix< float, Prop, RowSym, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &w, Matrix< float, General, RowMajor, Allocator3 > &z, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | GetEigenvalues (Matrix< complex< float >, Prop, RowSym, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &w, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | GetEigenvaluesEigenvectors (Matrix< complex< float >, Prop, RowSym, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &w, Matrix< complex< float >, General, RowMajor, Allocator3 > &z, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | GetEigenvalues (Matrix< double, Prop, RowSym, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &w, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | GetEigenvaluesEigenvectors (Matrix< double, Prop, RowSym, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &w, Matrix< double, General, RowMajor, Allocator3 > &z, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | GetEigenvalues (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop, RowSym, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &w, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | GetEigenvaluesEigenvectors (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop, RowSym, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &w, Matrix< complex< double >, General, RowMajor, Allocator3 > &z, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | GetEigenvalues (Matrix< float, Prop, ColSym, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &w, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | GetEigenvaluesEigenvectors (Matrix< float, Prop, ColSym, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &w, Matrix< float, General, ColMajor, Allocator3 > &z, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | GetEigenvalues (Matrix< complex< float >, Prop, ColSym, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &w, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | GetEigenvaluesEigenvectors (Matrix< complex< float >, Prop, ColSym, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &w, Matrix< complex< float >, General, ColMajor, Allocator3 > &z, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | GetEigenvalues (Matrix< double, Prop, ColSym, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &w, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | GetEigenvaluesEigenvectors (Matrix< double, Prop, ColSym, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &w, Matrix< double, General, ColMajor, Allocator3 > &z, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | GetEigenvalues (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop, ColSym, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &w, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | GetEigenvaluesEigenvectors (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop, ColSym, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &w, Matrix< complex< double >, General, ColMajor, Allocator3 > &z, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | GetEigenvalues (Matrix< complex< float >, Prop, RowHerm, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &w, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | GetEigenvaluesEigenvectors (Matrix< complex< float >, Prop, RowHerm, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &w, Matrix< complex< float >, General, RowMajor, Allocator3 > &z, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | GetEigenvalues (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop, RowHerm, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &w, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | GetEigenvaluesEigenvectors (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop, RowHerm, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &w, Matrix< complex< double >, General, RowMajor, Allocator3 > &z, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | GetEigenvalues (Matrix< complex< float >, Prop, ColHerm, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &w, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | GetEigenvaluesEigenvectors (Matrix< complex< float >, Prop, ColHerm, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &w, Matrix< complex< float >, General, ColMajor, Allocator3 > &z, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | GetEigenvalues (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop, ColHerm, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &w, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | GetEigenvaluesEigenvectors (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop, ColHerm, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &w, Matrix< complex< double >, General, ColMajor, Allocator3 > &z, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | GetEigenvalues (Matrix< float, Prop, RowSymPacked, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &w, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | GetEigenvaluesEigenvectors (Matrix< float, Prop, RowSymPacked, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &w, Matrix< float, General, RowMajor, Allocator3 > &z, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | GetEigenvalues (Matrix< complex< float >, Prop, RowSymPacked, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &w, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | GetEigenvaluesEigenvectors (Matrix< complex< float >, Prop, RowSymPacked, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &w, Matrix< complex< float >, General, RowMajor, Allocator3 > &z, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | GetEigenvalues (Matrix< double, Prop, RowSymPacked, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &w, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | GetEigenvaluesEigenvectors (Matrix< double, Prop, RowSymPacked, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &w, Matrix< double, General, RowMajor, Allocator3 > &z, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | GetEigenvalues (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop, RowSymPacked, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &w, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | GetEigenvaluesEigenvectors (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop, RowSymPacked, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &w, Matrix< complex< double >, General, RowMajor, Allocator3 > &z, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | GetEigenvalues (Matrix< float, Prop, ColSymPacked, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &w, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | GetEigenvaluesEigenvectors (Matrix< float, Prop, ColSymPacked, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &w, Matrix< float, General, ColMajor, Allocator3 > &z, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | GetEigenvalues (Matrix< complex< float >, Prop, ColSymPacked, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &w, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | GetEigenvaluesEigenvectors (Matrix< complex< float >, Prop, ColSymPacked, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &w, Matrix< complex< float >, General, ColMajor, Allocator3 > &z, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | GetEigenvalues (Matrix< double, Prop, ColSymPacked, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &w, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | GetEigenvaluesEigenvectors (Matrix< double, Prop, ColSymPacked, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &w, Matrix< double, General, ColMajor, Allocator3 > &z, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | GetEigenvalues (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop, ColSymPacked, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &w, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | GetEigenvaluesEigenvectors (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop, ColSymPacked, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &w, Matrix< complex< double >, General, ColMajor, Allocator3 > &z, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | GetEigenvalues (Matrix< complex< float >, Prop, RowHermPacked, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &w, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | GetEigenvaluesEigenvectors (Matrix< complex< float >, Prop, RowHermPacked, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &w, Matrix< complex< float >, General, RowMajor, Allocator3 > &z, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | GetEigenvalues (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop, RowHermPacked, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &w, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | GetEigenvaluesEigenvectors (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop, RowHermPacked, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &w, Matrix< complex< double >, General, RowMajor, Allocator3 > &z, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | GetEigenvalues (Matrix< complex< float >, Prop, ColHermPacked, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &w, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | GetEigenvaluesEigenvectors (Matrix< complex< float >, Prop, ColHermPacked, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &w, Matrix< complex< float >, General, ColMajor, Allocator3 > &z, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | GetEigenvalues (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop, ColHermPacked, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &w, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | GetEigenvaluesEigenvectors (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop, ColHermPacked, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &w, Matrix< complex< double >, General, ColMajor, Allocator3 > &z, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | GetEigenvalues (Matrix< float, Prop1, RowSym, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< float, Prop2, RowSym, Allocator2 > &B, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator3 > &w, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | GetEigenvaluesEigenvectors (Matrix< float, Prop1, RowSym, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< float, Prop2, RowSym, Allocator2 > &B, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator3 > &w, Matrix< float, General, RowMajor, Allocator4 > &z, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator4 , class Allocator5 > | |
void | GetEigenvalues (Matrix< complex< float >, Prop1, RowSym, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop2, RowSym, Allocator2 > &B, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator4 > &alpha, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator5 > &beta, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Prop2 , class Prop3 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator4 , class Allocator5 , class Allocator6 > | |
void | GetEigenvaluesEigenvectors (Matrix< complex< float >, Prop1, RowSym, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop2, RowSym, Allocator2 > &B, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator4 > &alpha, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator5 > &beta, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop3, RowMajor, Allocator6 > &V, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | GetEigenvalues (Matrix< double, Prop1, RowSym, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< double, Prop2, RowSym, Allocator2 > &B, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator3 > &w, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | GetEigenvaluesEigenvectors (Matrix< double, Prop1, RowSym, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< double, Prop2, RowSym, Allocator2 > &B, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator3 > &w, Matrix< double, General, RowMajor, Allocator4 > &z, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator4 , class Allocator5 > | |
void | GetEigenvalues (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop1, RowSym, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop2, RowSym, Allocator2 > &B, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator4 > &alpha, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator5 > &beta, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Prop2 , class Prop3 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator4 , class Allocator5 , class Allocator6 > | |
void | GetEigenvaluesEigenvectors (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop1, RowSym, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop2, RowSym, Allocator2 > &B, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator4 > &alpha, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator5 > &beta, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop3, RowMajor, Allocator6 > &V, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | GetEigenvalues (Matrix< float, Prop1, ColSym, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< float, Prop2, ColSym, Allocator2 > &B, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator3 > &w, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | GetEigenvaluesEigenvectors (Matrix< float, Prop1, ColSym, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< float, Prop2, ColSym, Allocator2 > &B, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator3 > &w, Matrix< float, General, ColMajor, Allocator4 > &z, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator4 , class Allocator5 > | |
void | GetEigenvalues (Matrix< complex< float >, Prop1, ColSym, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop2, ColSym, Allocator2 > &B, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator4 > &alpha, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator5 > &beta, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Prop2 , class Prop3 , class Alloc1 , class Alloc2 , class Alloc4 , class Alloc5 , class Alloc6 > | |
void | GetEigenvaluesEigenvectors (Matrix< complex< float >, Prop1, ColSym, Alloc1 > &A, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop2, ColSym, Alloc2 > &B, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Alloc4 > &alpha, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Alloc5 > &beta, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop3, ColMajor, Alloc6 > &V, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | GetEigenvalues (Matrix< double, Prop1, ColSym, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< double, Prop2, ColSym, Allocator2 > &B, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator3 > &w, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | GetEigenvaluesEigenvectors (Matrix< double, Prop1, ColSym, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< double, Prop2, ColSym, Allocator2 > &B, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator3 > &w, Matrix< double, General, ColMajor, Allocator4 > &z, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator4 , class Allocator5 > | |
void | GetEigenvalues (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop1, ColSym, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop2, ColSym, Allocator2 > &B, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator4 > &alpha, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator5 > &beta, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Prop2 , class Prop3 , class Alloc1 , class Alloc2 , class Alloc4 , class Alloc5 , class Alloc6 > | |
void | GetEigenvaluesEigenvectors (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop1, ColSym, Alloc1 > &A, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop2, ColSym, Alloc2 > &B, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Alloc4 > &alpha, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Alloc5 > &beta, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop3, ColMajor, Alloc6 > &V, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | GetEigenvalues (Matrix< complex< float >, Prop1, RowHerm, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop2, RowHerm, Allocator2 > &B, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator3 > &w, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | GetEigenvaluesEigenvectors (Matrix< complex< float >, Prop1, RowHerm, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop2, RowHerm, Allocator2 > &B, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator3 > &w, Matrix< complex< float >, General, RowMajor, Allocator4 > &z, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | GetEigenvalues (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop1, RowHerm, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop2, RowHerm, Allocator2 > &B, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator3 > &w, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | GetEigenvaluesEigenvectors (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop1, RowHerm, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop2, RowHerm, Allocator2 > &B, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator3 > &w, Matrix< complex< double >, General, RowMajor, Allocator4 > &z, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | GetEigenvalues (Matrix< complex< float >, Prop1, ColHerm, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop2, ColHerm, Allocator2 > &B, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator3 > &w, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | GetEigenvaluesEigenvectors (Matrix< complex< float >, Prop1, ColHerm, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop2, ColHerm, Allocator2 > &B, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator3 > &w, Matrix< complex< float >, General, ColMajor, Allocator4 > &z, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | GetEigenvalues (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop1, ColHerm, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop2, ColHerm, Allocator2 > &B, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator3 > &w, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | GetEigenvaluesEigenvectors (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop1, ColHerm, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop2, ColHerm, Allocator2 > &B, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator3 > &w, Matrix< complex< double >, General, ColMajor, Allocator4 > &z, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | GetEigenvalues (Matrix< float, Prop1, RowSymPacked, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< float, Prop2, RowSymPacked, Allocator2 > &B, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator3 > &w, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | GetEigenvaluesEigenvectors (Matrix< float, Prop1, RowSymPacked, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< float, Prop2, RowSymPacked, Allocator2 > &B, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator3 > &w, Matrix< float, General, RowMajor, Allocator4 > &z, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | GetEigenvalues (Matrix< complex< float >, Prop1, RowSymPacked, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop2, RowSymPacked, Allocator2 > &B, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator3 > &alpha, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator4 > &beta, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 , class Allocator5 > | |
void | GetEigenvaluesEigenvectors (Matrix< complex< float >, Prop1, RowSymPacked, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop2, RowSymPacked, Allocator2 > &B, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator3 > &alpha, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator4 > &beta, Matrix< complex< float >, General, RowMajor, Allocator5 > &z, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | GetEigenvalues (Matrix< double, Prop1, RowSymPacked, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< double, Prop2, RowSymPacked, Allocator2 > &B, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator3 > &w, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | GetEigenvaluesEigenvectors (Matrix< double, Prop1, RowSymPacked, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< double, Prop2, RowSymPacked, Allocator2 > &B, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator3 > &w, Matrix< double, General, RowMajor, Allocator4 > &z, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | GetEigenvalues (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop1, RowSymPacked, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop2, RowSymPacked, Allocator2 > &B, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator3 > &alpha, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator4 > &beta, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 , class Allocator5 > | |
void | GetEigenvaluesEigenvectors (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop1, RowSymPacked, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop2, RowSymPacked, Allocator2 > &B, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator3 > &alpha, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator4 > &beta, Matrix< complex< double >, General, RowMajor, Allocator5 > &z, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | GetEigenvalues (Matrix< float, Prop1, ColSymPacked, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< float, Prop2, ColSymPacked, Allocator2 > &B, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator3 > &w, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | GetEigenvaluesEigenvectors (Matrix< float, Prop1, ColSymPacked, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< float, Prop2, ColSymPacked, Allocator2 > &B, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator3 > &w, Matrix< float, General, ColMajor, Allocator4 > &z, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | GetEigenvalues (Matrix< complex< float >, Prop1, ColSymPacked, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop2, ColSymPacked, Allocator2 > &B, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator3 > &alpha, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator4 > &beta, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 , class Allocator5 > | |
void | GetEigenvaluesEigenvectors (Matrix< complex< float >, Prop1, ColSymPacked, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop2, ColSymPacked, Allocator2 > &B, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator3 > &alpha, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator4 > &beta, Matrix< complex< float >, General, ColMajor, Allocator5 > &z, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | GetEigenvalues (Matrix< double, Prop1, ColSymPacked, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< double, Prop2, ColSymPacked, Allocator2 > &B, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator3 > &w, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | GetEigenvaluesEigenvectors (Matrix< double, Prop1, ColSymPacked, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< double, Prop2, ColSymPacked, Allocator2 > &B, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator3 > &w, Matrix< double, General, ColMajor, Allocator4 > &z, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | GetEigenvalues (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop1, ColSymPacked, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop2, ColSymPacked, Allocator2 > &B, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator3 > &alpha, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator4 > &beta, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 , class Allocator5 > | |
void | GetEigenvaluesEigenvectors (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop1, ColSymPacked, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop2, ColSymPacked, Allocator2 > &B, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator3 > &alpha, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator4 > &beta, Matrix< complex< double >, General, ColMajor, Allocator5 > &z, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | GetEigenvalues (Matrix< complex< float >, Prop1, RowHermPacked, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop2, RowHermPacked, Allocator2 > &B, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator3 > &w, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | GetEigenvaluesEigenvectors (Matrix< complex< float >, Prop1, RowHermPacked, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop2, RowHermPacked, Allocator2 > &B, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator3 > &w, Matrix< complex< float >, General, RowMajor, Allocator4 > &z, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | GetEigenvalues (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop1, RowHermPacked, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop2, RowHermPacked, Allocator2 > &B, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator3 > &w, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | GetEigenvaluesEigenvectors (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop1, RowHermPacked, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop2, RowHermPacked, Allocator2 > &B, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator3 > &w, Matrix< complex< double >, General, RowMajor, Allocator4 > &z, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | GetEigenvalues (Matrix< complex< float >, Prop1, ColHermPacked, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop2, ColHermPacked, Allocator2 > &B, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator3 > &w, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | GetEigenvaluesEigenvectors (Matrix< complex< float >, Prop1, ColHermPacked, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop2, ColHermPacked, Allocator2 > &B, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator3 > &w, Matrix< complex< float >, General, ColMajor, Allocator4 > &z, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | GetEigenvalues (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop1, ColHermPacked, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop2, ColHermPacked, Allocator2 > &B, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator3 > &w, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | GetEigenvaluesEigenvectors (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop1, ColHermPacked, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop2, ColHermPacked, Allocator2 > &B, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator3 > &w, Matrix< complex< double >, General, ColMajor, Allocator4 > &z, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 , class Allocator5 > | |
void | GetEigenvalues (Matrix< float, Prop1, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< float, Prop2, RowMajor, Allocator2 > &B, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator3 > &alpha_real, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator4 > &alpha_imag, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator5 > &beta, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Prop2 , class Prop3 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 , class Allocator5 , class Allocator6 > | |
void | GetEigenvaluesEigenvectors (Matrix< float, Prop1, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< float, Prop2, RowMajor, Allocator2 > &B, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator3 > &alpha_real, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator4 > &alpha_imag, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator5 > &beta, Matrix< float, Prop3, RowMajor, Allocator6 > &V, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator4 , class Allocator5 > | |
void | GetEigenvalues (Matrix< complex< float >, Prop1, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop2, RowMajor, Allocator2 > &B, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator4 > &alpha, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator5 > &beta, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Prop2 , class Prop3 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator4 , class Allocator5 , class Allocator6 > | |
void | GetEigenvaluesEigenvectors (Matrix< complex< float >, Prop1, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop2, RowMajor, Allocator2 > &B, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator4 > &alpha, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator5 > &beta, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop3, RowMajor, Allocator6 > &V, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 , class Allocator5 > | |
void | GetEigenvalues (Matrix< double, Prop1, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< double, Prop2, RowMajor, Allocator2 > &B, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator3 > &alpha_real, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator4 > &alpha_imag, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator5 > &beta, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Prop2 , class Prop3 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 , class Allocator5 , class Allocator6 > | |
void | GetEigenvaluesEigenvectors (Matrix< double, Prop1, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< double, Prop2, RowMajor, Allocator2 > &B, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator3 > &alpha_real, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator4 > &alpha_imag, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator5 > &beta, Matrix< double, Prop3, RowMajor, Allocator6 > &V, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator4 , class Allocator5 > | |
void | GetEigenvalues (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop1, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop2, RowMajor, Allocator2 > &B, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator4 > &alpha, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator5 > &beta, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Prop2 , class Prop3 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator4 , class Allocator5 , class Allocator6 > | |
void | GetEigenvaluesEigenvectors (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop1, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop2, RowMajor, Allocator2 > &B, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator4 > &alpha, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator5 > &beta, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop3, RowMajor, Allocator6 > &V, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 , class Allocator5 > | |
void | GetEigenvalues (Matrix< float, Prop1, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< float, Prop2, ColMajor, Allocator2 > &B, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator3 > &alpha_real, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator4 > &alpha_imag, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator5 > &beta, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Prop2 , class Prop3 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 , class Allocator5 , class Allocator6 > | |
void | GetEigenvaluesEigenvectors (Matrix< float, Prop1, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< float, Prop2, ColMajor, Allocator2 > &B, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator3 > &alpha_real, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator4 > &alpha_imag, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator5 > &beta, Matrix< float, Prop3, ColMajor, Allocator6 > &V, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator4 , class Allocator5 > | |
void | GetEigenvalues (Matrix< complex< float >, Prop1, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop2, ColMajor, Allocator2 > &B, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator4 > &alpha, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator5 > &beta, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Prop2 , class Prop3 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator4 , class Allocator5 , class Allocator6 > | |
