// Copyright (C) 2001-2009 Vivien Mallet
// Copyright (C) 2003-2009 Marc Duruflé
// This file is part of the linear-algebra library Seldon,
// http://seldon.sourceforge.net/.
// Seldon is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
// terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
// Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
// any later version.
// Seldon is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
// more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with Seldon. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
Functions included in this file:
xPPTRF (GetCholesky)
xGETRS (SolveLU)
xSYTRS (SolveLU)
xSPTRS (SolveLU)
xHETRS (SolveLU)
xHPTRS (SolveLU)
xTRTRS (SolveLU)
xTPTRS (SolveLU, SolveCholesky)
xGECON (ReciprocalConditionNumber)
xSYCON (ReciprocalConditionNumber)
xSPCON (ReciprocalConditionNumber)
xHECON (ReciprocalConditionNumber)
xHPCON (ReciprocalConditionNumber)
xTRCON (ReciprocalConditionNumber)
xTPCON (ReciprocalConditionNumber)
xGERFS (RefineSolutionLU)
xSYRFS (RefineSolutionLU)
xSPRFS (RefineSolutionLU)
xHERFS (RefineSolutionLU)
xHPRFS (RefineSolutionLU)
xTRRFS (RefineSolutionLU)
xTPRFS (RefineSolutionLU)
xGETRI (GetInverse)
xSYTRI (RefineSolutionLU)
xSPTRI (RefineSolutionLU)
xHETRI (RefineSolutionLU)
xHPTRI (RefineSolutionLU)
xTRTRI (RefineSolutionLU)
xTPTRI (RefineSolutionLU)
xGEEQU (GetScalingFactors)
namespace Seldon
// LapackInfo //
class LapackInfo
int info_;
LapackInfo(int info);
operator int ();
int GetInfo();
int& GetInfoRef();
LapackInfo::LapackInfo(int info): info_(info)
LapackInfo::operator int ()
return info_;
int LapackInfo::GetInfo()
return info_;
int& LapackInfo::GetInfoRef()
return info_;
LapackInfo lapack_info(0);
// LapackInfo //
// GetLU //
/*** ColMajor ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1>
void GetLU(Matrix<float, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
int n = A.GetN();
if ((m <= 0)||(n <= 0))
throw WrongDim("GetLU", "Provide a non-empty matrix");
P.Reallocate(min(m, n));
sgetrf_(&m, &n, A.GetData(), &m,
P.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetLU",
"An error occured during the factorization.");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1>
void GetLU(Matrix<double, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
int n = A.GetN();
if ((m <= 0)||(n <= 0))
throw WrongDim("GetLU", "Provide a non-empty matrix");
P.Reallocate(min(m, n));
dgetrf_(&m, &n, A.GetData(), &m,
P.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetLU",
"An error occured during the factorization.");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1>
void GetLU(Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
int n = A.GetN();
if ((m <= 0)||(n <= 0))
throw WrongDim("GetLU", "Provide a non-empty matrix");
P.Reallocate(min(m, n));
cgetrf_(&m, &n, A.GetDataVoid(), &m,
P.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetLU",
"An error occured during the factorization.");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1>
void GetLU(Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
int n = A.GetN();
if ((m <= 0)||(n <= 0))
throw WrongDim("GetLU", "Provide a non-empty matrix");
P.Reallocate(min(m, n));
zgetrf_(&m, &n, A.GetDataVoid(), &m,
P.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetLU",
"An error occured during the factorization.");
/*** RowMajor ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1>
void GetLU(Matrix<float, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
int n = A.GetN();
if ((m <= 0)||(n <= 0))
throw WrongDim("GetLU", "Provide a non-empty matrix");
P.Reallocate(min(m, n));
sgetrf_(&m, &n, A.GetData(), &m,
P.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetLU",
"An error occured during the factorization.");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1>
void GetLU(Matrix<double, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
int n = A.GetN();
if ((m <= 0)||(n <= 0))
throw WrongDim("GetLU", "Provide a non-empty matrix");
P.Reallocate(min(m, n));
dgetrf_(&m, &n, A.GetData(), &m,
P.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetLU",
"An error occured during the factorization.");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1>
void GetLU(Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
int n = A.GetN();
if ((m <= 0)||(n <= 0))
throw WrongDim("GetLU", "Provide a non-empty matrix");
P.Reallocate(min(m, n));
cgetrf_(&m, &n, A.GetDataVoid(), &m,
P.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetLU",
"An error occured during the factorization.");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1>
void GetLU(Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
int n = A.GetN();
if ((m <= 0)||(n <= 0))
throw WrongDim("GetLU", "Provide a non-empty matrix");
P.Reallocate(min(m, n));
zgetrf_(&m, &n, A.GetDataVoid(), &m,
P.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetLU",
"An error occured during the factorization.");
/*** ColSym and Upper ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1>
void GetLU(Matrix<float, Prop0, ColSym, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
if (m <= 0)
throw WrongDim("GetLU", "Provide a non-empty matrix");
int lwork = m;
char uplo('U');
Vector<float,VectFull,Allocator0> work(lwork);
ssytrf_(&uplo, &m, A.GetData(), &m,
P.GetData(), work.GetData(), &lwork, &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetLU",
"An error occured during the factorization.");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1>
void GetLU(Matrix<double, Prop0, ColSym, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
int lwork = m;
if (m <= 0)
throw WrongDim("GetLU", "Provide a non-empty matrix");
char uplo('U');
Vector<double,VectFull,Allocator0> work(lwork);
dsytrf_(&uplo, &m, A.GetData(), &m,
P.GetData(), work.GetData(), &lwork, &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetLU",
"An error occured during the factorization.");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1>
void GetLU(Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, ColSym, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
int lwork = m;
if (m <= 0)
throw WrongDim("GetLU", "Provide a non-empty matrix");
char uplo('U');
Vector<complex<float>,VectFull,Allocator0> work(lwork);
csytrf_(&uplo, &m, A.GetDataVoid(), &m,
P.GetData(), work.GetDataVoid(),
&lwork, &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetLU",
"An error occured during the factorization.");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1>
void GetLU(Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, ColSym, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
int lwork = m;
if (m <= 0)
throw WrongDim("GetLU", "Provide a non-empty matrix");
char uplo('U');
Vector<complex<double>,VectFull,Allocator0> work(lwork);
zsytrf_(&uplo, &m, A.GetDataVoid(), &m,
P.GetData(), work.GetDataVoid(),
&lwork, &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetLU",
"An error occured during the factorization.");
/*** ColSymPacked and Upper ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1>
void GetLU(Matrix<float, Prop0, ColSymPacked, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
if (m <= 0)
throw WrongDim("GetLU", "Provide a non-empty matrix");
char uplo('U');
ssptrf_(&uplo, &m, A.GetData(),
P.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetLU",
"An error occured during the factorization.");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1>
void GetLU(Matrix<double, Prop0, ColSymPacked, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
if (m <= 0)
throw WrongDim("GetLU", "Provide a non-empty matrix");
char uplo('U');
dsptrf_(&uplo, &m, A.GetData(),
P.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetLU",
"An error occured during the factorization.");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1>
void GetLU(Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, ColSymPacked, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
if (m <= 0)
throw WrongDim("GetLU", "Provide a non-empty matrix");
char uplo('U');
csptrf_(&uplo, &m, A.GetDataVoid(),
P.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetLU",
"An error occured during the factorization.");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1>
void GetLU(Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, ColSymPacked, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
if (m <= 0)
throw WrongDim("GetLU", "Provide a non-empty matrix");
char uplo('U');
zsptrf_(&uplo, &m, A.GetDataVoid(),
P.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetLU",
"An error occured during the factorization.");
/*** ColSymPacked and Uplo ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1>
void GetLU(SeldonUplo Uplo,
Matrix<float, Prop0, ColSymPacked, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
if (m <= 0)
throw WrongDim("GetLU", "Provide a non-empty matrix");
char uplo(Uplo);
ssptrf_(&uplo, &m, A.GetData(),
P.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetLU",
"An error occured during the factorization.");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1>
void GetLU(SeldonUplo Uplo,
Matrix<double, Prop0, ColSymPacked, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
if (m <= 0)
throw WrongDim("GetLU", "Provide a non-empty matrix");
char uplo(Uplo);
dsptrf_(&uplo, &m, A.GetData(),
P.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetLU",
"An error occured during the factorization.");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1>
void GetLU(SeldonUplo Uplo,
Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, ColSymPacked, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
if (m <= 0)
throw WrongDim("GetLU", "Provide a non-empty matrix");
char uplo(Uplo);
csptrf_(&uplo, &m, A.GetDataVoid(),
P.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetLU",
"An error occured during the factorization.");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1>
void GetLU(SeldonUplo Uplo,
Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, ColSymPacked, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
if (m <= 0)
throw WrongDim("GetLU", "Provide a non-empty matrix");
char uplo(Uplo);
zsptrf_(&uplo, &m, A.GetDataVoid(),
P.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetLU",
"An error occured during the factorization.");
/*** RowSym and Upper ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1>
void GetLU(Matrix<float, Prop0, RowSym, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
if (m <= 0)
throw WrongDim("GetLU", "Provide a non-empty matrix");
int lwork = m;
char uplo('L');
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator0> work(lwork);
ssytrf_(&uplo, &m, A.GetData(), &m,
P.GetData(), work.GetData(), &lwork, &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetLU",
"An error occured during the factorization.");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1>
void GetLU(Matrix<double, Prop0, RowSym, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
if (m <= 0)
throw WrongDim("GetLU", "Provide a non-empty matrix");
int lwork = m;
char uplo('L');
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator0> work(lwork);
dsytrf_(&uplo, &m, A.GetData(), &m,
P.GetData(), work.GetData(), &lwork, &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetLU",
"An error occured during the factorization.");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1>
void GetLU(Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, RowSym, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
if (m <= 0)
throw WrongDim("GetLU", "Provide a non-empty matrix");
int lwork = m;
char uplo('L');
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(lwork);
csytrf_(&uplo, &m, A.GetDataVoid(), &m,
P.GetData(), work.GetDataVoid(),
&lwork, &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetLU",
"An error occured during the factorization.");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1>
void GetLU(Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, RowSym, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
if (m <= 0)
throw WrongDim("GetLU", "Provide a non-empty matrix");
int lwork = m;
char uplo('L');
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(lwork);
zsytrf_(&uplo, &m, A.GetDataVoid(), &m,
P.GetData(), work.GetDataVoid(),
&lwork, &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetLU",
"An error occured during the factorization.");
/*** RowSymPacked and Upper ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1>
void GetLU(Matrix<float, Prop0, RowSymPacked, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
if (m <= 0)
throw WrongDim("GetLU", "Provide a non-empty matrix");
char uplo('L');
ssptrf_(&uplo, &m, A.GetData(),
P.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetLU",
"An error occured during the factorization.");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1>
void GetLU(Matrix<double, Prop0, RowSymPacked, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
if (m <= 0)
throw WrongDim("GetLU", "Provide a non-empty matrix");
char uplo('L');
dsptrf_(&uplo, &m, A.GetData(),
P.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetLU",
"An error occured during the factorization.");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1>
void GetLU(Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, RowSymPacked, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
if (m <= 0)
throw WrongDim("GetLU", "Provide a non-empty matrix");
char uplo('L');
csptrf_(&uplo, &m, A.GetDataVoid(),
P.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetLU",
"An error occured during the factorization.");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1>
void GetLU(Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, RowSymPacked, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
if (m <= 0)
throw WrongDim("GetLU", "Provide a non-empty matrix");
char uplo('L');
zsptrf_(&uplo, &m, A.GetDataVoid(),
P.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetLU",
"An error occured during the factorization.");
/*** RowSymPacked and Uplo ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1>
void GetLU(SeldonUplo Uplo,
Matrix<float, Prop0, RowSymPacked, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
if (m <= 0)
throw WrongDim("GetLU", "Provide a non-empty matrix");
char uplo(Uplo.RevChar());
ssptrf_(&uplo, &m, A.GetData(),
P.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetLU",
"An error occured during the factorization.");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1>
void GetLU(SeldonUplo Uplo,
Matrix<double, Prop0, RowSymPacked, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
if (m <= 0)
throw WrongDim("GetLU", "Provide a non-empty matrix");
char uplo(Uplo.RevChar());
dsptrf_(&uplo, &m, A.GetData(),
P.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetLU",
"An error occured during the factorization.");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1>
void GetLU(SeldonUplo Uplo,
Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, RowSymPacked, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
if (m <= 0)
throw WrongDim("GetLU", "Provide a non-empty matrix");
char uplo(Uplo.RevChar());
csptrf_(&uplo, &m, A.GetDataVoid(),
P.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetLU",
"An error occured during the factorization.");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1>
void GetLU(SeldonUplo Uplo,
Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, RowSymPacked, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
if (m <= 0)
throw WrongDim("GetLU", "Provide a non-empty matrix");
char uplo(Uplo.RevChar());
zsptrf_(&uplo, &m, A.GetDataVoid(),
P.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetLU",
"An error occured during the factorization.");
/*** ColHerm and Upper ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1>
void GetLU(Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, ColHerm, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
if (m <= 0)
throw WrongDim("GetLU", "Provide a non-empty matrix");
int lwork = m;
char uplo('U');
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(lwork);
chetrf_(&uplo, &m, A.GetDataVoid(), &m,
P.GetData(), work.GetDataVoid(),
&lwork, &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetLU",
"An error occured during the factorization.");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1>
void GetLU(Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, ColHerm, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
if (m <= 0)
throw WrongDim("GetLU", "Provide a non-empty matrix");
int lwork = m;
char uplo('U');
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(lwork);
zhetrf_(&uplo, &m, A.GetDataVoid(), &m,
P.GetData(), work.GetDataVoid(),
&lwork, &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetLU",
"An error occured during the factorization.");
/*** ColHermPacked and Upper ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1>
void GetLU(Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, ColHermPacked, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
if (m <= 0)
throw WrongDim("GetLU", "Provide a non-empty matrix");
char uplo('U');
chptrf_(&uplo, &m, A.GetDataVoid(),
P.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetLU",
"An error occured during the factorization.");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1>
void GetLU(Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, ColHermPacked, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
if (m <= 0)
throw WrongDim("GetLU", "Provide a non-empty matrix");
char uplo('U');
zhptrf_(&uplo, &m, A.GetDataVoid(),
P.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetLU",
"An error occured during the factorization.");
/*** RowHerm and Upper ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1>
void GetLU(Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, RowHerm, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
if (m <= 0)
throw WrongDim("GetLU", "Provide a non-empty matrix");
int lwork = m;
char uplo('L');
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(lwork);
chetrf_(&uplo, &m, A.GetDataVoid(), &m,
P.GetData(), work.GetDataVoid(),
&lwork, &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetLU",
"An error occured during the factorization.");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1>
void GetLU(Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, RowHerm, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
if (m <= 0)
throw WrongDim("GetLU", "Provide a non-empty matrix");
int lwork = m;
char uplo('L');
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(lwork);
zhetrf_(&uplo, &m, A.GetDataVoid(), &m,
P.GetData(), work.GetDataVoid(),
&lwork, &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetLU",
"An error occured during the factorization.");
/*** RowSymPacked and Upper ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1>
void GetLU(Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, RowHermPacked, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
if (m <= 0)
throw WrongDim("GetLU", "Provide a non-empty matrix");
char uplo('L');
chptrf_(&uplo, &m, A.GetDataVoid(),
P.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetLU",
"An error occured during the factorization.");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1>
void GetLU(Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, RowHermPacked, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
if (m <= 0)
throw WrongDim("GetLU", "Provide a non-empty matrix");
char uplo('L');
zhptrf_(&uplo, &m, A.GetDataVoid(),
P.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetLU",
"An error occured during the factorization.");
// GetLU //
// SolveLU //
/*** ColMajor and NoTrans ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1,class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const Matrix<float, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0>& A,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, pivot, X)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char trans('N');
sgetrs_(&trans, &m, &nrhs, A.GetData(), &m, P.GetData(),
b.GetData(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const Matrix<double, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0>& A,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, pivot, X)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char trans('N');
dgetrs_(&trans, &m, &nrhs, A.GetData(), &m,P.GetData(),
b.GetData(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0>& A,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, pivot, X)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char trans('N');
cgetrs_(&trans, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), &m,
P.GetData(), b.GetDataVoid(),
&m, &info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0>& A,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, pivot, X)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char trans('N');
zgetrs_(&trans, &m, &nrhs, A.GetData(), &m,
P.GetData(), b.GetDataVoid(),
&m, &info.GetInfoRef() );
/*** ColMajor ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1,class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA,
const Matrix<float, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0>& A,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, pivot, X)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char trans = TransA.Char();
sgetrs_(&trans, &m, &nrhs, A.GetData(), &m, P.GetData(),
b.GetData(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1,class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA,
const Matrix<double, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0>& A,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, pivot, X)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char trans = TransA.Char();
dgetrs_(&trans, &m, &nrhs, A.GetData(), &m, P.GetData(),
b.GetData(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1,class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA,
const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0>& A,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, pivot, X)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char trans = TransA.Char();
cgetrs_(&trans, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), &m, P.GetData(),
b.GetDataVoid(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1,class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA,
const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0>& A,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, pivot, X)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char trans = TransA.Char();
zgetrs_(&trans, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), &m, P.GetData(),
b.GetDataVoid(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
/*** RowMajor and NoTrans***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1,class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const Matrix<float, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0>& A,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, pivot, X)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char trans('T');
sgetrs_(&trans, &m, &nrhs, A.GetData(), &m,
P.GetData(), b.GetData(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1,class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const Matrix<double, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0>& A,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, pivot, X)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char trans('T');
dgetrs_(&trans, &m, &nrhs, A.GetData(), &m,
P.GetData(), b.GetData(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1,class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0>& A,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, pivot, X)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char trans('T');
cgetrs_(&trans, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), &m,
P.GetData(), b.GetData(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1,class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0>& A,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, pivot, X)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char trans('T');
zgetrs_(&trans, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), &m,
P.GetData(), b.GetData(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef() );
/*** RowMajor ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1,class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA,
const Matrix<float, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0>& A,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, pivot, X)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char trans = TransA.RevChar();
sgetrs_(&trans, &m, &nrhs, A.GetData(), &m, P.GetData(),
b.GetData(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1,class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA,
const Matrix<double, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0>& A,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, pivot, X)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char trans = TransA.RevChar();
dgetrs_(&trans, &m, &nrhs, A.GetData(), &m, P.GetData(),
b.GetData(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1,class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA,
const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0>& A,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, pivot, X)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char trans = TransA.RevChar();
if (TransA.ConjTrans())
cgetrs_(&trans, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), &m, P.GetData(),
b.GetDataVoid(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
if (TransA.ConjTrans())
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1,class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA,
const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0>& A,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, pivot, X)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char trans = TransA.RevChar();
if (TransA.ConjTrans())
zgetrs_(&trans, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), &m, P.GetData(),
b.GetDataVoid(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
if (TransA.ConjTrans())
/*** ColSym and Upper ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const Matrix<float, Prop0, ColSym, Allocator0>& A,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, pivot, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
ssytrs_(&uplo, &m, &nrhs, A.GetData(), &m,
P.GetData(), b.GetData(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const Matrix<double, Prop0, ColSym, Allocator0>& A,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, pivot, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
dsytrs_(&uplo, &m, &nrhs, A.GetData(), &m,
P.GetData(), b.GetData(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, ColSym, Allocator0>& A,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, pivot, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
