// Copyright (C) 2001-2009 Vivien Mallet
// This file is part of the linear-algebra library Seldon,
// http://seldon.sourceforge.net/.
// Seldon is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
// terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
// Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
// any later version.
// Seldon is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
// more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with Seldon. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.


  Functions included in this file:

  xROTG   (GenRot)
  xROTMG  (GenModifRot)
  xROT    (ApplyRot)
  xROTM   (ApplyModifRot)
  xSWAP   (Swap)
  xSCAL   (Mlt)
  xCOPY   (Copy)
  xAXPY   (Add)
  xDOT    (DotProd)
  xDOTU   (DotProd)
  SDSDOT  (ScaledDotProd)
  xDOTC   (DotProdConj)
  xASUM   (Norm1)
  xNRM2   (Norm2)
  IxAMAX  (GetMaxAbsIndex)

extern "C"
#include "cblas.h"

namespace Seldon

  // GenRot //

  void GenRot(float& a, float& b, float& c, float& d)
    cblas_srotg(&a, &b, &c, &d);

  void GenRot(double& a, double& b, double& c, double& d)
    cblas_drotg(&a, &b, &c, &d);

  // GenRot //

  // GenModifRot //

  void GenModifRot(float& d1, float& d2,
		   float& x1, const float& y1,
		   float* param)
    cblas_srotmg(&d1, &d2, &x1, y1, param);

  void GenModifRot(double& d1, double& d2,
		   double& x1, const double& y1,
		   double* param)
    cblas_drotmg(&d1, &d2, &x1, y1, param);

  // GenModifRot //

  // ApplyRot //

  template <class Allocator>
  void ApplyRot(Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator>& X,
		Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator>& Y,
		const float c, const float s)
    cblas_srot(X.GetLength(), X.GetData(), 1,
	       Y.GetData(), 1, c, s);

  template <class Allocator>
  void ApplyRot(Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator>& X,
		Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator>& Y,
		const double c, const double s)
    cblas_drot(X.GetLength(), X.GetData(), 1,
	       Y.GetData(), 1, c, s);

  // ApplyRot //

  // ApplyModifRot //

  template <class Allocator>
  void ApplyModifRot(Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator>& X,
		     Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator>& Y,
		     const float* param)
    cblas_srotm(X.GetLength(), X.GetData(), 1,
		Y.GetData(), 1, param);

  template <class Allocator>
  void ApplyModifRot(Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator>& X,
		     Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator>& Y,
		     const double* param)
    cblas_drotm(X.GetLength(), X.GetData(), 1,
		Y.GetData(), 1, param);

  // ApplyModifRot //

  // Swap //

  template <class Allocator>
  void Swap(Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator>& X,
	    Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator>& Y)

    CheckDim(X, Y, "Swap(X, Y)", "X <-> Y");

    cblas_sswap(X.GetLength(), X.GetData(), 1,
		Y.GetData(), 1);

  template <class Allocator>
  void Swap(Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator>& X,
	    Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator>& Y)

    CheckDim(X, Y, "Swap(X, Y)", "X <-> Y");

    cblas_dswap(X.GetLength(), X.GetData(), 1,
		Y.GetData(), 1);

  template <class Allocator>
  void Swap(Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator>& X,
	    Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator>& Y)

    CheckDim(X, Y, "Swap(X, Y)", "X <-> Y");

    cblas_cswap(X.GetLength(), reinterpret_cast<void*>(X.GetData()), 1,
		reinterpret_cast<void*>(Y.GetData()), 1);

  template <class Allocator>
  void Swap(Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator>& X,
	    Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator>& Y)

    CheckDim(X, Y, "Swap(X, Y)", "X <-> Y");

    cblas_zswap(X.GetLength(), reinterpret_cast<void*>(X.GetData()), 1,
		reinterpret_cast<void*>(Y.GetData()), 1);

  // Swap //

  // Mlt //

  template <class Allocator>
  void Mlt(const float alpha,
	   Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator>& X)
    cblas_sscal(X.GetLength(), alpha, X.GetData(), 1);

  template <class Allocator>
  void Mlt(const double alpha,
	   Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator>& X)
    cblas_dscal(X.GetLength(), alpha, X.GetData(), 1);

  template <class Allocator>
  void Mlt(const float alpha,
	   Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator>& X)
    cblas_csscal(X.GetLength(), alpha,
		 reinterpret_cast<void*>(X.GetData()), 1);

  template <class Allocator>
  void Mlt(const double alpha,
	   Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator>& X)
    cblas_zdscal(X.GetLength(), alpha,
		 reinterpret_cast<void*>(X.GetData()), 1);

  template <class Allocator>
  void Mlt(const complex<float> alpha,
	   Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator>& X)
		reinterpret_cast<const void*>(&alpha),
		reinterpret_cast<void*>(X.GetData()), 1);

  template <class Allocator>
  void Mlt(const complex<double> alpha,
	   Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator>& X)
		reinterpret_cast<const void*>(&alpha),
		reinterpret_cast<void*>(X.GetData()), 1);