void | GetEigenvaluesEigenvectors (Matrix< complex< float >, Prop1, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop2, ColMajor, Allocator2 > &B, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator4 > &alpha, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator5 > &beta, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop3, ColMajor, Allocator6 > &V, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 , class Allocator5 > | |
void | GetEigenvalues (Matrix< double, Prop1, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< double, Prop2, ColMajor, Allocator2 > &B, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator3 > &alpha_real, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator4 > &alpha_imag, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator5 > &beta, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Prop2 , class Prop3 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 , class Allocator5 , class Allocator6 > | |
void | GetEigenvaluesEigenvectors (Matrix< double, Prop1, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< double, Prop2, ColMajor, Allocator2 > &B, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator3 > &alpha_real, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator4 > &alpha_imag, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator5 > &beta, Matrix< double, Prop3, ColMajor, Allocator6 > &V, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Prop2 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator4 , class Allocator5 > | |
void | GetEigenvalues (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop1, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop2, ColMajor, Allocator2 > &B, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator4 > &alpha, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator5 > &beta, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Prop2 , class Prop3 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator4 , class Allocator5 , class Allocator6 > | |
void | GetEigenvaluesEigenvectors (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop1, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop2, ColMajor, Allocator2 > &B, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator4 > &alpha, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator5 > &beta, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop3, ColMajor, Allocator6 > &V, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | GetSVD (Matrix< float, Prop1, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator4 > &lambda, Matrix< float, General, RowMajor, Allocator2 > &u, Matrix< float, General, RowMajor, Allocator3 > &v, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | GetSVD (Matrix< complex< float >, Prop1, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator4 > &lambda, Matrix< complex< float >, General, RowMajor, Allocator2 > &u, Matrix< complex< float >, General, RowMajor, Allocator3 > &v, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | GetSVD (Matrix< double, Prop1, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator4 > &lambda, Matrix< double, General, RowMajor, Allocator2 > &u, Matrix< double, General, RowMajor, Allocator3 > &v, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | GetSVD (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop1, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator4 > &lambda, Matrix< complex< double >, General, RowMajor, Allocator2 > &u, Matrix< complex< double >, General, RowMajor, Allocator3 > &v, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | GetSVD (Matrix< float, Prop1, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator4 > &lambda, Matrix< float, General, ColMajor, Allocator2 > &u, Matrix< float, General, ColMajor, Allocator3 > &v, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | GetSVD (Matrix< complex< float >, Prop1, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator4 > &lambda, Matrix< complex< float >, General, ColMajor, Allocator2 > &u, Matrix< complex< float >, General, ColMajor, Allocator3 > &v, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | GetSVD (Matrix< double, Prop1, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator4 > &lambda, Matrix< double, General, ColMajor, Allocator2 > &u, Matrix< double, General, ColMajor, Allocator3 > &v, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | GetSVD (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop1, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator4 > &sigma, Matrix< complex< double >, General, ColMajor, Allocator2 > &u, Matrix< complex< double >, General, ColMajor, Allocator3 > &v, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | GetPseudoInverse (Matrix< double, Prop1, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &A, double epsilon, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
void | GetHessenberg (Matrix< complex< double >, General, ColMajor > &A, Matrix< complex< double >, General, ColMajor > &B, Matrix< complex< double >, General, ColMajor > &Q, Matrix< complex< double >, General, ColMajor > &Z) |
void | GetQZ (Matrix< complex< double >, General, ColMajor > &A, Matrix< complex< double >, General, ColMajor > &B, Matrix< complex< double >, General, ColMajor > &Q, Matrix< complex< double >, General, ColMajor > &Z) |
void | GetHessenberg (Matrix< complex< double >, General, RowMajor > &A, Matrix< complex< double >, General, RowMajor > &B, Matrix< complex< double >, General, RowMajor > &Q, Matrix< complex< double >, General, RowMajor > &Z) |
void | GetQZ (Matrix< complex< double >, General, RowMajor > &A, Matrix< complex< double >, General, RowMajor > &B, Matrix< complex< double >, General, RowMajor > &Q, Matrix< complex< double >, General, RowMajor > &Z) |
template<class T , class Prop , class Storage , class Allocator , class Vector1 > | |
void | SolveHessenberg (Matrix< T, Prop, Storage, Allocator > &A, Vector1 &B) |
Gaussian elimination to solve A X = B with A an Hessenberg matrix. | |
template<class T , class Prop , class Storage , class Allocator , class Vector1 > | |
void | SolveHessenbergTwo (Matrix< T, Prop, Storage, Allocator > &A, Vector1 &B) |
Gaussian elimination to solve A X = B with A matrix so that a_ij = 0 for i > j+2. | |
template<class Prop , class Storage , class Allocator > | |
void | SolveSylvester (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop, Storage, Allocator > &A, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop, Storage, Allocator > &B, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop, Storage, Allocator > &C, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop, Storage, Allocator > &D, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop, Storage, Allocator > &E) |
Solves A X B^H + C X D^H = E, E is overwritten with result X. A, B, C and D are modified. | |
void | GetHessenberg (Matrix< double, General, ColMajor > &A, Matrix< double, General, ColMajor > &B, Matrix< double, General, ColMajor > &Q, Matrix< double, General, ColMajor > &Z) |
void | GetQZ (Matrix< double, General, ColMajor > &A, Matrix< double, General, ColMajor > &B, Matrix< double, General, ColMajor > &Q, Matrix< double, General, ColMajor > &Z) |
void | GetHessenberg (Matrix< double, General, RowMajor > &A, Matrix< double, General, RowMajor > &B, Matrix< double, General, RowMajor > &Q, Matrix< double, General, RowMajor > &Z) |
void | GetQZ (Matrix< double, General, RowMajor > &A, Matrix< double, General, RowMajor > &B, Matrix< double, General, RowMajor > &Q, Matrix< double, General, RowMajor > &Z) |
template<class Prop , class Storage , class Allocator > | |
void | SolveSylvester (Matrix< double, Prop, Storage, Allocator > &A, Matrix< double, Prop, Storage, Allocator > &B, Matrix< double, Prop, Storage, Allocator > &C, Matrix< double, Prop, Storage, Allocator > &D, Matrix< double, Prop, Storage, Allocator > &E) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | GetQR (Matrix< float, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &tau, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | GetQR (Matrix< double, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &tau, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | GetQR (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &tau, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | GetQR (Matrix< float, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &tau, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | GetQR (Matrix< double, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &tau, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | GetQR (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &tau, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | GetQR_Pivot (Matrix< double, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &tau, Vector< int > &ipivot, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | GetQ_FromQR (Matrix< double, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &tau, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | GetQ_FromQR (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &tau, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Side , class Trans > | |
void | MltQ_FromQR (const Side &side, const Trans &trans, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &tau, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator2 > &C, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | GetLQ (Matrix< float, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &tau, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | GetLQ (Matrix< double, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &tau, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | GetLQ (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &tau, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | GetLQ (Matrix< float, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &tau, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | GetLQ (Matrix< double, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &tau, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | GetLQ (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &tau, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class IsTranspose > | |
void | MltQ_FromQR (Matrix< double, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const IsTranspose &trans, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &tau, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveQR (const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &tau, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveQR (const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &tau, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveQR (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &tau, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveQR (const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &tau, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveQR (const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &tau, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveQR (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &tau, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLQ (const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &tau, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLQ (const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &tau, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLQ (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &tau, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLQ (const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &tau, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLQ (const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &tau, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLQ (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &tau, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | GetLU (Matrix< float, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | GetLU (Matrix< double, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | GetLU (Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | GetLU (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | GetLU (Matrix< float, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | GetLU (Matrix< double, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | GetLU (Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | GetLU (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | GetLU (Matrix< float, Prop0, ColSym, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | GetLU (Matrix< double, Prop0, ColSym, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | GetLU (Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColSym, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | GetLU (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColSym, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | GetLU (Matrix< float, Prop0, ColSymPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | GetLU (Matrix< double, Prop0, ColSymPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | GetLU (Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColSymPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | GetLU (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColSymPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | GetLU (SeldonUplo Uplo, Matrix< float, Prop0, ColSymPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | GetLU (SeldonUplo Uplo, Matrix< double, Prop0, ColSymPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | GetLU (SeldonUplo Uplo, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColSymPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | GetLU (SeldonUplo Uplo, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColSymPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | GetLU (Matrix< float, Prop0, RowSym, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | GetLU (Matrix< double, Prop0, RowSym, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | GetLU (Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowSym, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | GetLU (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowSym, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | GetLU (Matrix< float, Prop0, RowSymPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | GetLU (Matrix< double, Prop0, RowSymPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | GetLU (Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowSymPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | GetLU (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowSymPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | GetLU (SeldonUplo Uplo, Matrix< float, Prop0, RowSymPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | GetLU (SeldonUplo Uplo, Matrix< double, Prop0, RowSymPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | GetLU (SeldonUplo Uplo, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowSymPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | GetLU (SeldonUplo Uplo, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowSymPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | GetLU (Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColHerm, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | GetLU (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColHerm, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | GetLU (Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColHermPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | GetLU (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColHermPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | GetLU (Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowHerm, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | GetLU (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowHerm, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | GetLU (Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowHermPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | GetLU (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowHermPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColSym, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColSym, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColSym, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColSym, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColSymPacked, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColSymPacked, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColSymPacked, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColSymPacked, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowSym, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowSym, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowSym, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowSym, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowSymPacked, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowSymPacked, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowSymPacked, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowSymPacked, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColHerm, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColHerm, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColHermPacked, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColHermPacked, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowHerm, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowHerm, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowHermPacked, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowHermPacked, Allocator0 > &A, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
float | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, SeldonNorm norm, float anorm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
double | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, SeldonNorm norm, double anorm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
float | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, SeldonNorm norm, float anorm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
double | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, SeldonNorm norm, double anorm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
float | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, SeldonNorm norm, float anorm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
double | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, SeldonNorm norm, double anorm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
float | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, SeldonNorm norm, float anorm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
double | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, SeldonNorm norm, double anorm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
float | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColSym, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, SeldonNorm norm, float anorm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
double | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColSym, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, SeldonNorm norm, double anorm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
float | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColSym, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, SeldonNorm norm, float anorm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
double | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColSym, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, SeldonNorm norm, double anorm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
float | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColSymPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, SeldonNorm norm, float anorm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
double | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColSymPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, SeldonNorm norm, double anorm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
float | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColSymPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, SeldonNorm norm, float anorm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
double | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColSymPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, SeldonNorm norm, double anorm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
float | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowSym, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, SeldonNorm norm, float anorm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
double | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowSym, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, SeldonNorm norm, double anorm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
float | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowSym, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, SeldonNorm norm, float anorm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
double | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowSym, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, SeldonNorm norm, double anorm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
float | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowSymPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, SeldonNorm norm, float anorm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
double | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowSymPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, SeldonNorm norm, double anorm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
float | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowSymPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, SeldonNorm norm, float anorm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
double | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowSymPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, SeldonNorm norm, double anorm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
float | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColHerm, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, SeldonNorm norm, float anorm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
double | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColHerm, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, SeldonNorm norm, double anorm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
float | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColHermPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, SeldonNorm norm, float anorm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
double | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColHermPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, SeldonNorm norm, double anorm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
float | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowHerm, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, SeldonNorm norm, float anorm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
double | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowHerm, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, SeldonNorm norm, double anorm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
float | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowHermPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, SeldonNorm norm, float anorm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 > | |
double | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowHermPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, SeldonNorm norm, double anorm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
float | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, SeldonNorm norm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
double | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, SeldonNorm norm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
float | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, SeldonNorm norm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
double | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, SeldonNorm norm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
float | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, SeldonNorm norm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
double | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, SeldonNorm norm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
float | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, SeldonNorm norm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
double | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, SeldonNorm norm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
float | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, SeldonNorm norm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
double | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, SeldonNorm norm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
float | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, SeldonNorm norm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
double | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, SeldonNorm norm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
float | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, SeldonNorm norm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
double | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, SeldonNorm norm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
float | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, SeldonNorm norm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
double | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, SeldonNorm norm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
float | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, SeldonNorm norm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
double | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, SeldonNorm norm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
float | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, SeldonNorm norm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
double | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, SeldonNorm norm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
float | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, SeldonNorm norm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
double | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, SeldonNorm norm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
float | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, SeldonNorm norm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
double | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, SeldonNorm norm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
float | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, SeldonNorm norm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
double | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, SeldonNorm norm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
float | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, SeldonNorm norm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
double | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, SeldonNorm norm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
float | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, SeldonNorm norm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
double | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, SeldonNorm norm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
float | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, SeldonNorm norm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
double | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, SeldonNorm norm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
float | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, SeldonNorm norm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
double | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, SeldonNorm norm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
float | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, SeldonNorm norm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
double | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, SeldonNorm norm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
float | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, SeldonNorm norm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
double | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, SeldonNorm norm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
float | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, SeldonNorm norm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
double | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, SeldonNorm norm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
float | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, SeldonNorm norm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
double | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, SeldonNorm norm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
float | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, SeldonNorm norm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
double | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, SeldonNorm norm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
float | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, SeldonNorm norm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
double | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, SeldonNorm norm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
float | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, SeldonNorm norm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
double | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, SeldonNorm norm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
float | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, SeldonNorm norm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
double | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, SeldonNorm norm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
float | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, SeldonNorm norm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
double | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, SeldonNorm norm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
float | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, SeldonNorm norm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
double | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, SeldonNorm norm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
float | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, SeldonNorm norm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
double | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, SeldonNorm norm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
float | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, SeldonNorm norm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
double | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, SeldonNorm norm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
float | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, SeldonNorm norm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
double | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, SeldonNorm norm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
float | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, SeldonNorm norm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
double | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, SeldonNorm norm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
float | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, SeldonNorm norm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