csytrs_(&uplo, &m, & nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), &m,
P.GetData(), b.GetDataVoid(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, ColSym, Allocator0>& A,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, pivot, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
zsytrs_(&uplo, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), &m,
P.GetData(), b.GetDataVoid(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
/*** ColSymPacked and Upper ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const Matrix<float, Prop0, ColSymPacked, Allocator0>& A,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, pivot, X)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
ssptrs_(&uplo, &m, &nrhs, A.GetData(), P.GetData(),
b.GetData(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const Matrix<double, Prop0, ColSymPacked, Allocator0>& A,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, pivot, X)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
dsptrs_(&uplo, &m, &nrhs, A.GetData(), P.GetData(),
b.GetData(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1,class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, ColSymPacked,
Allocator0>& A, const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, pivot, X)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
csptrs_(&uplo, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), P.GetData(),
b.GetData(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, ColSymPacked,
Allocator0>& A, const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, pivot, X)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
zsptrs_(&uplo, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), P.GetData(),
b.GetData(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef() );
/*** RowSym and Upper ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const Matrix<float, Prop0, RowSym, Allocator0>& A,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, pivot, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
ssytrs_(&uplo, &m, &nrhs, A.GetData(), &m,
P.GetData(), b.GetData(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const Matrix<double, Prop0, RowSym, Allocator0>& A,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, pivot, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
dsytrs_(&uplo, &m, &nrhs, A.GetData(), &m,
P.GetData(), b.GetData(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, RowSym, Allocator0>& A,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, pivot, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
csytrs_(&uplo, &m, & nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), &m,
P.GetData(), b.GetDataVoid(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, RowSym, Allocator0>& A,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, pivot, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
zsytrs_(&uplo, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), &m,
P.GetData(), b.GetDataVoid(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
/*** RowSymPacked and Upper ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const Matrix<float, Prop0, RowSymPacked, Allocator0>& A,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, pivot, X)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
ssptrs_(&uplo, &m, &nrhs, A.GetData(), P.GetData(),
b.GetData(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const Matrix<double, Prop0, RowSymPacked, Allocator0>& A,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, pivot, X)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
dsptrs_(&uplo, &m, &nrhs, A.GetData(), P.GetData(),
b.GetData(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, RowSymPacked,
Allocator0>& A, const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, pivot, X)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
csptrs_(&uplo, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), P.GetData(),
b.GetData(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, RowSymPacked,
Allocator0>& A, const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, pivot, X)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
zsptrs_(&uplo, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), P.GetData(),
b.GetData(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef() );
/*** ColHerm and Upper ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, ColHerm, Allocator0>& A,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, pivot, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
chetrs_(&uplo, &m, & nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), &m,
P.GetData(), b.GetDataVoid(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, ColHerm, Allocator0>& A,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, pivot, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
zhetrs_(&uplo, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), &m,
P.GetData(), b.GetDataVoid(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
/*** ColHermPacked and Upper ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, ColHermPacked,
Allocator0>& A, const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, pivot, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
chptrs_(&uplo, &m, & nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(),
P.GetData(), b.GetDataVoid(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, ColHermPacked,
Allocator0>& A, const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, pivot, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
zhptrs_(&uplo, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(),
P.GetData(), b.GetDataVoid(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
/*** RowHerm and Upper ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, RowHerm, Allocator0>& A,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, pivot, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
chetrs_(&uplo, &m, & nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), &m,
P.GetData(), b.GetDataVoid(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, RowHerm, Allocator0>& A,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, pivot, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
zhetrs_(&uplo, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), &m,
P.GetData(), b.GetDataVoid(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
/*** RowHermPacked and Upper ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, RowHermPacked,
Allocator0>& A, const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, pivot, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
chptrs_(&uplo, &m, & nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(),
P.GetData(), b.GetDataVoid(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, RowHermPacked,
Allocator0>& A, const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, pivot, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
zhptrs_(&uplo, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(),
P.GetData(), b.GetDataVoid(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
/*** ColUpTriang, NoTrans and NonUnit ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const Matrix<float, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U'); char trans('N'); char diag('N');
strtrs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, & nrhs, A.GetData(), &m,
b.GetData(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const Matrix<double, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U'); char trans('N'); char diag('N');
dtrtrs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, & nrhs, A.GetData(), &m,
b.GetData(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, ColUpTriang,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U'); char trans('N'); char diag('N');
ctrtrs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, & nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), &m,
b.GetDataVoid(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, ColUpTriang,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U'); char trans('N'); char diag('N');
ztrtrs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, & nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), &m,
b.GetDataVoid(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
/*** ColUpTriang ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA, const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<float, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
char trans = TransA.Char(); char diag = DiagA.Char();
strtrs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, & nrhs, A.GetData(), &m,
b.GetData(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA, const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<double, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
char trans = TransA.Char(); char diag = DiagA.Char();
dtrtrs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, & nrhs, A.GetData(), &m,
b.GetData(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA, const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, ColUpTriang,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
char trans = TransA.Char(); char diag = DiagA.Char();
ctrtrs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, & nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), &m,
b.GetDataVoid(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA, const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, ColUpTriang,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
char trans = TransA.Char(); char diag = DiagA.Char();
ztrtrs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, & nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), &m,
b.GetDataVoid(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
/*** ColLoTriang, NoTrans and NonUnit ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const Matrix<float, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L'); char trans('N'); char diag('N');
strtrs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, & nrhs, A.GetData(), &m,
b.GetData(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const Matrix<double, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L'); char trans('N'); char diag('N');
dtrtrs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, & nrhs, A.GetData(), &m,
b.GetData(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, ColLoTriang,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L'); char trans('N'); char diag('N');
ctrtrs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, & nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), &m,
b.GetDataVoid(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, ColLoTriang,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L'); char trans('N'); char diag('N');
ztrtrs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, & nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), &m,
b.GetDataVoid(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
/*** ColLoTriang ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA, const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<float, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
char trans = TransA.Char(); char diag = DiagA.Char();
strtrs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, & nrhs, A.GetData(), &m,
b.GetData(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA, const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<double, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
char trans = TransA.Char(); char diag = DiagA.Char();
dtrtrs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, & nrhs, A.GetData(), &m,
b.GetData(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA, const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, ColLoTriang,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
char trans = TransA.Char(); char diag = DiagA.Char();
ctrtrs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, & nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), &m,
b.GetDataVoid(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA, const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, ColLoTriang,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
char trans = TransA.Char(); char diag = DiagA.Char();
ztrtrs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, & nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), &m,
b.GetDataVoid(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
/*** ColUpTriangPacked, NoTrans, and NonUnit ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const Matrix<float, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U'); char trans('N'); char diag('N');
stptrs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, & nrhs, A.GetData(),
b.GetData(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const Matrix<double, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U'); char trans('N'); char diag('N');
dtptrs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, & nrhs, A.GetData(),
b.GetData(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U'); char trans('N'); char diag('N');
ctptrs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, & nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(),
b.GetDataVoid(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U'); char trans('N'); char diag('N');
ztptrs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, & nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(),
b.GetDataVoid(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
/*** ColUpTriangPacked ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA, const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<float, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
char trans = TransA.Char(); char diag = DiagA.Char();
stptrs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, & nrhs, A.GetData(),
b.GetData(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA, const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<double, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
char trans = TransA.Char(); char diag = DiagA.Char();
dtptrs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, & nrhs, A.GetData(),
b.GetData(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA, const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
char trans = TransA.Char(); char diag = DiagA.Char();
ctptrs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, & nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(),
b.GetDataVoid(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA, const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
char trans = TransA.Char(); char diag = DiagA.Char();
ztptrs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, & nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(),
b.GetDataVoid(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
/*** ColLoTriangPacked, NoTrans and NonUnit ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const Matrix<float, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L'); char trans('N'); char diag('N');
stptrs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, & nrhs, A.GetData(),
b.GetData(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const Matrix<double, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L'); char trans('N'); char diag('N');
dtptrs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, & nrhs, A.GetData(),
b.GetData(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L'); char trans('N'); char diag('N');
ctptrs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, & nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(),
b.GetDataVoid(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L'); char trans('N'); char diag('N');
ztptrs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, & nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(),
b.GetDataVoid(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
/*** ColLoTriangPacked ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA, const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<float, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
char trans = TransA.Char(); char diag = DiagA.Char();
stptrs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, & nrhs, A.GetData(),
b.GetData(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA, const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<double, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
char trans = TransA.Char(); char diag = DiagA.Char();
dtptrs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, & nrhs, A.GetData(),
b.GetData(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA, const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
char trans = TransA.Char(); char diag = DiagA.Char();
ctptrs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, & nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(),
b.GetDataVoid(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA, const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
char trans = TransA.Char(); char diag = DiagA.Char();
ztptrs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, & nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(),
b.GetDataVoid(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
/*** RowUpTriang, NoTrans and NonUnit ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const Matrix<float, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L'); char trans('T'); char diag('N');
strtrs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, & nrhs, A.GetData(), &m,
b.GetData(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const Matrix<double, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L'); char trans('T'); char diag('N');
dtrtrs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, & nrhs, A.GetData(), &m,
b.GetData(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator2>
SolveLU(const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L'); char trans('T'); char diag('N');
ctrtrs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, & nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), &m,
b.GetDataVoid(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator2>
SolveLU(const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L'); char trans('T'); char diag('N');
ztrtrs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, & nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), &m,
b.GetDataVoid(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
/*** RowUpTriang ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA, const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<float, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
char trans = TransA.RevChar(); char diag = DiagA.Char();
strtrs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, & nrhs, A.GetData(), &m,
b.GetData(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA, const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<double, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
char trans = TransA.RevChar(); char diag = DiagA.Char();
dtrtrs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, & nrhs, A.GetData(), &m,
b.GetData(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator2>
SolveLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA, const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
char trans = TransA.RevChar(); char diag = DiagA.Char();
if (TransA.ConjTrans())
ctrtrs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, & nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), &m,
b.GetDataVoid(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
if (TransA.ConjTrans())
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator2>
SolveLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA, const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
char trans = TransA.RevChar(); char diag = DiagA.Char();
if (TransA.ConjTrans())
ztrtrs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, & nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), &m,
b.GetDataVoid(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
if (TransA.ConjTrans())
/*** RowLoTriang, NoTrans and NonUnit ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const Matrix<float, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U'); char trans('T'); char diag('N');
strtrs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, & nrhs, A.GetData(), &m,
b.GetData(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const Matrix<double, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U'); char trans('T'); char diag('N');
dtrtrs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, & nrhs, A.GetData(), &m,
b.GetData(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator2>
SolveLU(const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U'); char trans('T'); char diag('N');
ctrtrs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, & nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), &m,
b.GetDataVoid(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator2>
SolveLU(const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U'); char trans('T'); char diag('N');
ztrtrs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, & nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), &m,
b.GetDataVoid(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
/*** RowLoTriang ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA, const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<float, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
char trans = TransA.RevChar(); char diag = DiagA.Char();
strtrs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, & nrhs, A.GetData(), &m,
b.GetData(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA, const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<double, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
char trans = TransA.RevChar(); char diag = DiagA.Char();
dtrtrs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, & nrhs, A.GetData(), &m,
b.GetData(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator2>
SolveLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA, const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
char trans = TransA.RevChar(); char diag = DiagA.Char();
if (TransA.ConjTrans())
ctrtrs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, & nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), &m,
b.GetDataVoid(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
if (TransA.ConjTrans())
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator2>
SolveLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA, const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
char trans = TransA.RevChar(); char diag = DiagA.Char();
if (TransA.ConjTrans())
ztrtrs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, & nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), &m,
b.GetDataVoid(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
if (TransA.ConjTrans())
/*** RowUpTriangPacked, NoTrans and NonUnit ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const Matrix<float, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L'); char trans('T'); char diag('N');
stptrs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, & nrhs, A.GetData(),
b.GetData(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const Matrix<double, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L'); char trans('T'); char diag('N');
dtptrs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, & nrhs, A.GetData(),
b.GetData(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L'); char trans('T'); char diag('N');
ctptrs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, & nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(),
b.GetDataVoid(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L'); char trans('T'); char diag('N');
ztptrs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, & nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(),
b.GetDataVoid(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
/*** RowUpTriangPacked ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA, const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<float, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
char trans = TransA.RevChar(); char diag = DiagA.Char();
stptrs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, & nrhs, A.GetData(),
b.GetData(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA, const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<double, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
char trans = TransA.RevChar(); char diag = DiagA.Char();
dtptrs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, & nrhs, A.GetData(),
b.GetData(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA, const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
char trans = TransA.RevChar(); char diag = DiagA.Char();
if (TransA.ConjTrans())
ctptrs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, & nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(),
b.GetDataVoid(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
if (TransA.ConjTrans())
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA, const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
char trans = TransA.RevChar(); char diag = DiagA.Char();
if (TransA.ConjTrans())
ztptrs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, & nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(),
b.GetDataVoid(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
if (TransA.ConjTrans())
/*** RowLoTriangPacked, NoTrans and NonUnit ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const Matrix<float, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U'); char trans('T'); char diag('N');
stptrs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, & nrhs, A.GetData(),
b.GetData(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const Matrix<double, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U'); char trans('T'); char diag('N');
dtptrs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, & nrhs, A.GetData(),
b.GetData(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U'); char trans('T'); char diag('N');
ctptrs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, & nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(),
b.GetDataVoid(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U'); char trans('T'); char diag('N');
ztptrs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, & nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(),
b.GetDataVoid(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
/*** RowLoTriangPacked ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA, const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<float, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
char trans = TransA.RevChar(); char diag = DiagA.Char();
stptrs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, & nrhs, A.GetData(),
b.GetData(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA, const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<double, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
