// Copyright (C) 2001-2009 Vivien Mallet
// Copyright (C) 2003-2009 Marc Duruflé
// This file is part of the linear-algebra library Seldon,
// http://seldon.sourceforge.net/.
// Seldon is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
// terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
// Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
// any later version.
// Seldon is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
// more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with Seldon. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
#include "Matrix_Sparse.hxx"
namespace Seldon
//! Default constructor.
Builds an empty 0x0 matrix.
template <class T, class Prop, class Storage, class Allocator>
inline Matrix_Sparse<T, Prop, Storage, Allocator>::Matrix_Sparse():
Matrix_Base<T, Allocator>()
nz_ = 0;
ptr_ = NULL;
ind_ = NULL;
//! Constructor.
Builds an empty i by j sparse matrix.
\param i number of rows.
\param j number of columns.
template <class T, class Prop, class Storage, class Allocator>
inline Matrix_Sparse<T, Prop, Storage, Allocator>::Matrix_Sparse(int i,
int j):
Matrix_Base<T, Allocator>(i, j)
nz_ = 0;
ptr_ = NULL;
ind_ = NULL;
//! Constructor.
/*! Builds a sparse matrix of size i by j , with nz non-zero elements.
\param i number of rows.
\param j number of columns.
\param nz number of non-zero elements.
\note Matrix values are not initialized. Indices of non-zero entries
are not initialized either.
template <class T, class Prop, class Storage, class Allocator>
inline Matrix_Sparse<T, Prop, Storage, Allocator>::
Matrix_Sparse(int i, int j, int nz):
Matrix_Base<T, Allocator>(i, j)
this->nz_ = nz;
if (static_cast<long int>(nz_-1) / static_cast<long int>(j)
>= static_cast<long int>(i))
this->m_ = 0;
this->n_ = 0;
nz_ = 0;
ptr_ = NULL;
ind_ = NULL;
this->data_ = NULL;
throw WrongDim("Matrix_Sparse::Matrix_Sparse(int, int, int)",
string("There are more values (") + to_str(nz)
+ " values) than elements in the matrix ("
+ to_str(i) + " by " + to_str(j) + ").");
ptr_ = reinterpret_cast<int*>( calloc(Storage::GetFirst(i, j)+1,
sizeof(int)) );
catch (...)
this->m_ = 0;
this->n_ = 0;
nz_ = 0;
ptr_ = NULL;
ind_ = NULL;
this->data_ = NULL;
if (ptr_ == NULL)
this->m_ = 0;
this->n_ = 0;
nz_ = 0;
ind_ = NULL;
this->data_ = NULL;
if (ptr_ == NULL && i != 0 && j != 0)
throw NoMemory("Matrix_Sparse::Matrix_Sparse(int, int, int)",
string("Unable to allocate ")
+ to_str(sizeof(int) * (Storage::GetFirst(i, j)+1) )
+ " bytes to store " + to_str(Storage::GetFirst(i, j)+1)
+ " row or column start indices, for a "
+ to_str(i) + " by " + to_str(j) + " matrix.");
ind_ = reinterpret_cast<int*>( calloc(nz_, sizeof(int)) );
catch (...)
this->m_ = 0;
this->n_ = 0;
nz_ = 0;
ptr_ = NULL;
ind_ = NULL;
this->data_ = NULL;
if (ind_ == NULL)
this->m_ = 0;
this->n_ = 0;
nz_ = 0;
ptr_ = NULL;
this->data_ = NULL;
if (ind_ == NULL && i != 0 && j != 0)
throw NoMemory("Matrix_Sparse::Matrix_Sparse(int, int, int)",
string("Unable to allocate ") + to_str(sizeof(int) * nz)
+ " bytes to store " + to_str(nz)
+ " row or column indices, for a "
+ to_str(i) + " by " + to_str(j) + " matrix.");
this->data_ = this->allocator_.allocate(nz_, this);
catch (...)
this->m_ = 0;
this->n_ = 0;
ptr_ = NULL;
ind_ = NULL;
this->data_ = NULL;
if (this->data_ == NULL)
this->m_ = 0;
this->n_ = 0;
ptr_ = NULL;
ind_ = NULL;
if (this->data_ == NULL && i != 0 && j != 0)
throw NoMemory("Matrix_Sparse::Matrix_Sparse(int, int, int)",
string("Unable to allocate ") + to_str(sizeof(int) * nz)
+ " bytes to store " + to_str(nz) + " values, for a "
+ to_str(i) + " by " + to_str(j) + " matrix.");
//! Constructor.