double | ReciprocalConditionNumber (const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, SeldonNorm norm, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &Alu, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator2 > &P, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator3 > &x, const Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator4 > &b, float &ferr, float &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &Alu, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator2 > &P, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator3 > &x, const Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator4 > &b, double &ferr, double &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &Alu, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator2 > &P, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator3 > &x, const Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator4 > &b, float &ferr, float &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &Alu, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator2 > &P, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator3 > &x, const Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator4 > &b, double &ferr, double &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &Alu, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator2 > &P, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator3 > &x, const Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator4 > &b, float &ferr, float &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &Alu, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator2 > &P, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator3 > &x, const Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator4 > &b, double &ferr, double &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &Alu, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator2 > &P, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator3 > &x, const Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator4 > &b, float &ferr, float &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator1 > &Alu, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator2 > &P, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator3 > &x, const Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator4 > &b, double &ferr, double &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &Alu, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator2 > &P, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator3 > &x, const Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator4 > &b, float &ferr, float &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &Alu, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator2 > &P, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator3 > &x, const Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator4 > &b, double &ferr, double &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &Alu, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator2 > &P, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator3 > &x, const Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator4 > &b, float &ferr, float &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &Alu, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator2 > &P, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator3 > &x, const Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator4 > &b, double &ferr, double &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &Alu, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator2 > &P, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator3 > &x, const Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator4 > &b, float &ferr, float &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &Alu, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator2 > &P, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator3 > &x, const Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator4 > &b, double &ferr, double &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &Alu, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator2 > &P, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator3 > &x, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator4 > &b, float &ferr, float &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator1 > &Alu, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator2 > &P, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator3 > &x, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator4 > &b, double &ferr, double &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColSym, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColSym, Allocator1 > &Alu, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator2 > &P, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator3 > &x, const Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator4 > &b, float &ferr, float &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColSym, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColSym, Allocator1 > &Alu, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator2 > &P, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator3 > &x, const Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator4 > &b, double &ferr, double &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColSym, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColSym, Allocator1 > &Alu, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator2 > &P, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator3 > &x, const Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator4 > &b, float &ferr, float &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColSym, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColSym, Allocator1 > &Alu, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator2 > &P, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator3 > &x, const Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator4 > &b, double &ferr, double &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColSymPacked, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColSymPacked, Allocator1 > &Alu, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator2 > &P, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator3 > &x, const Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator4 > &b, float &ferr, float &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColSymPacked, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColSymPacked, Allocator1 > &Alu, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator2 > &P, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator3 > &x, const Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator4 > &b, double &ferr, double &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColSymPacked, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColSymPacked, Allocator1 > &Alu, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator2 > &P, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator3 > &x, const Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator4 > &b, float &ferr, float &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColSymPacked, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColSymPacked, Allocator1 > &Alu, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator2 > &P, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator3 > &x, const Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator4 > &b, double &ferr, double &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowSym, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowSym, Allocator1 > &Alu, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator2 > &P, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator3 > &x, const Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator4 > &b, float &ferr, float &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowSym, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowSym, Allocator1 > &Alu, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator2 > &P, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator3 > &x, const Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator4 > &b, double &ferr, double &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowSym, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowSym, Allocator1 > &Alu, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator2 > &P, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator3 > &x, const Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator4 > &b, float &ferr, float &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowSym, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowSym, Allocator1 > &Alu, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator2 > &P, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator3 > &x, const Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator4 > &b, double &ferr, double &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowSymPacked, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowSymPacked, Allocator1 > &Alu, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator2 > &P, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator3 > &x, const Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator4 > &b, float &ferr, float &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowSymPacked, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowSymPacked, Allocator1 > &Alu, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator2 > &P, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator3 > &x, const Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator4 > &b, double &ferr, double &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowSymPacked, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowSymPacked, Allocator1 > &Alu, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator2 > &P, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator3 > &x, const Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator4 > &b, float &ferr, float &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowSymPacked, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowSymPacked, Allocator1 > &Alu, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator2 > &P, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator3 > &x, const Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator4 > &b, double &ferr, double &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColHerm, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColHerm, Allocator1 > &Alu, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator2 > &P, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator3 > &x, const Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator4 > &b, float &ferr, float &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColHerm, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColHerm, Allocator1 > &Alu, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator2 > &P, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator3 > &x, const Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator4 > &b, double &ferr, double &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColHermPacked, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColHermPacked, Allocator1 > &Alu, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator2 > &P, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator3 > &x, const Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator4 > &b, float &ferr, float &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColHermPacked, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColHermPacked, Allocator1 > &Alu, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator2 > &P, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator3 > &x, const Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator4 > &b, double &ferr, double &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowHerm, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowHerm, Allocator1 > &Alu, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator2 > &P, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator3 > &x, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator4 > &b, float &ferr, float &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowHerm, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowHerm, Allocator1 > &Alu, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator2 > &P, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator3 > &x, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator4 > &b, double &ferr, double &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowHermPacked, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowHermPacked, Allocator1 > &Alu, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator2 > &P, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator3 > &x, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator4 > &b, float &ferr, float &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowHermPacked, Allocator0 > &A, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowHermPacked, Allocator1 > &Alu, const Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator2 > &P, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator3 > &x, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator4 > &b, double &ferr, double &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &x, const Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, float &ferr, float &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &x, const Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, double &ferr, double &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &x, const Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, float &ferr, float &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &x, const Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, double &ferr, double &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &x, const Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, float &ferr, float &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &x, const Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, double &ferr, double &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &x, const Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, float &ferr, float &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &x, const Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, double &ferr, double &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &x, const Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, float &ferr, float &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &x, const Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, double &ferr, double &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &x, const Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, float &ferr, float &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &x, const Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, double &ferr, double &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &x, const Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, float &ferr, float &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &x, const Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, double &ferr, double &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &x, const Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, float &ferr, float &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &x, const Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, double &ferr, double &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &x, const Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, float &ferr, float &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &x, const Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, double &ferr, double &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &x, const Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, float &ferr, float &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &x, const Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, double &ferr, double &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &x, const Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, float &ferr, float &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &x, const Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, double &ferr, double &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &x, const Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, float &ferr, float &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &x, const Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, double &ferr, double &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &x, const Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, float &ferr, float &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &x, const Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, double &ferr, double &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &x, const Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, float &ferr, float &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &x, const Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, double &ferr, double &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &x, const Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, float &ferr, float &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &x, const Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, double &ferr, double &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &x, const Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, float &ferr, float &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &x, const Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, double &ferr, double &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &x, const Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, float &ferr, float &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &x, const Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, double &ferr, double &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &x, const Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, float &ferr, float &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &x, const Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, double &ferr, double &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &x, const Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, float &ferr, float &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &x, const Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, double &ferr, double &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &x, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, float &ferr, float &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &x, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, double &ferr, double &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &x, const Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, float &ferr, float &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &x, const Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, double &ferr, double &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &x, const Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, float &ferr, float &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &x, const Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, double &ferr, double &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &x, const Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, float &ferr, float &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &x, const Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, double &ferr, double &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &x, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, float &ferr, float &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &x, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, double &ferr, double &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &x, const Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, float &ferr, float &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &x, const Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, double &ferr, double &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &x, const Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, float &ferr, float &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &x, const Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, double &ferr, double &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &x, const Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, float &ferr, float &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &x, const Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, double &ferr, double &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &x, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, float &ferr, float &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &x, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, double &ferr, double &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &x, const Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, float &ferr, float &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &x, const Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, double &ferr, double &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &x, const Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, float &ferr, float &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &x, const Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, double &ferr, double &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &x, const Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, float &ferr, float &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &x, const Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, double &ferr, double &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &x, Vector< complex< float >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, float &ferr, float &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | RefineSolutionLU (const SeldonTranspose &TransA, const SeldonDiag &DiagA, const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator1 > &x, Vector< complex< double >, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, double &ferr, double &berr, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (Matrix< float, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (Matrix< double, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (Matrix< float, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (Matrix< double, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (Matrix< float, Prop0, ColSym, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (Matrix< double, Prop0, ColSym, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColSym, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColSym, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (Matrix< float, Prop0, ColSymPacked, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (Matrix< double, Prop0, ColSymPacked, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColSymPacked, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColSymPacked, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (Matrix< float, Prop0, RowSym, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (Matrix< double, Prop0, RowSym, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowSym, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowSym, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (Matrix< float, Prop0, RowSymPacked, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (Matrix< double, Prop0, RowSymPacked, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowSymPacked, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowSymPacked, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColHerm, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColHerm, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColHermPacked, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColHermPacked, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowHerm, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowHerm, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowHermPacked, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowHermPacked, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (Matrix< float, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (Matrix< double, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (const SeldonDiag &DiagA, Matrix< float, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (const SeldonDiag &DiagA, Matrix< double, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (const SeldonDiag &DiagA, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (const SeldonDiag &DiagA, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (Matrix< float, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (Matrix< double, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (const SeldonDiag &DiagA, Matrix< float, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (const SeldonDiag &DiagA, Matrix< double, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (const SeldonDiag &DiagA, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (const SeldonDiag &DiagA, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (Matrix< float, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (Matrix< double, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (const SeldonDiag &DiagA, Matrix< float, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (const SeldonDiag &DiagA, Matrix< double, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (const SeldonDiag &DiagA, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (const SeldonDiag &DiagA, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (Matrix< float, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (Matrix< double, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (const SeldonDiag &DiagA, Matrix< float, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (const SeldonDiag &DiagA, Matrix< double, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (const SeldonDiag &DiagA, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (const SeldonDiag &DiagA, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (Matrix< float, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (Matrix< double, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (const SeldonDiag &DiagA, Matrix< float, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (const SeldonDiag &DiagA, Matrix< double, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (const SeldonDiag &DiagA, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (const SeldonDiag &DiagA, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (Matrix< float, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (Matrix< double, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (const SeldonDiag &DiagA, Matrix< float, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (const SeldonDiag &DiagA, Matrix< double, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (const SeldonDiag &DiagA, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (const SeldonDiag &DiagA, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (Matrix< float, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (Matrix< double, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (const SeldonDiag &DiagA, Matrix< float, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (const SeldonDiag &DiagA, Matrix< double, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (const SeldonDiag &DiagA, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (const SeldonDiag &DiagA, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (Matrix< float, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (Matrix< double, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (const SeldonDiag &DiagA, Matrix< float, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (const SeldonDiag &DiagA, Matrix< double, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (const SeldonDiag &DiagA, Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 > | |
void | GetInverse (const SeldonDiag &DiagA, Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked, Allocator0 > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | GetScalingFactors (const Matrix< float, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &row_scale, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &col_scale, float &row_condition_number, float &col_condition_number, float &amax, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | GetScalingFactors (const Matrix< double, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &row_scale, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &col_scale, double &row_condition_number, double &col_condition_number, double &amax, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | GetScalingFactors (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &row_scale, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &col_scale, float &row_condition_number, float &col_condition_number, float &amax, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | GetScalingFactors (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &row_scale, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &col_scale, double &row_condition_number, double &col_condition_number, double &amax, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | GetScalingFactors (const Matrix< float, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &row_scale, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &col_scale, float &row_condition_number, float &col_condition_number, float &amax, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | GetScalingFactors (const Matrix< double, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &row_scale, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &col_scale, double &row_condition_number, double &col_condition_number, double &amax, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | GetScalingFactors (const Matrix< complex< float >, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator1 > &row_scale, Vector< float, VectFull, Allocator2 > &col_scale, float &row_condition_number, float &col_condition_number, float &amax, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | GetScalingFactors (const Matrix< complex< double >, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator1 > &row_scale, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &col_scale, double &row_condition_number, double &col_condition_number, double &amax, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop , class Allocator > | |
void | GetCholesky (Matrix< double, Prop, RowSymPacked, Allocator > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Prop , class Allocator > | |
void | GetCholesky (Matrix< double, Prop, ColSymPacked, Allocator > &A, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Transp , class Prop , class Allocator , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveCholesky (const Transp &TransA, const Matrix< double, Prop, RowSymPacked, Allocator > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &X, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Transp , class Prop , class Allocator , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveCholesky (const Transp &TransA, const Matrix< double, Prop, ColSymPacked, Allocator > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &X, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Transp , class Prop , class Allocator , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltCholesky (const Transp &TransA, const Matrix< double, Prop, RowSymPacked, Allocator > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &X, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Transp , class Prop , class Allocator , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltCholesky (const Transp &TransA, const Matrix< double, Prop, ColSymPacked, Allocator > &A, Vector< double, VectFull, Allocator2 > &X, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class T , class Prop , class Storage , class Allocator , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | GetAndSolveLU (Matrix< T, Prop, Storage, Allocator > &A, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &P, Vector< T, VectFull, Allocator2 > &b, LapackInfo &info=lapack_info) |
