// Copyright (C) 2003-2009 Marc Duruflé
// Copyright (C) 2001-2009 Vivien Mallet
// This file is part of the linear-algebra library Seldon,
// http://seldon.sourceforge.net/.
// Seldon is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
// terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
// Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
// any later version.
// Seldon is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
// more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with Seldon. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.


  Functions defined in this file:

  alpha.X -> X
  Mlt(alpha, X)

  alpha.X + Y -> Y
  Add(alpha, X, Y)
  X -> Y
  Copy(X, Y)
  X <-> Y
  Swap(X, Y)
  DotProd(X, Y)
  DotProdConj(X, Y)
  GenRot(x, y, cos, sin)
  ApplyRot(x, y, cos, sin)

namespace Seldon

  // MLT //

  template <class T0,
	    class T1, class Storage1, class Allocator1>
  void Mlt(const T0 alpha,
	   Vector<T1, Storage1, Allocator1>& X)  throw()
    X *= alpha;

  // MLT //

  // ADD //

  template <class T0,
	    class T1, class Storage1, class Allocator1,
	    class T2, class Storage2, class Allocator2>
  void Add(const T0 alpha,
	   const Vector<T1, Storage1, Allocator1>& X,
	   Vector<T2, Storage2, Allocator2>& Y)  throw(WrongDim, NoMemory)
    if (alpha != T0(0))
	T1 alpha_ = alpha;

	int ma = X.GetM();
	CheckDim(X, Y, "Add(alpha, X, Y)");

	for (int i = 0; i < ma; i++)
	  Y(i) += alpha_ * X(i);
  template <class T0,
	    class T1, class Allocator1,
	    class T2, class Allocator2>
  void Add(const T0 alpha,
	   const Vector<T1, VectSparse, Allocator1>& X,
	   Vector<T2, VectSparse, Allocator2>& Y)  throw(WrongDim, NoMemory)
    if (alpha != T0(0))
	Vector<T1, VectSparse, Allocator1> Xalpha = X;
	Xalpha *= alpha;
			    Xalpha.GetIndex(), Xalpha.GetData(), true);

  // ADD //
  // COPY //

  template <class T1, class Storage1, class Allocator1,
	    class T2, class Storage2, class Allocator2>
  void Copy(const Vector<T1, Storage1, Allocator1>& X,
	    Vector<T2, Storage2, Allocator2>& Y)
  // COPY //
  // SWAP //

  template <class T1, class Storage1, class Allocator1,
	    class Storage2, class Allocator2>
  void Swap(Vector<T1, Storage1, Allocator1>& X,
	    Vector<T1, Storage2, Allocator2>& Y)
    int nx = X.GetM();
    T1* data = X.GetData();
    X.SetData(Y.GetM(), Y.GetData());
    Y.SetData(nx, data);
  template <class T1, class Allocator1, class Allocator2>
  void Swap(Vector<T1, VectSparse, Allocator1>& X,
	    Vector<T1, VectSparse, Allocator2>& Y)
    int nx = X.GetM();
    T1* data = X.GetData();
    int* index = X.GetIndex();
    X.SetData(Y.GetM(), Y.GetData(), Y.GetIndex());
    Y.SetData(nx, data, index);
  // SWAP //
  // DOTPROD //
  //! Scalar product between two vectors.
  template<class T1, class Storage1, class Allocator1,
	   class T2, class Storage2, class Allocator2>
  T1 DotProd(const Vector<T1, Storage1, Allocator1>& X,
	     const Vector<T2, Storage2, Allocator2>& Y)
    T1 value(0);

    CheckDim(X, Y, "DotProd(X, Y)");

    for (int i = 0; i < X.GetM(); i++)
      value += X(i) * Y(i);
    return value;
  //! Scalar product between two vectors.
  template<class T1, class Storage1, class Allocator1,
	   class T2, class Storage2, class Allocator2>
  T1 DotProdConj(const Vector<T1, Storage1, Allocator1>& X,
		 const Vector<T2, Storage2, Allocator2>& Y)
    return DotProd(X, Y);
  //! Scalar product between two vectors.
  template<class T1, class Storage1, class Allocator1,
	   class T2, class Storage2, class Allocator2>
  complex<T1> DotProdConj(const Vector<complex<T1>, Storage1, Allocator1>& X,
			  const Vector<T2, Storage2, Allocator2>& Y)
    complex<T1> value(0);