Builds a i by j sparse matrix with non-zero values and indices
provided by 'values' (values), 'ptr' (pointers) and 'ind' (indices).
Input vectors are released and are empty on exit.
\param i number of rows.
\param j number of columns.
\param values values of non-zero entries.
\param ptr row or column start indices.
\param ind row or column indices.
\warning Input vectors 'values', 'ptr' and 'ind' are empty on exit.
template <class T, class Prop, class Storage, class Allocator>
template <class Storage0, class Allocator0,
class Storage1, class Allocator1,
class Storage2, class Allocator2>
inline Matrix_Sparse<T, Prop, Storage, Allocator>::
Matrix_Sparse(int i, int j,
Vector<T, Storage0, Allocator0>& values,
Vector<int, Storage1, Allocator1>& ptr,
Vector<int, Storage2, Allocator2>& ind):
Matrix_Base<T, Allocator>(i, j)
nz_ = values.GetLength();
// Checks whether vector sizes are acceptable.
if (ind.GetLength() != nz_)
this->m_ = 0;
this->n_ = 0;
nz_ = 0;
ptr_ = NULL;
ind_ = NULL;
this->data_ = NULL;
throw WrongDim(string("Matrix_Sparse::Matrix_Sparse(int, int, ")
+ "const Vector&, const Vector&, const Vector&)",
string("There are ") + to_str(nz_) + " values but "
+ to_str(ind.GetLength()) + " row or column indices.");
if (ptr.GetLength()-1 != Storage::GetFirst(i, j))
this->m_ = 0;
this->n_ = 0;
nz_ = 0;
ptr_ = NULL;
ind_ = NULL;
this->data_ = NULL;
throw WrongDim(string("Matrix_Sparse::Matrix_Sparse(int, int, ")
+ "const Vector&, const Vector&, const Vector&)",
string("The vector of start indices contains ")
+ to_str(ptr.GetLength()-1) + string(" row or column")
+ string(" start indices (plus the number")
+ " of non-zero entries) but there are "
+ to_str(Storage::GetFirst(i, j))
+ " rows or columns (" + to_str(i) + " by "
+ to_str(j) + " matrix).");
if (static_cast<long int>(nz_-1) / static_cast<long int>(j)
>= static_cast<long int>(i))
this->m_ = 0;
this->n_ = 0;
nz_ = 0;
ptr_ = NULL;
ind_ = NULL;
this->data_ = NULL;
throw WrongDim(string("Matrix_Sparse::Matrix_Sparse(int, int, ")
+ "const Vector&, const Vector&, const Vector&)",
string("There are more values (")
+ to_str(values.GetLength())
+ " values) than elements in the matrix ("
+ to_str(i) + " by " + to_str(j) + ").");
this->ptr_ = ptr.GetData();
this->ind_ = ind.GetData();
this->data_ = values.GetData();
//! Copy constructor
template <class T, class Prop, class Storage, class Allocator>
inline Matrix_Sparse<T, Prop, Storage, Allocator>::
Matrix_Sparse(const Matrix_Sparse<T, Prop, Storage, Allocator>& A)
this->m_ = 0;
this->n_ = 0;
this->nz_ = 0;
ptr_ = NULL;
ind_ = NULL;
//! Destructor.
template <class T, class Prop, class Storage, class Allocator>
inline Matrix_Sparse<T, Prop, Storage, Allocator>::~Matrix_Sparse()
this->m_ = 0;
this->n_ = 0;
if (ptr_ != NULL)
ptr_ = NULL;
catch (...)
ptr_ = NULL;
if (ind_ != NULL)
ind_ = NULL;
catch (...)
ind_ = NULL;
if (this->data_ != NULL)
this->allocator_.deallocate(this->data_, nz_);
this->data_ = NULL;
catch (...)
this->nz_ = 0;
this->data_ = NULL;
this->nz_ = 0;
//! Clears the matrix.
/*! This methods is equivalent to the destructor. On exit, the matrix
is empty (0x0).
template <class T, class Prop, class Storage, class Allocator>
inline void Matrix_Sparse<T, Prop, Storage, Allocator>::Clear()
//! Redefines the matrix.