template<class Titer , class Matrix1 , class Vector1 , class Preconditioner > | |
int | BiCg (Matrix1 &A, Vector1 &x, const Vector1 &b, Preconditioner &M, Iteration< Titer > &iter) |
Solves a linear system by using BiConjugate Gradient (BICG). | |
template<class Titer , class Matrix1 , class Vector1 , class Preconditioner > | |
int | BiCgcr (Matrix1 &A, Vector1 &x, const Vector1 &b, Preconditioner &M, Iteration< Titer > &iter) |
Solves a linear system by using BiCgCr. | |
template<class Titer , class Matrix1 , class Vector1 , class Preconditioner > | |
int | BiCgStab (Matrix1 &A, Vector1 &x, const Vector1 &b, Preconditioner &M, Iteration< Titer > &iter) |
Implements BiConjugate Gradient Stabilized (BICG-STAB). | |
template<class Titer , class Matrix1 , class Vector1 , class Preconditioner > | |
int | BiCgStabl (Matrix1 &A, Vector1 &x, const Vector1 &b, Preconditioner &M, Iteration< Titer > &iter) |
Implements BiConjugate Gradient Stabilized (BICG-STAB(l)). | |
template<class Titer , class Matrix1 , class Vector1 , class Preconditioner > | |
int | Cg (Matrix1 &A, Vector1 &x, const Vector1 &b, Preconditioner &M, Iteration< Titer > &iter) |
Solves a linear system by using Conjugate Gradient (CG). | |
template<class Titer , class Matrix1 , class Vector1 , class Preconditioner > | |
int | Cgne (Matrix1 &A, Vector1 &x, const Vector1 &b, Preconditioner &M, Iteration< Titer > &iter) |
Solves a linear system using Conjugate Gradient Normal Equation (CGNE). | |
template<class Titer , class Matrix1 , class Vector1 , class Preconditioner > | |
int | Cgs (Matrix1 &A, Vector1 &x, const Vector1 &b, Preconditioner &M, Iteration< Titer > &iter) |
Solves linear system using Conjugate Gradient Squared (CGS). | |
template<class Titer , class Matrix1 , class Vector1 , class Preconditioner > | |
int | CoCg (Matrix1 &A, Vector1 &x, const Vector1 &b, Preconditioner &M, Iteration< Titer > &iter) |
Solves a linear system by using Conjugate Orthogonal Conjugate Gradient. | |
template<class Titer , class Matrix1 , class Vector1 , class Preconditioner > | |
int | Gcr (Matrix1 &A, Vector1 &x, const Vector1 &b, Preconditioner &M, Iteration< Titer > &outer) |
Solves a linear system by using Generalized Conjugate Residual (GCR). | |
template<class Titer , class MatrixSparse , class Vector1 , class Preconditioner > | |
int | Gmres (MatrixSparse &A, Vector1 &x, const Vector1 &b, Preconditioner &M, Iteration< Titer > &outer) |
Solves a linear system by using Generalized Minimum Residual (GMRES). | |
template<class Titer , class Matrix1 , class Vector1 , class Preconditioner > | |
int | Lsqr (Matrix1 &A, Vector1 &x, const Vector1 &b, Preconditioner &M, Iteration< Titer > &iter) |
Solves a linear system by using Least Squares (LSQR). | |
template<class Titer , class Matrix1 , class Vector1 , class Preconditioner > | |
int | MinRes (Matrix1 &A, Vector1 &x, const Vector1 &b, Preconditioner &M, Iteration< Titer > &iter) |
Solves a linear system by using Minimum Residual (MinRes). | |
template<class Titer , class Matrix1 , class Vector1 , class Preconditioner > | |
int | QCgs (Matrix1 &A, Vector1 &x, const Vector1 &b, Preconditioner &M, Iteration< Titer > &iter) |
Solves linear system using Quasi-minimized Conjugate Gradient Squared. | |
template<class Titer , class Matrix1 , class Vector1 , class Preconditioner > | |
int | Qmr (Matrix1 &A, Vector1 &x, const Vector1 &b, Preconditioner &M, Iteration< Titer > &iter) |
Solves a linear system by using Quasi-Minimal Residual (QMR). | |
template<class Titer , class Matrix1 , class Vector1 , class Preconditioner > | |
int | QmrSym (Matrix1 &A, Vector1 &x, const Vector1 &b, Preconditioner &M, Iteration< Titer > &iter) |
Solves linear system using Symmetric Quasi-Minimal Residual (SQMR). | |
template<class Titer , class Matrix1 , class Vector1 , class Preconditioner > | |
int | Symmlq (Matrix1 &A, Vector1 &x, const Vector1 &b, Preconditioner &M, Iteration< Titer > &iter) |
Solves a linear system by using Symmetric LQ (SymmLQ). | |
template<class Titer , class Matrix1 , class Vector1 , class Preconditioner > | |
int | TfQmr (Matrix1 &A, Vector1 &x, const Vector1 &b, Preconditioner &M, Iteration< Titer > &iter) |
Solves a linear system by using Transpose Free Quasi-Minimal Residual. | |
template<class real , class cplx , class Storage , class Allocator > | |
void | qsplit_ilut (Vector< cplx, Storage, Allocator > &a, IVect &ind, int first, int n, int ncut, const real &abs_ncut) |
template<class real , class cplx , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | GetIlut (const IlutPreconditioning< real, cplx, Allocator1 > ¶m, Matrix< cplx, General, ArrayRowSparse, Allocator2 > &A, IVect &iperm, IVect &rperm) |
Incomplete factorization with pivot for unsymmetric matrix. | |
template<class cplx , class Allocator > | |
void | GetIluk (int lfil, Matrix< cplx, General, ArrayRowSparse, Allocator > &A) |
template<class cplx , class Allocator > | |
void | GetIlu0 (Matrix< cplx, General, ArrayRowSparse, Allocator > &A) |
template<class cplx , class Allocator > | |
void | GetMilu0 (Matrix< cplx, General, ArrayRowSparse, Allocator > &A) |
template<class real , class cplx , class Allocator , class Storage2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const Matrix< real, General, ArrayRowSparse, Allocator > &A, Vector< cplx, Storage2, Allocator2 > &x) |
Resolution of LU y = x (x is overwritten with y). | |
template<class cplx , class Allocator , class Storage2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const class_SeldonTrans &transA, const Matrix< cplx, General, ArrayRowSparse, Allocator > &A, Vector< cplx, Storage2, Allocator2 > &x) |
template<class real , class cplx , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | GetIlut (const IlutPreconditioning< real, cplx, Allocator1 > ¶m, Matrix< cplx, Symmetric, ArrayRowSymSparse, Allocator2 > &A) |
Incomplete Factorization without pivot for symmetric matrix. | |
template<class cplx , class Allocator > | |
void | GetIluk (int lfil, Matrix< cplx, Symmetric, ArrayRowSymSparse, Allocator > &A) |
template<class cplx , class Allocator > | |
void | GetIlu0 (Matrix< cplx, Symmetric, ArrayRowSymSparse, Allocator > &A) |
template<class cplx , class Allocator > | |
void | GetMilu0 (Matrix< cplx, Symmetric, ArrayRowSymSparse, Allocator > &A) |
template<class real , class cplx , class Allocator , class Storage2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveLU (const Matrix< real, Symmetric, ArrayRowSymSparse, Allocator > &A, Vector< cplx, Storage2, Allocator2 > &x) |
Resolution of L D L^t y = x (result is overwritten in x). | |
template<class T , class Prop , class Allocator > | |
void | GetCholesky (Matrix< T, Prop, ArrayRowSymSparse, Allocator > &A) |
Implementation of Cholesky factorization for sparse symmetric matrix. | |
template<class classTrans , class T0 , class T1 , class Prop , class Storage , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | SolveCholesky (const classTrans &TransA, const Matrix< T0, Prop, ArrayRowSymSparse, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< T1, Storage, Allocator2 > &x) |
template<class classTrans , class T0 , class T1 , class Prop , class Storage , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MltCholesky (const classTrans &TransA, const Matrix< T0, Prop, ArrayRowSymSparse, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< T1, Storage, Allocator2 > &x) |
SELDON_EXTERN template std::string | to_str< int > (const int &) |
SELDON_EXTERN template std::string | to_str< float > (const float &) |
SELDON_EXTERN template std::string | to_str< double > (const double &) |
SELDON_EXTERN template std::string | to_str< complex< float > > (const complex< float > &) |
SELDON_EXTERN template std::string | to_str< complex< double > > (const complex< double > &) |
SELDON_EXTERN template void | to_num (std::string, int &) |
SELDON_EXTERN template void | to_num (std::string, float &) |
SELDON_EXTERN template void | to_num (std::string, double &) |
SELDON_EXTERN template void | to_num (std::string, complex< float > &) |
SELDON_EXTERN template void | to_num (std::string, complex< double > &) |
SELDON_EXTERN template int | to_num< int > (std::string) |
SELDON_EXTERN template float | to_num< float > (std::string) |
SELDON_EXTERN template double | to_num< double > (std::string) |
SELDON_EXTERN template complex < float > | to_num< complex< float > > (std::string) |
SELDON_EXTERN template complex < double > | to_num< complex< double > > (std::string) |
SELDON_EXTERN template void | SetComplexZero (@scalar &) |
SELDON_EXTERN template void | SetComplexOne (@scalar &) |
SELDON_EXTERN template ostream & | operator<< (ostream &, const Matrix<@complex, General,@storage_blasHE, MallocAlloc<@complex > > &) |
SELDON_EXTERN template ostream & | operator<< (ostream &, const Matrix<@real_complex, General,@storage_blasSY, MallocAlloc<@real_complex > > &) |
SELDON_EXTERN template ostream & | operator<< (ostream &, const Matrix<@real_complex, General,@storage_blasTR, MallocAlloc<@real_complex > > &) |
SELDON_EXTERN template ostream & | operator<< (ostream &, const Matrix<@complex, General,@storage_blasHP, MallocAlloc<@complex > > &) |
SELDON_EXTERN template ostream & | operator<< (ostream &, const Matrix<@real_complex, General,@storage_blasSP, MallocAlloc<@real_complex > > &) |
SELDON_EXTERN template ostream & | operator<< (ostream &, const Matrix<@real_complex, General,@storage_blasTP, MallocAlloc<@real_complex > > &) |
SELDON_EXTERN template ostream & | operator<< (ostream &, const Matrix<@scalar, General,@storage_blasGE, MallocAlloc<@scalar > > &) |
const int & | max (const int &a, const int &b) |
const float & | max (const float &a, const float &b) |
const double & | max (const double &a, const double &b) |
const complex< float > & | max (const complex< float > &a, const complex< float > &b) |
const complex< double > & | max (const complex< double > &a, const complex< double > &b) |
SELDON_EXTERN template ostream & | operator<< (ostream &out, const Vector<@scalar, VectFull, MallocAlloc<@scalar > > &V) |
template<class T0 , class Allocator0 , class T1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | GetRow (const Matrix< T0, General, RowSparse, Allocator0 > &M, int i, Vector< T1, Vect_Sparse, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class T0 , class Prop0 , class Storage0 , class Allocator0 , class T1 , class Storage1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | GetRow (const Matrix< T0, Prop0, Storage0, Allocator0 > &M, int i, Vector< T1, Storage1, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class T0 , class Allocator0 , class T1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | GetCol (const Matrix< T0, General, RowSparse, Allocator0 > &M, int j, Vector< T1, Vect_Sparse, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class T0 , class Prop0 , class Storage0 , class Allocator0 , class T1 , class Storage1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | GetCol (const Matrix< T0, Prop0, Storage0, Allocator0 > &M, int j, Vector< T1, Storage1, Allocator1 > &X) |
template<class T0 , class Prop0 , class Storage0 , class Allocator0 , class T1 , class Storage1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | SetRow (const Vector< T1, Storage1, Allocator1 > &X, int i, Matrix< T0, Prop0, Storage0, Allocator0 > &M) |
template<class T0 , class Allocator0 , class T1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | SetRow (const Vector< T1, Vect_Sparse, Allocator1 > &X, int i, Matrix< T0, General, RowSparse, Allocator0 > &M) |
template<class T0 , class Prop0 , class Storage0 , class Allocator0 , class T1 , class Storage1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | SetCol (const Vector< T1, Storage1, Allocator1 > &X, int j, Matrix< T0, Prop0, Storage0, Allocator0 > &M) |
template<class T0 , class Allocator0 , class T1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | SetCol (const Vector< T1, VectSparse, Allocator1 > &X, int j, Matrix< T0, General, RowSparse, Allocator0 > &M) |
template<class T , class Prop , class Allocator > | |
void | ApplyPermutation (Matrix< T, Prop, RowMajor, Allocator > &A, const Vector< int > &row_perm, const Vector< int > &col_perm, int starting_index) |
Permutation of a general matrix stored by rows. | |
template<class T , class Prop , class Allocator > | |
void | ApplyPermutation (Matrix< T, Prop, ColMajor, Allocator > &A, const Vector< int > &row_perm, const Vector< int > &col_perm, int starting_index) |
Permutation of a general matrix stored by columns. | |
template<class T , class Prop , class Allocator > | |
void | ApplyInversePermutation (Matrix< T, Prop, RowMajor, Allocator > &A, const Vector< int > &row_perm, const Vector< int > &col_perm, int starting_index) |
Inverse permutation of a general matrix stored by rows. | |
template<class T , class Prop , class Allocator > | |
void | ApplyInversePermutation (Matrix< T, Prop, ColMajor, Allocator > &A, const Vector< int > &row_perm, const Vector< int > &col_perm, int starting_index) |
Inverse permutation of a general matrix stored by columns. | |
template<class T , class Prop , class Storage , class Allocator > | |
ostream & | operator<< (ostream &out, const Matrix< T, Prop, Storage, Allocator > &A) |
template<class T0 , class T1 , class T2 , class T3 , class T4 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | MltAdd (const T0 &alpha, const Matrix< T1, Symmetric, ArrayRowSymComplexSparse, Allocator1 > &A, const Vector< T2, VectFull, Allocator2 > &B, const T4 &beta, Vector< T3, VectFull, Allocator3 > &C) |
template<class T0 , class T1 , class T2 , class T3 , class T4 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | MltAdd (const T0 &alpha, const class_SeldonNoTrans &Trans, const Matrix< T1, Symmetric, ArrayRowSymComplexSparse, Allocator1 > &A, const Vector< T2, VectFull, Allocator2 > &B, const T4 &beta, Vector< T3, VectFull, Allocator3 > &C) |
template<class T0 , class T1 , class T2 , class T3 , class T4 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | MltAdd (const T0 &alpha, const class_SeldonTrans &Trans, const Matrix< T1, Symmetric, ArrayRowSymComplexSparse, Allocator1 > &A, const Vector< T2, VectFull, Allocator2 > &B, const T4 &beta, Vector< T3, VectFull, Allocator3 > &C) |
template<class T0 , class T1 , class T2 , class T3 , class T4 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | MltAdd (const T0 &alpha, const class_SeldonConjTrans &Trans, const Matrix< T1, Symmetric, ArrayRowSymComplexSparse, Allocator1 > &A, const Vector< T2, VectFull, Allocator2 > &B, const T4 &beta, Vector< T3, VectFull, Allocator3 > &C) |
template<class T0 , class T1 , class T2 , class T3 , class T4 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | MltAdd (const T0 &alpha, const Matrix< T1, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse, Allocator1 > &A, const Vector< T2, VectFull, Allocator2 > &B, const T4 &beta, Vector< T3, VectFull, Allocator3 > &C) |
template<class T0 , class T1 , class T2 , class T3 , class T4 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | MltAdd (const T0 &alpha, const class_SeldonNoTrans &Trans, const Matrix< T1, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse, Allocator1 > &A, const Vector< T2, VectFull, Allocator2 > &B, const T4 &beta, Vector< T3, VectFull, Allocator3 > &C) |
template<class T0 , class T1 , class T2 , class T3 , class T4 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | MltAdd (const T0 &alpha, const class_SeldonTrans &Trans, const Matrix< T1, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse, Allocator1 > &A, const Vector< T2, VectFull, Allocator2 > &B, const T4 &beta, Vector< T3, VectFull, Allocator3 > &C) |
template<class T0 , class T1 , class T2 , class T3 , class T4 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | MltAdd (const T0 &alpha, const class_SeldonConjTrans &Trans, const Matrix< T1, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse, Allocator1 > &A, const Vector< T2, VectFull, Allocator2 > &B, const T4 &beta, Vector< T3, VectFull, Allocator3 > &C) |
template<class T0 , class T1 , class T2 , class T3 , class T4 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | MltAdd (const T0 &alpha, const Matrix< T1, Symmetric, ArrayRowSymSparse, Allocator1 > &A, const Vector< T2, VectFull, Allocator2 > &B, const T4 &beta, Vector< T3, VectFull, Allocator3 > &C) |
template<class T0 , class T1 , class T2 , class T3 , class T4 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | MltAdd (const T0 &alpha, const class_SeldonNoTrans &Trans, const Matrix< T1, Symmetric, ArrayRowSymSparse, Allocator1 > &A, const Vector< T2, VectFull, Allocator2 > &B, const T4 &beta, Vector< T3, VectFull, Allocator3 > &C) |
template<class T0 , class T1 , class T2 , class T3 , class T4 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | MltAdd (const T0 &alpha, const class_SeldonTrans &Trans, const Matrix< T1, Symmetric, ArrayRowSymSparse, Allocator1 > &A, const Vector< T2, VectFull, Allocator2 > &B, const T4 &beta, Vector< T3, VectFull, Allocator3 > &C) |
template<class T0 , class T1 , class T2 , class T3 , class T4 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | MltAdd (const T0 &alpha, const Matrix< T1, General, ArrayRowSparse, Allocator1 > &A, const Vector< T2, VectFull, Allocator2 > &B, const T4 &beta, Vector< T3, VectFull, Allocator3 > &C) |
template<class T0 , class T1 , class T2 , class T3 , class T4 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | MltAdd (const T0 &alpha, const class_SeldonNoTrans &Trans, const Matrix< T1, General, ArrayRowSparse, Allocator1 > &A, const Vector< T2, VectFull, Allocator2 > &B, const T4 &beta, Vector< T4, VectFull, Allocator3 > &C) |
template<class T0 , class T1 , class T2 , class T3 , class T4 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | MltAdd (const T0 &alpha, const class_SeldonTrans &Trans, const Matrix< T1, General, ArrayRowSparse, Allocator1 > &A, const Vector< T2, VectFull, Allocator2 > &B, const T4 &beta, Vector< T3, VectFull, Allocator3 > &C) |
template<class T0 , class T1 , class T2 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | Add (const T0 &alpha, const Matrix< T1, General, ArrayRowSparse, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< T2, General, ArrayRowSparse, Allocator2 > &B) |
template<class T0 , class T1 , class T2 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | Add (const T0 &alpha, const Matrix< T1, Symmetric, ArrayRowSymSparse, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< T2, Symmetric, ArrayRowSymSparse, Allocator2 > &B) |
template<class T0 , class T1 , class T2 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | Add (const T0 &alpha, const Matrix< T1, Symmetric, ArrayRowSymComplexSparse, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< T2, Symmetric, ArrayRowSymComplexSparse, Allocator2 > &B) |
template<class T0 , class T1 , class T2 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | Add (const T0 &alpha, const Matrix< T1, Symmetric, ArrayRowSymComplexSparse, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< T2, Symmetric, ArrayRowSymSparse, Allocator2 > &B) |
template<class T0 , class T1 , class T2 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | Add (const T0 &alpha, const Matrix< T1, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< T2, Symmetric, ArrayRowSparse, Allocator2 > &B) |
template<class T0 , class T1 , class T2 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | Add (const T0 &alpha, const Matrix< T1, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse, Allocator1 > &A, Matrix< T2, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse, Allocator2 > &B) |
template<class T0 , class T1 , class T2 , class T3 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | Add (const T0 &alpha, const Matrix< T1, General, ArrayRowSparse, Allocator1 > &A, const Matrix< T2, General, ArrayRowSparse, Allocator2 > &B, Matrix< complex< T3 >, General, ArrayRowSparse, Allocator3 > &C) |
template<class T0 , class T1 , class T2 , class T3 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | Add (const T0 &alpha, const Matrix< T1, Symmetric, ArrayRowSymSparse, Allocator1 > &A, const Matrix< T2, Symmetric, ArrayRowSymSparse, Allocator2 > &B, Matrix< complex< T3 >, Symmetric, ArrayRowSymSparse, Allocator3 > &C) |
template<class T0 , class T1 , class T2 , class T3 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | Add (const T0 &alpha, const Matrix< T1, Symmetric, ArrayRowSymSparse, Allocator1 > &A, const Matrix< T2, Symmetric, ArrayRowSymSparse, Allocator2 > &B, Matrix< T3, Symmetric, ArrayRowSymComplexSparse, Allocator3 > &C) |
template<class T0 , class T1 , class T2 , class T3 , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | Add (const T0 &alpha, const Matrix< T1, General, ArrayRowSparse, Allocator1 > &A, const Matrix< T2, General, ArrayRowSparse, Allocator2 > &B, Matrix< T3, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse, Allocator3 > &C) |
template<class T0 , class T , class Allocator > | |
void | Mlt (const T0 &alpha, Matrix< T, General, ArrayRowSparse, Allocator > &A) |
template<class T0 , class T , class Allocator > | |
void | Mlt (const T0 &alpha, Matrix< T, General, ArrayColSparse, Allocator > &A) |
template<class T0 , class T , class Allocator > | |
void | Mlt (const T0 &alpha, Matrix< T, Symmetric, ArrayRowSymSparse, Allocator > &A) |
template<class T0 , class T , class Allocator > | |
void | Mlt (const T0 &alpha, Matrix< T, Symmetric, ArrayColSymSparse, Allocator > &A) |
template<class T0 , class T , class Allocator > | |
void | Mlt (const T0 &alpha, Matrix< T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse, Allocator > &A) |
template<class T0 , class T , class Allocator > | |
void | Mlt (const T0 &alpha, Matrix< T, Symmetric, ArrayRowSymComplexSparse, Allocator > &A) |
template<class T1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Prop2 , class Storage2 , class Allocator2 , class T3 , class Prop3 , class Storage3 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | Mlt (const Matrix< T1, General, ArrayRowSparse, Allocator1 > &A, const Matrix< T2, Prop2, Storage2, Allocator2 > &B, Matrix< T3, Prop3, Storage3, Allocator3 > &C) |
template<class Prop , class Allocator > | |
void | ReadHarwellBoeing (string filename, Matrix< float, Prop, ColSparse, Allocator > &A) |
Reads a sparse matrix in a file in Harwell-Boeing format. | |
template<class Prop , class Allocator > | |
void | ReadHarwellBoeing (string filename, Matrix< double, Prop, ColSparse, Allocator > &A) |
template<class T , class Prop , class Storage , class Allocator > | |
void | ReadHarwellBoeing (string filename, string value_type, string matrix_type, Matrix< T, Prop, Storage, Allocator > &A) |
Reads a sparse matrix in a file in Harwell-Boeing format. | |
template<class T , class Prop , class Allocator > | |
ostream & | operator<< (ostream &out, const Matrix< T, Prop, ArrayRowSparse, Allocator > &A) |
template<class T , class Prop , class Allocator > | |
ostream & | operator<< (ostream &out, const Matrix< T, Prop, ArrayColSparse, Allocator > &A) |
template<class T , class Prop , class Allocator > | |
ostream & | operator<< (ostream &out, const Matrix< T, Prop, ArrayRowSymSparse, Allocator > &A) |
template<class T , class Prop , class Allocator > | |
ostream & | operator<< (ostream &out, const Matrix< T, Prop, ArrayColSymSparse, Allocator > &A) |
template<class T , class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Tint , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | ConvertMatrix_to_Coordinates (const Matrix< T, Prop, RowSparse, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< Tint, VectFull, Allocator2 > &IndRow, Vector< Tint, VectFull, Allocator3 > &IndCol, Vector< T, VectFull, Allocator4 > &Val, int index, bool sym) |
Conversion from RowSparse to coordinate format. | |
template<class T , class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Tint , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | ConvertMatrix_to_Coordinates (const Matrix< T, Prop, ColSparse, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< Tint, VectFull, Allocator2 > &IndRow, Vector< Tint, VectFull, Allocator3 > &IndCol, Vector< T, VectFull, Allocator4 > &Val, int index, bool sym) |
Conversion from ColSparse to coordinate format. | |
template<class T , class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Tint , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | ConvertMatrix_to_Coordinates (const Matrix< T, Prop, RowSymSparse, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< Tint, VectFull, Allocator2 > &IndRow, Vector< Tint, VectFull, Allocator3 > &IndCol, Vector< T, VectFull, Allocator4 > &Val, int index, bool sym) |
Conversion from RowSymSparse to coordinate format. | |
template<class T , class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Tint , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | ConvertMatrix_to_Coordinates (const Matrix< T, Prop, ColSymSparse, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< Tint, VectFull, Allocator2 > &IndRow, Vector< Tint, VectFull, Allocator3 > &IndCol, Vector< T, VectFull, Allocator4 > &Val, int index, bool sym) |
Conversion from ColSymSparse to coordinate format. | |
template<class T , class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Tint , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | ConvertMatrix_to_Coordinates (const Matrix< T, Prop, ArrayRowSparse, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< Tint, VectFull, Allocator2 > &IndRow, Vector< Tint, VectFull, Allocator3 > &IndCol, Vector< T, VectFull, Allocator4 > &Val, int index, bool sym) |
Conversion from ArrayRowSparse to coordinate format. | |
template<class T , class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Tint , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | ConvertMatrix_to_Coordinates (const Matrix< T, Prop, ArrayRowComplexSparse, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< Tint, VectFull, Allocator2 > &IndRow, Vector< Tint, VectFull, Allocator3 > &IndCol, Vector< complex< T >, VectFull, Allocator4 > &Val, int index, bool sym) |
Conversion from ArrayRowComplexSparse to coordinate format. | |
template<class T , class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Tint , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | ConvertMatrix_to_Coordinates (const Matrix< T, Prop, ArrayColSparse, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< Tint, VectFull, Allocator2 > &IndRow, Vector< Tint, VectFull, Allocator3 > &IndCol, Vector< T, VectFull, Allocator4 > &Val, int index, bool sym) |
Conversion from ArrayColSparse to coordinate format. | |
template<class T , class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Tint , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | ConvertMatrix_to_Coordinates (const Matrix< T, Prop, ArrayRowSymSparse, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< Tint, VectFull, Allocator2 > &IndRow, Vector< Tint, VectFull, Allocator3 > &IndCol, Vector< T, VectFull, Allocator4 > &Val, int index, bool sym) |
Conversion from ArrayRowSymSparse to coordinate format. | |
template<class T , class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Tint , class Allocator3 , class Allocator4 > | |
void | ConvertMatrix_to_Coordinates (const Matrix< T, Prop, ArrayColSymSparse, Allocator1 > &A, Vector< Tint, VectFull, Allocator2 > &IndRow, Vector< Tint, VectFull, Allocator3 > &IndCol, Vector< T, VectFull, Allocator4 > &Val, int index, bool sym) |
Conversion from ArrayColSymSparse to coordinate format. | |
template<class T , class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | ConvertMatrix_from_Coordinates (Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &IndRow_, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator2 > &IndCol_, Vector< T, VectFull, Allocator3 > &Val, Matrix< T, Prop, RowSparse, Allocator3 > &A, int index) |
Conversion from coordinate format to RowSparse. | |
template<class T , class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | ConvertMatrix_from_Coordinates (Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &IndRow_, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator2 > &IndCol_, Vector< T, VectFull, Allocator3 > &Val, Matrix< T, Prop, ColSparse, Allocator3 > &A, int index) |
Conversion from coordinate format to ColSparse. | |
template<class T , class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | ConvertMatrix_from_Coordinates (Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &IndRow_, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator2 > &IndCol_, Vector< T, VectFull, Allocator3 > &Val, Matrix< T, Prop, RowSymSparse, Allocator3 > &A, int index) |
Conversion from coordinate format to RowSymSparse. | |
template<class T , class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | ConvertMatrix_from_Coordinates (Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &IndRow_, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator2 > &IndCol_, Vector< T, VectFull, Allocator3 > &Val, Matrix< T, Prop, ColSymSparse, Allocator3 > &A, int index) |
Conversion from coordinate format to ColSymSparse. | |
template<class T , class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | ConvertMatrix_from_Coordinates (Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &IndRow_, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator2 > &IndCol_, Vector< T, VectFull, Allocator3 > &Val, Matrix< T, Prop, ArrayRowSparse, Allocator3 > &A, int index) |
Conversion from coordinate format to ArrayRowSparse. | |
template<class T , class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | ConvertMatrix_from_Coordinates (Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &IndRow_, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator2 > &IndCol_, Vector< T, VectFull, Allocator3 > &Val, Matrix< T, Prop, ArrayColSparse, Allocator3 > &A, int index) |
Conversion from coordinate format to ArrayColSparse. | |
template<class T , class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | ConvertMatrix_from_Coordinates (Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &IndRow_, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator2 > &IndCol_, Vector< T, VectFull, Allocator3 > &Val, Matrix< T, Prop, ArrayRowSymSparse, Allocator3 > &A, int index) |
Conversion from coordinate format to ArrayRowSymSparse. | |
template<class T , class Prop , class Allocator1 , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | ConvertMatrix_from_Coordinates (Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > &IndRow_, Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator2 > &IndCol_, Vector< T, VectFull, Allocator3 > &Val, Matrix< T, Prop, ArrayColSymSparse, Allocator3 > &A, int index) |
Conversion from coordinate format to ArrayColSymSparse. | |
template<class T , class Prop , class Storage , class Allocator > | |
void | Copy (const Matrix< T, Prop, Storage, Allocator > &A, Matrix< T, Prop, Storage, Allocator > &B) |
B = A. | |
template<class T , class Prop , class Alloc1 , class Tint , class Alloc2 , class Alloc3 , class Alloc4 > | |
void | ConvertToCSC (const Matrix< T, Prop, RowSparse, Alloc1 > &A, General &sym, Vector< Tint, VectFull, Alloc2 > &Ptr, Vector< Tint, VectFull, Alloc3 > &Ind, Vector< T, VectFull, Alloc4 > &Val, bool sym_pat) |
template<class T , class Prop , class Alloc1 , class Alloc2 > | |
void | Copy (const Matrix< T, Prop, RowSparse, Alloc1 > &A, Matrix< T, Prop, ColSparse, Alloc2 > &B) |
Conversion from row-sparse to column-sparse. | |
template<class T , class Prop , class Alloc1 , class Tint , class Alloc2 , class Alloc3 , class Alloc4 > | |
void | ConvertToCSR (const Matrix< T, Prop, ColSymSparse, Alloc1 > &A, Symmetric &sym, Vector< Tint, VectFull, Alloc2 > &Ptr, Vector< Tint, VectFull, Alloc3 > &Ind, Vector< T, VectFull, Alloc4 > &Value) |
template<class T , class Prop , class Alloc1 , class Alloc2 > | |
void | Copy (const Matrix< T, Prop, ColSymSparse, Alloc1 > &A, Matrix< T, Prop, RowSymSparse, Alloc2 > &B) |