    CheckDim(X, Y, "DotProdConj(X, Y)");

    for (int i = 0; i < X.GetM(); i++)
      value += conj(X(i)) * Y(i);
    return value;
  //! Scalar product between two sparse vectors.
  template<class T1, class Allocator1,
	   class T2, class Allocator2>
  T1 DotProd(const Vector<T1, VectSparse, Allocator1>& X,
	     const Vector<T2, VectSparse, Allocator2>& Y)
    T1 value(0);

    int size_x = X.GetSize();
    int size_y = Y.GetSize();
    int kx = 0, ky = 0, pos_x;
    while (kx < size_x)
	pos_x = X.Index(kx);
	while (ky < size_y && Y.Index(ky) < pos_x)
	if (ky < size_y && Y.Index(ky) == pos_x)
	  value += X.Value(kx) * Y.Value(ky);
    return value;
  //! Scalar product between two sparse vectors.
  template<class T1, class Allocator1,
	   class T2, class Allocator2>
  DotProdConj(const Vector<complex<T1>, VectSparse, Allocator1>& X,
	      const Vector<T2, VectSparse, Allocator2>& Y)
    complex<T1> value(0);
    int size_x = X.GetSize();
    int size_y = Y.GetSize();
    int kx = 0, ky = 0, pos_x;
    while (kx < size_x)
	pos_x = X.Index(kx);
	while (ky < size_y && Y.Index(ky) < pos_x)
	if (ky < size_y && Y.Index(ky) == pos_x)
	  value += conj(X.Value(kx)) * Y.Value(ky);
    return value;
  // DOTPROD //
  // NORM1 //
  template<class T1, class Storage1, class Allocator1>
  T1 Norm1(const Vector<T1, Storage1, Allocator1>& X)
    T1 value(0);
    for (int i = 0; i < X.GetM(); i++)
      value += abs(X(i));
    return value;
  template<class T1, class Storage1, class Allocator1>
  T1 Norm1(const Vector<complex<T1>, Storage1, Allocator1>& X)
    T1 value(0);
    for (int i = 0; i < X.GetM(); i++)
      value += abs(X(i));
    return value;
  template<class T1, class Allocator1>
  T1 Norm1(const Vector<T1, VectSparse, Allocator1>& X)
    T1 value(0);
    for (int i = 0; i < X.GetSize(); i++)
      value += abs(X.Value(i));
    return value;
  template<class T1, class Allocator1>
  T1 Norm1(const Vector<complex<T1>, VectSparse, Allocator1>& X)
    T1 value(0);
    for (int i = 0; i < X.GetSize(); i++)
      value += abs(X.Value(i));
    return value;
  // NORM1 //
  // NORM2 //
  template<class T1, class Storage1, class Allocator1>
  T1 Norm2(const Vector<T1, Storage1, Allocator1>& X)
    T1 value(0);
    for (int i = 0; i < X.GetM(); i++)
      value += X(i) * X(i);
    return sqrt(value);
  template<class T1, class Storage1, class Allocator1>
  T1 Norm2(const Vector<complex<T1>, Storage1, Allocator1>& X)
    T1 value(0);
    for (int i = 0; i < X.GetM(); i++)
      value += real(X(i) * conj(X(i)));
    return sqrt(value);
  template<class T1, class Allocator1>
  T1 Norm2(const Vector<T1, VectSparse, Allocator1>& X)
    T1 value(0);
    for (int i = 0; i < X.GetSize(); i++)
      value += X.Value(i) * X.Value(i);
    return sqrt(value);
  template<class T1, class Allocator1>
  T1 Norm2(const Vector<complex<T1>, VectSparse, Allocator1>& X)
    T1 value(0);
    for (int i = 0; i < X.GetSize(); i++)
      value += real(X.Value(i) * conj(X.Value(i)));
    return sqrt(value);
  // NORM2 //
  template<class T, class Storage, class Allocator>
  int GetMaxAbsIndex(const Vector<T, Storage, Allocator>& X)
    return X.GetNormInfIndex();
  // APPLYROT //
  //! Computation of rotation between two points.
  template<class T>
  void GenRot(T& a_in, T& b_in, T& c_, T& s_)
    // Old BLAS version.
    T roe;
    if (abs(a_in) > abs(b_in))
      roe = a_in;
      roe = b_in;
    T scal = abs(a_in) + abs(b_in);
    T r, z;
    if (scal != T(0))
	T a_scl = a_in / scal;
	T b_scl = b_in / scal;
	r = scal * sqrt(a_scl * a_scl + b_scl * b_scl);
	if (roe < T(0))
	  r *= T(-1);
	c_ = a_in / r;
	s_ = b_in / r;
	z = T(1);
	if (abs(a_in) > abs(b_in))
	  z = s_;
	else if (abs(b_in) >= abs(a_in) && c_ != T(0))
	  z = T(1) / c_;
	c_ = T(1);
	s_ = T(0);
	r = T(0);
	z = T(0);
    a_in = r;
    b_in = z;
  //! Computation of rotation between two points.
  template<class T>
  void GenRot(complex<T>& a_in, complex<T>& b_in, T& c_, complex<T>& s_)
    T a = abs(a_in), b = abs(b_in);
    if (a == T(0))
	c_ = T(0);
	s_ = complex<T>(1, 0);
	a_in = b_in;
	T scale = a + b;
	T a_scal = abs(a_in / scale);
	T b_scal = abs(b_in / scale);
	T norm = sqrt(a_scal * a_scal + b_scal * b_scal) * scale;
	c_ = a / norm;
	complex<T> alpha = a_in / a;
	s_ = alpha * conj(b_in) / norm;
	a_in = alpha * norm;
    b_in = complex<T>(0, 0);
  //! Rotation of a point in 2-D.
  template<class T>
  void ApplyRot(T& x, T& y, const T c_, const T s_)
    T temp = c_ * x + s_ * y;
    y = c_ * y - s_ * x;
    x = temp;
  //! Rotation of a complex point in 2-D.
  template<class T>
  void ApplyRot(complex<T>& x, complex<T>& y,
		const T& c_, const complex<T>& s_)
    complex<T> temp = s_ * y + c_ * x;
    y = -conj(s_) * x + c_ * y;
    x = temp;
  // APPLYROT //
  // CHECKDIM //