char trans = TransA.RevChar(); char diag = DiagA.Char();
dtptrs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, & nrhs, A.GetData(),
b.GetData(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA, const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
char trans = TransA.RevChar(); char diag = DiagA.Char();
if (TransA.ConjTrans())
ctptrs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, & nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(),
b.GetDataVoid(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
if (TransA.ConjTrans())
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator2>
void SolveLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA, const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, b, "SolveLU(A, X)");
int m = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
char trans = TransA.RevChar(); char diag = DiagA.Char();
if (TransA.ConjTrans())
ztptrs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, & nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(),
b.GetDataVoid(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
if (TransA.ConjTrans())
// SolveLU //
// ReciprocalConditionNumber //
/*** ColMajor ***/
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator1>
float ReciprocalConditionNumber(const Matrix<float, Prop0, ColMajor,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
SeldonNorm norm, float anorm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char norm_type = norm.Char();
int n = A.GetM(); float rcond(0);
Vector<int> iwork(n); Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator0> work(4*n);
sgecon_(&norm_type, &n, A.GetData(), &n, &anorm, &rcond,
work.GetData(), iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator1>
double ReciprocalConditionNumber(const Matrix<double, Prop0, ColMajor,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
SeldonNorm norm, double anorm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char norm_type = norm.Char();
int n = A.GetM(); double rcond(0);
Vector<int> iwork(n); Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator0> work(4*n);
dgecon_(&norm_type, &n, A.GetData(), &n, &anorm, &rcond,
work.GetData(), iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator1>
float ReciprocalConditionNumber(const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0,
ColMajor, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
SeldonNorm norm, float anorm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char norm_type = norm.Char();
int n = A.GetM(); float rcond(0);
Vector<float> rwork(2*n);
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(2*n);
cgecon_(&norm_type, &n, A.GetDataVoid(), &n, &anorm, &rcond,
work.GetDataVoid(), rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator1>
double ReciprocalConditionNumber(const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0,
ColMajor, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
SeldonNorm norm, double anorm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char norm_type = norm.Char();
int n = A.GetM(); double rcond(0);
Vector<double> rwork(2*n);
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(2*n);
zgecon_(&norm_type, &n, A.GetDataVoid(), &n, &anorm, &rcond,
work.GetDataVoid(), rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
/*** RowMajor ***/
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator1>
float ReciprocalConditionNumber(const Matrix<float, Prop0, RowMajor,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
SeldonNorm norm, float anorm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char norm_type = norm.RevChar();
int n = A.GetM(); float rcond(0);
Vector<int> iwork(n); Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator0> work(4*n);
sgecon_(&norm_type, &n, A.GetData(), &n, &anorm, &rcond,
work.GetData(), iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator1>
double ReciprocalConditionNumber(const Matrix<double, Prop0, RowMajor,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
SeldonNorm norm, double anorm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char norm_type = norm.RevChar();
int n = A.GetM(); double rcond(0);
Vector<int> iwork(n); Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator0> work(4*n);
dgecon_(&norm_type, &n, A.GetData(), &n, &anorm, &rcond,
work.GetData(), iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator1>
float ReciprocalConditionNumber(const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0,
RowMajor, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
SeldonNorm norm, float anorm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char norm_type = norm.RevChar();
int n = A.GetM(); float rcond(0);
Vector<float> rwork(2*n);
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(2*n);
cgecon_(&norm_type, &n, A.GetDataVoid(), &n, &anorm, &rcond,
work.GetDataVoid(), rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator1>
double ReciprocalConditionNumber(const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0,
RowMajor, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
SeldonNorm norm, double anorm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char norm_type = norm.RevChar();
int n = A.GetM(); double rcond(0);
Vector<double> rwork(2*n);
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(2*n);
zgecon_(&norm_type, &n, A.GetDataVoid(), &n, &anorm, &rcond,
work.GetDataVoid(), rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
/*** ColSym and Upper ***/
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator1>
float ReciprocalConditionNumber(const Matrix<float, Prop0, ColSym,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
SeldonNorm norm, float anorm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('U');
int n = A.GetM(); float rcond(0);
Vector<int> iwork(n); Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator0> work(2*n);
ssycon_(&uplo, &n, A.GetData(), &n, P.GetData(), &anorm, &rcond,
work.GetData(), iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator1>
double ReciprocalConditionNumber(const Matrix<double, Prop0, ColSym,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
SeldonNorm norm, double anorm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('U');
int n = A.GetM(); double rcond(0);
Vector<int> iwork(n); Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator0> work(2*n);
dsycon_(&uplo, &n, A.GetData(), &n, P.GetData(), &anorm, &rcond,
work.GetData(), iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator1>
float ReciprocalConditionNumber(const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0,
ColSym, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
SeldonNorm norm, float anorm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('U');
int n = A.GetM(); float rcond(0);
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(2*n);
csycon_(&uplo, &n, A.GetDataVoid(), &n, P.GetData(), &anorm, &rcond,
work.GetDataVoid(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator1>
double ReciprocalConditionNumber(const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0,
ColSym, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
SeldonNorm norm, double anorm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('U');
int n = A.GetM(); double rcond(0);
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(2*n);
zsycon_(&uplo, &n, A.GetDataVoid(), &n, P.GetData(), &anorm, &rcond,
work.GetDataVoid(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
/*** ColSymPacked and Upper ***/
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator1>
float ReciprocalConditionNumber(const Matrix<float, Prop0,
ColSymPacked, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
SeldonNorm norm, float anorm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('U');
int n = A.GetM(); float rcond(0);
Vector<int> iwork(n); Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator0> work(2*n);
sspcon_(&uplo, &n, A.GetData(), P.GetData(), &anorm, &rcond,
work.GetData(), iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator1>
double ReciprocalConditionNumber(const Matrix<double, Prop0, ColSymPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
SeldonNorm norm, double anorm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('U');
int n = A.GetM(); double rcond(0);
Vector<int> iwork(n); Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator0> work(2*n);
dspcon_(&uplo, &n, A.GetData(), P.GetData(), &anorm, &rcond,
work.GetData(), iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator1>
float ReciprocalConditionNumber(const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0,
ColSymPacked, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
SeldonNorm norm, float anorm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('U');
int n = A.GetM(); float rcond(0);
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(2*n);
cspcon_(&uplo, &n, A.GetData(), P.GetData(), &anorm, &rcond,
work.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator1>
double ReciprocalConditionNumber(const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0,
ColSymPacked, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
SeldonNorm norm, double anorm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('U');
int n = A.GetM(); double rcond(0);
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(2*n);
zspcon_(&uplo, &n, A.GetData(), P.GetData(), &anorm, &rcond,
work.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
/*** RowSym and Upper ***/
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator1>
float ReciprocalConditionNumber(const Matrix<float, Prop0, RowSym,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
SeldonNorm norm, float anorm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('L');
int n = A.GetM(); float rcond(0);
Vector<int> iwork(n); Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator0> work(2*n);
ssycon_(&uplo, &n, A.GetData(), &n, P.GetData(), &anorm, &rcond,
work.GetData(), iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator1>
double ReciprocalConditionNumber(const Matrix<double, Prop0, RowSym,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
SeldonNorm norm, double anorm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('L');
int n = A.GetM(); double rcond(0);
Vector<int> iwork(n); Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator0> work(2*n);
dsycon_(&uplo, &n, A.GetData(), &n, P.GetData(), &anorm, &rcond,
work.GetData(), iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator1>
float ReciprocalConditionNumber(const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, RowSym,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
SeldonNorm norm, float anorm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('L');
int n = A.GetM(); float rcond(0);
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(2*n);
csycon_(&uplo, &n, A.GetDataVoid(), &n, P.GetData(), &anorm, &rcond,
work.GetDataVoid(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator1>
double ReciprocalConditionNumber(const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0,
RowSym, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
SeldonNorm norm, double anorm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('L');
int n = A.GetM(); double rcond(0);
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(2*n);
zsycon_(&uplo, &n, A.GetDataVoid(), &n, P.GetData(), &anorm, &rcond,
work.GetDataVoid(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
/*** RowSymPacked and Upper ***/
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator1>
float ReciprocalConditionNumber(const Matrix<float, Prop0, RowSymPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
SeldonNorm norm, float anorm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('L');
int n = A.GetM(); float rcond(0);
Vector<int> iwork(n); Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator0> work(2*n);
sspcon_(&uplo, &n, A.GetData(), P.GetData(), &anorm, &rcond,
work.GetData(), iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator1>
double ReciprocalConditionNumber(const Matrix<double, Prop0, RowSymPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
SeldonNorm norm, double anorm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('L');
int n = A.GetM(); double rcond(0);
Vector<int> iwork(n); Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator0> work(2*n);
dspcon_(&uplo, &n, A.GetData(), P.GetData(), &anorm, &rcond,
work.GetData(), iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator1>
float ReciprocalConditionNumber(const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0,
RowSymPacked, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
SeldonNorm norm, float anorm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('L');
int n = A.GetM(); float rcond(0);
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(2*n);
cspcon_(&uplo, &n, A.GetData(), P.GetData(), &anorm, &rcond,
work.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator1>
double ReciprocalConditionNumber(const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0,
RowSymPacked, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
SeldonNorm norm, double anorm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('L');
int n = A.GetM(); double rcond(0);
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(2*n);
zspcon_(&uplo, &n, A.GetData(), P.GetData(), &anorm, &rcond,
work.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
/*** ColHerm and Upper ***/
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator1>
float ReciprocalConditionNumber(const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0,
ColHerm, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
SeldonNorm norm, float anorm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('U');
int n = A.GetM(); float rcond(0);
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(2*n);
checon_(&uplo, &n, A.GetData(), &n, P.GetData(), &anorm, &rcond,
work.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator1>
double ReciprocalConditionNumber(const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0,
ColHerm, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
SeldonNorm norm, double anorm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('U');
int n = A.GetM(); double rcond(0);
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(2*n);
zhecon_(&uplo, &n, A.GetData(), &n, P.GetData(), &anorm, &rcond,
work.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
/*** ColHermPacked and Upper ***/
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator1>
float ReciprocalConditionNumber(const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0,
ColHermPacked, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
SeldonNorm norm, float anorm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('U');
int n = A.GetM(); float rcond(0);
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(2*n);
chpcon_(&uplo, &n, A.GetData(), P.GetData(), &anorm, &rcond,
work.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator1>
double ReciprocalConditionNumber(const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0,
ColHermPacked, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
SeldonNorm norm, double anorm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('U');
int n = A.GetM(); double rcond(0);
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(2*n);
zhpcon_(&uplo, &n, A.GetData(), P.GetData(), &anorm, &rcond,
work.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
/*** RowHerm and Upper ***/
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator1>
float ReciprocalConditionNumber(const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0,
RowHerm, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
SeldonNorm norm, float anorm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('L');
int n = A.GetM(); float rcond(0);
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(2*n);
checon_(&uplo, &n, A.GetData(), &n, P.GetData(), &anorm, &rcond,
work.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator1>
double ReciprocalConditionNumber(const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0,
RowHerm, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
SeldonNorm norm, double anorm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('L');
int n = A.GetM(); double rcond(0);
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(2*n);
zhecon_(&uplo, &n, A.GetData(), &n, P.GetData(), &anorm, &rcond,
work.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
/*** RowHermPacked and Upper ***/
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator1>
float ReciprocalConditionNumber(const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0,
RowHermPacked, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
SeldonNorm norm, float anorm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('L');
int n = A.GetM(); float rcond(0);
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(2*n);
chpcon_(&uplo, &n, A.GetData(), P.GetData(), &anorm, &rcond,
work.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0, class Allocator1>
double ReciprocalConditionNumber(const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0,
RowHermPacked, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
SeldonNorm norm, double anorm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('L');
int n = A.GetM(); double rcond(0);
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(2*n);
zhpcon_(&uplo, &n, A.GetData(), P.GetData(), &anorm, &rcond,
work.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
/*** ColUpTriang and NonUnit ***/
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0>
float ReciprocalConditionNumber(const Matrix<float, Prop0, ColUpTriang,
Allocator0>& A, SeldonNorm norm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('U'); char norm_type = norm.Char(); char diag('N');
int n = A.GetM(); float rcond(0);
Vector<int> iwork(n); Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator0> work(3*n);
strcon_(&norm_type, &uplo, &diag, &n, A.GetData(), &n, &rcond,
work.GetData(), iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0>
double ReciprocalConditionNumber(const Matrix<double, Prop0, ColUpTriang,
Allocator0>& A, SeldonNorm norm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('U'); char norm_type = norm.Char(); char diag('N');
int n = A.GetM(); double rcond(0);
Vector<int> iwork(n); Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator0> work(3*n);
dtrcon_(&norm_type, &uplo, &diag, &n, A.GetData(), &n, &rcond,
work.GetData(), iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0>
float ReciprocalConditionNumber(const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0,
ColUpTriang, Allocator0>& A,
SeldonNorm norm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('U'); char norm_type = norm.Char(); char diag('N');
int n = A.GetM(); float rcond(0);
Vector<float> rwork(n);
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(2*n);
ctrcon_(&norm_type, &uplo, &diag, &n, A.GetDataVoid(), &n, &rcond,
work.GetDataVoid(), rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0>
double ReciprocalConditionNumber(const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0,
ColUpTriang, Allocator0>& A,
SeldonNorm norm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('U'); char norm_type = norm.Char(); char diag('N');
int n = A.GetM(); double rcond(0);
Vector<double> rwork(n);
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(2*n);
ztrcon_(&norm_type, &uplo, &diag, &n, A.GetDataVoid(), &n, &rcond,
work.GetDataVoid(), rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
/*** ColUpTriang ***/
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0>
float ReciprocalConditionNumber(const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<float, Prop0, ColUpTriang,
Allocator0>& A, SeldonNorm norm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('U'); char norm_type = norm.Char();
char diag = DiagA.Char();
int n = A.GetM(); float rcond(0);
Vector<int> iwork(n); Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator0> work(3*n);
strcon_(&norm_type, &uplo, &diag, &n, A.GetData(), &n, &rcond,
work.GetData(), iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0>
double ReciprocalConditionNumber(const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<double, Prop0, ColUpTriang,
Allocator0>& A, SeldonNorm norm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('U'); char norm_type = norm.Char();
int n = A.GetM(); double rcond(0);
char diag = DiagA.Char();
Vector<int> iwork(n); Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator0> work(3*n);
dtrcon_(&norm_type, &uplo, &diag, &n, A.GetData(), &n, &rcond,
work.GetData(), iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0>
float ReciprocalConditionNumber(const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0,
ColUpTriang, Allocator0>& A,
SeldonNorm norm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('U'); char norm_type = norm.Char();
char diag = DiagA.Char();
int n = A.GetM(); float rcond(0);
Vector<float> rwork(n);
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(2*n);
ctrcon_(&norm_type, &uplo, &diag, &n, A.GetDataVoid(), &n, &rcond,
work.GetDataVoid(), rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0>
double ReciprocalConditionNumber(const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0,
ColUpTriang, Allocator0>& A,
SeldonNorm norm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('U'); char norm_type = norm.Char();
char diag = DiagA.Char();
int n = A.GetM(); double rcond(0);
Vector<double> rwork(n);
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(2*n);
ztrcon_(&norm_type, &uplo, &diag, &n, A.GetDataVoid(), &n, &rcond,
work.GetDataVoid(), rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
/*** ColLoTriang and NonUnit ***/
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0>
float ReciprocalConditionNumber(const Matrix<float, Prop0,
ColLoTriang, Allocator0>& A,
SeldonNorm norm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('L'); char norm_type = norm.Char(); char diag('N');
int n = A.GetM(); float rcond(0);
Vector<int> iwork(n); Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator0> work(3*n);
strcon_(&norm_type, &uplo, &diag, &n, A.GetData(), &n, &rcond,
work.GetData(), iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0>
double ReciprocalConditionNumber(const Matrix<double, Prop0, ColLoTriang,
Allocator0>& A, SeldonNorm norm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('L'); char norm_type = norm.Char(); char diag('N');
int n = A.GetM(); double rcond(0);
Vector<int> iwork(n); Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator0> work(3*n);
dtrcon_(&norm_type, &uplo, &diag, &n, A.GetData(), &n, &rcond,
work.GetData(), iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0>
float ReciprocalConditionNumber(const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0,
ColLoTriang, Allocator0>& A,
SeldonNorm norm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('L'); char norm_type = norm.Char(); char diag('N');
int n = A.GetM(); float rcond(0);
Vector<float> rwork(n);
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(2*n);
ctrcon_(&norm_type, &uplo, &diag, &n, A.GetDataVoid(), &n, &rcond,
work.GetDataVoid(), rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0>
double ReciprocalConditionNumber(const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0,
ColLoTriang, Allocator0>& A,
SeldonNorm norm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('L'); char norm_type = norm.Char(); char diag('N');
int n = A.GetM(); double rcond(0);
Vector<double> rwork(n);
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(2*n);
ztrcon_(&norm_type, &uplo, &diag, &n, A.GetDataVoid(), &n, &rcond,
work.GetDataVoid(), rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
/*** ColLoTriang ***/
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0>
float ReciprocalConditionNumber(const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<float, Prop0,
ColLoTriang, Allocator0>& A,
SeldonNorm norm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('L'); char norm_type = norm.Char();
char diag = DiagA.Char();
int n = A.GetM(); float rcond(0);
Vector<int> iwork(n); Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator0> work(3*n);
strcon_(&norm_type, &uplo, &diag, &n, A.GetData(), &n, &rcond,
work.GetData(), iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0>
double ReciprocalConditionNumber(const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<double, Prop0, ColLoTriang,
Allocator0>& A, SeldonNorm norm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('L'); char norm_type = norm.Char();
char diag = DiagA.Char();
int n = A.GetM(); double rcond(0);
Vector<int> iwork(n); Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator0> work(3*n);
dtrcon_(&norm_type, &uplo, &diag, &n, A.GetData(), &n, &rcond,
work.GetData(), iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0>
float ReciprocalConditionNumber(const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0,
ColLoTriang, Allocator0>& A,
SeldonNorm norm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('L'); char norm_type = norm.Char();
char diag = DiagA.Char();
int n = A.GetM(); float rcond(0);
Vector<float> rwork(n);
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(2*n);
ctrcon_(&norm_type, &uplo, &diag, &n, A.GetDataVoid(), &n, &rcond,
work.GetDataVoid(), rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0>
double ReciprocalConditionNumber(const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0,
ColLoTriang, Allocator0>& A,
SeldonNorm norm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('L'); char norm_type = norm.Char();
char diag = DiagA.Char();
int n = A.GetM(); double rcond(0);
Vector<double> rwork(n);
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(2*n);
ztrcon_(&norm_type, &uplo, &diag, &n, A.GetDataVoid(), &n, &rcond,
work.GetDataVoid(), rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
/*** ColUpTriangPacked and NonUnit ***/
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0>
float ReciprocalConditionNumber(const Matrix<float, Prop0,
ColUpTriangPacked, Allocator0>& A,
SeldonNorm norm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('U'); char norm_type = norm.Char(); char diag('N');
int n = A.GetM(); float rcond(0);
Vector<int> iwork(n); Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator0> work(3*n);
stpcon_(&norm_type, &uplo, &diag, &n, A.GetData(), &rcond,
work.GetData(), iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0>
double ReciprocalConditionNumber(const Matrix<double, Prop0,
ColUpTriangPacked, Allocator0>& A,
SeldonNorm norm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('U'); char norm_type = norm.Char(); char diag('N');
int n = A.GetM(); double rcond(0);
Vector<int> iwork(n); Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator0> work(3*n);