Conversion from row-sparse to column-sparse. | |
template<class T , class Prop1 , class Storage , class Tint , class Alloc1 , class Alloc2 , class Alloc3 , class Alloc4 > | |
void | ConvertSymmetricToCSC (const Matrix< T, Prop1, Storage, Alloc1 > &A, General &sym, Vector< Tint, VectFull, Alloc2 > &Ptr, Vector< Tint, VectFull, Alloc3 > &Ind, Vector< T, VectFull, Alloc4 > &Val, bool sym_pat) |
Conversion from row-sparse to column-sparse. | |
template<class T , class Prop1 , class Tint , class Alloc1 , class Alloc2 , class Alloc3 , class Alloc4 > | |
void | ConvertToCSC (const Matrix< T, Prop1, RowSymSparse, Alloc1 > &A, General &sym, Vector< Tint, VectFull, Alloc2 > &Ptr, Vector< Tint, VectFull, Alloc3 > &Ind, Vector< T, VectFull, Alloc4 > &Val, bool sym_pat) |
template<class T , class Prop1 , class Tint , class Alloc1 , class Alloc2 , class Alloc3 , class Alloc4 > | |
void | ConvertToCSC (const Matrix< T, Prop1, ColSymSparse, Alloc1 > &A, General &sym, Vector< Tint, VectFull, Alloc2 > &Ptr, Vector< Tint, VectFull, Alloc3 > &Ind, Vector< T, VectFull, Alloc4 > &Val, bool sym_pat=false) |
template<class T1 , class T2 , class Prop1 , class Prop2 , class Alloc1 , class Alloc2 > | |
void | Copy (const Matrix< T1, Prop1, ColSparse, Alloc1 > &A, Matrix< T2, Prop2, RowSparse, Alloc2 > &B) |
Conversion from column-oriented sparse to row-oriented sparse. | |
template<class T , class Prop1 , class Prop2 , class Alloc1 , class Alloc2 > | |
void | Copy (const Matrix< T, Prop1, RowSymSparse, Alloc1 > &A, Matrix< T, Prop2, ColSparse, Alloc2 > &B) |
Conversion from RowSymSparse to column-sparse. | |
template<class T , class Prop1 , class Prop2 , class Alloc1 , class Alloc2 > | |
void | Copy (const Matrix< T, Prop1, ColSymSparse, Alloc1 > &A, Matrix< T, Prop2, ColSparse, Alloc2 > &B) |
Conversion from ColSymSparse to column-sparse. | |
template<class T , class Prop , class Alloc1 , class Tint , class Alloc2 , class Alloc3 , class Alloc4 > | |
void | ConvertToCSR (const Matrix< T, Prop, ArrayRowSparse, Alloc1 > &A, General &sym, Vector< Tint, VectFull, Alloc2 > &IndRow, Vector< Tint, VectFull, Alloc3 > &IndCol, Vector< T, VectFull, Alloc4 > &Val) |
template<class T0 , class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class T1 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Copy (const Matrix< T0, Prop0, ArrayRowSparse, Allocator0 > &mat_array, Matrix< T1, Prop1, RowSparse, Allocator1 > &mat_csr) |
Conversion from ArrayRowSparse to RowSparse. | |
template<class T , class Prop , class Alloc1 , class Tint , class Alloc2 , class Alloc3 , class Alloc4 > | |
void | ConvertToCSC (const Matrix< T, Prop, ArrayRowSparse, Alloc1 > &A, General &sym, Vector< Tint, VectFull, Alloc2 > &Ptr, Vector< Tint, VectFull, Alloc3 > &IndRow, Vector< T, VectFull, Alloc4 > &Val, bool sym_pat) |
template<class T0 , class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class T1 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Copy (const Matrix< T0, Prop0, ArrayRowSparse, Allocator0 > &mat_array, Matrix< T1, Prop1, ColSparse, Allocator1 > &mat_csr) |
Conversion from ArrayRowSparse to ColSparse. | |
template<class T , class Prop , class Alloc1 , class Tint , class Alloc2 , class Alloc3 , class Alloc4 > | |
void | ConvertToCSR (const Matrix< T, Prop, ArrayRowSymSparse, Alloc1 > &A, Symmetric &sym, Vector< Tint, VectFull, Alloc2 > &IndRow, Vector< Tint, VectFull, Alloc3 > &IndCol, Vector< T, VectFull, Alloc4 > &Val) |
template<class T0 , class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class T1 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Copy (const Matrix< T0, Prop0, ArrayRowSymSparse, Allocator0 > &mat_array, Matrix< T1, Prop1, RowSymSparse, Allocator1 > &mat_csr) |
Conversion from ArrayRowSymSparse to RowSymSparse. | |
template<class T , class Prop , class Alloc1 , class Tint , class Alloc2 , class Alloc3 , class Alloc4 > | |
void | ConvertToCSC (const Matrix< T, Prop, ArrayRowSymSparse, Alloc1 > &A, General &sym, Vector< Tint, VectFull, Alloc2 > &Ptr, Vector< Tint, VectFull, Alloc3 > &Ind, Vector< T, VectFull, Alloc4 > &AllVal, bool sym_pat) |
template<class T0 , class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class T1 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Copy (const Matrix< T0, Prop0, ArrayRowSymSparse, Allocator0 > &A, Matrix< T1, Prop1, ColSparse, Allocator1 > &B) |
template<class T0 , class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class T1 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Copy (const Matrix< T0, Prop0, ArrayRowComplexSparse, Allocator0 > &mat_array, Matrix< T1, Prop1, RowComplexSparse, Allocator1 > &mat_csr) |
Conversion from ArrayRowComplexSparse to RowComplexSparse. | |
template<class T0 , class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class T1 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Copy (const Matrix< T0, Prop0, ArrayRowSymComplexSparse, Allocator0 > &mat_array, Matrix< T1, Prop1, RowSymComplexSparse, Allocator1 > &mat_csr) |
Conversion from ArrayRowSymComplexSparse to RowSymComplexSparse. | |
template<class T0 , class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class T1 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Copy (const Matrix< T0, Prop0, ArrayRowSymSparse, Allocator0 > &A, Matrix< T1, Prop1, ArrayRowSparse, Allocator1 > &B) |
template<class T0 , class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class T1 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Copy (const Matrix< T0, Prop0, ArrayRowSymSparse, Allocator0 > &A, Matrix< T1, Prop1, ArrayColSparse, Allocator1 > &B) |
template<class T , class Prop , class Alloc1 , class Tint , class Alloc2 , class Alloc3 , class Alloc4 > | |
void | ConvertToCSC (const Matrix< T, Prop, ArrayColSparse, Alloc1 > &A, General &sym, Vector< Tint, VectFull, Alloc2 > &IndCol, Vector< Tint, VectFull, Alloc3 > &IndRow, Vector< T, VectFull, Alloc4 > &Val, bool sym_pat) |
template<class T0 , class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class T1 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Copy (const Matrix< T0, Prop0, ArrayColSparse, Allocator0 > &mat_array, Matrix< T1, Prop1, ColSparse, Allocator1 > &mat_csc) |
Conversion from ArrayColSparse to ColSparse. | |
template<class T0 , class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class T1 , class Prop1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Copy (const Matrix< T0, Prop0, ArrayRowSparse, Allocator0 > &A, Matrix< T1, Prop1, ArrayColSparse, Allocator1 > &B) |
Conversion from ArrayRowSparse to ArrayColSparse. | |
template<class T , class Prop , class Storage , class Allocator , class Tint , class Allocator2 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | GetSymmetricPattern (const Matrix< T, Prop, Storage, Allocator > &A, Vector< Tint, VectFull, Allocator2 > &Ptr, Vector< Tint, VectFull, Allocator3 > &Ind) |
template<class T , class Prop , class Storage , class Allocator , class AllocI > | |
void | GetSymmetricPattern (const Matrix< T, Prop, Storage, Allocator > &A, Matrix< int, Symmetric, RowSymSparse, AllocI > &B) |
template<class T , class Prop , class Allocator > | |
void | ApplyInversePermutation (Matrix< T, Prop, RowSparse, Allocator > &A, const Vector< int > &row_perm, const Vector< int > &col_perm) |
Permutation of a general matrix stored by rows. | |
template<class T , class Prop , class Allocator > | |
void | ApplyInversePermutation (Matrix< T, Prop, ColSparse, Allocator > &A, const Vector< int > &row_perm, const Vector< int > &col_perm) |
Permutation of a general matrix stored by columns. | |
template<class T , class Prop , class Allocator > | |
void | ApplyInversePermutation (Matrix< T, Prop, ArrayRowSparse, Allocator > &A, const IVect &row_perm, const IVect &col_perm) |
Permutation of a general matrix stored by rows. | |
template<class T , class Prop , class Allocator > | |
void | ApplyInversePermutation (Matrix< T, Prop, ArrayColSymSparse, Allocator > &A, const IVect &row_perm, const IVect &col_perm) |
Permutation of a symmetric matrix stored by columns. | |
template<class T , class Prop , class Allocator > | |
void | ApplyInversePermutation (Matrix< T, Prop, ArrayRowSymComplexSparse, Allocator > &A, const IVect &row_perm, const IVect &col_perm) |
Permutation of a symmetric matrix stored by rows. | |
template<class T , class Prop , class Allocator > | |
void | ApplyInversePermutation (Matrix< T, Prop, ArrayRowSymSparse, Allocator > &A, const IVect &row_perm, const IVect &col_perm) |
Permutation of a symmetric matrix stored by rows. | |
template<class Prop , class T1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Allocator2 , class T3 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | ScaleMatrix (Matrix< T1, Prop, ArrayRowSparse, Allocator1 > &A, const Vector< T2, VectFull, Allocator2 > &scale_left, const Vector< T3, VectFull, Allocator3 > &scale_right) |
Each row and column are scaled. | |
template<class Prop , class T1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Allocator2 , class T3 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | ScaleMatrix (Matrix< T1, Prop, ArrayRowSymSparse, Allocator1 > &A, const Vector< T2, VectFull, Allocator2 > &scale_left, const Vector< T3, VectFull, Allocator3 > &scale_right) |
Each row and column are scaled. | |
template<class Prop , class T1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Allocator2 , class T3 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | ScaleMatrix (Matrix< T1, Prop, ArrayRowSymComplexSparse, Allocator1 > &A, const Vector< T2, VectFull, Allocator2 > &scale_left, const Vector< T3, VectFull, Allocator3 > &scale_right) |
Each row and column are scaled. | |
template<class Prop , class T1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Allocator2 , class T3 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | ScaleMatrix (Matrix< T1, Prop, ArrayRowComplexSparse, Allocator1 > &A, const Vector< T2, VectFull, Allocator2 > &scale_left, const Vector< T3, VectFull, Allocator3 > &scale_right) |
Each row and column are scaled. | |
template<class T1 , class Allocator1 , class Prop , class T2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | ScaleLeftMatrix (Matrix< T1, Prop, ArrayRowSparse, Allocator1 > &A, const Vector< T2, VectFull, Allocator2 > &scale) |
Each row is scaled. | |
template<class T1 , class Allocator1 , class Prop , class T2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | ScaleLeftMatrix (Matrix< T1, Prop, ArrayRowSymSparse, Allocator1 > &A, const Vector< T2, VectFull, Allocator2 > &scale) |
Each row is scaled. | |
template<class T1 , class Allocator1 , class Prop , class T2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | ScaleLeftMatrix (Matrix< T1, Prop, ArrayRowSymComplexSparse, Allocator1 > &A, const Vector< T2, VectFull, Allocator2 > &scale) |
Each row is scaled. | |
template<class T1 , class Allocator1 , class Prop , class T2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | ScaleLeftMatrix (Matrix< T1, Prop, ArrayRowComplexSparse, Allocator1 > &A, const Vector< T2, VectFull, Allocator2 > &scale) |
Each row is scaled. | |
template<class T0 , class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class T1 , class Storage1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Storage2 , class Allocator2 , class T3 > | |
void | SOR (const Matrix< T0, Prop0, RowSparse, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > &X, const Vector< T1, Storage1, Allocator1 > &B, const T3 &omega, int iter, int type_ssor=2) |
Successive overrelaxation. | |
template<class T0 , class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class T1 , class Storage1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Storage2 , class Allocator2 , class T3 > | |
void | SOR (const Matrix< T0, Prop0, ArrayRowSparse, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > &X, const Vector< T1, Storage1, Allocator1 > &B, const T3 &omega, int iter, int type_ssor=2) |
Successive overrelaxation. | |
template<class T0 , class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class T1 , class Storage1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Storage2 , class Allocator2 , class T3 > | |
void | SOR (const Matrix< T0, Prop0, RowSymSparse, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > &X, const Vector< T1, Storage1, Allocator1 > &B, const T3 &omega, int iter, int type_ssor=2) |
Successive overrelaxation. | |
template<class T0 , class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class T1 , class Storage1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Storage2 , class Allocator2 , class T3 > | |
void | SOR (const Matrix< T0, Prop0, ArrayRowSymSparse, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > &X, const Vector< T1, Storage1, Allocator1 > &B, const T3 &omega, int iter, int type_ssor=2) |
Successive overrelaxation. | |
template<class T0 , class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class T1 , class Storage1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Storage2 , class Allocator2 , class T3 > | |
void | SOR (const Matrix< T0, Prop0, RowComplexSparse, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< T2 >, Storage2, Allocator2 > &X, const Vector< complex< T1 >, Storage1, Allocator1 > &B, const T3 &omega, int iter, int type_ssor=2) |
Successive overrelaxation. | |
template<class T0 , class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class T1 , class Storage1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Storage2 , class Allocator2 , class T3 > | |
void | SOR (const Matrix< T0, Prop0, ArrayRowComplexSparse, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< T2 >, Storage2, Allocator2 > &X, const Vector< complex< T1 >, Storage1, Allocator1 > &B, const T3 &omega, int iter, int type_ssor=2) |
Successive overrelaxation. | |
template<class T0 , class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class T1 , class Storage1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Storage2 , class Allocator2 , class T3 > | |
void | SOR (const Matrix< T0, Prop0, RowSymComplexSparse, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< T2 >, Storage2, Allocator2 > &X, const Vector< complex< T1 >, Storage1, Allocator1 > &B, const T3 &omega, int iter, int type_ssor=2) |
Successive overrelaxation. | |
template<class T0 , class Prop0 , class Allocator0 , class T1 , class Storage1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Storage2 , class Allocator2 , class T3 > | |
void | SOR (const Matrix< T0, Prop0, ArrayRowSymComplexSparse, Allocator0 > &A, Vector< complex< T2 >, Storage2, Allocator2 > &X, const Vector< complex< T1 >, Storage1, Allocator1 > &B, const T3 &omega, int iter, int type_ssor=2) |
Successive overrelaxation. | |
template void | ConvertMatrix_to_Coordinates (const Matrix< double, General, RowSparse, MallocAlloc< double > > &A, Vector< int > &IndRow, Vector< int > &IndCol, Vector< double, VectFull > &Val, int index=0, bool sym=false) |
template void | ConvertMatrix_from_Coordinates (Vector< int > &IndRow, Vector< int > &IndCol, Vector< double, VectFull > &Val, Matrix< double, General, RowSparse, MallocAlloc< double > > &A, int index=0) |
template<typename T > | |
std::string | to_str (const T &input) |
Converts most types to string. | |
template<class T > | |
void | to_num (std::string s, T &num) |
Converts string to most types, specially numbers. | |
template<class T > | |
T | to_num (std::string s) |
Converts string to most types, specially numbers. | |
template<class T > | |
void | SetComplexZero (T &number) |
Sets a number to zero. | |
template<class T > | |
void | SetComplexZero (complex< T > &number) |
Sets a complex number to zero. | |
template<class T > | |
void | SetComplexOne (T &number) |
Sets a number to one. | |
template<class T > | |
void | SetComplexOne (complex< T > &number) |
Sets a complex number to (1, 0). | |
template<class T , class Storage , class Allocator > | |
int | PartitionQuickSort (int m, int n, Vector< T, Storage, Allocator > &t) |
Intermediary function used for quick sort algorithm. | |
template<class T , class Storage , class Allocator > | |
void | QuickSort (int m, int n, Vector< T, Storage, Allocator > &t) |
Vector t is sorted by using QuickSort algorithm. | |
template<class T1 , class Storage1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Storage2 , class Allocator2 > | |
int | PartitionQuickSort (int m, int n, Vector< T1, Storage1, Allocator1 > &t1, Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > &t2) |
Intermediary function used for quick sort algorithm. | |
template<class T1 , class Storage1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Storage2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | QuickSort (int m, int n, Vector< T1, Storage1, Allocator1 > &t1, Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > &t2) |
Vector t1 is sorted by using QuickSort algorithm. | |
template<class T1 , class Storage1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Storage2 , class Allocator2 , class T3 , class Storage3 , class Allocator3 > | |
int | PartitionQuickSort (int m, int n, Vector< T1, Storage1, Allocator1 > &t1, Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > &t2, Vector< T3, Storage3, Allocator3 > &t3) |
Intermediary function used for quick sort algorithm. | |
template<class T1 , class Storage1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Storage2 , class Allocator2 , class T3 , class Storage3 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | QuickSort (int m, int n, Vector< T1, Storage1, Allocator1 > &t1, Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > &t2, Vector< T3, Storage3, Allocator3 > &t3) |
Vector t1 is sorted by using QuickSort algorithm. | |
template<class T , class Storage , class Allocator > | |
void | MergeSort (int m, int n, Vector< T, Storage, Allocator > &tab1) |
Vector tab1 is sorted by using MergeSort algorithm. | |
template<class T1 , class Storage1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Storage2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | MergeSort (int m, int n, Vector< T1, Storage1, Allocator1 > &tab1, Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > &tab2) |
Vector tab1 is sorted by using MergeSort algorithm. | |
template<class T1 , class Storage1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Storage2 , class Allocator2 , class T3 , class Storage3 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | MergeSort (int m, int n, Vector< T1, Storage1, Allocator1 > &tab1, Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > &tab2, Vector< T3, Storage3, Allocator3 > &tab3) |
Vector tab1 is sorted by using MergeSort algorithm. | |
template<class Storage1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Storage2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | Assemble (int &n, Vector< int, Storage1, Allocator1 > &Node, Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > &Vect) |
Assembles a sparse vector. | |
template<class T , class Storage1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Assemble (int &n, Vector< T, Storage1, Allocator1 > &Node) |
Sorts and removes duplicate entries of a vector. | |
template<class T , class Storage1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | Assemble (Vector< T, Storage1, Allocator1 > &Node) |
Sorts and removes duplicate entries of a vector. | |
template<class T , class Storage1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Storage2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | RemoveDuplicate (int &n, Vector< T, Storage1, Allocator1 > &Node, Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > &Node2) |
Sorts and removes duplicate entries of a vector. | |
template<class T , class Storage1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | RemoveDuplicate (int &n, Vector< T, Storage1, Allocator1 > &Node) |
Sorts and removes duplicate entries of a vector. | |
template<class T , class Storage1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Storage2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | RemoveDuplicate (Vector< T, Storage1, Allocator1 > &Node, Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > &Node2) |
Sorts and removes duplicate entries of a vector. | |
template<class T , class Storage1 , class Allocator1 > | |
void | RemoveDuplicate (Vector< T, Storage1, Allocator1 > &Node) |
Sorts and removes duplicate entries of a vector. | |
template<class T , class Storage , class Allocator > | |
void | Sort (int m, int n, Vector< T, Storage, Allocator > &V) |
Sorts vector V between a start position and an end position. | |
template<class T1 , class Storage1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Storage2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | Sort (int m, int n, Vector< T1, Storage1, Allocator1 > &V, Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > &V2) |
Sorts vector V between a start position and an end position. | |
template<class T1 , class Storage1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Storage2 , class Allocator2 , class T3 , class Storage3 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | Sort (int m, int n, Vector< T1, Storage1, Allocator1 > &V, Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > &V2, Vector< T3, Storage3, Allocator3 > &V3) |
Sorts vector V between a start position and an end position. | |
template<class T , class Storage , class Allocator > | |
void | Sort (int n, Vector< T, Storage, Allocator > &V) |
Sorts the n first elements of V. | |
template<class T1 , class Storage1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Storage2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | Sort (int n, Vector< T1, Storage1, Allocator1 > &V, Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > &V2) |
Sorts the n first elements of V. | |
template<class T1 , class Storage1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Storage2 , class Allocator2 , class T3 , class Storage3 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | Sort (int n, Vector< T1, Storage1, Allocator1 > &V, Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > &V2, Vector< T3, Storage3, Allocator3 > &V3) |
Sorts the n first elements of V. | |
template<class T , class Storage , class Allocator > | |
void | Sort (Vector< T, Storage, Allocator > &V) |
Sorts vector V. | |
template<class T1 , class Storage1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Storage2 , class Allocator2 > | |
void | Sort (Vector< T1, Storage1, Allocator1 > &V, Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > &V2) |
Sorts vector V. | |
template<class T1 , class Storage1 , class Allocator1 , class T2 , class Storage2 , class Allocator2 , class T3 , class Storage3 , class Allocator3 > | |
void | Sort (Vector< T1, Storage1, Allocator1 > &V, Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > &V2, Vector< T3, Storage3, Allocator3 > &V3) |
Sorts vector V. | |
template<class T , template< class U > class Allocator> | |
ostream & | operator<< (ostream &out, const Vector< FloatDouble, DenseSparseCollection, Allocator< T > > &V) |
operator<< overloaded for vector collections. | |
template<class T , class Allocator > | |
ostream & | operator<< (ostream &out, const Vector< T, VectSparse, Allocator > &V) |
operator<< overloaded for sparse vectors. | |
template<class T , class Storage , class Allocator > | |
ostream & | operator<< (ostream &out, const Vector< T, Storage, Allocator > &V) |
operator<< overloaded for vectors. | |
template<class T , class Allocator > | |
ostream & | operator<< (ostream &out, const Vector< T, Collection, Allocator > &V) |
operator<< overloaded for vector collections. | |
Variables | |
SELDON_EXTERN template class | Matrix_Hermitian<@complex, General,@storage_blasHP, MallocAlloc<@complex > > |
SELDON_EXTERN template class | Matrix<@complex, General,@storage_blasHE, MallocAlloc<@complex > > |
SELDON_EXTERN template class | Matrix_Symmetric<@real_complex, General,@storage_blasSY, MallocAlloc<@real_complex > > |
SELDON_EXTERN template class | Matrix<@real_complex, General,@storage_blasSY, MallocAlloc<@real_complex > > |
SELDON_EXTERN template class | Matrix_Triangular<@real_complex, General,@storage_blasTR, MallocAlloc<@real_complex > > |
SELDON_EXTERN template class | Matrix<@real_complex, General,@storage_blasTR, MallocAlloc<@real_complex > > |
SELDON_EXTERN template class | Matrix_HermPacked<@complex, General,@storage_blasHP, MallocAlloc<@complex > > |
SELDON_EXTERN template class | Matrix<@complex, General,@storage_blasHP, MallocAlloc<@complex > > |
SELDON_EXTERN template class | Matrix_SymPacked<@real_complex, General,@storage_blasSP, MallocAlloc<@real_complex > > |
SELDON_EXTERN template class | Matrix<@real_complex, General,@storage_blasSP, MallocAlloc<@real_complex > > |
SELDON_EXTERN template class | Matrix_TriangPacked<@real_complex, General,@storage_blasTP, MallocAlloc<@real_complex > > |
SELDON_EXTERN template class | Matrix<@real_complex, General,@storage_blasTP, MallocAlloc<@real_complex > > |
SELDON_EXTERN template class | Matrix_Base<@scalar, MallocAlloc<@scalar > > |
SELDON_EXTERN template class | Matrix_Pointers<@scalar, General,@storage_blasGE, MallocAlloc<@scalar > > |
SELDON_EXTERN template class | Matrix<@scalar, General,@storage_blasGE, MallocAlloc<@scalar > > |
SELDON_EXTERN template class | MallocAlloc<@scalar > |
SELDON_EXTERN template class | Vector_Base<@scalar, MallocAlloc<@scalar > > |
SELDON_EXTERN template class | Vector<@scalar, VectFull, MallocAlloc<@scalar > > |
LapackInfo | lapack_info (0) |
class_SeldonTrans | SeldonTrans |
class_SeldonNoTrans | SeldonNoTrans |
class_SeldonConjTrans | SeldonConjTrans |
class_SeldonNonUnit | SeldonNonUnit |
class_SeldonUnit | SeldonUnit |
SeldonUplo | SeldonUpper (0) |
SeldonUplo | SeldonLower (1) |
SeldonNorm | SeldonNormInf (0) |
SeldonNorm | SeldonNorm1 (1) |
SeldonConjugate | SeldonUnconj (false) |
SeldonConjugate | SeldonConj (true) |
class_SeldonLeft | SeldonLeft |
class_SeldonRight | SeldonRight |
Seldon namespace.
void Seldon::Add | ( | const T0 & | alpha, | |
const Matrix< T1, Prop1, Storage1, Allocator1 > & | A, | |||
Matrix< T2, Prop2, Storage2, Allocator2 > & | B | |||
) |
Adds two matrices.
It performs the operation where
is a scalar, and
are matrices.
[in] | alpha | scalar. |
[in] | A | matrix. |
[in,out] | B | matrix, result of the addition of B (on entry) and A times alpha. |
Definition at line 1075 of file Functions_Matrix.cxx.
void Seldon::Add | ( | const T0 & | alpha, | |
const Matrix< T1, Prop1, RowMajorCollection, Allocator1 > & | A, | |||
Matrix< T2, Prop2, RowMajorCollection, Allocator2 > & | B | |||
) |
Adds two matrices.
It performs the operation where
is a scalar, and
are matrices.
[in] | alpha | scalar. |
[in] | A | matrix. |
[in,out] | B | matrix, result of the addition of B (on entry) and A times alpha. |
Definition at line 1097 of file Functions_Matrix.cxx.
void Seldon::Add | ( | const T0 & | alpha, | |
const Matrix< T1, Prop1, ColMajorCollection, Allocator1 > & | A, | |||
Matrix< T2, Prop2, ColMajorCollection, Allocator2 > & | B | |||
) |
Adds two matrices.
It performs the operation where
is a scalar, and
are matrices.
[in] | alpha | scalar. |
[in] | A | matrix. |
[in,out] | B | matrix, result of the addition of B (on entry) and A times alpha. |
Definition at line 1123 of file Functions_Matrix.cxx.
void Seldon::Add | ( | const T0 | alpha, | |
const Matrix< FloatDouble, General, DenseSparseCollection, Allocator1 > & | A, | |||
Matrix< FloatDouble, General, DenseSparseCollection, Allocator2 > & | B | |||
) |
Multiplies a FloatDouble collection by a scalar.
[in] | alpha | scalar. |
[in,out] | M | matrix to be multiplied. |
Definition at line 1200 of file Functions_Matrix.cxx.
void Seldon::Add | ( | const T0 & | alpha, | |
const Matrix< T1, Prop1, RowSparse, Allocator1 > & | A, | |||
Matrix< T2, Prop2, RowSparse, Allocator2 > & | B | |||
) |
Adds two matrices.
It performs the operation where
is a scalar, and
are matrices.
[in] | alpha | scalar. |
[in] | A | matrix. |
[in,out] | B | matrix, result of the addition of B (on entry) and A times alpha. |
Definition at line 1300 of file Functions_Matrix.cxx.
void Seldon::ApplyInversePermutation | ( | Matrix< T, Prop, ColMajor, Allocator > & | A, | |
const Vector< int > & | row_perm, | |||
const Vector< int > & | col_perm, | |||
int | starting_index | |||
) |
Inverse permutation of a general matrix stored by columns.
B(row_perm(i), col_perm(j)) = A(i,j) and A = B.
Equivalent Matlab operation: A(row_perm, col_perm) = A.
void Seldon::ApplyInversePermutation | ( | Matrix< T, Prop, RowMajor, Allocator > & | A, | |
const Vector< int > & | row_perm, | |||
const Vector< int > & | col_perm, | |||
int | starting_index | |||
) |
Inverse permutation of a general matrix stored by rows.
B(row_perm(i), col_perm(j)) = A(i,j) and A = B.
Equivalent Matlab operation: A(row_perm, col_perm) = A.
void Seldon::ApplyInversePermutation | ( | Matrix< T, Prop, RowSparse, Allocator > & | A, | |
const Vector< int > & | row_perm, | |||
const Vector< int > & | col_perm | |||
) |
Permutation of a general matrix stored by rows.
B(row_perm(i), col_perm(j)) = A(i,j) and A = B. Equivalent Matlab operation: A(row_perm, col_perm) = A.
Definition at line 43 of file Permutation_ScalingMatrix.cxx.
void Seldon::ApplyInversePermutation | ( | Matrix< T, Prop, ColSparse, Allocator > & | A, | |
const Vector< int > & | row_perm, | |||
const Vector< int > & | col_perm | |||
) |
Permutation of a general matrix stored by columns.
B(row_perm(i), col_perm(j)) = A(i,j) and A = B. Equivalent Matlab operation: A(row_perm, col_perm) = A.
Definition at line 130 of file Permutation_ScalingMatrix.cxx.
void Seldon::ApplyInversePermutation | ( | Matrix< T, Prop, ArrayRowSparse, Allocator > & | A, | |
const IVect & | row_perm, | |||
const IVect & | col_perm | |||
) |
Permutation of a general matrix stored by rows.
B(row_perm(i), col_perm(j)) = A(i,j) and A = B. Equivalent Matlab operation: A(row_perm, col_perm) = A.
Definition at line 217 of file Permutation_ScalingMatrix.cxx.
void Seldon::ApplyInversePermutation | ( | Matrix< T, Prop, ArrayColSymSparse, Allocator > & | A, | |
const IVect & | row_perm, | |||
const IVect & | col_perm | |||
) |
Permutation of a symmetric matrix stored by columns.
B(row_perm(i),col_perm(j)) = A(i,j) and A = B. Equivalent Matlab operation: A(row_perm, col_perm) = A.
Definition at line 268 of file Permutation_ScalingMatrix.cxx.
void Seldon::ApplyInversePermutation | ( | Matrix< T, Prop, ArrayRowSymComplexSparse, Allocator > & | A, | |
const IVect & | row_perm, | |||
const IVect & | col_perm | |||
) |
Permutation of a symmetric matrix stored by rows.
B(row_perm(i),col_perm(j)) = A(i,j) and A = B. Equivalent Matlab operation: A(row_perm, col_perm) = A.
Definition at line 337 of file Permutation_ScalingMatrix.cxx.
void Seldon::ApplyInversePermutation | ( | Matrix< T, Prop, ArrayRowSymSparse, Allocator > & | A, | |
const IVect & | row_perm, | |||
const IVect & | col_perm | |||
) |
Permutation of a symmetric matrix stored by rows.
B(row_perm(i),col_perm(j)) = A(i,j) and A = B. Equivalent Matlab operation: A(row_perm, col_perm) = A.
Definition at line 467 of file Permutation_ScalingMatrix.cxx.
void Seldon::ApplyPermutation | ( | Matrix< T, Prop, RowMajor, Allocator > & | A, | |
const Vector< int > & | row_perm, | |||
const Vector< int > & | col_perm, | |||
int | starting_index | |||
) |
Permutation of a general matrix stored by rows.
B(i, j) = A(row_perm(i), col_perm(j)) and A = B.
void Seldon::ApplyPermutation | ( | Matrix< T, Prop, ColMajor, Allocator > & | A, | |
const Vector< int > & | row_perm, | |||
const Vector< int > & | col_perm, | |||
int | starting_index | |||
) |
Permutation of a general matrix stored by columns.
B(i, j) = A(row_perm(i), col_perm(j)) and A = B.
void Seldon::Assemble | ( | int & | n, | |
Vector< int, Storage1, Allocator1 > & | Node, | |||
Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > & | Vect | |||
) |
Assembles a sparse vector.
The function sorts the indices in Node and adds the corresponding values of Vect corresponding.