/*! It clears the matrix and sets it to a new matrix defined by
'values' (values), 'ptr' (pointers) and 'ind' (indices).
Input vectors are released and are empty on exit.
\param i number of rows.
\param j number of columns.
\param values values of non-zero entries.
\param ptr row or column start indices.
\param ind row or column indices.
\warning Input vectors 'values', 'ptr' and 'ind' are empty on exit.
template <class T, class Prop, class Storage, class Allocator>
template <class Storage0, class Allocator0,
class Storage1, class Allocator1,
class Storage2, class Allocator2>
void Matrix_Sparse<T, Prop, Storage, Allocator>::
SetData(int i, int j,
Vector<T, Storage0, Allocator0>& values,
Vector<int, Storage1, Allocator1>& ptr,
Vector<int, Storage2, Allocator2>& ind)
this->m_ = i;
this->n_ = j;
this->nz_ = values.GetLength();
// Checks whether vector sizes are acceptable.
if (ind.GetLength() != nz_)
this->m_ = 0;
this->n_ = 0;
nz_ = 0;
ptr_ = NULL;
ind_ = NULL;
this->data_ = NULL;
throw WrongDim(string("Matrix_Sparse::Reallocate(int, int, ")
+ "const Vector&, const Vector&, const Vector&)",
string("There are ") + to_str(nz_) + " values but "
+ to_str(ind.GetLength()) + " row or column indices.");
if (ptr.GetLength()-1 != Storage::GetFirst(i, j))
this->m_ = 0;
this->n_ = 0;
nz_ = 0;
ptr_ = NULL;
ind_ = NULL;
this->data_ = NULL;
throw WrongDim(string("Matrix_Sparse::Reallocate(int, int, ")
+ "const Vector&, const Vector&, const Vector&)",
string("The vector of start indices contains ")
+ to_str(ptr.GetLength()-1) + string(" row or column")
+ string(" start indices (plus the number")
+ " of non-zero entries) but there are "
+ to_str(Storage::GetFirst(i, j))
+ " rows or columns (" + to_str(i) + " by "
+ to_str(j) + " matrix).");
if (static_cast<long int>(nz_-1) / static_cast<long int>(j)
>= static_cast<long int>(i))
this->m_ = 0;
this->n_ = 0;
nz_ = 0;
ptr_ = NULL;
ind_ = NULL;
this->data_ = NULL;
throw WrongDim(string("Matrix_Sparse::Reallocate(int, int, ")
+ "const Vector&, const Vector&, const Vector&)",
string("There are more values (")
+ to_str(values.GetLength())
+ " values) than elements in the matrix ("
+ to_str(i) + " by " + to_str(j) + ").");
this->ptr_ = ptr.GetData();
this->ind_ = ind.GetData();
this->data_ = values.GetData();
//! Redefines the matrix.
/*! It clears the matrix and sets it to a new matrix defined by arrays
'values' (values), 'ptr' (pointers) and 'ind' (indices).
\param i number of rows.
\param j number of columns.
\param nz number of non-zero entries.
\param values values of non-zero entries.
\param ptr row or column start indices.
\param ind row or column indices.
\warning On exit, arrays 'values', 'ptr' and 'ind' are managed by the
For example, it means that the destructor will released those arrays;
therefore, the user mustn't release those arrays.
template <class T, class Prop, class Storage, class Allocator>
inline void Matrix_Sparse<T, Prop, Storage, Allocator>
::SetData(int i, int j, int nz,
typename Matrix_Sparse<T, Prop, Storage, Allocator>
::pointer values,
int* ptr, int* ind)
this->m_ = i;
this->n_ = j;
this->nz_ = nz;
this->data_ = values;
ind_ = ind;
ptr_ = ptr;
//! Clears the matrix without releasing memory.
On exit, the matrix is empty and the memory has not been released.