dtpcon_(&norm_type, &uplo, &diag, &n, A.GetData(), &rcond,
work.GetData(), iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0>
float ReciprocalConditionNumber(const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0,
ColUpTriangPacked, Allocator0>& A,
SeldonNorm norm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('U'); char norm_type = norm.Char(); char diag('N');
int n = A.GetM(); float rcond(0);
Vector<float> rwork(n);
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(2*n);
ctpcon_(&norm_type, &uplo, &diag, &n, A.GetDataVoid(), &rcond,
work.GetDataVoid(), rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0>
double ReciprocalConditionNumber(const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0,
ColUpTriangPacked, Allocator0>& A,
SeldonNorm norm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('U'); char norm_type = norm.Char(); char diag('N');
int n = A.GetM(); double rcond(0);
Vector<double> rwork(n);
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(2*n);
ztpcon_(&norm_type, &uplo, &diag, &n, A.GetDataVoid(), &rcond,
work.GetDataVoid(), rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
/*** ColUpTriangPacked ***/
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0>
float ReciprocalConditionNumber(const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<float, Prop0,
ColUpTriangPacked, Allocator0>& A,
SeldonNorm norm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('U'); char norm_type = norm.Char();
char diag = DiagA.Char();
int n = A.GetM(); float rcond(0);
Vector<int> iwork(n); Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator0> work(3*n);
stpcon_(&norm_type, &uplo, &diag, &n, A.GetData(), &rcond,
work.GetData(), iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0>
double ReciprocalConditionNumber(const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<double, Prop0,
ColUpTriangPacked, Allocator0>& A,
SeldonNorm norm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('U'); char norm_type = norm.Char();
char diag = DiagA.Char();
int n = A.GetM(); double rcond(0);
Vector<int> iwork(n); Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator0> work(3*n);
dtpcon_(&norm_type, &uplo, &diag, &n, A.GetData(), &rcond,
work.GetData(), iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0>
float ReciprocalConditionNumber(const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0,
ColUpTriangPacked, Allocator0>& A,
SeldonNorm norm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('U'); char norm_type = norm.Char();
char diag = DiagA.Char();
int n = A.GetM(); float rcond(0);
Vector<float> rwork(n);
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(2*n);
ctpcon_(&norm_type, &uplo, &diag, &n, A.GetDataVoid(), &rcond,
work.GetDataVoid(), rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0>
double ReciprocalConditionNumber(const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0,
ColUpTriangPacked, Allocator0>& A,
SeldonNorm norm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('U'); char norm_type = norm.Char();
char diag = DiagA.Char();
int n = A.GetM(); double rcond(0);
Vector<double> rwork(n);
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(2*n);
ztpcon_(&norm_type, &uplo, &diag, &n, A.GetDataVoid(), &rcond,
work.GetDataVoid(), rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
/*** ColLoTriangPacked and NonUnit ***/
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0>
float ReciprocalConditionNumber(const Matrix<float, Prop0,
ColLoTriangPacked, Allocator0>& A,
SeldonNorm norm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('L'); char norm_type = norm.Char(); char diag('N');
int n = A.GetM(); float rcond(0);
Vector<int> iwork(n); Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator0> work(3*n);
stpcon_(&norm_type, &uplo, &diag, &n, A.GetData(), &rcond,
work.GetData(), iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0>
double ReciprocalConditionNumber(const Matrix<double, Prop0,
ColLoTriangPacked, Allocator0>& A,
SeldonNorm norm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('L'); char norm_type = norm.Char(); char diag('N');
int n = A.GetM(); double rcond(0);
Vector<int> iwork(n); Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator0> work(3*n);
dtpcon_(&norm_type, &uplo, &diag, &n, A.GetData(), &rcond,
work.GetData(), iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0>
float ReciprocalConditionNumber(const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0,
ColLoTriangPacked, Allocator0>& A,
SeldonNorm norm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('L'); char norm_type = norm.Char(); char diag('N');
int n = A.GetM(); float rcond(0);
Vector<float> rwork(n);
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(2*n);
ctpcon_(&norm_type, &uplo, &diag, &n, A.GetDataVoid(), &rcond,
work.GetDataVoid(), rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0>
double ReciprocalConditionNumber(const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0,
ColLoTriangPacked, Allocator0>& A,
SeldonNorm norm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('L'); char norm_type = norm.Char(); char diag('N');
int n = A.GetM(); double rcond(0);
Vector<double> rwork(n);
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(2*n);
ztpcon_(&norm_type, &uplo, &diag, &n, A.GetDataVoid(), &rcond,
work.GetDataVoid(), rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
/*** ColLoTriangPacked ***/
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0>
float ReciprocalConditionNumber(const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<float, Prop0,
ColLoTriangPacked, Allocator0>& A,
SeldonNorm norm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('L'); char norm_type = norm.Char();
char diag = DiagA.Char();
int n = A.GetM(); float rcond(0);
Vector<int> iwork(n); Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator0> work(3*n);
stpcon_(&norm_type, &uplo, &diag, &n, A.GetData(), &rcond,
work.GetData(), iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0>
double ReciprocalConditionNumber(const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<double, Prop0,
ColLoTriangPacked, Allocator0>& A,
SeldonNorm norm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('L'); char norm_type = norm.Char();
char diag = DiagA.Char();
int n = A.GetM(); double rcond(0);
Vector<int> iwork(n); Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator0> work(3*n);
dtpcon_(&norm_type, &uplo, &diag, &n, A.GetData(), &rcond,
work.GetData(), iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0>
float ReciprocalConditionNumber(const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0,
ColLoTriangPacked, Allocator0>& A,
SeldonNorm norm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('L'); char norm_type = norm.Char();
char diag = DiagA.Char();
int n = A.GetM(); float rcond(0);
Vector<float> rwork(n);
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(2*n);
ctpcon_(&norm_type, &uplo, &diag, &n, A.GetDataVoid(), &rcond,
work.GetDataVoid(), rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0>
double ReciprocalConditionNumber(const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0,
ColLoTriangPacked, Allocator0>& A,
SeldonNorm norm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('L'); char norm_type = norm.Char();
char diag = DiagA.Char();
int n = A.GetM(); double rcond(0);
Vector<double> rwork(n);
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(2*n);
ztpcon_(&norm_type, &uplo, &diag, &n, A.GetDataVoid(), &rcond,
work.GetDataVoid(), rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
/*** RowUpTriang and NonUnit ***/
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0>
float ReciprocalConditionNumber(const Matrix<float, Prop0, RowUpTriang,
Allocator0>& A, SeldonNorm norm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('L'); char norm_type = norm.RevChar(); char diag('N');
int n = A.GetM(); float rcond(0);
Vector<int> iwork(n); Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator0> work(3*n);
strcon_(&norm_type, &uplo, &diag, &n, A.GetData(), &n, &rcond,
work.GetData(), iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0>
double ReciprocalConditionNumber(const Matrix<double, Prop0, RowUpTriang,
Allocator0>& A, SeldonNorm norm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('L'); char norm_type = norm.RevChar(); char diag('N');
int n = A.GetM(); double rcond(0);
Vector<int> iwork(n); Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator0> work(3*n);
dtrcon_(&norm_type, &uplo, &diag, &n, A.GetData(), &n, &rcond,
work.GetData(), iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0>
float ReciprocalConditionNumber(const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0,
RowUpTriang, Allocator0>& A,
SeldonNorm norm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('L'); char norm_type = norm.RevChar(); char diag('N');
int n = A.GetM(); float rcond(0);
Vector<float> rwork(n);
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(2*n);
ctrcon_(&norm_type, &uplo, &diag, &n, A.GetDataVoid(), &n, &rcond,
work.GetDataVoid(), rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0>
double ReciprocalConditionNumber(const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0,
RowUpTriang, Allocator0>& A,
SeldonNorm norm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('L'); char norm_type = norm.RevChar(); char diag('N');
int n = A.GetM(); double rcond(0);
Vector<double> rwork(n);
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(2*n);
ztrcon_(&norm_type, &uplo, &diag, &n, A.GetDataVoid(), &n, &rcond,
work.GetDataVoid(), rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
/*** RowUpTriang ***/
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0>
float ReciprocalConditionNumber(const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<float, Prop0, RowUpTriang,
Allocator0>& A, SeldonNorm norm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('L'); char norm_type = norm.RevChar();
char diag = DiagA.Char();
int n = A.GetM(); float rcond(0);
Vector<int> iwork(n); Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator0> work(3*n);
strcon_(&norm_type, &uplo, &diag, &n, A.GetData(), &n, &rcond,
work.GetData(), iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0>
double ReciprocalConditionNumber(const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<double, Prop0, RowUpTriang,
Allocator0>& A, SeldonNorm norm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('L'); char norm_type = norm.RevChar();
char diag = DiagA.Char();
int n = A.GetM(); double rcond(0);
Vector<int> iwork(n); Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator0> work(3*n);
dtrcon_(&norm_type, &uplo, &diag, &n, A.GetData(), &n, &rcond,
work.GetData(), iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0>
float ReciprocalConditionNumber(const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0,
RowUpTriang, Allocator0>& A,
SeldonNorm norm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('L'); char norm_type = norm.RevChar();
char diag = DiagA.Char();
int n = A.GetM(); float rcond(0);
Vector<float> rwork(n);
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(2*n);
ctrcon_(&norm_type, &uplo, &diag, &n, A.GetDataVoid(), &n, &rcond,
work.GetDataVoid(), rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0>
double ReciprocalConditionNumber(const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0,
RowUpTriang, Allocator0>& A,
SeldonNorm norm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('L'); char norm_type = norm.RevChar();
char diag = DiagA.Char();
int n = A.GetM(); double rcond(0);
Vector<double> rwork(n);
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(2*n);
ztrcon_(&norm_type, &uplo, &diag, &n, A.GetDataVoid(), &n, &rcond,
work.GetDataVoid(), rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
/*** RowLoTriang and NonUnit ***/
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0>
float ReciprocalConditionNumber(const Matrix<float, Prop0,
RowLoTriang, Allocator0>& A,
SeldonNorm norm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('U'); char norm_type = norm.RevChar(); char diag('N');
int n = A.GetM(); float rcond(0);
Vector<int> iwork(n); Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator0> work(3*n);
strcon_(&norm_type, &uplo, &diag, &n, A.GetData(), &n, &rcond,
work.GetData(), iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0>
double ReciprocalConditionNumber(const Matrix<double, Prop0,
RowLoTriang, Allocator0>& A,
SeldonNorm norm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('U'); char norm_type = norm.RevChar(); char diag('N');
int n = A.GetM(); double rcond(0);
Vector<int> iwork(n); Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator0> work(3*n);
dtrcon_(&norm_type, &uplo, &diag, &n, A.GetData(), &n, &rcond,
work.GetData(), iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0>
float ReciprocalConditionNumber(const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0,
RowLoTriang, Allocator0>& A,
SeldonNorm norm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('U'); char norm_type = norm.RevChar(); char diag('N');
int n = A.GetM(); float rcond(0);
Vector<float> rwork(n);
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(2*n);
ctrcon_(&norm_type, &uplo, &diag, &n, A.GetDataVoid(), &n, &rcond,
work.GetDataVoid(), rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0>
double ReciprocalConditionNumber(const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0,
RowLoTriang, Allocator0>& A,
SeldonNorm norm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('U'); char norm_type = norm.RevChar(); char diag('N');
int n = A.GetM(); double rcond(0);
Vector<double> rwork(n);
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(2*n);
ztrcon_(&norm_type, &uplo, &diag, &n, A.GetDataVoid(), &n, &rcond,
work.GetDataVoid(), rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
/*** RowLoTriang ***/
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0>
float ReciprocalConditionNumber(const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<float, Prop0,
RowLoTriang, Allocator0>& A,
SeldonNorm norm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('U'); char norm_type = norm.RevChar();
char diag = DiagA.Char();
int n = A.GetM(); float rcond(0);
Vector<int> iwork(n); Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator0> work(3*n);
strcon_(&norm_type, &uplo, &diag, &n, A.GetData(), &n, &rcond,
work.GetData(), iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0>
double ReciprocalConditionNumber(const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<double, Prop0,
RowLoTriang, Allocator0>& A,
SeldonNorm norm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('U'); char norm_type = norm.RevChar();
char diag = DiagA.Char();
int n = A.GetM(); double rcond(0);
Vector<int> iwork(n); Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator0> work(3*n);
dtrcon_(&norm_type, &uplo, &diag, &n, A.GetData(), &n, &rcond,
work.GetData(), iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0>
float ReciprocalConditionNumber(const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0,
RowLoTriang, Allocator0>& A,
SeldonNorm norm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('U'); char norm_type = norm.RevChar();
char diag = DiagA.Char();
int n = A.GetM(); float rcond(0);
Vector<float> rwork(n);
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(2*n);
ctrcon_(&norm_type, &uplo, &diag, &n, A.GetDataVoid(), &n, &rcond,
work.GetDataVoid(), rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0>
double ReciprocalConditionNumber(const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0,
RowLoTriang, Allocator0>& A,
SeldonNorm norm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('U'); char norm_type = norm.RevChar();
char diag = DiagA.Char();
int n = A.GetM(); double rcond(0);
Vector<double> rwork(n);
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(2*n);
ztrcon_(&norm_type, &uplo, &diag, &n, A.GetDataVoid(), &n, &rcond,
work.GetDataVoid(), rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
/*** RowUpTriangPacked and NonUnit ***/
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0>
float ReciprocalConditionNumber(const Matrix<float, Prop0,
RowUpTriangPacked, Allocator0>& A,
SeldonNorm norm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('L'); char norm_type = norm.RevChar(); char diag('N');
int n = A.GetM(); float rcond(0);
Vector<int> iwork(n); Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator0> work(3*n);
stpcon_(&norm_type, &uplo, &diag, &n, A.GetData(), &rcond,
work.GetData(), iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0>
double ReciprocalConditionNumber(const Matrix<double, Prop0,
RowUpTriangPacked, Allocator0>& A,
SeldonNorm norm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('L'); char norm_type = norm.RevChar(); char diag('N');
int n = A.GetM(); double rcond(0);
Vector<int> iwork(n); Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator0> work(3*n);
dtpcon_(&norm_type, &uplo, &diag, &n, A.GetData(), &rcond,
work.GetData(), iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0>
float ReciprocalConditionNumber(const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0,
RowUpTriangPacked, Allocator0>& A,
SeldonNorm norm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('L'); char norm_type = norm.RevChar(); char diag('N');
int n = A.GetM(); float rcond(0);
Vector<float> rwork(n);
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(2*n);
ctpcon_(&norm_type, &uplo, &diag, &n, A.GetDataVoid(), &rcond,
work.GetDataVoid(), rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0>
double ReciprocalConditionNumber(const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0,
RowUpTriangPacked, Allocator0>& A,
SeldonNorm norm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('L'); char norm_type = norm.RevChar(); char diag('N');
int n = A.GetM(); double rcond(0);
Vector<double> rwork(n);
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(2*n);
ztpcon_(&norm_type, &uplo, &diag, &n, A.GetDataVoid(), &rcond,
work.GetDataVoid(), rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
/*** RowUpTriangPacked ***/
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0>
float ReciprocalConditionNumber(const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<float, Prop0,
RowUpTriangPacked, Allocator0>& A,
SeldonNorm norm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('L'); char norm_type = norm.RevChar();
char diag = DiagA.Char();
int n = A.GetM(); float rcond(0);
Vector<int> iwork(n); Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator0> work(3*n);
stpcon_(&norm_type, &uplo, &diag, &n, A.GetData(), &rcond,
work.GetData(), iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0>
double ReciprocalConditionNumber(const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<double, Prop0,
RowUpTriangPacked, Allocator0>& A,
SeldonNorm norm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('L'); char norm_type = norm.RevChar();
char diag = DiagA.Char();
int n = A.GetM(); double rcond(0);
Vector<int> iwork(n); Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator0> work(3*n);
dtpcon_(&norm_type, &uplo, &diag, &n, A.GetData(), &rcond,
work.GetData(), iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0>
float ReciprocalConditionNumber(const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0,
RowUpTriangPacked, Allocator0>& A,
SeldonNorm norm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('L'); char norm_type = norm.RevChar();
char diag = DiagA.Char();
int n = A.GetM(); float rcond(0);
Vector<float> rwork(n);
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(2*n);
ctpcon_(&norm_type, &uplo, &diag, &n, A.GetDataVoid(), &rcond,
work.GetDataVoid(), rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0>
double ReciprocalConditionNumber(const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0,
RowUpTriangPacked, Allocator0>& A,
SeldonNorm norm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('L'); char norm_type = norm.RevChar();
char diag = DiagA.Char();
int n = A.GetM(); double rcond(0);
Vector<double> rwork(n);
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(2*n);
ztpcon_(&norm_type, &uplo, &diag, &n, A.GetDataVoid(), &rcond,
work.GetDataVoid(), rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
/*** RowLoTriangPacked and NonUnit ***/
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0>
float ReciprocalConditionNumber(const Matrix<float, Prop0,
RowLoTriangPacked, Allocator0>& A,
SeldonNorm norm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('U'); char norm_type = norm.RevChar(); char diag('N');
int n = A.GetM(); float rcond(0);
Vector<int> iwork(n);
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator0> work(3*n);
stpcon_(&norm_type, &uplo, &diag, &n, A.GetData(), &rcond,
work.GetData(), iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0>
double ReciprocalConditionNumber(const Matrix<double, Prop0,
RowLoTriangPacked, Allocator0>& A,
SeldonNorm norm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('U'); char norm_type = norm.RevChar(); char diag('N');
int n = A.GetM(); double rcond(0);
Vector<int> iwork(n); Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator0> work(3*n);
dtpcon_(&norm_type, &uplo, &diag, &n, A.GetData(), &rcond,
work.GetData(), iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0>
float ReciprocalConditionNumber(const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0,
RowLoTriangPacked, Allocator0>& A,
SeldonNorm norm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('U'); char norm_type = norm.RevChar(); char diag('N');
int n = A.GetM(); float rcond(0);
Vector<float> rwork(n);
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(2*n);
ctpcon_(&norm_type, &uplo, &diag, &n, A.GetDataVoid(), &rcond,
work.GetDataVoid(), rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0>
double ReciprocalConditionNumber(const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0,
RowLoTriangPacked, Allocator0>& A,
SeldonNorm norm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('U'); char norm_type = norm.RevChar(); char diag('N');
int n = A.GetM(); double rcond(0);
Vector<double> rwork(n);
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(2*n);
ztpcon_(&norm_type, &uplo, &diag, &n, A.GetDataVoid(), &rcond,
work.GetDataVoid(), rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
/*** RowLoTriangPacked ***/
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0>
float ReciprocalConditionNumber(const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<float, Prop0,
RowLoTriangPacked, Allocator0>& A,
SeldonNorm norm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('U'); char norm_type = norm.RevChar();
char diag = DiagA.Char();
int n = A.GetM(); float rcond(0);
Vector<int> iwork(n);
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator0> work(3*n);
stpcon_(&norm_type, &uplo, &diag, &n, A.GetData(), &rcond,
work.GetData(), iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0>
double ReciprocalConditionNumber(const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<double, Prop0,
RowLoTriangPacked, Allocator0>& A,
SeldonNorm norm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('U'); char norm_type = norm.RevChar();
char diag = DiagA.Char();
int n = A.GetM(); double rcond(0);
Vector<int> iwork(n); Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator0> work(3*n);
dtpcon_(&norm_type, &uplo, &diag, &n, A.GetData(), &rcond,
work.GetData(), iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0>
float ReciprocalConditionNumber(const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0,
RowLoTriangPacked, Allocator0>& A,
SeldonNorm norm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('U'); char norm_type = norm.RevChar();
char diag = DiagA.Char();
int n = A.GetM(); float rcond(0);
Vector<float> rwork(n);
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(2*n);
ctpcon_(&norm_type, &uplo, &diag, &n, A.GetDataVoid(), &rcond,
work.GetDataVoid(), rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0>
double ReciprocalConditionNumber(const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0,
RowLoTriangPacked, Allocator0>& A,
SeldonNorm norm,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
char uplo('U'); char norm_type = norm.RevChar();
char diag = DiagA.Char();
int n = A.GetM(); double rcond(0);
Vector<double> rwork(n);
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(2*n);
ztpcon_(&norm_type, &uplo, &diag, &n, A.GetDataVoid(), &rcond,
work.GetDataVoid(), rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
return rcond;
// ReciprocalConditionNumber //
// RefineSolutionLU //
/*** ColMajor and NoTrans ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2,
class Allocator3, class Allocator4>
void RefineSolutionLU(const Matrix<float, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0>& A,
const Matrix<float, Prop0, ColMajor,
Allocator1>& Alu,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator2>& P,
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator3>& x,
const Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator4>& b,
float& ferr, float& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
CheckDim(Alu, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char trans('N');
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator3> work(3*m);
Vector<int> iwork(m);
sgerfs_(&trans, &m, &nrhs, A.GetData(), &m, Alu.GetData(), &m,
P.GetData(), b.GetData(), &m, x.GetData(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetData(),
iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2,
class Allocator3, class Allocator4>
void RefineSolutionLU(const Matrix<double, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0>& A,
const Matrix<double, Prop0, ColMajor,
Allocator1>& Alu,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator2>& P,
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator3>& x,
const Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator4>& b,
double& ferr, double& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
CheckDim(Alu, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char trans('N');
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator3> work(3*m);
Vector<int> iwork(m);
dgerfs_(&trans, &m, &nrhs, A.GetData(), &m, Alu.GetData(), &m,
P.GetData(), b.GetData(), &m, x.GetData(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetData(),
iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2,
class Allocator3, class Allocator4>
void RefineSolutionLU(const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0,
ColMajor, Allocator0>& A,
const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0,
ColMajor, Allocator1>& Alu,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator2>& P,
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator3>& x,
const Vector<complex<float>, VectFull,
Allocator4>& b,
float& ferr, float& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