For example, if Node = [3 2 2 0], Vect = [1.0 0.4 0.4 -0.3], the function will return: n = 3, Node = [0 2 3], Vect = [-0.3 0.8 1.0].
[in,out] | n | on entry, the number of elements to assemble; on exit, the number of values after assembling. |
[in,out] | Node | positions in the vector. |
[in,out] | Vect | values. |
Definition at line 502 of file Functions_Arrays.cxx.
void Seldon::Assemble | ( | int & | n, | |
Vector< T, Storage1, Allocator1 > & | Node | |||
) |
Sorts and removes duplicate entries of a vector.
[in,out] | n | on entry, the number of elements to assemble; on exit, the number of values after assembling. |
[in,out] | Node | vector to be assembled. |
Definition at line 535 of file Functions_Arrays.cxx.
int Seldon::BiCg | ( | Matrix1 & | A, | |
Vector1 & | x, | |||
const Vector1 & | b, | |||
Preconditioner & | M, | |||
Iteration< Titer > & | iter | |||
) |
Solves a linear system by using BiConjugate Gradient (BICG).
Solves the unsymmetric linear system Ax = b using the Preconditioned BiConjugate Gradient method.
return value of 0 indicates convergence within the maximum number of iterations (determined by the iter object). return value of 1 indicates a failure to converge.
See: R. Fletcher, Conjugate gradient methods for indefinite systems, In Numerical Analysis Dundee 1975, G. Watson, ed., Springer Verlag, Berlin, New York, 1976 pp. 73-89
int Seldon::BiCgcr | ( | Matrix1 & | A, | |
Vector1 & | x, | |||
const Vector1 & | b, | |||
Preconditioner & | M, | |||
Iteration< Titer > & | iter | |||
) |
Solves a linear system by using BiCgCr.
Solves the symmetric linear system Ax = b using the BiConjugate Gradient Conjugate Residual method.
See Iterative Methods for the Solution of Very Large Complex Symmetric Linear Systems of Equations in Electrodynamics, Markus Clemens, Thomas Weiland Fachbereich 18 Elektrische Nachrichtentechnik, Fachgebiet Theorie Elektromagnetischer Felder, Technische Hochschule Darmstadt, Schlossgartenstr. 8, D-64289 Darmstadt, Germany
[in] | A | Complex Symmetric Matrix |
[in,out] | x | Vector on input it is the initial guess on output it is the solution |
[in] | b | Vector right hand side of the linear system |
[in] | M | Right preconditioner |
[in] | iter | Iteration parameters |
Definition at line 45 of file BiCgcr.cxx.
int Seldon::BiCgStab | ( | Matrix1 & | A, | |
Vector1 & | x, | |||
const Vector1 & | b, | |||
Preconditioner & | M, | |||
Iteration< Titer > & | iter | |||
) |
Implements BiConjugate Gradient Stabilized (BICG-STAB).
return value of 0 indicates convergence within the maximum number of iterations (determined by the iter object). return value of 1 indicates a failure to converge.
See: H. Van der Vorst, Bi-CGSTAB: A fast and smoothly converging variant of BiCG for the solution of nonsysmmetric linear systems, SIAM J. Sci. Statist. Comput. 13(1992), pp. 631-644
[in] | A | Complex General Matrix |
[in,out] | x | Vector on input it is the initial guess on output it is the solution |
[in] | b | Vector right hand side of the linear system |
[in] | M | Right preconditioner |
[in] | iter | Iteration parameters |
Definition at line 44 of file BiCgStab.cxx.
int Seldon::BiCgStabl | ( | Matrix1 & | A, | |
Vector1 & | x, | |||
const Vector1 & | b, | |||
Preconditioner & | M, | |||
Iteration< Titer > & | iter | |||
) |
Implements BiConjugate Gradient Stabilized (BICG-STAB(l)).
return value of 0 indicates convergence within the maximum number of iterations (determined by the iter object). return value of 1 indicates a failure to converge.
See G L.G. Sleijpen, D. R. Fokkema BICGSTAB(l) For Linear Equations Involving Unsymmetric Matrices With Complex Spectrum
[in] | A | Complex General Matrix |
[in,out] | x | Vector on input it is the initial guess on output it is the solution |
[in] | b | Vector right hand side of the linear system |
[in] | M | Right preconditioner |
[in] | iter | Iteration parameters |
Definition at line 44 of file BiCgStabl.cxx.
int Seldon::Cg | ( | Matrix1 & | A, | |
Vector1 & | x, | |||
const Vector1 & | b, | |||
Preconditioner & | M, | |||
Iteration< Titer > & | iter | |||
) |
Solves a linear system by using Conjugate Gradient (CG).
Solves the symmetric positive definite linear system A x = b.
return value of 0 indicates convergence within the maximum number of iterations (determined by the iter object). return value of 1 indicates a failure to converge.
See M. R. Hestenes nd E. Stiefel, Methods of conjugate gradients for solving linear system, Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards, 49(1952), pp. 409-436
int Seldon::Cgne | ( | Matrix1 & | A, | |
Vector1 & | x, | |||
const Vector1 & | b, | |||
Preconditioner & | M, | |||
Iteration< Titer > & | iter | |||
) |
Solves a linear system using Conjugate Gradient Normal Equation (CGNE).
Solves the unsymmetric linear system A x = b.
return value of 0 indicates convergence within the maximum number of iterations (determined by the iter object). return value of 1 indicates a failure to converge.
int Seldon::Cgs | ( | Matrix1 & | A, | |
Vector1 & | x, | |||
const Vector1 & | b, | |||
Preconditioner & | M, | |||
Iteration< Titer > & | iter | |||
) |
Solves linear system using Conjugate Gradient Squared (CGS).
Solves the unsymmetric linear system Ax = b using the Conjugate Gradient Squared method.
return value of 0 indicates convergence within the maximum number of iterations (determined by the iter object). return value of 1 indicates a failure to converge.
See: P. Sonneveld, CGS, a fast Lanczos-type solver for nonsymmetric linear systems, SIAM, J.Sci. Statist. Comput., 10(1989), pp. 36-52
void Seldon::CheckDim | ( | const Matrix< T0, Prop0, Storage0, Allocator0 > & | A, | |
const Matrix< T1, Prop1, Storage1, Allocator1 > & | B, | |||
const Matrix< T2, Prop2, Storage2, Allocator2 > & | C, | |||
string | function = "" | |||
) |
Checks the compatibility of the dimensions.
Checks that A B + C -> C is possible according to the dimensions of the matrices A, B and C. If the dimensions are incompatible, an exception is raised (a WrongDim object is thrown).
A | matrix. | |
B | matrix. | |
C | matrix. | |
function | (optional) function in which the compatibility is checked. Default: "". |
Definition at line 1586 of file Functions_Matrix.cxx.
void Seldon::CheckDim | ( | const SeldonTranspose & | TransA, | |
const Matrix< T0, Prop0, Storage0, Allocator0 > & | A, | |||
const SeldonTranspose & | TransB, | |||
const Matrix< T1, Prop1, Storage1, Allocator1 > & | B, | |||
const Matrix< T2, Prop2, Storage2, Allocator2 > & | C, | |||
string | function = "" | |||
) |
Checks the compatibility of the dimensions.
Checks that A B + C -> C is possible according to the dimensions of the matrices A, B and C. If the dimensions are incompatible, an exception is raised (a WrongDim object is thrown).
TransA | status of A, e.g. transposed. | |
A | matrix. | |
TransB | status of B, e.g. transposed. | |
B | matrix. | |
C | matrix. (optional) function in which the compatibility is checked. Default: "". |
Definition at line 1708 of file Functions_Matrix.cxx.
void Seldon::CheckDim | ( | const SeldonSide & | side, | |
const Matrix< T0, Prop0, Storage0, Allocator0 > & | A, | |||
const Matrix< T1, Prop1, Storage1, Allocator1 > & | B, | |||
const Matrix< T2, Prop2, Storage2, Allocator2 > & | C, | |||
string | function = "" | |||
) |
Checks the compatibility of the dimensions.
Checks that A B + C -> C or B A + C -> C is possible according to the dimensions of the matrices A, B and C. If the dimensions are incompatible, an exception is raised (a WrongDim object is thrown).
side | side by which A is multiplied by B. | |
A | matrix. | |
B | matrix. | |
C | matrix. (optional) function in which the compatibility is checked. Default: "". |
Definition at line 1617 of file Functions_Matrix.cxx.
void Seldon::CheckDim | ( | const SeldonTranspose & | TransA, | |
const Matrix< T0, Prop0, Storage0, Allocator0 > & | A, | |||
const SeldonTranspose & | TransB, | |||
const Matrix< T1, Prop1, Storage1, Allocator1 > & | B, | |||
string | function = "" | |||
) |
Checks the compatibility of the dimensions.
Checks that A B -> C is possible according to the dimensions of the matrices A and B. If the dimensions are incompatible, an exception is raised (a WrongDim object is thrown).
TransA | status of A, e.g. transposed. | |
A | matrix. | |
TransB | status of B, e.g. transposed. | |
B | matrix. (optional) function in which the compatibility is checked. Default: "". |
Definition at line 1661 of file Functions_Matrix.cxx.
void Seldon::CheckDim | ( | const Matrix< T0, Prop0, Storage0, Allocator0 > & | A, | |
const Matrix< T1, Prop1, Storage1, Allocator1 > & | B, | |||
string | function = "" | |||
) |
Checks the compatibility of the dimensions.
Checks that A B is possible according to the dimensions of the matrices A and B. If the dimensions are incompatible, an exception is raised (a WrongDim object is thrown).
A | matrix. | |
B | matrix. (optional) function in which the compatibility is checked. Default: "". |
Definition at line 1753 of file Functions_Matrix.cxx.
void Seldon::CheckDim | ( | const SeldonSide & | side, | |
const Matrix< T0, Prop0, Storage0, Allocator0 > & | A, | |||
const Matrix< T1, Prop1, Storage1, Allocator1 > & | B, | |||
string | function = "" | |||
) |
Checks the compatibility of the dimensions.
Checks that A B or B A is possible according to the dimensions of the matrices A and B. If the dimensions are incompatible, an exception is raised (a WrongDim object is thrown).
side | side by which A is multiplied by B. | |
A | matrix. | |
B | matrix. (optional) function in which the compatibility is checked. Default: "". |
Definition at line 1773 of file Functions_Matrix.cxx.
void Seldon::CheckDim | ( | const Matrix< T0, Prop0, Storage0, Allocator0 > & | M, | |
const Vector< T1, Storage1, Allocator1 > & | X, | |||
const Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > & | Y, | |||
string | function = "" | |||
) |
Checks the compatibility of the dimensions.
Checks that M X + Y -> Y is possible according to the dimensions of the matrix M and the vectors X and Y. If the dimensions are incompatible, an exception is raised (a WrongDim object is thrown).
M | matrix. | |
X | vector. | |
Y | vector. | |
function | (optional) function in which the compatibility is checked. Default: "". |
Definition at line 1152 of file Functions_MatVect.cxx.
void Seldon::CheckDim | ( | const Matrix< T0, Prop0, RowMajorCollection, Allocator0 > & | M, | |
const Vector< T1, Collection, Allocator1 > & | X, | |||
const Vector< T2, Collection, Allocator2 > & | Y, | |||
string | function = "" | |||
) |
Checks the compatibility of the dimensions.
Checks that M X + Y -> Y is possible according to the dimensions of the matrix M and the vectors X and Y. If the dimensions are incompatible, an exception is raised (a WrongDim object is thrown).
M | matrix. | |
X | vector. | |
Y | vector. | |
function | (optional) function in which the compatibility is checked. Default: "". |
Definition at line 1182 of file Functions_MatVect.cxx.
void Seldon::CheckDim | ( | const Matrix< T0, Prop0, ColMajorCollection, Allocator0 > & | M, | |
const Vector< T1, Collection, Allocator1 > & | X, | |||
const Vector< T2, Collection, Allocator2 > & | Y, | |||
string | function = "" | |||
) |
Checks the compatibility of the dimensions.
Checks that M X + Y -> Y is possible according to the dimensions of the matrix M and the vectors X and Y. If the dimensions are incompatible, an exception is raised (a WrongDim object is thrown).
M | matrix. | |
X | vector. | |
Y | vector. | |
function | (optional) function in which the compatibility is checked. Default: "". |
Definition at line 1212 of file Functions_MatVect.cxx.
void Seldon::CheckDim | ( | const Matrix< T0, Prop0, Storage0, Allocator0 > & | M, | |
const Vector< T1, Storage1, Allocator1 > & | X, | |||
string | function = "" , |
string | op = "M X" | |||
) |
Checks the compatibility of the dimensions.
Checks that M X is possible according to the dimensions of the matrix M and the vector X. If the dimensions are incompatible, an exception is raised (a WrongDim object is thrown).
M | matrix. | |
X | vector. | |
function | (optional) function in which the compatibility is checked. Default: "". | |
op | (optional) operation to be performed. Default: "M X". |
Definition at line 1313 of file Functions_MatVect.cxx.
void Seldon::CheckDim | ( | const SeldonTranspose & | trans, | |
const Matrix< T0, Prop0, Storage0, Allocator0 > & | M, | |||
const Vector< T1, Storage1, Allocator1 > & | X, | |||
const Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > & | Y, | |||
string | function = "" , |
string | op = "M X + Y -> Y" | |||
) |
Checks the compatibility of the dimensions.
Checks that M X + Y -> Y is possible according to the dimensions of the matrix M and the vectors X and Y. If the dimensions are incompatible, an exception is raised (a WrongDim object is thrown).
trans | status of the matrix M, e.g. transposed. | |
M | matrix. | |
X | vector. | |
Y | vector. | |
function | (optional) function in which the compatibility is checked. Default: "". | |
op | (optional) operation to be performed on the vectors. Default: "M X + Y -> Y". |
Definition at line 1275 of file Functions_MatVect.cxx.
void Seldon::CheckDim | ( | const Matrix< T0, Prop0, Storage0, Allocator0 > & | M, | |
const Vector< T1, Collection, Allocator1 > & | X, | |||
const Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > & | Y, | |||
string | function = "" | |||
) |
Checks the compatibility of the dimensions.
Checks that M X + Y -> Y is possible according to the dimensions of the matrix M and the vectors X and Y. If the dimensions are incompatible, an exception is raised (a WrongDim object is thrown).
M | matrix. | |
X | vector. | |
Y | vector. | |
function | (optional) function in which the compatibility is checked. Default: "". |
Definition at line 1242 of file Functions_MatVect.cxx.
void Seldon::CheckDim | ( | const Vector< T0, Storage0, Allocator0 > & | X, | |
const Vector< T1, Storage1, Allocator1 > & | Y, | |||
string | function = "" , |
string | op = "X + Y" | |||
) |
Checks the compatibility of the dimensions.
Checks that X + Y is possible according to the dimensions of the vectors X and Y. If the dimensions are incompatible, an exception is raised (a WrongDim object is thrown).
X | vector. | |
Y | vector. | |
function | (optional) function in which the compatibility is checked. Default: "". | |
op | (optional) operation to be performed on the vectors. Default: "X + Y". |
Definition at line 644 of file Functions_Vector.cxx.
void Seldon::CheckDim | ( | const Vector< T0, Vect_Sparse, Allocator0 > & | X, | |
const Vector< T1, Vect_Sparse, Allocator1 > & | Y, | |||
string | function = "" , |
string | op = "X + Y" | |||
) |
Checks the compatibility of the dimensions.
Checks that X + Y is possible according to the dimensions of the vectors X and Y. If the dimensions are incompatible, an exception is raised (a WrongDim object is thrown).
X | vector. | |
Y | vector. | |
function | (optional) function in which the compatibility is checked. Default: "". | |
op | (optional) operation to be performed on the vectors. Default: "X + Y". |
Definition at line 672 of file Functions_Vector.cxx.
void Seldon::CheckDim | ( | const Vector< T0, Collection, Allocator0 > & | X, | |
const Vector< T1, Collection, Allocator1 > & | Y, | |||
string | function = "" , |
string | op = "X + Y" | |||
) |
Checks the compatibility of the dimensions.
Checks that X + Y is possible according to the dimensions of the vectors X and Y. If the dimensions are incompatible, an exception is raised (a WrongDim object is thrown).
X | vector. | |
Y | vector. | |
function | (optional) function in which the compatibility is checked. Default: "". | |
op | (optional) operation to be performed on the vectors. Default: "X + Y". |
Definition at line 694 of file Functions_Vector.cxx.
void Seldon::CheckDim | ( | const Vector< Vector< T0, Vect_Sparse, Allocator0 >, Collection, Allocator00 > & | X, | |
const Vector< Vector< T1, Vect_Sparse, Allocator1 >, Collection, Allocator11 > & | Y, | |||
string | function = "" , |
string | op = "X + Y" | |||
) |
Checks the compatibility of the dimensions.
Checks that X + Y is possible according to the dimensions of the vectors X and Y. If the dimensions are incompatible, an exception is raised (a WrongDim object is thrown).
X | vector. | |
Y | vector. | |
function | (optional) function in which the compatibility is checked. Default: "". | |
op | (optional) operation to be performed on the vectors. Default: "X + Y". |
Definition at line 731 of file Functions_Vector.cxx.
void Seldon::CheckDim | ( | const Vector< T0, VectFull, Allocator0 > & | X, | |
Vector< T1, Collection, Allocator1 > & | Y, | |||
string | function = "" , |
string | op = "X + Y" | |||
) |
Checks the compatibility of the dimensions.
Checks that X + Y is possible according to the dimensions of the vectors X and Y. If the dimensions are incompatible, an exception is raised (a WrongDim object is thrown).
X | vector. | |
Y | vector. | |
function | (optional) function in which the compatibility is checked. Default: "". | |
op | (optional) operation to be performed on the vectors. Default: "X + Y". |
Definition at line 761 of file Functions_Vector.cxx.
void Seldon::CheckDim | ( | const Vector< FloatDouble, DenseSparseCollection, Allocator0< T0 > > & | X, | |
const Vector< FloatDouble, DenseSparseCollection, Allocator1< T1 > > & | Y, | |||
string | function = "" , |
string | op = "X + Y" | |||
) |
Checks the compatibility of the dimensions.
Checks that X + Y is possible according to the dimensions of the vectors X and Y. If the dimensions are incompatible, an exception is raised (a WrongDim object is thrown).
X | vector. | |
Y | vector. | |
function | (optional) function in which the compatibility is checked. Default: "". | |
op | (optional) operation to be performed on the vectors. Default: "X + Y". |
Definition at line 790 of file Functions_Vector.cxx.
int Seldon::CoCg | ( | Matrix1 & | A, | |
Vector1 & | x, | |||
const Vector1 & | b, | |||
Preconditioner & | M, | |||
Iteration< Titer > & | iter | |||
) |
Solves a linear system by using Conjugate Orthogonal Conjugate Gradient.
Solves the symmetric complex linear system A x = b.
return value of 0 indicates convergence within the maximum number of iterations (determined by the iter object). return value of 1 indicates a failure to converge.
See H. Van der Vorst, J. Melissen, A Petrow-Galerkin type method solving Ax=b where A is symmetric complex IEEE Trans. Mag., vol 26, no 2, pp 706-708, 1990
void Seldon::ConvertMatrix_from_Coordinates | ( | Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator1 > & | IndRow_, | |
Vector< int, VectFull, Allocator2 > & | IndCol_, | |||
Vector< T, VectFull, Allocator3 > & | Val, | |||
Matrix< T, Prop, RowSparse, Allocator3 > & | A, | |||
int | index | |||
) |
Conversion from coordinate format to RowSparse.
Contrary to the other conversion functions ConvertMatrix_from_Coordinates, this one accepts duplicates.
[in] | IndRow_ | row indexes of the non-zero elements. |
[in] | IndCol_ | column indexes of the non-zero elements. |
[in] | Val | values of the non-zero elements. |
[out] | A | matrix defined by IndRow, IndCol and Val. |
[in] | index | index of the first column and of the first row. |
void Seldon::Copy | ( | const Matrix< T1, Prop1, ColSparse, Alloc1 > & | A, | |
Matrix< T2, Prop2, RowSparse, Alloc2 > & | B | |||
) |
Conversion from column-oriented sparse to row-oriented sparse.
[in] | A | matrix to be converted. |
[out] | B | converted matrix. |
int Seldon::Gcr | ( | Matrix1 & | A, | |
Vector1 & | x, | |||
const Vector1 & | b, | |||
Preconditioner & | M, | |||
Iteration< Titer > & | outer | |||
) |
Solves a linear system by using Generalized Conjugate Residual (GCR).
Solves the linear system Ax = b with restarted Preconditioned Generalized Conjugate Residual Algorithm.
return value of 0 indicates convergence within the maximum number of iterations (determined by the iter object). return value of 1 indicates a failure to converge.
See: Y. Saad, Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear System, PWS Publishing Company, 1996
void Seldon::GetAndSolveLU | ( | Matrix< T0, Prop0, Storage0, Allocator0 > & | M, | |
Vector< T1, Storage1, Allocator1 > & | Y | |||
) |
Solves a linear system using LU factorization.
This function solves where
is a matrix, and
are vectors.
[in] | M | the matrix of the linear system, to be factorized in LU form. On exit, M contains its LU factorization. |
[in,out] | Y | on entry, the right-hand side ![]() ![]() |
Definition at line 1116 of file Functions_MatVect.cxx.
void Seldon::GetCholesky | ( | Matrix< T, Prop, ArrayRowSymSparse, Allocator > & | A | ) |
Implementation of Cholesky factorization for sparse symmetric matrix.
This method may be slow for large matrices. For large matrices, it is more efficient to use an external library (Cholmod for example)
Definition at line 32 of file SparseCholeskyFactorisation.cxx.
void Seldon::GetLU | ( | Matrix< T0, Prop0, Storage0, Allocator0 > & | A | ) |
Returns the LU factorization of a matrix.