  //! Checks the compatibility of the dimensions.
  /*! Checks that X + Y is possible according to the dimensions of
    the vectors X and Y. If the dimensions are incompatible,
    an exception is raised (a WrongDim object is thrown).
    \param X vector.
    \param Y vector.
    \param function (optional) function in which the compatibility is checked.
    Default: "".
    \param op (optional) operation to be performed on the vectors.
    Default: "X + Y".
  template <class T0, class Storage0, class Allocator0,
	    class T1, class Storage1, class Allocator1>
  void CheckDim(const Vector<T0, Storage0, Allocator0>& X,
		const Vector<T1, Storage1, Allocator1>& Y,
		string function = "", string op = "X + Y")
    if (X.GetLength() != Y.GetLength())
      throw WrongDim(function, string("Operation ") + op
		     + string(" not permitted:")
		     + string("\n     X (") + to_str(&X) + string(") is a ")
		     + string("vector of length ") + to_str(X.GetLength())
		     + string(";\n     Y (") + to_str(&Y) + string(") is a ")
		     + string("vector of length ") + to_str(Y.GetLength())
		     + string("."));

  // CHECKDIM //

  //! Sets a vector to its conjugate.
  template<class T, class Prop, class Allocator>
  void Conjugate(Vector<T, Prop, Allocator>& X)
    for (int i = 0; i < X.GetM(); i++)
      X(i) = conj(X(i));
  //! Sets a vector to its conjugate.
  template<class T, class Allocator>
  void Conjugate(Vector<T, VectSparse, Allocator>& X)
    for (int i = 0; i < X.GetSize(); i++)
      X.Value(i) = conj(X.Value(i));
} // namespace Seldon.