CheckDim(Alu, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char trans('N');
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator3> work(2*m);
Vector<float> rwork(m);
cgerfs_(&trans, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), &m, Alu.GetDataVoid(), &m,
P.GetData(), b.GetDataVoid(), &m, x.GetDataVoid(), &m, &ferr,
&berr, work.GetData(), rwork.GetData(),
&info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2,
class Allocator3, class Allocator4>
void RefineSolutionLU(const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0,
ColMajor, Allocator0>& A,
const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0,
ColMajor, Allocator1>& Alu,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator2>& P,
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator3>& x,
const Vector<complex<double>, VectFull,
Allocator4>& b,
double& ferr, double& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
CheckDim(Alu, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char trans('N');
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator3> work(2*m);
Vector<double> rwork(m);
zgerfs_(&trans, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), &m, Alu.GetDataVoid(), &m,
P.GetData(), b.GetDataVoid(), &m, x.GetDataVoid(), &m, &ferr,
&berr, work.GetData(), rwork.GetData(),
&info.GetInfoRef() );
/*** ColMajor ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2,
class Allocator3, class Allocator4>
void RefineSolutionLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA,
const Matrix<float, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0>& A,
const Matrix<float, Prop0, ColMajor,
Allocator1>& Alu,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator2>& P,
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator3>& x,
const Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator4>& b,
float& ferr, float& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
CheckDim(Alu, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char trans = TransA.Char();
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator3> work(3*m);
Vector<int> iwork(m);
sgerfs_(&trans, &m, &nrhs, A.GetData(), &m, Alu.GetData(), &m,
P.GetData(), b.GetData(), &m, x.GetData(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetData(),
iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2,
class Allocator3, class Allocator4>
void RefineSolutionLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA,
const Matrix<double, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0>& A,
const Matrix<double, Prop0, ColMajor,
Allocator1>& Alu,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator2>& P,
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator3>& x,
const Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator4>& b,
double& ferr, double& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
CheckDim(Alu, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char trans = TransA.Char();
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator3> work(3*m);
Vector<int> iwork(m);
dgerfs_(&trans, &m, &nrhs, A.GetData(), &m, Alu.GetData(), &m,
P.GetData(), b.GetData(), &m, x.GetData(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetData(),
iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2,
class Allocator3, class Allocator4>
RefineSolutionLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA,
const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, ColMajor,
Allocator0>& A,
const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, ColMajor,
Allocator1>& Alu,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator2>& P,
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator3>& x,
const Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator4>& b,
float& ferr, float& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
CheckDim(Alu, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char trans = TransA.Char();
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator3> work(2*m);
Vector<float> rwork(m);
cgerfs_(&trans, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), &m, Alu.GetDataVoid(), &m,
P.GetData(), b.GetDataVoid(), &m, x.GetDataVoid(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetDataVoid(),
rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2,
class Allocator3, class Allocator4>
void RefineSolutionLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA,
const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, ColMajor,
Allocator0>& A,
const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, ColMajor,
Allocator1>& Alu,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator2>& P,
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator3>& x,
const Vector<complex<double>, VectFull,
Allocator4>& b,
double& ferr, double& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
CheckDim(Alu, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char trans = TransA.Char();
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator3> work(2*m);
Vector<double> rwork(m);
zgerfs_(&trans, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), &m, Alu.GetDataVoid(), &m,
P.GetData(), b.GetDataVoid(), &m, x.GetDataVoid(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetDataVoid(),
rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
/*** RowMajor and NoTrans ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2,
class Allocator3, class Allocator4>
void RefineSolutionLU(const Matrix<float, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0>& A,
const Matrix<float, Prop0, RowMajor,
Allocator1>& Alu,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator2>& P,
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator3>& x,
const Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator4>& b,
float& ferr, float& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
CheckDim(Alu, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char trans('T');
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator3> work(3*m);
Vector<int> iwork(m);
sgerfs_(&trans, &m, &nrhs, A.GetData(), &m, Alu.GetData(), &m,
P.GetData(), b.GetData(), &m, x.GetData(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetData(),
iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2,
class Allocator3, class Allocator4>
void RefineSolutionLU(const Matrix<double, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0>& A,
const Matrix<double, Prop0, RowMajor,
Allocator1>& Alu,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator2>& P,
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator3>& x,
const Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator4>& b,
double& ferr, double& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
CheckDim(Alu, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char trans('T');
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator3> work(3*m);
Vector<int> iwork(m);
dgerfs_(&trans, &m, &nrhs, A.GetData(), &m, Alu.GetData(), &m,
P.GetData(), b.GetData(), &m, x.GetData(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetData(),
iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2,
class Allocator3, class Allocator4>
void RefineSolutionLU(const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0,
RowMajor, Allocator0>& A,
const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0,
RowMajor, Allocator1>& Alu,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator2>& P,
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator3>& x,
const Vector<complex<float>, VectFull,
Allocator4>& b,
float& ferr, float& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
CheckDim(Alu, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char trans('T');
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator3> work(2*m);
Vector<float> rwork(m);
cgerfs_(&trans, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), &m, Alu.GetDataVoid(), &m,
P.GetData(), b.GetDataVoid(), &m, x.GetDataVoid(), &m, &ferr,
&berr, work.GetData(), rwork.GetData(),
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2,
class Allocator3, class Allocator4>
void RefineSolutionLU(const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0,
RowMajor, Allocator0>& A,
const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0,
RowMajor, Allocator1>& Alu,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator2>& P,
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator3>& x,
const Vector<complex<double>, VectFull,
Allocator4>& b,
double& ferr, double& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
CheckDim(Alu, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char trans('T');
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator3> work(2*m);
Vector<double> rwork(m);
zgerfs_(&trans, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), &m, Alu.GetDataVoid(), &m,
P.GetData(), b.GetDataVoid(), &m, x.GetDataVoid(), &m, &ferr,
&berr, work.GetData(), rwork.GetData(),
/*** RowMajor ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2,
class Allocator3, class Allocator4>
void RefineSolutionLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA,
const Matrix<float, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0>& A,
const Matrix<float, Prop0, RowMajor,
Allocator1>& Alu,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator2>& P,
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator3>& x,
const Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator4>& b,
float& ferr, float& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
CheckDim(Alu, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char trans = TransA.RevChar();
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator3> work(3*m);
Vector<int> iwork(m);
sgerfs_(&trans, &m, &nrhs, A.GetData(), &m, Alu.GetData(), &m,
P.GetData(), b.GetData(), &m, x.GetData(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetData(),
iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2,
class Allocator3, class Allocator4>
void RefineSolutionLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA,
const Matrix<double, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0>& A,
const Matrix<double, Prop0, RowMajor,
Allocator1>& Alu,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator2>& P,
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator3>& x,
const Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator4>& b,
double& ferr, double& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
CheckDim(Alu, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char trans = TransA.RevChar();
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator3> work(3*m);
Vector<int> iwork(m);
dgerfs_(&trans, &m, &nrhs, A.GetData(), &m, Alu.GetData(), &m,
P.GetData(), b.GetData(), &m, x.GetData(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetData(),
iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2,
class Allocator3, class Allocator4>
void RefineSolutionLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA,
const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, RowMajor,
Allocator0>& A,
const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, RowMajor,
Allocator1>& Alu,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator2>& P,
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator3>& x,
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator4>& b,
float& ferr, float& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
CheckDim(Alu, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char trans = TransA.RevChar();
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator3> work(2*m);
Vector<float> rwork(m);
if (TransA.ConjTrans())
cgerfs_(&trans, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), &m, Alu.GetDataVoid(), &m,
P.GetData(), b.GetDataVoid(), &m, x.GetDataVoid(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetDataVoid(),
rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
if (TransA.ConjTrans())
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2,
class Allocator3, class Allocator4>
void RefineSolutionLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA,
const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, RowMajor,
Allocator0>& A,
const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, RowMajor,
Allocator1>& Alu,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator2>& P,
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator3>& x,
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull,
Allocator4>& b,
double& ferr, double& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
CheckDim(Alu, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char trans = TransA.RevChar();
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator3> work(2*m);
Vector<double> rwork(m);
if (TransA.ConjTrans())
zgerfs_(&trans, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), &m, Alu.GetDataVoid(), &m,
P.GetData(), b.GetDataVoid(), &m, x.GetDataVoid(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetDataVoid(),
rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
if (TransA.ConjTrans())
/*** ColSym and Upper ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2,
class Allocator3, class Allocator4>
void RefineSolutionLU(const Matrix<float, Prop0, ColSym, Allocator0>& A,
const Matrix<float, Prop0, ColSym,
Allocator1>& Alu,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator2>& P,
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator3>& x,
const Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator4>& b,
float& ferr, float& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
CheckDim(Alu, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator3> work(3*m);
Vector<int> iwork(m);
ssyrfs_(&uplo, &m, &nrhs, A.GetData(), &m, Alu.GetData(), &m,
P.GetData(), b.GetData(), &m, x.GetData(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetData(),
iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2,
class Allocator3, class Allocator4>
void RefineSolutionLU(const Matrix<double, Prop0, ColSym, Allocator0>& A,
const Matrix<double, Prop0, ColSym,
Allocator1>& Alu,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator2>& P,
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator3>& x,
const Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator4>& b,
double& ferr, double& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
CheckDim(Alu, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator3> work(3*m);
Vector<int> iwork(m);
dsyrfs_(&uplo, &m, &nrhs, A.GetData(), &m, Alu.GetData(), &m,
P.GetData(), b.GetData(), &m, x.GetData(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetData(),
iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2,
class Allocator3, class Allocator4>
void RefineSolutionLU(const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0,
ColSym, Allocator0>& A,
const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0,
ColSym, Allocator1>& Alu,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator2>& P,
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator3>& x,
const Vector<complex<float>, VectFull,
Allocator4>& b,
float& ferr, float& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
CheckDim(Alu, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator3> work(2*m);
Vector<float> rwork(m);
csyrfs_(&uplo, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), &m, Alu.GetDataVoid(), &m,
P.GetData(), b.GetDataVoid(), &m, x.GetDataVoid(), &m, &ferr,
&berr, work.GetData(), rwork.GetData(),
&info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2,
class Allocator3, class Allocator4>
void RefineSolutionLU(const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0,
ColSym, Allocator0>& A,
const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0,
ColSym, Allocator1>& Alu,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator2>& P,
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator3>& x,
const Vector<complex<double>, VectFull,
Allocator4>& b,
double& ferr, double& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
CheckDim(Alu, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator3> work(2*m);
Vector<double> rwork(m);
zsyrfs_(&uplo, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), &m, Alu.GetDataVoid(), &m,
P.GetData(), b.GetDataVoid(), &m, x.GetDataVoid(), &m, &ferr,
&berr, work.GetData(), rwork.GetData(),
&info.GetInfoRef() );
/*** ColSymPacked and Upper ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2,
class Allocator3, class Allocator4>
void RefineSolutionLU(const Matrix<float, Prop0, ColSymPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
const Matrix<float, Prop0, ColSymPacked,
Allocator1>& Alu,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator2>& P,
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator3>& x,
const Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator4>& b,
float& ferr, float& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
CheckDim(Alu, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator3> work(3*m);
Vector<int> iwork(m);
ssprfs_(&uplo, &m, &nrhs, A.GetData(), Alu.GetData(),
P.GetData(), b.GetData(), &m, x.GetData(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetData(),
iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2,
class Allocator3, class Allocator4>
void RefineSolutionLU(const Matrix<double, Prop0, ColSymPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
const Matrix<double, Prop0, ColSymPacked,
Allocator1>& Alu,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator2>& P,
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator3>& x,
const Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator4>& b,
double& ferr, double& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
CheckDim(Alu, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator3> work(3*m);
Vector<int> iwork(m);
dsprfs_(&uplo, &m, &nrhs, A.GetData(), Alu.GetData(),
P.GetData(), b.GetData(), &m, x.GetData(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetData(),
iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2,
class Allocator3, class Allocator4>
void RefineSolutionLU(const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0,
ColSymPacked, Allocator0>& A,
const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0,
ColSymPacked, Allocator1>& Alu,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator2>& P,
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator3>& x,
const Vector<complex<float>, VectFull,
Allocator4>& b,
float& ferr, float& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
CheckDim(Alu, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator3> work(2*m);
Vector<float> rwork(m);
csprfs_(&uplo, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), Alu.GetDataVoid(),
P.GetData(), b.GetDataVoid(), &m, x.GetDataVoid(), &m, &ferr,
&berr, work.GetData(), rwork.GetData(),
&info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2,
class Allocator3, class Allocator4>
void RefineSolutionLU(const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0,
ColSymPacked, Allocator0>& A,
const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0,
ColSymPacked, Allocator1>& Alu,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator2>& P,
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator3>& x,
const Vector<complex<double>, VectFull,
Allocator4>& b,
double& ferr, double& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
CheckDim(Alu, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator3> work(2*m);
Vector<double> rwork(m);
zsprfs_(&uplo, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), Alu.GetDataVoid(),
P.GetData(), b.GetDataVoid(), &m, x.GetDataVoid(), &m, &ferr,
&berr, work.GetData(), rwork.GetData(),
&info.GetInfoRef() );
/*** RowSym and Upper ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2,
class Allocator3, class Allocator4>
void RefineSolutionLU(const Matrix<float, Prop0, RowSym, Allocator0>& A,
const Matrix<float, Prop0, RowSym,
Allocator1>& Alu,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator2>& P,
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator3>& x,
const Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator4>& b,
float& ferr, float& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
CheckDim(Alu, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator3> work(3*m);
Vector<int> iwork(m);
ssyrfs_(&uplo, &m, &nrhs, A.GetData(), &m, Alu.GetData(), &m,
P.GetData(), b.GetData(), &m, x.GetData(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetData(),
iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2,
class Allocator3, class Allocator4>
void RefineSolutionLU(const Matrix<double, Prop0, RowSym, Allocator0>& A,
const Matrix<double, Prop0, RowSym,
Allocator1>& Alu,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator2>& P,
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator3>& x,
const Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator4>& b,
double& ferr, double& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
CheckDim(Alu, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator3> work(3*m);
Vector<int> iwork(m);
dsyrfs_(&uplo, &m, &nrhs, A.GetData(), &m, Alu.GetData(), &m,
P.GetData(), b.GetData(), &m, x.GetData(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetData(),
iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2,
class Allocator3, class Allocator4>
void RefineSolutionLU(const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0,
RowSym, Allocator0>& A,
const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0,
RowSym, Allocator1>& Alu,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator2>& P,
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator3>& x,
const Vector<complex<float>, VectFull,
Allocator4>& b,
float& ferr, float& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
CheckDim(Alu, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator3> work(2*m);
Vector<float> rwork(m);
csyrfs_(&uplo, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), &m, Alu.GetDataVoid(), &m,
P.GetData(), b.GetDataVoid(), &m, x.GetDataVoid(), &m, &ferr,
&berr, work.GetData(), rwork.GetData(),
&info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2,
class Allocator3, class Allocator4>
void RefineSolutionLU(const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0,
RowSym, Allocator0>& A,
const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0,
RowSym, Allocator1>& Alu,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator2>& P,
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator3>& x,
const Vector<complex<double>, VectFull,
Allocator4>& b,
double& ferr, double& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
CheckDim(Alu, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator3> work(2*m);
Vector<double> rwork(m);
zsyrfs_(&uplo, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), &m, Alu.GetDataVoid(), &m,
P.GetData(), b.GetDataVoid(), &m, x.GetDataVoid(), &m, &ferr,
&berr, work.GetData(), rwork.GetData(),
&info.GetInfoRef() );
/*** RowSymPacked and Upper ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2,
class Allocator3, class Allocator4>
void RefineSolutionLU(const Matrix<float, Prop0, RowSymPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
const Matrix<float, Prop0, RowSymPacked,
Allocator1>& Alu,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator2>& P,
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator3>& x,
const Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator4>& b,
float& ferr, float& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
CheckDim(Alu, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator3> work(3*m);
Vector<int> iwork(m);
ssprfs_(&uplo, &m, &nrhs, A.GetData(), Alu.GetData(),
P.GetData(), b.GetData(), &m, x.GetData(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetData(),
iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2,
class Allocator3, class Allocator4>
void RefineSolutionLU(const Matrix<double, Prop0, RowSymPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
const Matrix<double, Prop0, RowSymPacked,
Allocator1>& Alu,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator2>& P,
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator3>& x,
const Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator4>& b,
double& ferr, double& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
CheckDim(Alu, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator3> work(3*m);
Vector<int> iwork(m);
dsprfs_(&uplo, &m, &nrhs, A.GetData(), Alu.GetData(),
P.GetData(), b.GetData(), &m, x.GetData(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetData(),
iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2,
class Allocator3, class Allocator4>
void RefineSolutionLU(const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0,
RowSymPacked, Allocator0>& A,
const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0,
RowSymPacked, Allocator1>& Alu,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator2>& P,
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator3>& x,
const Vector<complex<float>, VectFull,
Allocator4>& b,
float& ferr, float& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
CheckDim(Alu, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator3> work(2*m);
Vector<float> rwork(m);
csprfs_(&uplo, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), Alu.GetDataVoid(),
P.GetData(), b.GetDataVoid(), &m, x.GetDataVoid(), &m, &ferr,
&berr, work.GetData(), rwork.GetData(),
&info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2,
class Allocator3, class Allocator4>
void RefineSolutionLU(const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0,
RowSymPacked, Allocator0>& A,
const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0,
RowSymPacked, Allocator1>& Alu,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator2>& P,
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator3>& x,
const Vector<complex<double>, VectFull,
Allocator4>& b,
double& ferr, double& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
CheckDim(Alu, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator3> work(2*m);
Vector<double> rwork(m);
zsprfs_(&uplo, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), Alu.GetDataVoid(),
P.GetData(), b.GetDataVoid(), &m, x.GetDataVoid(), &m, &ferr,
&berr, work.GetData(), rwork.GetData(),
&info.GetInfoRef() );
/*** ColHerm and Upper ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2,
class Allocator3, class Allocator4>
void RefineSolutionLU(const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0,
ColHerm, Allocator0>& A,
const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0,
ColHerm, Allocator1>& Alu,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator2>& P,
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator3>& x,
const Vector<complex<float>, VectFull,
Allocator4>& b,
float& ferr, float& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
CheckDim(Alu, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator3> work(2*m);
Vector<float> rwork(m);
cherfs_(&uplo, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), &m, Alu.GetDataVoid(), &m,