It factorizes the matrix A into L and U, so that , L is a lower triangular matrix with ones on the diagonal, and U is an upper triangular matrix. On exit, the LU factorization is stored inside A: L in the lower part and U in the upper part. The diagonal elements are those of U. The diagonal elements of L are known to be ones.
[in,out] | A | on entry, the matrix to be factorized; on exit, the LU factorization. |
Definition at line 1531 of file Functions_Matrix.cxx.
int Seldon::Gmres | ( | MatrixSparse & | A, | |
Vector1 & | x, | |||
const Vector1 & | b, | |||
Preconditioner & | M, | |||
Iteration< Titer > & | outer | |||
) |
Solves a linear system by using Generalized Minimum Residual (GMRES).
Solves the unsymmetric linear system Ax = b using restarted GMRES.
return value of 0 indicates convergence within the maximum number of iterations (determined by the iter object). return value of 1 indicates a failure to converge.
See: Y. Saad and M. Schulter. GMRES: A generalized minimum residual algorithm for solving nonsysmmetric linear systems, SIAM J. Sci. Statist. Comp. 7(1986), pp, 856-869
int Seldon::Lsqr | ( | Matrix1 & | A, | |
Vector1 & | x, | |||
const Vector1 & | b, | |||
Preconditioner & | M, | |||
Iteration< Titer > & | iter | |||
) |
Solves a linear system by using Least Squares (LSQR).
Solves the unsymmetric linear system A x = b.
return value of 0 indicates convergence within the maximum number of iterations (determined by the iter object). return value of 1 indicates a failure to converge.
T Seldon::MaxAbs | ( | const Matrix< T, Prop, Storage, Allocator > & | A | ) |
Returns the maximum (in absolute value) of a matrix.
[in] | A | matrix. |
Definition at line 1809 of file Functions_Matrix.cxx.
T Seldon::MaxAbs | ( | const Matrix< complex< T >, Prop, Storage, Allocator > & | A | ) |
Returns the maximum (in modulus) of a matrix.
[in] | A | matrix. |
Definition at line 1870 of file Functions_Matrix.cxx.
void Seldon::MergeSort | ( | int | m, | |
int | n, | |||
Vector< T, Storage, Allocator > & | tab1 | |||
) |
Vector tab1 is sorted by using MergeSort algorithm.
Sorts array tab1 between position m and n.
Definition at line 254 of file Functions_Arrays.cxx.
void Seldon::MergeSort | ( | int | m, | |
int | n, | |||
Vector< T1, Storage1, Allocator1 > & | tab1, | |||
Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > & | tab2 | |||
) |
Vector tab1 is sorted by using MergeSort algorithm.
Sorts array tab1 between position m and n. The sort operation affects tab2.
Definition at line 337 of file Functions_Arrays.cxx.
void Seldon::MergeSort | ( | int | m, | |
int | n, | |||
Vector< T1, Storage1, Allocator1 > & | tab1, | |||
Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > & | tab2, | |||
Vector< T3, Storage3, Allocator3 > & | tab3 | |||
) |
Vector tab1 is sorted by using MergeSort algorithm.
Sorts array tab1 between position m and n. The sort operation affects tab2 and tab3.
Definition at line 412 of file Functions_Arrays.cxx.
int Seldon::MinRes | ( | Matrix1 & | A, | |
Vector1 & | x, | |||
const Vector1 & | b, | |||
Preconditioner & | M, | |||
Iteration< Titer > & | iter | |||
) |
Solves a linear system by using Minimum Residual (MinRes).
Solves a real symmetric linear system Ax = b with restarted Preconditioned Minimum Residual Algorithm.
return value of 0 indicates convergence within the maximum number of iterations (determined by the iter object). return value of 1 indicates a failure to converge.
See C. PAIGE AND M. SAUNDERS, Solution of sparse indefinite systems of linear equations, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 12 (1975), pp. 617-629.
[in] | A | Real Symmetric Matrix |
[in,out] | x | Vector on input it is the initial guess on output it is the solution |
[in] | b | Vector right hand side of the linear system |
[in] | M | Right preconditioner |
[in] | iter | Iteration parameters |
Definition at line 47 of file MinRes.cxx.
void Seldon::Mlt | ( | const Matrix< T0, Prop0, RowSparse, Allocator0 > & | A, | |
const Matrix< T1, Prop1, RowSparse, Allocator1 > & | B, | |||
Matrix< T2, Prop2, RowSparse, Allocator2 > & | C | |||
) |
Multiplies two row-major sparse matrices in Harwell-Boeing format.
It performs the operation where
are row-major sparse matrices in Harwell-Boeing format.
[in] | A | row-major sparse matrix in Harwell-Boeing format. |
[in] | B | row-major sparse matrix in Harwell-Boeing format. |
[out] | C | row-major sparse matrix in Harwell-Boeing format, result of the product of A with B. It does not need to have the right non-zero entries. |
Definition at line 231 of file Functions_Matrix.cxx.
void Seldon::Mlt | ( | const T0 | alpha, | |
Matrix< T1, Prop1, Storage1, Allocator1 > & | A | |||
) | throw () |
Multiplies a matrix by a scalar.
[in] | alpha | scalar. |
[in,out] | M | matrix to be multiplied. |
Definition at line 73 of file Functions_Matrix.cxx.
void Seldon::Mlt | ( | const T0 | alpha, | |
Matrix< T1, Prop1, RowMajorCollection, Allocator1 > & | A | |||
) |
Multiplies a matrix by a scalar.
[in] | alpha | scalar. |
[in,out] | M | matrix to be multiplied. |
Definition at line 110 of file Functions_Matrix.cxx.
void Seldon::Mlt | ( | const T0 | alpha, | |
Matrix< FloatDouble, General, DenseSparseCollection, Allocator > & | A | |||
) |
Multiplies a FloatDouble collection by a scalar.
[in] | alpha | scalar. |
[in,out] | M | matrix to be multiplied. |
Definition at line 126 of file Functions_Matrix.cxx.
void Seldon::Mlt | ( | const T0 | alpha, | |
Matrix< T1, Prop1, ColMajorCollection, Allocator1 > & | A | |||
) |
Multiplies a matrix by a scalar.
[in] | alpha | scalar. |
[in,out] | M | matrix to be multiplied. |
Definition at line 93 of file Functions_Matrix.cxx.
void Seldon::Mlt | ( | const Matrix< T0, Prop0, Storage0, Allocator0 > & | M, | |
const Vector< T1, Storage1, Allocator1 > & | X, | |||
Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > & | Y | |||
) |
Performs the multiplication of a matrix with a vector.
It performs the operation where
is a
matrix, and
is a vector of length
. The returned vector
must be of length
[in] | M | m by n matrix. |
[in] | X | vector of length n. |
[out] | Y | vector of length m, result of the product of M by X. It must have the right length on entry: it will not be resized. |
Definition at line 69 of file Functions_MatVect.cxx.
void Seldon::Mlt | ( | const T0 | alpha, | |
const Matrix< T1, Prop1, Storage1, Allocator1 > & | A, | |||
const Matrix< T2, Prop2, Storage2, Allocator2 > & | B, | |||
Matrix< T3, Prop3, Storage3, Allocator3 > & | C | |||
) |
Multiplies two matrices.
It performs the operation where
is a scalar, and
are matrices.
[in] | alpha | scalar. |
[in] | A | matrix. |
[in] | B | matrix. |
[out] | C | matrix, result of the product of A with B, times alpha. |
Definition at line 190 of file Functions_Matrix.cxx.
void Seldon::Mlt | ( | const T3 & | alpha, | |
const Matrix< T1, Prop1, Storage1, Allocator1 > & | M, | |||
const Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > & | X, | |||
Vector< T3, Storage3, Allocator3 > & | Y | |||
) |
Performs the multiplication of a matrix with a vector.
It performs the operation where
is a scalar,
is a
matrix, and
is a vector of length
. The returned vector
must be of length
[in] | alpha | scalar. |
[in] | M | m by n matrix. |
[in] | X | vector of length n. |
[out] | Y | vector of length m, result of the product of M by X, times alpha. It must have the right length on entry: it will not be resized. |
Definition at line 93 of file Functions_MatVect.cxx.
void Seldon::Mlt | ( | const SeldonTranspose & | Trans, | |
const Matrix< T1, Prop1, Storage1, Allocator1 > & | M, | |||
const Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > & | X, | |||
Vector< T3, Storage3, Allocator3 > & | Y | |||
) |
Performs the multiplication of a matrix with a vector.
It performs the operation or
is a
matrix, and
is a vector of length
. The returned vector
must be of length
[in] | Trans | transposition status of M: it may be SeldonNoTrans or SeldonTrans. |
[in] | M | m by n matrix. |
[in] | X | vector of length m. |
[out] | Y | vector of length n, result of the product of M^T by X. It must have the right length on entry: it will not be resized. |
Definition at line 117 of file Functions_MatVect.cxx.
void Seldon::Mlt | ( | const Matrix< T0, Prop0, Storage0, Allocator0 > & | A, | |
const Matrix< T1, Prop1, Storage1, Allocator1 > & | B, | |||
Matrix< T2, Prop2, Storage2, Allocator2 > & | C | |||
) |
Multiplies two matrices.
It performs the operation where
are matrices.
[in] | A | matrix. |
[in] | B | matrix. |
[out] | C | matrix, result of the product of A with B. |
Definition at line 210 of file Functions_Matrix.cxx.
void Seldon::MltAdd | ( | const T0 | alpha, | |
const Matrix< T1, Prop1, ColMajorCollection, Allocator1 > & | M, | |||
const Vector< T2, Collection, Allocator2 > & | X, | |||
const T3 | beta, | |||
Vector< T4, Collection, Allocator4 > & | Y | |||
) |
Performs the multiplication of a matrix collection with a vector collection, and adds the result to another vector.
It performs the operation where
are scalars,
is a
matrix, and
is a vector of length
. The vector
must be of length
[in] | alpha | scalar. |
[in] | M | m by n matrix colection. |
[in] | X | vector collection of length n. |
[in] | beta | scalar. |
[in,out] | Y | vector collection of length m, result of the product of M by X, times alpha, plus Y (on entry) times beta. |
Definition at line 808 of file Functions_MatVect.cxx.
void Seldon::MltAdd | ( | const T0 | alpha, | |
const SeldonTranspose & | Trans, | |||
const Matrix< T1, Prop1, Storage1, Allocator1 > & | M, | |||
const Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > & | X, | |||
const T3 | beta, | |||
Vector< T4, Storage4, Allocator4 > & | Y | |||
) |
Performs the multiplication of a matrix (possibly transposed) with a vector, and adds the result to another vector.
It performs the operation or
are scalars,
is a
matrix or a
matrix, and
is a vector of length
. The vector
must be of length
[in] | alpha | scalar. |
[in] | Trans | transposition status of M: it may be SeldonNoTrans or SeldonTrans. |
[in] | M | m by n matrix, or n by m matrix if transposed. |
[in] | X | vector of length n. |
[in] | beta | scalar. |
[in,out] | Y | vector of length m, result of the product of M by X, times alpha, plus Y (on entry) times beta. |
Definition at line 855 of file Functions_MatVect.cxx.
void Seldon::MltAdd | ( | const T0 | alpha, | |
const Matrix< T1, Prop1, RowMajorCollection, Allocator1 > & | M, | |||
const Vector< T2, Collection, Allocator2 > & | X, | |||
const T3 | beta, | |||
Vector< T4, Collection, Allocator4 > & | Y | |||
) |
Performs the multiplication of a matrix collection with a vector collection, and adds the result to another vector.
It performs the operation where
are scalars,
is a
matrix, and
is a vector of length
. The vector
must be of length
[in] | alpha | scalar. |
[in] | M | m by n matrix colection. |
[in] | X | vector collection of length n. |
[in] | beta | scalar. |
[in,out] | Y | vector collection of length m, result of the product of M by X, times alpha, plus Y (on entry) times beta. |
Definition at line 766 of file Functions_MatVect.cxx.
void Seldon::MltAdd | ( | const T0 | alpha, | |
const Matrix< FloatDouble, General, DenseSparseCollection, Allocator1 > & | A, | |||
const Matrix< FloatDouble, General, DenseSparseCollection, Allocator2 > & | B, | |||
const T3 | beta, | |||
Matrix< FloatDouble, General, DenseSparseCollection, Allocator4 > & | C | |||
) |
Multiplies a FloatDouble collection by a scalar.
[in] | alpha | scalar. |
[in,out] | M | matrix to be multiplied. |
Definition at line 844 of file Functions_Matrix.cxx.
void Seldon::MltAdd | ( | const T0 | alpha, | |
const Matrix< T1, Prop1, RowSparse, Allocator1 > & | A, | |||
const Matrix< T2, Prop2, RowSparse, Allocator2 > & | B, | |||
const T3 | beta, | |||
Matrix< T4, Prop4, RowSparse, Allocator4 > & | C | |||
) |
Multiplies two row-major sparse matrices and adds the result to a third.
It performs the operation where
are row-major sparse matrices in Harwell-Boeing format, and
are scalars.
[in] | alpha | scalar. |
[in] | A | row-major sparse matrix in Harwell-Boeing format. |
[in] | B | row-major sparse matrix in Harwell-Boeing format. |
[in] | beta | scalar. |
[in,out] | C | row-major sparse matrix in Harwell-Boeing format. On exit, it is equal to ![]() |
Definition at line 921 of file Functions_Matrix.cxx.
void Seldon::MltAdd | ( | const T0 | alpha, | |
const Matrix< T1, Prop1, Storage1, Allocator1 > & | M, | |||
const Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > & | X, | |||
const T3 | beta, | |||
Vector< T4, Storage4, Allocator4 > & | Y | |||
) |
Performs the multiplication of a matrix with a vector, and adds the result to another vector.
It performs the operation where
are scalars,
is a
matrix, and
is a vector of length
. The vector
must be of length
[in] | alpha | scalar. |
[in] | M | m by n matrix. |
[in] | X | vector of length n. |
[in] | beta | scalar. |
[in,out] | Y | vector of length m, result of the product of M by X, times alpha, plus Y (on entry) times beta. |
Definition at line 718 of file Functions_MatVect.cxx.
void Seldon::MltAdd | ( | const T0 | alpha, | |
const SeldonTranspose & | TransA, | |||
const Matrix< T1, Prop1, RowSparse, Allocator1 > & | A, | |||
const SeldonTranspose & | TransB, | |||
const Matrix< T2, Prop2, RowSparse, Allocator2 > & | B, | |||
const T3 | beta, | |||
Matrix< T4, Prop4, RowSparse, Allocator4 > & | C | |||
) |
Multiplies two row-major sparse matrices and adds the result to a third.
It performs the operation or
are row-major sparse matrices in Harwell-Boeing format, and
are scalars.
[in] | alpha | scalar. |
[in] | TransA | status of A: it must be SeldonNoTrans. This argument is required for consistency with the interface for full matrices. |
[in] | A | row-major sparse matrix in Harwell-Boeing format. |
[in] | TransB | status of B: SeldonNoTrans or SeldonTrans. |
[in] | B | row-major sparse matrix in Harwell-Boeing format. |
[in] | beta | scalar. |
[in,out] | C | row-major sparse matrix in Harwell-Boeing format. On exit, it is equal to ![]() ![]() |
Definition at line 1027 of file Functions_Matrix.cxx.
void Seldon::MltAdd | ( | const T0 | alpha, | |
const Matrix< T1, Prop1, RowMajorCollection, Allocator1 > & | A, | |||
const Matrix< T2, Prop2, RowMajorCollection, Allocator2 > & | B, | |||
const T3 | beta, | |||
Matrix< T4, Prop4, RowMajorCollection, Allocator4 > & | C | |||
) |
Multiplies two matrices, and adds the result to a third matrix.
It performs the operation where
are scalars, and
are matrices.
[in] | alpha | scalar. |
[in] | A | matrix. |
[in] | B | matrix. |
[in] | beta | scalar. |
[in,out] | C | matrix, result of the product of A with B, times alpha, plus beta times C. |
Definition at line 597 of file Functions_Matrix.cxx.
void Seldon::MltAdd | ( | const T0 | alpha, | |
const Matrix< T1, Prop1, ColMajorCollection, Allocator1 > & | A, | |||
const Matrix< T2, Prop2, ColMajorCollection, Allocator2 > & | B, | |||
const T3 | beta, | |||
Matrix< T4, Prop4, ColMajorCollection, Allocator4 > & | C | |||
) |
Multiplies two matrices, and adds the result to a third matrix.
It performs the operation where
are scalars, and
are matrices.
[in] | alpha | scalar. |
[in] | A | matrix. |
[in] | B | matrix. |
[in] | beta | scalar. |
[in,out] | C | matrix, result of the product of A with B, times alpha, plus beta times C. |
Definition at line 639 of file Functions_Matrix.cxx.
void Seldon::MltAdd | ( | const T0 | alpha, | |
const Matrix< T1, Prop1, Storage1, Allocator1 > & | A, | |||
const Matrix< T2, Prop2, Storage2, Allocator2 > & | B, | |||
const T3 | beta, | |||
Matrix< T4, Prop4, Storage4, Allocator4 > & | C | |||
) |
Multiplies two matrices, and adds the result to a third matrix.
It performs the operation where
are scalars, and
are matrices.
[in] | alpha | scalar. |
[in] | A | matrix. |
[in] | B | matrix. |
[in] | beta | scalar. |
[in,out] | C | matrix, result of the product of A with B, times alpha, plus beta times C. |
Definition at line 540 of file Functions_Matrix.cxx.
void Seldon::MltNoTransTrans | ( | const Matrix< T0, Prop0, RowSparse, Allocator0 > & | A, | |
const Matrix< T1, Prop1, RowSparse, Allocator1 > & | B, | |||
Matrix< T2, Prop2, RowSparse, Allocator2 > & | C | |||
) |
Multiplies two row-major sparse matrices in Harwell-Boeing format.
It performs the operation where
are row-major sparse matrices in Harwell-Boeing format.
[in] | A | row-major sparse matrix in Harwell-Boeing format. |
[in] | B | row-major sparse matrix in Harwell-Boeing format. |
[out] | C | row-major sparse matrix in Harwell-Boeing format, result of the product of A with B transposed. It does not need to have the right non-zero entries. |
Definition at line 378 of file Functions_Matrix.cxx.
void Seldon::MltNoTransTransAdd | ( | const T0 | alpha, | |
const Matrix< T1, Prop1, RowSparse, Allocator1 > & | A, | |||
const Matrix< T2, Prop2, RowSparse, Allocator2 > & | B, | |||
const T3 | beta, | |||
Matrix< T4, Prop4, RowSparse, Allocator4 > & | C | |||
) |
Multiplies two row-major sparse matrices and adds the result to a third.
It performs the operation where
are row-major sparse matrices in Harwell-Boeing format, and
are scalars.
[in] | alpha | scalar. |
[in] | A | row-major sparse matrix in Harwell-Boeing format. |
[in] | B | row-major sparse matrix in Harwell-Boeing format. |
[in] | beta | scalar. |
[in,out] | C | row-major sparse matrix in Harwell-Boeing format. On exit, it is equal to ![]() |
Definition at line 972 of file Functions_Matrix.cxx.
T Seldon::Norm1 | ( | const Matrix< T, Prop, Storage, Allocator > & | A | ) |
Returns the 1-norm of a matrix.
[in] | A | matrix. |
Definition at line 1826 of file Functions_Matrix.cxx.
T Seldon::Norm1 | ( | const Matrix< complex< T >, Prop, Storage, Allocator > & | A | ) |
Returns the 1-norm of a matrix.
[in] | A | matrix. |
Definition at line 1889 of file Functions_Matrix.cxx.
T Seldon::NormInf | ( | const Matrix< T, Prop, Storage, Allocator > & | A | ) |
Returns the infinity-norm of a matrix.
[in] | A | matrix. |
Definition at line 1848 of file Functions_Matrix.cxx.
T Seldon::NormInf | ( | const Matrix< complex< T >, Prop, Storage, Allocator > & | A | ) |
Returns the infinity-norm of a matrix.
[in] | A | matrix. |
Definition at line 1911 of file Functions_Matrix.cxx.
ostream & Seldon::operator<< | ( | ostream & | out, | |
const Array3D< T, Allocator > & | A | |||
) |
operator<< overloaded for a 3D array.
out | output stream. | |
A | the 3D array. |
ostream & Seldon::operator<< | ( | ostream & | out, | |
const Vector< FloatDouble, DenseSparseCollection, Allocator< T > > & | V | |||
) |
operator<< overloaded for vector collections.
[in] | out | output stream. |
[in] | V | vector collection to be put in the stream. |
ostream & Seldon::operator<< | ( | ostream & | out, | |
const Vector< T, VectSparse, Allocator > & | V | |||
) |
operator<< overloaded for sparse vectors.
out | output stream. | |
V | vector to be put in the stream. |
ostream & Seldon::operator<< | ( | ostream & | out, | |
const Vector< T, Storage, Allocator > & | V | |||
) |
operator<< overloaded for vectors.
out | output stream. | |
V | vector to be put in the stream. |
ostream & Seldon::operator<< | ( | ostream & | out, | |
const Vector< T, Collection, Allocator > & | V | |||
) |
operator<< overloaded for vector collections.
[in] | out | output stream. |
[in] | V | vector collection to be put in the stream. |
ostream & Seldon::operator<< | ( | ostream & | out, | |
const Matrix< T, Prop, Storage, Allocator > & | A | |||
) |
out | output stream. | |
A | matrix to be put in the stream. |
int Seldon::QCgs | ( | Matrix1 & | A, | |
Vector1 & | x, | |||
const Vector1 & | b, | |||
Preconditioner & | M, | |||
Iteration< Titer > & | iter | |||
) |
Solves linear system using Quasi-minimized Conjugate Gradient Squared.