It is useful for low level manipulations on a Matrix instance.
template <class T, class Prop, class Storage, class Allocator>
inline void Matrix_Sparse<T, Prop, Storage, Allocator>::Nullify()
this->data_ = NULL;
this->m_ = 0;
this->n_ = 0;
nz_ = 0;
ptr_ = NULL;
ind_ = NULL;
//! Copies a matrix
template <class T, class Prop, class Storage, class Allocator>
inline void Matrix_Sparse<T, Prop, Storage, Allocator>::
Copy(const Matrix_Sparse<T, Prop, Storage, Allocator>& A)
int nz = A.nz_;
int i = A.m_;
int j = A.n_;
this->nz_ = nz;
this->m_ = i;
this->n_ = j;
if ((i == 0)||(j == 0))
this->m_ = 0;
this->n_ = 0;
this->nz_ = 0;
if (static_cast<long int>(nz_-1) / static_cast<long int>(j)
>= static_cast<long int>(i))
this->m_ = 0;
this->n_ = 0;
nz_ = 0;
ptr_ = NULL;
ind_ = NULL;
this->data_ = NULL;
throw WrongDim("Matrix_Sparse::Matrix_Sparse(int, int, int)",
string("There are more values (") + to_str(nz)
+ " values) than elements in the matrix ("
+ to_str(i) + " by " + to_str(j) + ").");
ptr_ = reinterpret_cast<int*>( calloc(Storage::GetFirst(i, j)+1,
sizeof(int)) );
memcpy(this->ptr_, A.ptr_, Storage::GetFirst(i, j)+1);
catch (...)
this->m_ = 0;
this->n_ = 0;
nz_ = 0;
ptr_ = NULL;
ind_ = NULL;
this->data_ = NULL;
if (ptr_ == NULL)
this->m_ = 0;
this->n_ = 0;
nz_ = 0;
ind_ = NULL;
this->data_ = NULL;
if (ptr_ == NULL && i != 0 && j != 0)
throw NoMemory("Matrix_Sparse::Matrix_Sparse(int, int, int)",
string("Unable to allocate ")
+ to_str(sizeof(int) * (Storage::GetFirst(i, j)+1) )
+ " bytes to store " + to_str(Storage::GetFirst(i, j)+1)
+ " row or column start indices, for a "
+ to_str(i) + " by " + to_str(j) + " matrix.");
ind_ = reinterpret_cast<int*>( calloc(nz_, sizeof(int)) );
memcpy(this->ind_, A.ind_, nz_);
catch (...)
this->m_ = 0;
this->n_ = 0;
nz_ = 0;
ptr_ = NULL;
ind_ = NULL;
this->data_ = NULL;
if (ind_ == NULL)
this->m_ = 0;
this->n_ = 0;
nz_ = 0;
ptr_ = NULL;
this->data_ = NULL;
if (ind_ == NULL && i != 0 && j != 0)
throw NoMemory("Matrix_Sparse::Matrix_Sparse(int, int, int)",
string("Unable to allocate ") + to_str(sizeof(int) * nz)
+ " bytes to store " + to_str(nz)
+ " row or column indices, for a "
+ to_str(i) + " by " + to_str(j) + " matrix.");
this->data_ = this->allocator_.allocate(nz_, this);
this->allocator_.memorycpy(this->data_, A.data_, nz_);
catch (...)
this->m_ = 0;
this->n_ = 0;
ptr_ = NULL;
ind_ = NULL;
this->data_ = NULL;
if (this->data_ == NULL)
this->m_ = 0;
this->n_ = 0;
ptr_ = NULL;
ind_ = NULL;
if (this->data_ == NULL && i != 0 && j != 0)
throw NoMemory("Matrix_Sparse::Matrix_Sparse(int, int, int)",
string("Unable to allocate ") + to_str(sizeof(int) * nz)
+ " bytes to store " + to_str(nz) + " values, for a "
+ to_str(i) + " by " + to_str(j) + " matrix.");
//! Returns the number of non-zero elements.
\return The number of non-zero elements.
template <class T, class Prop, class Storage, class Allocator>
int Matrix_Sparse<T, Prop, Storage, Allocator>::GetNonZeros() const
return nz_;
//! Returns the number of elements stored in memory.
Returns the number of elements stored in memory, i.e.
the number of non-zero entries.
\return The number of elements stored in memory.
template <class T, class Prop, class Storage, class Allocator>
int Matrix_Sparse<T, Prop, Storage, Allocator>::GetDataSize() const
return nz_;
//! Returns (row or column) start indices.
Returns the array ('ptr_') of start indices.
\return The array of start indices.
template <class T, class Prop, class Storage, class Allocator>
int* Matrix_Sparse<T, Prop, Storage, Allocator>::GetPtr() const
return ptr_;
//! Returns (row or column) indices of non-zero entries.