P.GetData(), b.GetDataVoid(), &m, x.GetDataVoid(), &m, &ferr,
&berr, work.GetData(), rwork.GetData(),
&info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2,
class Allocator3, class Allocator4>
void RefineSolutionLU(const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0,
ColHerm, Allocator0>& A,
const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0,
ColHerm, Allocator1>& Alu,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator2>& P,
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator3>& x,
const Vector<complex<double>, VectFull,
Allocator4>& b,
double& ferr, double& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
CheckDim(Alu, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator3> work(2*m);
Vector<double> rwork(m);
zherfs_(&uplo, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), &m, Alu.GetDataVoid(), &m,
P.GetData(), b.GetDataVoid(), &m, x.GetDataVoid(), &m, &ferr,
&berr, work.GetData(), rwork.GetData(),
&info.GetInfoRef() );
/*** ColHermPacked and Upper ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2,
class Allocator3, class Allocator4>
void RefineSolutionLU(const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0,
ColHermPacked, Allocator0>& A,
const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0,
ColHermPacked, Allocator1>& Alu,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator2>& P,
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator3>& x,
const Vector<complex<float>, VectFull,
Allocator4>& b,
float& ferr, float& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
CheckDim(Alu, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator3> work(2*m);
Vector<float> rwork(m);
chprfs_(&uplo, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), Alu.GetDataVoid(),
P.GetData(), b.GetDataVoid(), &m, x.GetDataVoid(), &m, &ferr,
&berr, work.GetData(), rwork.GetData(),
&info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2,
class Allocator3, class Allocator4>
void RefineSolutionLU(const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0,
ColHermPacked, Allocator0>& A,
const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0,
ColHermPacked, Allocator1>& Alu,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator2>& P,
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator3>& x,
const Vector<complex<double>, VectFull,
Allocator4>& b,
double& ferr, double& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
CheckDim(Alu, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator3> work(2*m);
Vector<double> rwork(m);
zhprfs_(&uplo, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), Alu.GetDataVoid(),
P.GetData(), b.GetDataVoid(), &m, x.GetDataVoid(), &m, &ferr,
&berr, work.GetData(), rwork.GetData(),
&info.GetInfoRef() );
/*** RowHerm and Upper ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2,
class Allocator3, class Allocator4>
void RefineSolutionLU(const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0,
RowHerm, Allocator0>& A,
const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0,
RowHerm, Allocator1>& Alu,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator2>& P,
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator3>& x,
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull,
Allocator4>& b,
float& ferr, float& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
CheckDim(Alu, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator3> work(2*m);
Vector<float> rwork(m);
Conjugate(b); Conjugate(x);
cherfs_(&uplo, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), &m, Alu.GetDataVoid(), &m,
P.GetData(), b.GetDataVoid(), &m, x.GetDataVoid(), &m, &ferr,
&berr, work.GetData(), rwork.GetData(),
&info.GetInfoRef() );
Conjugate(b); Conjugate(x);
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2,
class Allocator3, class Allocator4>
void RefineSolutionLU(const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0,
RowHerm, Allocator0>& A,
const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0,
RowHerm, Allocator1>& Alu,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator2>& P,
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator3>& x,
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull,
Allocator4>& b,
double& ferr, double& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
CheckDim(Alu, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator3> work(2*m);
Vector<double> rwork(m);
Conjugate(b); Conjugate(x);
zherfs_(&uplo, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), &m, Alu.GetDataVoid(), &m,
P.GetData(), b.GetDataVoid(), &m, x.GetDataVoid(), &m, &ferr,
&berr, work.GetData(), rwork.GetData(),
&info.GetInfoRef() );
Conjugate(b); Conjugate(x);
/*** RowHermPacked and Upper ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2,
class Allocator3, class Allocator4>
void RefineSolutionLU(const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0,
RowHermPacked, Allocator0>& A,
const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0,
RowHermPacked, Allocator1>& Alu,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator2>& P,
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator3>& x,
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull,
Allocator4>& b,
float& ferr, float& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
CheckDim(Alu, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator3> work(2*m);
Vector<float> rwork(m);
Conjugate(b); Conjugate(x);
chprfs_(&uplo, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), Alu.GetDataVoid(),
P.GetData(), b.GetDataVoid(), &m, x.GetDataVoid(), &m, &ferr,
&berr, work.GetData(), rwork.GetData(),
&info.GetInfoRef() );
Conjugate(b); Conjugate(x);
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2,
class Allocator3, class Allocator4>
void RefineSolutionLU(const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0,
RowHermPacked, Allocator0>& A,
const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0,
RowHermPacked, Allocator1>& Alu,
const Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator2>& P,
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator3>& x,
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull,
Allocator4>& b,
double& ferr, double& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
CheckDim(Alu, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, pivot, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator3> work(2*m);
Vector<double> rwork(m);
Conjugate(b); Conjugate(x);
zhprfs_(&uplo, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), Alu.GetDataVoid(),
P.GetData(), b.GetDataVoid(), &m, x.GetDataVoid(), &m, &ferr,
&berr, work.GetData(), rwork.GetData(),
&info.GetInfoRef() );
Conjugate(b); Conjugate(x);
/*** ColUpTriang, NoTrans and NonUnit ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
void RefineSolutionLU(const Matrix<float, Prop0, ColUpTriang,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator1>& x,
const Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
float& ferr, float& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
char trans('N'); char diag('N');
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator1> work(3*m);
Vector<int> iwork(m);
strrfs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, &nrhs, A.GetData(), &m,
b.GetData(), &m, x.GetData(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetData(),
iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
void RefineSolutionLU(const Matrix<double, Prop0, ColUpTriang,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator1>& x,
const Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
double& ferr, double& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
char trans('N'); char diag('N');
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator1> work(3*m);
Vector<int> iwork(m);
dtrrfs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, &nrhs, A.GetData(), &m,
b.GetData(), &m, x.GetData(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetData(),
iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
RefineSolutionLU(const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, ColUpTriang,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator1>& x,
const Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
float& ferr, float& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
char trans('N'); char diag('N');
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator1> work(2*m);
Vector<float> rwork(m);
ctrrfs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), &m,
b.GetDataVoid(), &m, x.GetDataVoid(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetDataVoid(),
rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
RefineSolutionLU(const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, ColUpTriang,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator1>& x,
const Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
double& ferr, double& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
char trans('N'); char diag('N');
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator1> work(2*m);
Vector<double> rwork(m);
ztrrfs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), &m,
b.GetDataVoid(), &m, x.GetDataVoid(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetDataVoid(),
rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
/*** ColUpTriang ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
RefineSolutionLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA, const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<float, Prop0, ColUpTriang,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator1>& x,
const Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
float& ferr, float& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
char trans = TransA.Char(); char diag = DiagA.Char();
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator1> work(3*m);
Vector<int> iwork(m);
strrfs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, &nrhs, A.GetData(), &m,
b.GetData(), &m, x.GetData(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetData(),
iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
RefineSolutionLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA, const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<double, Prop0, ColUpTriang,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator1>& x,
const Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
double& ferr, double& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
char trans = TransA.Char(); char diag = DiagA.Char();
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator1> work(3*m);
Vector<int> iwork(m);
dtrrfs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, &nrhs, A.GetData(), &m,
b.GetData(), &m, x.GetData(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetData(),
iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
RefineSolutionLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA, const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, ColUpTriang,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator1>& x,
const Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
float& ferr, float& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
char trans = TransA.Char(); char diag = DiagA.Char();
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator1> work(2*m);
Vector<float> rwork(m);
ctrrfs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), &m,
b.GetDataVoid(), &m, x.GetDataVoid(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetDataVoid(),
rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
RefineSolutionLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA, const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, ColUpTriang,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator1>& x,
const Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
double& ferr, double& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
char trans = TransA.Char(); char diag = DiagA.Char();
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator1> work(2*m);
Vector<double> rwork(m);
ztrrfs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), &m,
b.GetDataVoid(), &m, x.GetDataVoid(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetDataVoid(),
rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
/*** ColLoTriang, NoTrans and NonUnit ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
void RefineSolutionLU(const Matrix<float, Prop0, ColLoTriang,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator1>& x,
const Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
float& ferr, float& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
char trans('N'); char diag('N');
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator1> work(3*m);
Vector<int> iwork(m);
strrfs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, &nrhs, A.GetData(), &m,
b.GetData(), &m, x.GetData(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetData(),
iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
void RefineSolutionLU(const Matrix<double, Prop0, ColLoTriang,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator1>& x,
const Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
double& ferr, double& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
char trans('N'); char diag('N');
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator1> work(3*m);
Vector<int> iwork(m);
dtrrfs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, &nrhs, A.GetData(), &m,
b.GetData(), &m, x.GetData(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetData(),
iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
RefineSolutionLU(const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, ColLoTriang,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator1>& x,
const Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
float& ferr, float& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
char trans('N'); char diag('N');
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator1> work(2*m);
Vector<float> rwork(m);
ctrrfs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), &m,
b.GetDataVoid(), &m, x.GetDataVoid(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetDataVoid(),
rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
RefineSolutionLU(const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, ColLoTriang,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator1>& x,
const Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
double& ferr, double& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
char trans('N'); char diag('N');
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator1> work(2*m);
Vector<double> rwork(m);
ztrrfs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), &m,
b.GetDataVoid(), &m, x.GetDataVoid(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetDataVoid(),
rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
/*** ColLoTriang ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
RefineSolutionLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA, const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<float, Prop0, ColLoTriang,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator1>& x,
const Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
float& ferr, float& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
char trans = TransA.Char(); char diag = DiagA.Char();
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator1> work(3*m);
Vector<int> iwork(m);
strrfs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, &nrhs, A.GetData(), &m,
b.GetData(), &m, x.GetData(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetData(),
iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
RefineSolutionLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA, const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<double, Prop0, ColLoTriang,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator1>& x,
const Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
double& ferr, double& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
char trans = TransA.Char(); char diag = DiagA.Char();
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator1> work(3*m);
Vector<int> iwork(m);
dtrrfs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, &nrhs, A.GetData(), &m,
b.GetData(), &m, x.GetData(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetData(),
iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
RefineSolutionLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA, const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, ColLoTriang,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator1>& x,
const Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
float& ferr, float& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
char trans = TransA.Char(); char diag = DiagA.Char();
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator1> work(2*m);
Vector<float> rwork(m);
ctrrfs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), &m,
b.GetDataVoid(), &m, x.GetDataVoid(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetDataVoid(),
rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
RefineSolutionLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA, const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, ColLoTriang,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator1>& x,
const Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
double& ferr, double& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
char trans = TransA.Char(); char diag = DiagA.Char();
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator1> work(2*m);
Vector<double> rwork(m);
ztrrfs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), &m,
b.GetDataVoid(), &m, x.GetDataVoid(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetDataVoid(),
rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
/*** ColUpTriangPacked, NoTrans and NonUnit ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
void RefineSolutionLU(const Matrix<float, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator1>& x,
const Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
float& ferr, float& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
char trans('N'); char diag('N');
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator1> work(3*m);
Vector<int> iwork(m);
stprfs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, &nrhs, A.GetData(),
b.GetData(), &m, x.GetData(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetData(),
iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
void RefineSolutionLU(const Matrix<double, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator1>& x,
const Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
double& ferr, double& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
char trans('N'); char diag('N');
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator1> work(3*m);
Vector<int> iwork(m);
dtprfs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, &nrhs, A.GetData(),
b.GetData(), &m, x.GetData(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetData(),
iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
RefineSolutionLU(const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator1>& x,
const Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
float& ferr, float& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
char trans('N'); char diag('N');
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator1> work(2*m);
Vector<float> rwork(m);
ctprfs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(),
b.GetDataVoid(), &m, x.GetDataVoid(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetDataVoid(),
rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
RefineSolutionLU(const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator1>& x,
const Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
double& ferr, double& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
char trans('N'); char diag('N');
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator1> work(2*m);
Vector<double> rwork(m);
ztprfs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(),
b.GetDataVoid(), &m, x.GetDataVoid(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetDataVoid(),
rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
/*** ColUpTriangPacked ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
RefineSolutionLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA, const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<float, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator1>& x,
const Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
float& ferr, float& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
char trans = TransA.Char(); char diag = DiagA.Char();
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator1> work(3*m);
Vector<int> iwork(m);
stprfs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, &nrhs, A.GetData(),
b.GetData(), &m, x.GetData(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetData(),
iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
RefineSolutionLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA, const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<double, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator1>& x,
const Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
double& ferr, double& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
char trans = TransA.Char(); char diag = DiagA.Char();
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator1> work(3*m);
Vector<int> iwork(m);
dtprfs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, &nrhs, A.GetData(),
b.GetData(), &m, x.GetData(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetData(),
iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
RefineSolutionLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA, const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator1>& x,
const Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
float& ferr, float& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
char trans = TransA.Char(); char diag = DiagA.Char();
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator1> work(2*m);
Vector<float> rwork(m);
ctprfs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(),
b.GetDataVoid(), &m, x.GetDataVoid(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetDataVoid(),
rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
RefineSolutionLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA, const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator1>& x,
const Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
double& ferr, double& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
char trans = TransA.Char(); char diag = DiagA.Char();
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator1> work(2*m);
Vector<double> rwork(m);
ztprfs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(),
b.GetDataVoid(), &m, x.GetDataVoid(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetDataVoid(),
rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
/*** ColLoTriangPacked, NoTrans and NonUnit ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
void RefineSolutionLU(const Matrix<float, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator1>& x,
const Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
float& ferr, float& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
char trans('N'); char diag('N');
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator1> work(3*m);
Vector<int> iwork(m);
stprfs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, &nrhs, A.GetData(),
b.GetData(), &m, x.GetData(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetData(),
iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
void RefineSolutionLU(const Matrix<double, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator1>& x,
const Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
double& ferr, double& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
char trans('N'); char diag('N');
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator1> work(3*m);
Vector<int> iwork(m);
dtprfs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, &nrhs, A.GetData(),
b.GetData(), &m, x.GetData(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetData(),
iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
RefineSolutionLU(const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator1>& x,
const Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
float& ferr, float& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
char trans('N'); char diag('N');
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator1> work(2*m);
Vector<float> rwork(m);
ctprfs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(),
b.GetDataVoid(), &m, x.GetDataVoid(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetDataVoid(),
rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
RefineSolutionLU(const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator1>& x,
const Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
double& ferr, double& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
char trans('N'); char diag('N');
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator1> work(2*m);
Vector<double> rwork(m);
ztprfs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(),
b.GetDataVoid(), &m, x.GetDataVoid(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetDataVoid(),
rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
/*** ColLoTriangPacked ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
RefineSolutionLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA, const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<float, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator1>& x,
const Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
float& ferr, float& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
char trans = TransA.Char(); char diag = DiagA.Char();
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator1> work(3*m);
Vector<int> iwork(m);
stprfs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, &nrhs, A.GetData(),
b.GetData(), &m, x.GetData(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetData(),
iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
RefineSolutionLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA, const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<double, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator1>& x,
const Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
double& ferr, double& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
char trans = TransA.Char(); char diag = DiagA.Char();
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator1> work(3*m);
Vector<int> iwork(m);
dtprfs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, &nrhs, A.GetData(),
b.GetData(), &m, x.GetData(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetData(),
iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
RefineSolutionLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA, const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator1>& x,
const Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
float& ferr, float& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
char trans = TransA.Char(); char diag = DiagA.Char();
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator1> work(2*m);
Vector<float> rwork(m);
ctprfs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(),
b.GetDataVoid(), &m, x.GetDataVoid(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetDataVoid(),
rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
RefineSolutionLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA, const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator1>& x,
const Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
double& ferr, double& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
char trans = TransA.Char(); char diag = DiagA.Char();
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator1> work(2*m);
Vector<double> rwork(m);
ztprfs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(),
b.GetDataVoid(), &m, x.GetDataVoid(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetDataVoid(),
rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
/*** RowUpTriang, NoTrans and NonUnit ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
void RefineSolutionLU(const Matrix<float, Prop0, RowUpTriang,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator1>& x,
const Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
float& ferr, float& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
char trans('T'); char diag('N');
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator1> work(3*m);
Vector<int> iwork(m);
strrfs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, &nrhs, A.GetData(), &m,
b.GetData(), &m, x.GetData(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetData(),
iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
void RefineSolutionLU(const Matrix<double, Prop0, RowUpTriang,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator1>& x,
const Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
double& ferr, double& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
char trans('T'); char diag('N');
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator1> work(3*m);
Vector<int> iwork(m);
dtrrfs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, &nrhs, A.GetData(), &m,
b.GetData(), &m, x.GetData(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetData(),
iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
RefineSolutionLU(const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, RowUpTriang,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator1>& x,
const Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
float& ferr, float& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
char trans('T'); char diag('N');
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator1> work(2*m);
Vector<float> rwork(m);
ctrrfs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), &m,
b.GetDataVoid(), &m, x.GetDataVoid(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetDataVoid(),
rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
RefineSolutionLU(const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, RowUpTriang,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator1>& x,
const Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
double& ferr, double& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
char trans('T'); char diag('N');
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator1> work(2*m);
Vector<double> rwork(m);
ztrrfs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), &m,
b.GetDataVoid(), &m, x.GetDataVoid(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetDataVoid(),
rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
/*** RowUpTriang ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
RefineSolutionLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA, const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<float, Prop0, RowUpTriang,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator1>& x,
const Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
float& ferr, float& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
char trans = TransA.RevChar(); char diag = DiagA.Char();
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator1> work(3*m);
Vector<int> iwork(m);
strrfs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, &nrhs, A.GetData(), &m,
b.GetData(), &m, x.GetData(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetData(),
iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
RefineSolutionLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA, const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<double, Prop0, RowUpTriang,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator1>& x,
const Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
double& ferr, double& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
char trans = TransA.RevChar(); char diag = DiagA.Char();
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator1> work(3*m);
Vector<int> iwork(m);
dtrrfs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, &nrhs, A.GetData(), &m,
b.GetData(), &m, x.GetData(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetData(),
iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
RefineSolutionLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA, const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, RowUpTriang,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator1>& x,
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
float& ferr, float& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
char trans = TransA.RevChar(); char diag = DiagA.Char();
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator1> work(2*m);
Vector<float> rwork(m);
if (TransA.ConjTrans())
ctrrfs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), &m,
b.GetDataVoid(), &m, x.GetDataVoid(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetDataVoid(),
rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
if (TransA.ConjTrans())
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
RefineSolutionLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA, const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, RowUpTriang,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator1>& x,
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
double& ferr, double& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
char trans = TransA.RevChar(); char diag = DiagA.Char();
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator1> work(2*m);
Vector<double> rwork(m);
if (TransA.ConjTrans())
ztrrfs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), &m,
b.GetDataVoid(), &m, x.GetDataVoid(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetDataVoid(),
rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
if (TransA.ConjTrans())
/*** RowLoTriang, NoTrans and NonUnit ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
void RefineSolutionLU(const Matrix<float, Prop0, RowLoTriang,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator1>& x,
const Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
float& ferr, float& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
char trans('T'); char diag('N');
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator1> work(3*m);
Vector<int> iwork(m);
strrfs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, &nrhs, A.GetData(), &m,
b.GetData(), &m, x.GetData(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetData(),
iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
void RefineSolutionLU(const Matrix<double, Prop0, RowLoTriang,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator1>& x,
const Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
double& ferr, double& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
char trans('T'); char diag('N');
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator1> work(3*m);
Vector<int> iwork(m);
dtrrfs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, &nrhs, A.GetData(), &m,
b.GetData(), &m, x.GetData(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetData(),
iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
RefineSolutionLU(const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, RowLoTriang,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator1>& x,
const Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
float& ferr, float& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
char trans('T'); char diag('N');
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator1> work(2*m);
Vector<float> rwork(m);
ctrrfs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), &m,
b.GetDataVoid(), &m, x.GetDataVoid(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetDataVoid(),
rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
RefineSolutionLU(const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, RowLoTriang,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator1>& x,
const Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
double& ferr, double& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
char trans('T'); char diag('N');
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator1> work(2*m);
Vector<double> rwork(m);
ztrrfs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), &m,
b.GetDataVoid(), &m, x.GetDataVoid(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetDataVoid(),
rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
/*** RowLoTriang ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
RefineSolutionLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA, const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<float, Prop0, RowLoTriang,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator1>& x,
const Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
float& ferr, float& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
char trans = TransA.RevChar(); char diag = DiagA.Char();
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator1> work(3*m);
Vector<int> iwork(m);
strrfs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, &nrhs, A.GetData(), &m,
b.GetData(), &m, x.GetData(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetData(),
iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
RefineSolutionLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA, const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<double, Prop0, RowLoTriang,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator1>& x,
const Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
double& ferr, double& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
char trans = TransA.RevChar(); char diag = DiagA.Char();
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator1> work(3*m);
Vector<int> iwork(m);
dtrrfs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, &nrhs, A.GetData(), &m,
b.GetData(), &m, x.GetData(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetData(),
iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
RefineSolutionLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA, const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, RowLoTriang,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator1>& x,
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
float& ferr, float& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
char trans = TransA.RevChar(); char diag = DiagA.Char();
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator1> work(2*m);
Vector<float> rwork(m);
if (TransA.ConjTrans())
ctrrfs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), &m,
b.GetDataVoid(), &m, x.GetDataVoid(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetDataVoid(),
rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
if (TransA.ConjTrans())
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
RefineSolutionLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA, const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, RowLoTriang,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator1>& x,
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
double& ferr, double& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
char trans = TransA.RevChar(); char diag = DiagA.Char();
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator1> work(2*m);
Vector<double> rwork(m);
if (TransA.ConjTrans())
ztrrfs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(), &m,
b.GetDataVoid(), &m, x.GetDataVoid(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetDataVoid(),
rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
if (TransA.ConjTrans())
/*** RowUpTriangPacked, NoTrans and NonUnit ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
void RefineSolutionLU(const Matrix<float, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator1>& x,
const Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
float& ferr, float& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
char trans('T'); char diag('N');
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator1> work(3*m);
Vector<int> iwork(m);
stprfs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, &nrhs, A.GetData(),
b.GetData(), &m, x.GetData(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetData(),
iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
void RefineSolutionLU(const Matrix<double, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator1>& x,
const Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
double& ferr, double& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
char trans('T'); char diag('N');
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator1> work(3*m);
Vector<int> iwork(m);
dtprfs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, &nrhs, A.GetData(),
b.GetData(), &m, x.GetData(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetData(),
iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
RefineSolutionLU(const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator1>& x,
const Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
float& ferr, float& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
char trans('T'); char diag('N');
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator1> work(2*m);
Vector<float> rwork(m);
ctprfs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(),
b.GetDataVoid(), &m, x.GetDataVoid(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetDataVoid(),
rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
RefineSolutionLU(const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator1>& x,
const Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
double& ferr, double& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
char trans('T'); char diag('N');
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator1> work(2*m);
Vector<double> rwork(m);
ztprfs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(),
b.GetDataVoid(), &m, x.GetDataVoid(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetDataVoid(),
rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
/*** RowUpTriangPacked ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
RefineSolutionLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA, const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<float, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator1>& x,
const Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
float& ferr, float& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
char trans = TransA.RevChar(); char diag = DiagA.Char();
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator1> work(3*m);
Vector<int> iwork(m);
stprfs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, &nrhs, A.GetData(),
b.GetData(), &m, x.GetData(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetData(),
iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
RefineSolutionLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA, const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<double, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator1>& x,
const Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
double& ferr, double& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
char trans = TransA.RevChar(); char diag = DiagA.Char();
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator1> work(3*m);
Vector<int> iwork(m);
dtprfs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, &nrhs, A.GetData(),
b.GetData(), &m, x.GetData(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetData(),
iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
RefineSolutionLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA, const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator1>& x,
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
float& ferr, float& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
char trans = TransA.RevChar(); char diag = DiagA.Char();
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator1> work(2*m);
Vector<float> rwork(m);
if (TransA.ConjTrans())
ctprfs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(),
b.GetDataVoid(), &m, x.GetDataVoid(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetDataVoid(),
rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
if (TransA.ConjTrans())
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
RefineSolutionLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA, const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator1>& x,
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
double& ferr, double& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('L');
char trans = TransA.RevChar(); char diag = DiagA.Char();
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator1> work(2*m);
Vector<double> rwork(m);
if (TransA.ConjTrans())
ztprfs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(),
b.GetDataVoid(), &m, x.GetDataVoid(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetDataVoid(),
rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
if (TransA.ConjTrans())
/*** RowLoTriangPacked, NoTrans and NonUnit ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
void RefineSolutionLU(const Matrix<float, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator1>& x,
const Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
float& ferr, float& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
char trans('T'); char diag('N');
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator1> work(3*m);
Vector<int> iwork(m);
stprfs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, &nrhs, A.GetData(),
b.GetData(), &m, x.GetData(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetData(),
iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
void RefineSolutionLU(const Matrix<double, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator1>& x,
const Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
double& ferr, double& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
char trans('T'); char diag('N');
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator1> work(3*m);
Vector<int> iwork(m);
dtprfs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, &nrhs, A.GetData(),
b.GetData(), &m, x.GetData(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetData(),
iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
RefineSolutionLU(const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator1>& x,
const Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
float& ferr, float& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
char trans('T'); char diag('N');
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator1> work(2*m);
Vector<float> rwork(m);
ctprfs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(),
b.GetDataVoid(), &m, x.GetDataVoid(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetDataVoid(),
rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
RefineSolutionLU(const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator1>& x,
const Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
double& ferr, double& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
char trans('T'); char diag('N');
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator1> work(2*m);
Vector<double> rwork(m);
ztprfs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(),
b.GetDataVoid(), &m, x.GetDataVoid(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetDataVoid(),
rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
/*** RowLoTriangPacked ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
RefineSolutionLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA, const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<float, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator1>& x,
const Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
float& ferr, float& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
char trans = TransA.RevChar(); char diag = DiagA.Char();
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator1> work(3*m);
Vector<int> iwork(m);
stprfs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, &nrhs, A.GetData(),
b.GetData(), &m, x.GetData(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetData(),
iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
RefineSolutionLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA, const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<double, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator1>& x,
const Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
double& ferr, double& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
char trans = TransA.RevChar(); char diag = DiagA.Char();
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator1> work(3*m);
Vector<int> iwork(m);
dtprfs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, &nrhs, A.GetData(),
b.GetData(), &m, x.GetData(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetData(),
iwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
RefineSolutionLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA, const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator1>& x,
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
float& ferr, float& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
char trans = TransA.RevChar(); char diag = DiagA.Char();
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator1> work(2*m);
Vector<float> rwork(m);
if (TransA.ConjTrans())
ctprfs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(),
b.GetDataVoid(), &m, x.GetDataVoid(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetDataVoid(),
rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
if (TransA.ConjTrans())
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
RefineSolutionLU(const SeldonTranspose& TransA, const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator1>& x,
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
double& ferr, double& berr,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, x, b, "RefineSolutionLU(A, Alu, X, Y)");
int m = A.GetM();
int nrhs = 1;
char uplo('U');
char trans = TransA.RevChar(); char diag = DiagA.Char();
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator1> work(2*m);
Vector<double> rwork(m);
if (TransA.ConjTrans())
ztprfs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &m, &nrhs, A.GetDataVoid(),
b.GetDataVoid(), &m, x.GetDataVoid(), &m,
&ferr, &berr, work.GetDataVoid(),
rwork.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef() );
if (TransA.ConjTrans())
// RefineSolutionLU //
// GetInverse //
/*** ColMajor ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(Matrix<float, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
Vector<int, VectFull, CallocAlloc<int> > pivot;
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator0> work(m);
GetLU(A, pivot, info);
sgetri_(&m, A.GetData(), &m, pivot.GetData(), work.GetData(), &m,
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(Matrix<double, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
Vector<int, VectFull, CallocAlloc<int> > pivot;
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator0> work(m);
GetLU(A, pivot, info);
dgetri_(&m, A.GetData(), &m, pivot.GetData(), work.GetData(), &m,
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
Vector<int, VectFull, CallocAlloc<int> > pivot;
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(m);
GetLU(A, pivot, info);
cgetri_(&m, A.GetDataVoid(), &m, pivot.GetData(),
work.GetDataVoid(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
Vector<int, VectFull, CallocAlloc<int> > pivot;
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(m);
GetLU(A, pivot, info);
zgetri_(&m, A.GetDataVoid(), &m, pivot.GetData(),
work.GetDataVoid(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
/*** RowMajor ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(Matrix<float, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
Vector<int, VectFull, CallocAlloc<int> > pivot;
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator0> work(m);
GetLU(A, pivot, info);
sgetri_(&m, A.GetData(), &m, pivot.GetData(), work.GetData(), &m,
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(Matrix<double, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
Vector<int, VectFull, CallocAlloc<int> > pivot;
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator0> work(m);
GetLU(A, pivot, info);
dgetri_(&m, A.GetData(), &m, pivot.GetData(), work.GetData(), &m,
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
Vector<int, VectFull, CallocAlloc<int> > pivot;
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(m);
GetLU(A, pivot, info);
cgetri_(&m, A.GetDataVoid(), &m, pivot.GetData(),
work.GetDataVoid(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
Vector<int, VectFull, CallocAlloc<int> > pivot;
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(m);
GetLU(A, pivot, info);
zgetri_(&m, A.GetDataVoid(), &m, pivot.GetData(),
work.GetDataVoid(), &m, &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
/*** ColSym and Upper ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(Matrix<float, Prop0, ColSym, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('U');
Vector<int, VectFull, CallocAlloc<int> > pivot;
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator0> work(2*m);
GetLU(A, pivot, info);
ssytri_(&uplo, &m, A.GetData(), &m, pivot.GetData(), work.GetData(),
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(Matrix<double, Prop0, ColSym, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('U');
Vector<int, VectFull, CallocAlloc<int> > pivot;
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator0> work(2*m);
GetLU(A, pivot, info);
dsytri_(&uplo, &m, A.GetData(), &m, pivot.GetData(), work.GetData(),
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, ColSym, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('U');
Vector<int, VectFull, CallocAlloc<int> > pivot;
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(2*m);
GetLU(A, pivot, info);