  // Mlt //

  // Copy //

  template <class Allocator0, class Allocator1>
  void Copy(const Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator0>& X,
	    Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator1>& Y)

    CheckDim(X, Y, "Copy(X, Y)", "X -> Y");

		reinterpret_cast<const float*>(X.GetData()), 1,
		reinterpret_cast<float*>(Y.GetData()), 1);

  template <class Allocator0, class Allocator1>
  void Copy(const Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator0>& X,
	    Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator1>& Y)

    CheckDim(X, Y, "Copy(X, Y)", "X -> Y");

		reinterpret_cast<const double*>(X.GetData()), 1,
		reinterpret_cast<double*>(Y.GetData()), 1);

  template <class Allocator0, class Allocator1>
  void Copy(const Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator0>& X,
	    Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator1>& Y)

    CheckDim(X, Y, "Copy(X, Y)", "X -> Y");

		reinterpret_cast<const void*>(X.GetData()), 1,
		reinterpret_cast<void*>(Y.GetData()), 1);

  template <class Allocator0, class Allocator1>
  void Copy(const Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator0>& X,
	    Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator1>& Y)

    CheckDim(X, Y, "Copy(X, Y)", "X -> Y");

		reinterpret_cast<const void*>(X.GetData()), 1,
		reinterpret_cast<void*>(Y.GetData()), 1);

  // Copy //

  // Add //

  template <class Allocator0, class Allocator1>
  void Add(const float alpha,
	   const Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator0>& X,
	   Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator1>& Y)

    CheckDim(X, Y, "Add(alpha, X, Y)");

		reinterpret_cast<const float*>(X.GetData()), 1,
		reinterpret_cast<float*>(Y.GetData()), 1);

  template <class Allocator0, class Allocator1>
  void Add(const double alpha,
	   const Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator0>& X,
	   Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator1>& Y)

    CheckDim(X, Y, "Add(alpha, X, Y)");

		reinterpret_cast<const double*>(X.GetData()), 1,
		reinterpret_cast<double*>(Y.GetData()), 1);

  template <class Allocator0, class Allocator1>
  void Add(const complex<float> alpha,
	   const Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator0>& X,
	   Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator1>& Y)

    CheckDim(X, Y, "Add(alpha, X, Y)");

		reinterpret_cast<const void*>(&alpha),
		reinterpret_cast<const void*>(X.GetData()), 1,
		reinterpret_cast<float*>(Y.GetData()), 1);

  template <class Allocator0, class Allocator1>
  void Add(const complex<double> alpha,
	   const Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator0>& X,
	   Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator1>& Y)

    CheckDim(X, Y, "Add(alpha, X, Y)");

		reinterpret_cast<const void*>(&alpha),
		reinterpret_cast<const void*>(X.GetData()), 1,
		reinterpret_cast<double*>(Y.GetData()), 1);

  // Add //

  // DotProd //

  template <class Allocator0, class Allocator1>
  float DotProd(const Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator0>& X,
		const Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator1>& Y)

    CheckDim(X, Y, "DotProd(X, Y)", "dot(X, Y)");

    return cblas_sdot(Y.GetLength(),
		      reinterpret_cast<const float*>(X.GetData()), 1,
		      reinterpret_cast<const float*>(Y.GetData()), 1);

  template <class Allocator0, class Allocator1>
  double DotProd(const Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator0>& X,
		 const Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator1>& Y)

    CheckDim(X, Y, "DotProd(X, Y)", "dot(X, Y)");

    return cblas_ddot(Y.GetLength(),
		      reinterpret_cast<const double*>(X.GetData()), 1,
		      reinterpret_cast<const double*>(Y.GetData()), 1);

  template <class Allocator0, class Allocator1>
  DotProd(const Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator0>& X,
	  const Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator1>& Y)