Returns the array ('ind_') of (row or column) indices
of non-zero entries. This array defines non-zero entries
indices if coupled with (column or row) start indices.
\return The array of (row or column) indices of
non-zero entries.
template <class T, class Prop, class Storage, class Allocator>
int* Matrix_Sparse<T, Prop, Storage, Allocator>::GetInd() const
return ind_;
//! Returns the length of the array of start indices.
\return The length of the array of start indices.
template <class T, class Prop, class Storage, class Allocator>
int Matrix_Sparse<T, Prop, Storage, Allocator>::GetPtrSize() const
return (Storage::GetFirst(this->m_, this->n_) + 1);
//! Returns the length of the array of (column or row) indices.
Returns the length of the array ('ind_') of (row or column) indices
of non-zero entries. This array defines non-zero entries indices
if coupled with (column or row) start indices.
\return The length of the array of (column or row) indices.
\note The length of the array of (column or row) indices is the
number of non-zero entries.
template <class T, class Prop, class Storage, class Allocator>
int Matrix_Sparse<T, Prop, Storage, Allocator>::GetIndSize() const
return nz_;
//! Access operator.
Returns the value of element (i, j).
\param i row index.
\param j column index.
\return Element (i, j) of the matrix.
template <class T, class Prop, class Storage, class Allocator>
inline typename Matrix_Sparse<T, Prop, Storage, Allocator>::value_type
Matrix_Sparse<T, Prop, Storage, Allocator>::operator() (int i, int j) const
if (i < 0 || i >= this->m_)
throw WrongRow("Matrix_Sparse::operator()",
string("Index should be in [0, ") + to_str(this->m_-1)
+ "], but is equal to " + to_str(i) + ".");
if (j < 0 || j >= this->n_)
throw WrongCol("Matrix_Sparse::operator()",
string("Index should be in [0, ") + to_str(this->n_-1)
+ "], but is equal to " + to_str(j) + ".");
int k,l;
int a,b;
a = ptr_[Storage::GetFirst(i, j)];
b = ptr_[Storage::GetFirst(i, j) + 1];
if (a == b)
return T(0);
l = Storage::GetSecond(i, j);
for (k = a; (k < b-1) && (ind_[k] < l); k++);
if (ind_[k] == l)
return this->data_[k];
return T(0);
//! Duplicates a matrix (assignment operator).
\param A matrix to be copied.
\note Memory is duplicated: 'A' is therefore independent from the current
instance after the copy.
template <class T, class Prop, class Storage, class Allocator>
inline Matrix_Sparse<T, Prop, Storage, Allocator>&
Matrix_Sparse<T, Prop, Storage, Allocator>
::operator= (const Matrix_Sparse<T, Prop, Storage, Allocator>& A)
return *this;
//! Displays the matrix on the standard output.
Displays elements on the standard output, in text format.
Each row is displayed on a single line and elements of
a row are delimited by tabulations.
template <class T, class Prop, class Storage, class Allocator>
void Matrix_Sparse<T, Prop, Storage, Allocator>::Print() const
for (int i = 0; i < this->m_; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < this->n_; j++)
cout << (*this)(i, j) << "\t";
cout << endl;
//! Writes the matrix in a file.
Stores the matrix in a file in ascii format.
The entries are written in coordinate format (row column value)
1-index convention is used
\param FileName output file name.
template <class T, class Prop, class Storage, class Allocator>
void Matrix_Sparse<T, Prop, Storage, Allocator>::
WriteText(string FileName) const
ofstream FileStream; FileStream.precision(14);
// Checks if the file was opened.
if (!FileStream.is_open())
throw IOError("Matrix_ArraySparse::Write(string FileName)",
string("Unable to open file \"") + FileName + "\".");
//! Writes the matrix to an output stream.
Stores the matrix in a file in ascii format.
The entries are written in coordinate format (row column value)
1-index convention is used
\param FileStream output file name.
template <class T, class Prop, class Storage, class Allocator>
void Matrix_Sparse<T, Prop, Storage, Allocator>::
WriteText(ostream& FileStream) const
// Checks if the stream is ready.
if (!FileStream.good())
throw IOError("Matrix_ArraySparse::Write(ofstream& FileStream)",
"Stream is not ready.");
// conversion in coordinate format (1-index convention)
IVect IndRow, IndCol; Vector<T> Value;
const Matrix<T, Prop, Storage, Allocator>& leaf_class =
static_cast<const Matrix<T, Prop, Storage, Allocator>& >(*this);
ConvertMatrix_to_Coordinates(leaf_class, IndRow, IndCol,
Value, 1, true);
for (int i = 0; i < IndRow.GetM(); i++)
FileStream << IndRow(i) << " " << IndCol(i) << " " << Value(i) << '\n';
//! Default constructor.