csytri_(&uplo, &m, A.GetDataVoid(), &m, pivot.GetData(),
work.GetDataVoid(), &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, ColSym, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('U');
Vector<int, VectFull, CallocAlloc<int> > pivot;
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(2*m);
GetLU(A, pivot, info);
zsytri_(&uplo, &m, A.GetDataVoid(), &m, pivot.GetData(),
work.GetDataVoid(), &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
/*** ColSymPacked and Upper ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(Matrix<float, Prop0, ColSymPacked, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('U');
Vector<int, VectFull, CallocAlloc<int> > pivot;
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator0> work(m);
GetLU(A, pivot, info);
ssptri_(&uplo, &m, A.GetData(), pivot.GetData(), work.GetData(),
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(Matrix<double, Prop0, ColSymPacked, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('U');
Vector<int, VectFull, CallocAlloc<int> > pivot;
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator0> work(m);
GetLU(A, pivot, info);
dsptri_(&uplo, &m, A.GetData(), pivot.GetData(), work.GetData(),
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, ColSymPacked, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('U');
Vector<int, VectFull, CallocAlloc<int> > pivot;
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(m);
GetLU(A, pivot, info);
csptri_(&uplo, &m, A.GetDataVoid(), pivot.GetData(),
work.GetDataVoid(), &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, ColSymPacked, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('U');
Vector<int, VectFull, CallocAlloc<int> > pivot;
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(m);
GetLU(A, pivot, info);
zsptri_(&uplo, &m, A.GetDataVoid(), pivot.GetData(),
work.GetDataVoid(), &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
/*** RowSym and Upper ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(Matrix<float, Prop0, RowSym, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('L');
Vector<int, VectFull, CallocAlloc<int> > pivot;
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator0> work(2*m);
GetLU(A, pivot, info);
ssytri_(&uplo, &m, A.GetData(), &m, pivot.GetData(), work.GetData(),
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(Matrix<double, Prop0, RowSym, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('L');
Vector<int, VectFull, CallocAlloc<int> > pivot;
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator0> work(2*m);
GetLU(A, pivot, info);
dsytri_(&uplo, &m, A.GetData(), &m, pivot.GetData(), work.GetData(),
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, RowSym, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('L');
Vector<int, VectFull, CallocAlloc<int> > pivot;
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(2*m);
GetLU(A, pivot, info);
csytri_(&uplo, &m, A.GetDataVoid(), &m, pivot.GetData(),
work.GetDataVoid(), &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, RowSym, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('L');
Vector<int, VectFull, CallocAlloc<int> > pivot;
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(2*m);
GetLU(A, pivot, info);
zsytri_(&uplo, &m, A.GetDataVoid(), &m, pivot.GetData(),
work.GetDataVoid(), &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
/*** RowSymPacked and Upper ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(Matrix<float, Prop0, RowSymPacked, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('L');
Vector<int, VectFull, CallocAlloc<int> > pivot;
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator0> work(m);
GetLU(A, pivot, info);
ssptri_(&uplo, &m, A.GetData(), pivot.GetData(), work.GetData(),
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(Matrix<double, Prop0, RowSymPacked, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('L');
Vector<int, VectFull, CallocAlloc<int> > pivot;
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator0> work(m);
GetLU(A, pivot, info);
dsptri_(&uplo, &m, A.GetData(), pivot.GetData(), work.GetData(),
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, RowSymPacked, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('L');
Vector<int, VectFull, CallocAlloc<int> > pivot;
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(m);
GetLU(A, pivot, info);
csptri_(&uplo, &m, A.GetDataVoid(), pivot.GetData(),
work.GetDataVoid(), &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, RowSymPacked, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('L');
Vector<int, VectFull, CallocAlloc<int> > pivot;
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(m);
GetLU(A, pivot, info);
zsptri_(&uplo, &m, A.GetDataVoid(), pivot.GetData(),
work.GetDataVoid(), &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
/*** ColHerm and Upper ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, ColHerm, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('U');
Vector<int, VectFull, CallocAlloc<int> > pivot;
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(m);
GetLU(A, pivot, info);
chetri_(&uplo, &m, A.GetDataVoid(), &m, pivot.GetData(),
work.GetDataVoid(), &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, ColHerm, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('U');
Vector<int, VectFull, CallocAlloc<int> > pivot;
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(m);
GetLU(A, pivot, info);
zhetri_(&uplo, &m, A.GetDataVoid(), &m, pivot.GetData(),
work.GetDataVoid(), &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
/*** ColHermPacked and Upper ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, ColHermPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('U');
Vector<int, VectFull, CallocAlloc<int> > pivot;
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(m);
GetLU(A, pivot, info);
chptri_(&uplo, &m, A.GetDataVoid(), pivot.GetData(),
work.GetDataVoid(), &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, ColHermPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('U');
Vector<int, VectFull, CallocAlloc<int> > pivot;
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(m);
GetLU(A, pivot, info);
zhptri_(&uplo, &m, A.GetDataVoid(), pivot.GetData(),
work.GetDataVoid(), &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
/*** RowHerm and Upper ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, RowHerm, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('L');
Vector<int, VectFull, CallocAlloc<int> > pivot;
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(m);
GetLU(A, pivot, info);
chetri_(&uplo, &m, A.GetDataVoid(), &m, pivot.GetData(),
work.GetDataVoid(), &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, RowHerm, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('L');
Vector<int, VectFull, CallocAlloc<int> > pivot;
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(m);
GetLU(A, pivot, info);
zhetri_(&uplo, &m, A.GetDataVoid(), &m, pivot.GetData(),
work.GetDataVoid(), &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
/*** RowHermPacked and Upper ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, RowHermPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('L');
Vector<int, VectFull, CallocAlloc<int> > pivot;
Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(m);
GetLU(A, pivot, info);
chptri_(&uplo, &m, A.GetDataVoid(), pivot.GetData(),
work.GetDataVoid(), &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, RowHermPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('L');
Vector<int, VectFull, CallocAlloc<int> > pivot;
Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator0> work(m);
GetLU(A, pivot, info);
zhptri_(&uplo, &m, A.GetDataVoid(), pivot.GetData(),
work.GetDataVoid(), &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
/*** ColUpTriang and NonUnit ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(Matrix<float, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('U'); char diag('N');
strtri_(&uplo, &diag, &m, A.GetData(), &m,
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(Matrix<double, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('U'); char diag('N');
dtrtri_(&uplo, &diag, &m, A.GetData(), &m,
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('U'); char diag('N');
ctrtri_(&uplo, &diag, &m, A.GetDataVoid(), &m,
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('U'); char diag('N');
ztrtri_(&uplo, &diag, &m, A.GetDataVoid(), &m,
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
/*** ColUpTriang ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
Matrix<float, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('U'); char diag = DiagA.Char();
strtri_(&uplo, &diag, &m, A.GetData(), &m,
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
Matrix<double, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('U'); char diag = DiagA.Char();
dtrtri_(&uplo, &diag, &m, A.GetData(), &m,
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('U'); char diag = DiagA.Char();
ctrtri_(&uplo, &diag, &m, A.GetDataVoid(), &m,
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, ColUpTriang, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('U'); char diag = DiagA.Char();
ztrtri_(&uplo, &diag, &m, A.GetDataVoid(), &m,
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
/*** ColLoTriang and NonUnit ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(Matrix<float, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('L'); char diag('N');
strtri_(&uplo, &diag, &m, A.GetData(), &m,
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(Matrix<double, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('L'); char diag('N');
dtrtri_(&uplo, &diag, &m, A.GetData(), &m,
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('L'); char diag('N');
ctrtri_(&uplo, &diag, &m, A.GetDataVoid(), &m,
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('L'); char diag('N');
ztrtri_(&uplo, &diag, &m, A.GetDataVoid(), &m,
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
/*** ColLoTriang ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
Matrix<float, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('L'); char diag = DiagA.Char();
strtri_(&uplo, &diag, &m, A.GetData(), &m,
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
Matrix<double, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('L'); char diag = DiagA.Char();
dtrtri_(&uplo, &diag, &m, A.GetData(), &m,
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('L'); char diag = DiagA.Char();
ctrtri_(&uplo, &diag, &m, A.GetDataVoid(), &m,
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, ColLoTriang, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('L'); char diag = DiagA.Char();
ztrtri_(&uplo, &diag, &m, A.GetDataVoid(), &m,
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
/*** ColUpTriangPacked and NonUnit ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(Matrix<float, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('U'); char diag('N');
stptri_(&uplo, &diag, &m, A.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(Matrix<double, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('U'); char diag('N');
dtptri_(&uplo, &diag, &m, A.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('U'); char diag('N');
ctptri_(&uplo, &diag, &m, A.GetDataVoid(), &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('U'); char diag('N');
ztptri_(&uplo, &diag, &m, A.GetDataVoid(),
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
/*** ColUpTriangPacked ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
Matrix<float, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('U'); char diag = DiagA.Char();
stptri_(&uplo, &diag, &m, A.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
Matrix<double, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('U'); char diag = DiagA.Char();
dtptri_(&uplo, &diag, &m, A.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('U'); char diag = DiagA.Char();
ctptri_(&uplo, &diag, &m, A.GetDataVoid(), &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, ColUpTriangPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('U'); char diag = DiagA.Char();
ztptri_(&uplo, &diag, &m, A.GetDataVoid(),
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
/*** ColLoTriangPacked and NonUnit ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(Matrix<float, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('L'); char diag('N');
stptri_(&uplo, &diag, &m, A.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(Matrix<double, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('L'); char diag('N');
dtptri_(&uplo, &diag, &m, A.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('L'); char diag('N');
ctptri_(&uplo, &diag, &m, A.GetDataVoid(),
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('L'); char diag('N');
ztptri_(&uplo, &diag, &m, A.GetDataVoid(),
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
/*** ColLoTriangPacked ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
Matrix<float, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('L'); char diag = DiagA.Char();
stptri_(&uplo, &diag, &m, A.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
Matrix<double, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('L'); char diag = DiagA.Char();
dtptri_(&uplo, &diag, &m, A.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('L'); char diag = DiagA.Char();
ctptri_(&uplo, &diag, &m, A.GetDataVoid(),
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, ColLoTriangPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('L'); char diag = DiagA.Char();
ztptri_(&uplo, &diag, &m, A.GetDataVoid(),
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
/*** RowUpTriang and NonUnit ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(Matrix<float, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('L'); char diag('N');
strtri_(&uplo, &diag, &m, A.GetData(), &m,
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(Matrix<double, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('L'); char diag('N');
dtrtri_(&uplo, &diag, &m, A.GetData(), &m,
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('L'); char diag('N');
ctrtri_(&uplo, &diag, &m, A.GetDataVoid(), &m,
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('L'); char diag('N');
ztrtri_(&uplo, &diag, &m, A.GetDataVoid(), &m,
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
/*** RowUpTriang ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
Matrix<float, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('L'); char diag = DiagA.Char();
strtri_(&uplo, &diag, &m, A.GetData(), &m,
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
Matrix<double, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('L'); char diag = DiagA.Char();
dtrtri_(&uplo, &diag, &m, A.GetData(), &m,
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('L'); char diag = DiagA.Char();
ctrtri_(&uplo, &diag, &m, A.GetDataVoid(), &m,
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, RowUpTriang, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('L'); char diag = DiagA.Char();
ztrtri_(&uplo, &diag, &m, A.GetDataVoid(), &m,
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
/*** RowLoTriang and NonUnit ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(Matrix<float, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('U'); char diag('N');
strtri_(&uplo, &diag, &m, A.GetData(), &m,
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(Matrix<double, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('U'); char diag('N');
dtrtri_(&uplo, &diag, &m, A.GetData(), &m,
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('U'); char diag('N');
ctrtri_(&uplo, &diag, &m, A.GetDataVoid(), &m,
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('U'); char diag('N');
ztrtri_(&uplo, &diag, &m, A.GetDataVoid(), &m,
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
/*** RowLoTriang ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
Matrix<float, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('U'); char diag = DiagA.Char();
strtri_(&uplo, &diag, &m, A.GetData(), &m,
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
Matrix<double, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('U'); char diag = DiagA.Char();
dtrtri_(&uplo, &diag, &m, A.GetData(), &m,
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('U'); char diag = DiagA.Char();
ctrtri_(&uplo, &diag, &m, A.GetDataVoid(), &m,
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, RowLoTriang, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('U'); char diag = DiagA.Char();
ztrtri_(&uplo, &diag, &m, A.GetDataVoid(), &m,
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
/*** RowUpTriangPacked and NonUnit ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(Matrix<float, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('L'); char diag('N');
stptri_(&uplo, &diag, &m, A.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(Matrix<double, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('L'); char diag('N');
dtptri_(&uplo, &diag, &m, A.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('L'); char diag('N');
ctptri_(&uplo, &diag, &m, A.GetDataVoid(), &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('L'); char diag('N');
ztptri_(&uplo, &diag, &m, A.GetDataVoid(),
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
/*** RowUpTriangPacked ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
Matrix<float, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('L'); char diag = DiagA.Char();
stptri_(&uplo, &diag, &m, A.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
Matrix<double, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('L'); char diag = DiagA.Char();
dtptri_(&uplo, &diag, &m, A.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('L'); char diag = DiagA.Char();
ctptri_(&uplo, &diag, &m, A.GetDataVoid(), &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, RowUpTriangPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('L'); char diag = DiagA.Char();
ztptri_(&uplo, &diag, &m, A.GetDataVoid(),
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
/*** RowLoTriangPacked and NonUnit ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(Matrix<float, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('U'); char diag('N');
stptri_(&uplo, &diag, &m, A.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(Matrix<double, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('U'); char diag('N');
dtptri_(&uplo, &diag, &m, A.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('U'); char diag('N');
ctptri_(&uplo, &diag, &m, A.GetDataVoid(),
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('U'); char diag('N');
ztptri_(&uplo, &diag, &m, A.GetDataVoid(),
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
/*** RowLoTriangPacked ***/
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
Matrix<float, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('U'); char diag = DiagA.Char();
stptri_(&uplo, &diag, &m, A.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
Matrix<double, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked, Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('U'); char diag = DiagA.Char();
dtptri_(&uplo, &diag, &m, A.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('U'); char diag = DiagA.Char();
ctptri_(&uplo, &diag, &m, A.GetDataVoid(),
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
template <class Prop0, class Allocator0>
void GetInverse(const SeldonDiag& DiagA,
Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, RowLoTriangPacked,
Allocator0>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int m = A.GetM();
char uplo('U'); char diag = DiagA.Char();
ztptri_(&uplo, &diag, &m, A.GetDataVoid(),
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetInverse",
"The matrix is inversible ? ");
// GetInverse //
// GetScalingFactors //
/*** ColMajor ***/
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
void GetScalingFactors(const Matrix<float, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator1>& row_scale,
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator2>& col_scale,
float& row_condition_number,
float& col_condition_number, float& amax,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, col_scale, row_scale, string("GetScalingFactors(A, X, Y, ")
+ string(" rowcnd, colcnd, amax)"));
int m = A.GetM(), n = A.GetN();
int lda = A.GetLD();
sgeequ_(&m, &n, A.GetData(), &lda, row_scale.GetData(),
col_scale.GetData(), &row_condition_number, &col_condition_number,
&amax, &info.GetInfoRef());
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
void GetScalingFactors(const Matrix<double, Prop0, ColMajor, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator1>& row_scale,
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator2>& col_scale,
double& row_condition_number,
double& col_condition_number, double& amax,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, col_scale, row_scale, string("GetScalingFactors(A, X, Y, ")
+ string(" rowcnd, colcnd, amax)"));
int m = A.GetM(), n = A.GetN();
int lda = A.GetLD();
dgeequ_(&m, &n, A.GetData(), &lda, row_scale.GetData(),
col_scale.GetData(), &row_condition_number, &col_condition_number,
&amax, &info.GetInfoRef());
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
void GetScalingFactors(const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, ColMajor,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator1>& row_scale,
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator2>& col_scale,
float& row_condition_number,
float& col_condition_number, float& amax,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, col_scale, row_scale, string("GetScalingFactors(A, X, Y, ")
+string("rowcnd, colcnd, amax)"));
int m = A.GetM(), n = A.GetN();
int lda = A.GetLD();
cgeequ_(&m, &n, A.GetDataVoid(), &lda, row_scale.GetData(),
col_scale.GetData(), &row_condition_number,
&col_condition_number, &amax, &info.GetInfoRef());
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
void GetScalingFactors(const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, ColMajor,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator1>& row_scale,
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator2>& col_scale,
double& row_condition_number,
double& col_condition_number, double& amax,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, col_scale, row_scale, string("GetScalingFactors(A, X, Y, ")
+ string("rowcnd, colcnd, amax)"));
int m = A.GetM(), n = A.GetN();
int lda = A.GetLD();
zgeequ_(&m, &n, A.GetDataVoid(), &lda, row_scale.GetData(),
col_scale.GetData(), &row_condition_number,
&col_condition_number, &amax, &info.GetInfoRef());
/*** RowMajor ***/
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
void GetScalingFactors(const Matrix<float, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator1>& row_scale,
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator2>& col_scale,
float& row_condition_number,
float& col_condition_number, float& amax,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, col_scale, row_scale, string("GetScalingFactors(A, X, Y, ")
+ string(" rowcnd, colcnd, amax)"));
int m = A.GetM(), n = A.GetN();
int lda = A.GetLD();
sgeequ_(&n, &m, A.GetData(), &lda, col_scale.GetData(),
row_scale.GetData(), &col_condition_number, &row_condition_number,
&amax, &info.GetInfoRef());
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
void GetScalingFactors(const Matrix<double, Prop0, RowMajor, Allocator0>& A,
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator1>& row_scale,
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator2>& col_scale,
double& row_condition_number,
double& col_condition_number, double& amax,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, col_scale, row_scale, string("GetScalingFactors(A, X, Y, ")
+ string(" rowcnd, colcnd, amax)"));
int m = A.GetM(), n = A.GetN();
int lda = A.GetLD();
dgeequ_(&n, &m, A.GetData(), &lda, col_scale.GetData(),
row_scale.GetData(), &col_condition_number, &row_condition_number,
&amax, &info.GetInfoRef());
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
void GetScalingFactors(const Matrix<complex<float>, Prop0, RowMajor,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator1>& row_scale,
Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator2>& col_scale,
float& row_condition_number,
float& col_condition_number, float& amax,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, col_scale, row_scale, string("GetScalingFactors(A, X, Y,")
+ string(" rowcnd, colcnd, amax)"));
int m = A.GetM(), n = A.GetN();
int lda = A.GetLD();
cgeequ_(&n, &m, A.GetDataVoid(), &lda, col_scale.GetData(),
row_scale.GetData(), &col_condition_number,
&row_condition_number, &amax, &info.GetInfoRef());
template<class Prop0, class Allocator0,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
void GetScalingFactors(const Matrix<complex<double>, Prop0, RowMajor,
Allocator0>& A,
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator1>& row_scale,
Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator2>& col_scale,
double& row_condition_number,
double& col_condition_number, double& amax,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
CheckDim(A, col_scale, row_scale, string("GetScalingFactors(A, X, Y, ")
+ string("rowcnd, colcnd, amax)"));
int m = A.GetM(), n = A.GetN();
int lda = A.GetLD();
zgeequ_(&n, &m, A.GetDataVoid(), &lda, col_scale.GetData(),
row_scale.GetData(), &col_condition_number,
&row_condition_number, &amax, &info.GetInfoRef());
// GetScalingFactors //
// GetCholesky //
template<class Prop, class Allocator>
void GetCholesky(Matrix<double, Prop, RowSymPacked, Allocator>& A,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
int n = A.GetN();
if (n <= 0)
throw WrongDim("GetLU", "Provide a non-empty matrix");
char uplo('L');
dpptrf_(&uplo, &n, A.GetData(), &info.GetInfoRef());
if (info.GetInfo() != 0)
throw LapackError(info.GetInfo(), "GetCholesky",
"An error occured during the factorization.");
// GetCholesky //
// SolveCholesky //
template<class Transp, class Prop, class Allocator, class Allocator2>
void SolveCholesky(const Transp& TransA,
const Matrix<double, Prop, RowSymPacked, Allocator>& A,
Vector<double, Vect_Full, Allocator2>& X,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
// basic triangular solve
char uplo('L'); char trans(TransA.RevChar()); char diag('N');
int n = A.GetM(); int nrhs = 1;
dtptrs_(&uplo, &trans, &diag, &n, &nrhs, A.GetData(), X.GetData(), &n, &info.GetInfoRef());
// SolveCholesky //
// Generic method, which factorizes a matrix and solve the linear system
// b is overwritten by the solution
template<class T, class Prop, class Storage, class Allocator,
class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
void GetAndSolveLU(Matrix<T, Prop, Storage, Allocator>& A,
Vector<int, VectFull, Allocator1>& P,
Vector<T, VectFull, Allocator2>& b,
LapackInfo& info = lapack_info)
GetLU(A, P, info);
SolveLU(A, P, b, info);
} // namespace Seldon.