    CheckDim(X, Y, "DotProd(X, Y)", "dot(X, Y)");

    complex<float> dotu;
		    reinterpret_cast<const void*>(X.GetData()), 1,
		    reinterpret_cast<const void*>(Y.GetData()), 1,
    return dotu;

  template <class Allocator0, class Allocator1>
  DotProd(const Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator0>& X,
	  const Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator1>& Y)

    CheckDim(X, Y, "DotProd(X, Y)", "dot(X, Y)");

    complex<double> dotu;
		    reinterpret_cast<const void*>(X.GetData()), 1,
		    reinterpret_cast<const void*>(Y.GetData()), 1,
    return dotu;

  // DotProd //


  template <class Allocator0, class Allocator1>
  float ScaledDotProd(const float alpha,
		      const Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator0>& X,
		      const Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator1>& Y)

    CheckDim(X, Y, "ScaledDotProd(X, Y)", "dot(X, Y)");

    return cblas_sdsdot(Y.GetLength(), alpha,
			reinterpret_cast<const float*>(X.GetData()), 1,
			reinterpret_cast<const float*>(Y.GetData()), 1);


  // DotProjConj //

  template <class Allocator0, class Allocator1>
  DotProdConj(const Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator0>& X,
	      const Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator1>& Y)

    CheckDim(X, Y, "DotProdConj(X, Y)", "dot(X, Y)");

    complex<float> dotc;
		    reinterpret_cast<const void*>(X.GetData()), 1,
		    reinterpret_cast<const void*>(Y.GetData()), 1,
    return dotc;

  template <class Allocator0, class Allocator1>
  DotProdConj(const Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator0>& X,
	      const Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator1>& Y)

    CheckDim(X, Y, "DotProdConj(X, Y)", "dot(X, Y)");

    complex<double> dotc;
		    reinterpret_cast<const void*>(X.GetData()), 1,
		    reinterpret_cast<const void*>(Y.GetData()), 1,
    return dotc;

  // DotProdConj //

  // Norm1 //

  template <class Allocator>
  float Norm1(const Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator>& X)
    return cblas_sasum(X.GetLength(),
		       reinterpret_cast<const float*>(X.GetData()), 1);

  template <class Allocator>
  double Norm1(const Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator>& X)
    return cblas_dasum(X.GetLength(),
		       reinterpret_cast<const double*>(X.GetData()), 1);

  template <class Allocator>
  float Norm1(const Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator>& X)
    return cblas_scasum(X.GetLength(),
			reinterpret_cast<const void*>(X.GetData()), 1);

  template <class Allocator>
  double Norm1(const Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator>& X)
    return cblas_dzasum(X.GetLength(),
			reinterpret_cast<const void*>(X.GetData()), 1);

  // Norm1 //

  // Norm2 //

  template <class Allocator>
  float Norm2(const Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator>& X)
    return cblas_snrm2(X.GetLength(),
		       reinterpret_cast<const float*>(X.GetData()), 1);

  template <class Allocator>
  double Norm2(const Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator>& X)
    return cblas_dnrm2(X.GetLength(),
		       reinterpret_cast<const double*>(X.GetData()), 1);

  template <class Allocator>
  float Norm2(const Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator>& X)
    return cblas_scnrm2(X.GetLength(),
			reinterpret_cast<const void*>(X.GetData()), 1);

  template <class Allocator>
  double Norm2(const Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator>& X)
    return cblas_dznrm2(X.GetLength(),
			reinterpret_cast<const void*>(X.GetData()), 1);

  // Norm2 //

  // GetMaxAbsIndex //

  template <class Allocator>
  size_t GetMaxAbsIndex(const Vector<float, VectFull, Allocator>& X)
    return cblas_isamax(X.GetLength(),
			reinterpret_cast<const float*>(X.GetData()), 1);

  template <class Allocator>
  size_t GetMaxAbsIndex(const Vector<double, VectFull, Allocator>& X)
    return cblas_idamax(X.GetLength(),
			reinterpret_cast<const double*>(X.GetData()), 1);
  template <class Allocator>
  size_t GetMaxAbsIndex(const Vector<complex<float>, VectFull, Allocator>& X)
    return cblas_icamax(X.GetLength(),
			reinterpret_cast<const void*>(X.GetData()), 1);

  template <class Allocator>
  GetMaxAbsIndex(const Vector<complex<double>, VectFull, Allocator>& X)
    return cblas_izamax(X.GetLength(),
			reinterpret_cast<const void*>(X.GetData()), 1);

  // GetMaxAbsIndex //

} // namespace Seldon.