Solves the unsymmetric linear system Ax = b using the Quasi-minimized Conjugate Gradient Squared method.
return value of 0 indicates convergence within the maximum number of iterations (determined by the iter object). return value of 1 indicates a failure to converge.
see A Comparative Study of Preconditioned Lanczos Methods for Nonsymmetric Linear Systems C. H. Tong, Sandia Report
int Seldon::Qmr | ( | Matrix1 & | A, | |
Vector1 & | x, | |||
const Vector1 & | b, | |||
Preconditioner & | M, | |||
Iteration< Titer > & | iter | |||
) |
Solves a linear system by using Quasi-Minimal Residual (QMR).
Solves the unsymmetric linear system Ax = b using the Quasi-Minimal Residual method.
See: R. W. Freund and N. M. Nachtigal, A quasi-minimal residual method for non-Hermitian linear systems, Numerical Math., 60(1991), pp. 315-339
int Seldon::QmrSym | ( | Matrix1 & | A, | |
Vector1 & | x, | |||
const Vector1 & | b, | |||
Preconditioner & | M, | |||
Iteration< Titer > & | iter | |||
) |
Solves linear system using Symmetric Quasi-Minimal Residual (SQMR).
Solves the symmetric linear system Ax = b using the Quasi-Minimal Residual method.
See: R. W. Freund and N. M. Nachtigal, A quasi-minimal residual method for non-Hermitian linear systems, Numerical Math., 60(1991), pp. 315-339
[in] | A | Complex Symmetric Matrix |
[in,out] | x | Vector on input it is the initial guess on output it is the solution |
[in] | b | Right hand side of the linear system |
[in] | M | Left preconditioner |
[in] | iter | Iteration parameters |
Definition at line 42 of file QmrSym.cxx.
void Seldon::QuickSort | ( | int | m, | |
int | n, | |||
Vector< T, Storage, Allocator > & | t | |||
) |
Vector t is sorted by using QuickSort algorithm.
Sorts array t between position m and n.
Definition at line 104 of file Functions_Arrays.cxx.
void Seldon::QuickSort | ( | int | m, | |
int | n, | |||
Vector< T1, Storage1, Allocator1 > & | t1, | |||
Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > & | t2 | |||
) |
Vector t1 is sorted by using QuickSort algorithm.
Sorts array t2 between position m and n, the sorting operation affects vector t2.
Definition at line 165 of file Functions_Arrays.cxx.
void Seldon::QuickSort | ( | int | m, | |
int | n, | |||
Vector< T1, Storage1, Allocator1 > & | t1, | |||
Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > & | t2, | |||
Vector< T3, Storage3, Allocator3 > & | t3 | |||
) |
Vector t1 is sorted by using QuickSort algorithm.
Sorts array t1 between position m and n, the sorting operation affects vectors t2 and t3.
Definition at line 235 of file Functions_Arrays.cxx.
void Seldon::ReadHarwellBoeing | ( | string | filename, | |
string | value_type, | |||
string | matrix_type, | |||
Matrix< T, Prop, Storage, Allocator > & | A | |||
) |
Reads a sparse matrix in a file in Harwell-Boeing format.
This functions was written to read the files in Harwell-Boeing format as distributed on the Matrix Market, A file from Matrix Market is associated with a type encoded in three characters (which is usually its extension). The supported types have:
[in] | filename | path to the file that contains the matrix. |
[in] | value_type | the type of involved data: only "real" is supported. |
[in] | matrix_type | the type of matrix: only "general" is supported. |
[out] | A | the matrix to be structured and filled with the values of filename. |
void Seldon::ReadHarwellBoeing | ( | string | filename, | |
Matrix< float, Prop, ColSparse, Allocator > & | A | |||
) |
Reads a sparse matrix in a file in Harwell-Boeing format.
This functions was written to read the files in Harwell-Boeing format as distributed on the Matrix Market, A file from Matrix Market is associated with a type encoded in three characters (which is usually its extension). The supported types have:
[in] | filename | path to the file that contains the matrix. |
[out] | A | the matrix to be structured and filled with the values of filename. |
void Seldon::ReadHarwellBoeing | ( | string | filename, | |
Matrix< double, Prop, ColSparse, Allocator > & | A | |||
) |
Reads a sparse matrix in a file in Harwell-Boeing format.
This functions was written to read the files in Harwell-Boeing format as distributed on the Matrix Market, A file from Matrix Market is associated with a type encoded in three characters (which is usually its extension). The supported types have:
[in] | filename | path to the file that contains the matrix. |
[out] | A | the matrix to be structured and filled with the values of filename. |
void Seldon::RemoveDuplicate | ( | Vector< T, Storage1, Allocator1 > & | Node, | |
Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > & | Node2 | |||
) |
Sorts and removes duplicate entries of a vector.
Sorting operations of Node also affect Node2.
Definition at line 605 of file Functions_Arrays.cxx.
void Seldon::RemoveDuplicate | ( | int & | n, | |
Vector< T, Storage1, Allocator1 > & | Node, | |||
Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > & | Node2 | |||
) |
Sorts and removes duplicate entries of a vector.
Sorting operations on Node also affect Node2.
Definition at line 570 of file Functions_Arrays.cxx.
void Seldon::ScaleLeftMatrix | ( | Matrix< T1, Prop, ArrayRowSymSparse, Allocator1 > & | A, | |
const Vector< T2, VectFull, Allocator2 > & | scale | |||
) |
Each row is scaled.
We compute diag(S)*A where S = scale. In order to keep symmetry, the operation is performed on upper part of the matrix, considering that lower part is affected by this operation.
Definition at line 634 of file Permutation_ScalingMatrix.cxx.
void Seldon::ScaleLeftMatrix | ( | Matrix< T1, Prop, ArrayRowComplexSparse, Allocator1 > & | A, | |
const Vector< T2, VectFull, Allocator2 > & | scale | |||
) |
Each row is scaled.
We compute diag(S)*A where S = scale.
Definition at line 673 of file Permutation_ScalingMatrix.cxx.
void Seldon::ScaleLeftMatrix | ( | Matrix< T1, Prop, ArrayRowSparse, Allocator1 > & | A, | |
const Vector< T2, VectFull, Allocator2 > & | scale | |||
) |
Each row is scaled.
We compute diag(S)*A where S = scale.
Definition at line 616 of file Permutation_ScalingMatrix.cxx.
void Seldon::ScaleLeftMatrix | ( | Matrix< T1, Prop, ArrayRowSymComplexSparse, Allocator1 > & | A, | |
const Vector< T2, VectFull, Allocator2 > & | scale | |||
) |
Each row is scaled.
We compute diag(S)*A where S = scale. In order to keep symmetry, the operation is performed on upper part of the matrix, considering that lower part is affected by this operation.
Definition at line 652 of file Permutation_ScalingMatrix.cxx.
void Seldon::ScaleMatrix | ( | Matrix< T1, Prop, ArrayRowSymSparse, Allocator1 > & | A, | |
const Vector< T2, VectFull, Allocator2 > & | scale_left, | |||
const Vector< T3, VectFull, Allocator3 > & | scale_right | |||
) |
Each row and column are scaled.
We compute diag(scale_left)*A*diag(scale_right).
Definition at line 554 of file Permutation_ScalingMatrix.cxx.
void Seldon::ScaleMatrix | ( | Matrix< T1, Prop, ArrayRowComplexSparse, Allocator1 > & | A, | |
const Vector< T2, VectFull, Allocator2 > & | scale_left, | |||
const Vector< T3, VectFull, Allocator3 > & | scale_right | |||
) |
Each row and column are scaled.
We compute diag(scale_left)*A*diag(scale_right).
Definition at line 594 of file Permutation_ScalingMatrix.cxx.
void Seldon::ScaleMatrix | ( | Matrix< T1, Prop, ArrayRowSparse, Allocator1 > & | A, | |
const Vector< T2, VectFull, Allocator2 > & | scale_left, | |||
const Vector< T3, VectFull, Allocator3 > & | scale_right | |||
) |
Each row and column are scaled.
We compute diag(scale_left)*A*diag(scale_right).
Definition at line 536 of file Permutation_ScalingMatrix.cxx.
void Seldon::ScaleMatrix | ( | Matrix< T1, Prop, ArrayRowSymComplexSparse, Allocator1 > & | A, | |
const Vector< T2, VectFull, Allocator2 > & | scale_left, | |||
const Vector< T3, VectFull, Allocator3 > & | scale_right | |||
) |
Each row and column are scaled.
We compute diag(scale_left)*A*diag(scale_right).
Definition at line 572 of file Permutation_ScalingMatrix.cxx.
void Seldon::SetComplexOne | ( | T & | number | ) | [inline] |
Sets a number to one.
[in,out] | number | number to be set to one. |
void Seldon::SetComplexOne | ( | complex< T > & | number | ) | [inline] |
Sets a complex number to (1, 0).
[in,out] | number | complex number to be set to (1, 0). |
void Seldon::SetComplexZero | ( | complex< T > & | number | ) | [inline] |
Sets a complex number to zero.
[in,out] | number | complex number to be set to zero. |
void Seldon::SetComplexZero | ( | T & | number | ) | [inline] |
Sets a number to zero.
[in,out] | number | number to be set to zero. |
void Seldon::Solve | ( | Matrix< T, Prop0, RowSparse, Allocator0 > & | M, | |
Vector< T, VectFull, Allocator1 > & | Y | |||
) |
Solves a sparse linear system using LU factorization.
This function solves where
is a matrix, and
are vectors.
[in] | M | the sparse matrix of the linear system, to be factorized in LU form by UMFPACK, SuperLU or Mumps. On exit, M is cleared. |
[in,out] | Y | on entry, the right-hand side ![]() ![]() |
void Seldon::Solve | ( | Matrix< T, Prop0, ColSparse, Allocator0 > & | M, | |
Vector< T, VectFull, Allocator1 > & | Y | |||
) |
Solves a sparse linear system using LU factorization.
This function solves where
is a matrix, and
are vectors.
[in] | M | the sparse matrix of the linear system, to be factorized in LU form by UMFPACK, SuperLU or Mumps. On exit, M is cleared. |
[in,out] | Y | on entry, the right-hand side ![]() ![]() |
void Seldon::SolveLU | ( | const Matrix< real, Symmetric, ArrayRowSymSparse, Allocator > & | A, | |
Vector< cplx, Storage2, Allocator2 > & | x | |||
) |
Resolution of L D L^t y = x (result is overwritten in x).
The factor L^t is assumed to be stored in matrix A. The diagonal of A is equal to the inverse of diagonal D.
Definition at line 605 of file SymmetricIlutPreconditioning.cxx.
void Seldon::SolveLU | ( | const Matrix< real, General, ArrayRowSparse, Allocator > & | A, | |
Vector< cplx, Storage2, Allocator2 > & | x | |||
) |
Resolution of LU y = x (x is overwritten with y).
L and U are assumed to be stored in A. The diagonal of A contains the inverse of the diagonal of U.
Definition at line 1238 of file IlutPreconditioning.cxx.
void Seldon::SolveLU | ( | const Matrix< T0, Prop0, Storage0, Allocator0 > & | M, | |
Vector< T1, Storage1, Allocator1 > & | Y | |||
) |
Solves a linear system whose matrix has been LU-factorized.
This function solves where
is a matrix, and
are vectors. The matrix M cannot be provided as such to this function: it must already be factorized in LU form.
[in] | M | the matrix of the linear system, already factorized in LU form. The lower part of M should be L, and the upper part should be U. The diagonal of M should be the diagonal of U. The diagonal elements of L are assumed to be ones. |
[in,out] | Y | on entry, the right-hand side ![]() ![]() |
Definition at line 1062 of file Functions_MatVect.cxx.
void Seldon::SolveSylvester | ( | Matrix< double, Prop, Storage, Allocator > & | A, | |
Matrix< double, Prop, Storage, Allocator > & | B, | |||
Matrix< double, Prop, Storage, Allocator > & | C, | |||
Matrix< double, Prop, Storage, Allocator > & | D, | |||
Matrix< double, Prop, Storage, Allocator > & | E | |||
) |
Solves A X B^T + C X D^T = E, E is overwritten with result X. A, B, C and D are modified
Definition at line 4328 of file Lapack_Eigenvalues.cxx.
void Seldon::SOR | ( | const Matrix< T0, Prop0, RowComplexSparse, Allocator0 > & | A, | |
Vector< complex< T2 >, Storage2, Allocator2 > & | X, | |||
const Vector< complex< T1 >, Storage1, Allocator1 > & | B, | |||
const T3 & | omega, | |||
int | iter, | |||
int | type_ssor = 2 | |||
) |
Successive overrelaxation.
Solving A X = B by using S.O.R algorithm. omega is the relaxation parameter, iter the number of iterations. type_ssor = 2 forward sweep type_ssor = 3 backward sweep type_ssor = 0 forward and backward sweep
Definition at line 442 of file Relaxation_MatVect.cxx.
void Seldon::SOR | ( | const Matrix< T0, Prop0, RowSymComplexSparse, Allocator0 > & | A, | |
Vector< complex< T2 >, Storage2, Allocator2 > & | X, | |||
const Vector< complex< T1 >, Storage1, Allocator1 > & | B, | |||
const T3 & | omega, | |||
int | iter, | |||
int | type_ssor = 2 | |||
) |
Successive overrelaxation.
Solving A X = B by using S.O.R algorithm. omega is the relaxation parameter, iter the number of iterations. type_ssor = 2 forward sweep type_ssor = 3 backward sweep type_ssor = 0 forward and backward sweep
Definition at line 598 of file Relaxation_MatVect.cxx.
void Seldon::SOR | ( | const Matrix< T0, Prop0, ArrayRowSparse, Allocator0 > & | A, | |
Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > & | X, | |||
const Vector< T1, Storage1, Allocator1 > & | B, | |||
const T3 & | omega, | |||
int | iter, | |||
int | type_ssor = 2 | |||
) |
Successive overrelaxation.
Solving A X = B by using S.O.R algorithm. omega is the relaxation parameter, iter the number of iterations. type_ssor = 2 forward sweep type_ssor = 3 backward sweep type_ssor = 0 forward and backward sweep
Definition at line 109 of file Relaxation_MatVect.cxx.
void Seldon::SOR | ( | const Matrix< T0, Prop0, ArrayRowSymComplexSparse, Allocator0 > & | A, | |
Vector< complex< T2 >, Storage2, Allocator2 > & | X, | |||
const Vector< complex< T1 >, Storage1, Allocator1 > & | B, | |||
const T3 & | omega, | |||
int | iter, | |||
int | type_ssor = 2 | |||
) |
Successive overrelaxation.
Solving A X = B by using S.O.R algorithm. omega is the relaxation parameter, iter the number of iterations. type_ssor = 2 forward sweep type_ssor = 3 backward sweep type_ssor = 0 forward and backward sweep
Definition at line 779 of file Relaxation_MatVect.cxx.
void Seldon::SOR | ( | const Matrix< T0, Prop0, RowSymSparse, Allocator0 > & | A, | |
Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > & | X, | |||
const Vector< T1, Storage1, Allocator1 > & | B, | |||
const T3 & | omega, | |||
int | iter, | |||
int | type_ssor = 2 | |||
) |
Successive overrelaxation.
Solving A X = B by using S.O.R algorithm. omega is the relaxation parameter, iter the number of iterations. type_ssor = 2 forward sweep type_ssor = 3 backward sweep type_ssor = 0 forward and backward sweep
Definition at line 179 of file Relaxation_MatVect.cxx.
void Seldon::SOR | ( | const Matrix< T0, Prop0, ArrayRowComplexSparse, Allocator0 > & | A, | |
Vector< complex< T2 >, Storage2, Allocator2 > & | X, | |||
const Vector< complex< T1 >, Storage1, Allocator1 > & | B, | |||
const T3 & | omega, | |||
int | iter, | |||
int | type_ssor = 2 | |||
) |
Successive overrelaxation.
Solving A X = B by using S.O.R algorithm. omega is the relaxation parameter, iter the number of iterations. type_ssor = 2 forward sweep type_ssor = 3 backward sweep type_ssor = 0 forward and backward sweep
Definition at line 515 of file Relaxation_MatVect.cxx.
void Seldon::SOR | ( | const Matrix< T0, Prop0, ArrayRowSymSparse, Allocator0 > & | A, | |
Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > & | X, | |||
const Vector< T1, Storage1, Allocator1 > & | B, | |||
const T3 & | omega, | |||
int | iter, | |||
int | type_ssor = 2 | |||
) |
Successive overrelaxation.
Solving A X = B by using S.O.R algorithm. omega is the relaxation parameter, iter the number of iterations. type_ssor = 2 forward sweep type_ssor = 3 backward sweep type_ssor = 0 forward and backward sweep
Definition at line 312 of file Relaxation_MatVect.cxx.
void Seldon::SOR | ( | const Matrix< T0, Prop0, RowSparse, Allocator0 > & | A, | |
Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > & | X, | |||
const Vector< T1, Storage1, Allocator1 > & | B, | |||
const T3 & | omega, | |||
int | iter, | |||
int | type_ssor = 2 | |||
) |
Successive overrelaxation.
Solving A X = B by using S.O.R algorithm. omega is the relaxation parameter, iter the number of iterations. type_ssor = 2 forward sweep type_ssor = 3 backward sweep type_ssor = 0 forward and backward sweep
Definition at line 44 of file Relaxation_MatVect.cxx.
void Seldon::Sort | ( | Vector< T1, Storage1, Allocator1 > & | V, | |
Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > & | V2 | |||
) |
Sorts vector V.
The sorting operation of V also affects V2.
Definition at line 717 of file Functions_Arrays.cxx.
void Seldon::Sort | ( | int | n, | |
Vector< T1, Storage1, Allocator1 > & | V, | |||
Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > & | V2, | |||
Vector< T3, Storage3, Allocator3 > & | V3 | |||
) |
Sorts the n first elements of V.
The sorting operation of V also affects V2 and V3.
Definition at line 695 of file Functions_Arrays.cxx.
void Seldon::Sort | ( | Vector< T1, Storage1, Allocator1 > & | V, | |
Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > & | V2, | |||
Vector< T3, Storage3, Allocator3 > & | V3 | |||
) |
Sorts vector V.
The sorting operation of V also affects V2 and V3.
Definition at line 731 of file Functions_Arrays.cxx.
void Seldon::Sort | ( | int | m, | |
int | n, | |||
Vector< T1, Storage1, Allocator1 > & | V, | |||
Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > & | V2 | |||
) |
Sorts vector V between a start position and an end position.
The sorting operation of V also affects V2.
Definition at line 645 of file Functions_Arrays.cxx.
void Seldon::Sort | ( | int | n, | |
Vector< T1, Storage1, Allocator1 > & | V, | |||
Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > & | V2 | |||
) |
Sorts the n first elements of V.
The sorting operation of V also affects V2.
Definition at line 681 of file Functions_Arrays.cxx.
void Seldon::Sort | ( | int | m, | |
int | n, | |||
Vector< T1, Storage1, Allocator1 > & | V, | |||
Vector< T2, Storage2, Allocator2 > & | V2, | |||
Vector< T3, Storage3, Allocator3 > & | V3 | |||
) |
Sorts vector V between a start position and an end position.
The sorting operation of V also affects V2 and V3.
Definition at line 659 of file Functions_Arrays.cxx.
void Seldon::SparseSolve | ( | Matrix< T0, Prop0, Storage0, Allocator0 > & | M, | |
Vector< T1, Storage1, Allocator1 > & | Y | |||
) |
Solves a sparse linear system using LU factorization.
This function solves where
is a matrix, and
are vectors.
[in] | M | the sparse matrix of the linear system, to be factorized in LU form by UMFPACK, SuperLU or Mumps. On exit, M is cleared. |
[in,out] | Y | on entry, the right-hand side ![]() ![]() |
int Seldon::Symmlq | ( | Matrix1 & | A, | |
Vector1 & | x, | |||
const Vector1 & | b, | |||
Preconditioner & | M, | |||
Iteration< Titer > & | iter | |||
) |
Solves a linear system by using Symmetric LQ (SymmLQ).
Solves the real symmetric linear system Ax = b with restarted Preconditioned Symmetric LQ Algorithm.
return value of 0 indicates convergence within the maximum number of iterations (determined by the iter object). return value of 1 indicates a failure to converge.
See C. PAIGE AND M. SAUNDERS, Solution of sparse indefinite systems of linear equations, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 12 (1975), pp. 617-629.
[in] | A | Real Symmetric Matrix |
[in,out] | x | Vector on input it is the initial guess on output it is the solution |
[in] | b | Vector right hand side of the linear system |
[in] | M | Right preconditioner |
[in] | iter | Iteration parameters |
Definition at line 46 of file Symmlq.cxx.
int Seldon::TfQmr | ( | Matrix1 & | A, | |
Vector1 & | x, | |||
const Vector1 & | b, | |||
Preconditioner & | M, | |||
Iteration< Titer > & | iter | |||
) |
Solves a linear system by using Transpose Free Quasi-Minimal Residual.
Solves the unsymmetric linear system Ax = b using TFQMR.
return value of 0 indicates convergence within the maximum number of iterations (determined by the iter object). return value of 1 indicates a failure to converge.
See: R. W. Freund, A Transpose-Free Quasi-Minimal Residual algorithm for non-Hermitian linear system. SIAM J. on Sci. Comp. 14(1993), pp. 470-482
T Seldon::to_num | ( | std::string | s | ) |
Converts string to most types, specially numbers.
[in] | s | string to be converted. |
void Seldon::to_num | ( | std::string | s, | |
T & | num | |||
) |
Converts string to most types, specially numbers.
[in] | s | string to be converted. |
[out] | num | s converted to 'T'. |
std::string Seldon::to_str | ( | const T & | input | ) |
Converts most types to string.
input | variable to be converted. |