Builds an empty 0x0 matrix.
template <class T, class Prop, class Allocator>
Matrix<T, Prop, ColSparse, Allocator>::Matrix() throw():
Matrix_Sparse<T, Prop, ColSparse, Allocator>()
//! Constructor.
/*! Builds a i by j matrix.
\param i number of rows.
\param j number of columns.
template <class T, class Prop, class Allocator>
Matrix<T, Prop, ColSparse, Allocator>::Matrix(int i, int j):
Matrix_Sparse<T, Prop, ColSparse, Allocator>(i, j, 0)
//! Constructor.
/*! Builds a i by j matrix with nz non-zero elements.
\param i number of rows.
\param j number of columns.
\param nz number of non-zero elements.
\note Matrix values are not initialized.
template <class T, class Prop, class Allocator>
Matrix<T, Prop, ColSparse, Allocator>::Matrix(int i, int j, int nz):
Matrix_Sparse<T, Prop, ColSparse, Allocator>(i, j, nz)
//! Constructor.
Builds a i by j sparse matrix with non-zero values and indices
provided by 'values' (values), 'ptr' (pointers) and 'ind' (indices).
Input vectors are released and are empty on exit.
\param i number of rows.
\param j number of columns.
\param values values of non-zero entries.
\param ptr row start indices.
\param ind column indices.
\warning Input vectors 'values', 'ptr' and 'ind' are empty on exit.
template <class T, class Prop, class Allocator>
template <class Storage0, class Allocator0,
class Storage1, class Allocator1,
class Storage2, class Allocator2>
Matrix<T, Prop, ColSparse, Allocator>::
Matrix(int i, int j,
Vector<T, Storage0, Allocator0>& values,
Vector<int, Storage1, Allocator1>& ptr,
Vector<int, Storage2, Allocator2>& ind):
Matrix_Sparse<T, Prop, ColSparse, Allocator>(i, j, values, ptr, ind)
//! Default constructor.
Builds an empty 0x0 matrix.
template <class T, class Prop, class Allocator>
Matrix<T, Prop, RowSparse, Allocator>::Matrix() throw():
Matrix_Sparse<T, Prop, RowSparse, Allocator>()
//! Constructor.
/*! Builds a i by j matrix.
\param i number of rows.
\param j number of columns.
template <class T, class Prop, class Allocator>
Matrix<T, Prop, RowSparse, Allocator>::Matrix(int i, int j):
Matrix_Sparse<T, Prop, RowSparse, Allocator>(i, j, 0)
//! Constructor.
/*! Builds a i by j matrix with nz non-zero elements.
\param i number of rows.
\param j number of columns.
\param nz number of non-zero elements.
\note Matrix values are not initialized.
template <class T, class Prop, class Allocator>
Matrix<T, Prop, RowSparse, Allocator>::Matrix(int i, int j, int nz):
Matrix_Sparse<T, Prop, RowSparse, Allocator>(i, j, nz)
//! Constructor.
Builds a i by j sparse matrix with non-zero values and indices
provided by 'values' (values), 'ptr' (pointers) and 'ind' (indices).
Input vectors are released and are empty on exit.
\param i number of rows.
\param j number of columns.
\param values values of non-zero entries.
\param ptr column start indices.
\param ind row indices.
\warning Input vectors 'values', 'ptr' and 'ind' are empty on exit.
template <class T, class Prop, class Allocator>
template <class Storage0, class Allocator0,
class Storage1, class Allocator1,
class Storage2, class Allocator2>
Matrix<T, Prop, RowSparse, Allocator>::
Matrix(int i, int j,
Vector<T, Storage0, Allocator0>& values,
Vector<int, Storage1, Allocator1>& ptr,
Vector<int, Storage2, Allocator2>& ind):
Matrix_Sparse<T, Prop, RowSparse, Allocator>(i, j, values, ptr, ind)
} // namespace Seldon.